Game Freezes / Infinite loading screen glitch


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    Ga decided by game crashes now lmao
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    Yeah hot fix fixed nothing. Lost my gac due to infinite loading screen when I attacked an iden team. It was my opponents weakest defense and should have been an easy win. Thanks cg!
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    I just had the game crash while loading a Jabba Ultimate battle, lost 70 GL tokens.
    This is ridiculous.
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    Whatever the game-wide issue was last night, CG fixed THAT issue quickly and IMO should issue a make-good for it. I get the "slippery slope" with some (apparently) other soft-lock code issues going on but imo they should consider the goodwill earned from some crystals and a "we fixed this one issue immediately and are trying to fix the other ones". Something along the lines of the post about the "disappearing buttons" post a while back but with 500 crystals or whatever. Cause I can for sure tell CG that my guild and the discords I'm in are hopping mad about the specific crashes that happened last night costing GAC rounds IN ADDITION to the other soft-lock issues going on. Some reassurance that you are on it would go a long way imo. At the very least it would give people that tend to be more level headed about this stuff (like myself) a counterpoint to the rage-posting of people losing conquest energy, etc. etc. with the soft lock issues.
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    Still crashing in just about every play session I have. Fix your game CG. This big should be top priority. What good is adding new stuff into a game your player base CANT PLAY.
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    The one thing that impressed me when I started playing is that when there was a mistake CG would apologize and issue a make good.

    What's scary to me is that the number of bugs per release has been extremely high lately. CG - if you need help in this area please reach out. I can suggest a number of QA (and developer) best practices that will make a difference.
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    What CG should do, but won't, is to give all players max GAC rewards for each round until this is fixed. On top of additional crystals for wasted Conquest energy, GL energy, and additional rewards for TW TB. Which they won't, cos it will "cost" them. And they're going to try to overstay their welcome with players as they continue to see how much we can take before we quit. The best way to talk to them is to stop spending money on the game (and maybe time, if they actually care and measure number of players and time spent on the game), then maybe they'll do something. Otherwise, I'm sure they don't care about the player experience of the masses.
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    if you need help in this area please reach out. I can suggest a number of QA (and developer) best practices that will make a difference.

    Yeah. Never going to happen.
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    The answer we get is ... We know it's happening and we will do nothing to fix it or compensate for your losses ...
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    On top of all this when you put in a ticket you may never get an answer....This happened to me twice in GAC and due to those 2 losses I lost the round, net loss of over 600 sign of reparations or even an indication that they will do anything.....These are the kind of issues that will end up forcing many to quit the game. Wake up CG!
    " Do or do not, there is no try."
  • StarSon
    7493 posts Member
    On top of all this when you put in a ticket you may never get an answer....This happened to me twice in GAC and due to those 2 losses I lost the round, net loss of over 600 sign of reparations or even an indication that they will do anything.....These are the kind of issues that will end up forcing many to quit the game. Wake up CG!

    Even if you do get an answer, all it will be is that the team is aware and investigating and there is nothing support can do right now.
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    still constantly freezing. costing tons of conquest energy.
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    And as if there wasn't enough of a mess already, here's our old friend the no buttons bug! Happy Friday!!! :/

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    So the response from tech support is: the problem is fixed, no the problem isn't fixed, we know it isn't fixed, we don't know when it'll get fixed, we aren't giving anyone anything to address the problem, please leave us alone now. I love it. That's perfect.
  • ToddP
    1 posts Member
    edited October 2022
    For me, this has been going on for a month. I have lost thousands of crystals because of it, gone down in GAC ranking, lost TB progress affecting my guild. I created a ticket and have been adding to it every couple of days, since problems are happening every day.

    I have been told by EA to stop contacting them. I guess they don't really care about players. Had this problem resulted in any loss of revenue, it would have been fixed in a day or two.

    After 6 years of playing every day, I'm growing to hate this game now.

    The only way they'll do anything is if their revenue got hurt, but the player base is so rabid we know that will never happen.
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    So the response from tech support is: the problem is fixed, no the problem isn't fixed, we know it isn't fixed, we don't know when it'll get fixed, we aren't giving anyone anything to address the problem, please leave us alone now. I love it. That's perfect.

    Well, to be fair, they can't really say much more than that without lying (which would be held against them later).
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    Silence as usual from CG about the issue continuing since their “hot fix”. Not surprising, yet still no less disgraceful on their end.
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    This ridiculous and embarrassing considering how much money you guys generate. Fix your game
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    This ridiculous and embarrassing considering how much money you guys generate. Fix your game

    You should have bought the No Battle Crash Pass.
  • Lumiya
    1552 posts Member
    Happened to me today in Conquest again. This is getting utter ridiculous!
    We are all made of star-stuff
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    So the response from tech support is: the problem is fixed, no the problem isn't fixed, we know it isn't fixed, we don't know when it'll get fixed, we aren't giving anyone anything to address the problem, please leave us alone now. I love it. That's perfect.

    That is completely unacceptable. They gladly gouge us for every cent they can, yet when their issues cost us $$ and in game recourses their response is “you are SOL” that is such ****. People need to Star seeking refunds elsewhere I guess.
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    And again, 3 times freezing today in addition to 3 times 2 days ago, all during GAC.
    @CG_Tusken_Meathead @CG_SBCrumb as the community managers, why we need to beg you for an official response?! Why after weeks aren't you making this your top priority?! And how many people need to lose battles, gear, crystals & patience before you will decide to compensate your players because of YOUR mistake???!
  • TheZoneBE
    5 posts Member
    edited October 2022
    Probably just lost another GAC round due to a bug/glitch i havnt encountered before...
    Was using SLKR vs SEE, killed all the sides, went into ult, SEE went ult, i poked SEE, then he popped his special and then the game just kept stuck at this point, not actually a "screen freeze"...
    Tried eveything i could, the battle wont even log at this time, which is about 15 mins after the timer actually ran out..
    Thanks CG for probably costing me another GAC round.

  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    if any compensation will be given (not saying if any is coming or isn’t) it would be after it’s fixed and they have assessed the overall damage
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    Ultra wrote: »
    if any compensation will be given (not saying if any is coming or isn’t) it would be after it’s fixed and they have assessed the overall damage

    That would be the usual approach. But the fact is it has been over a month since that bug first appeared, and CG yet to fix it, which mean the damage to the playerbase is still been done and not only there's no light at the end of the tunnel for this but also the players don't see any compensation in the meantime.

    Basically I mean that waiting until the matter is resolved is a good approach if the end of the problem is near, but if it's for the long run, then more immediate approach is preferred
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    Ultra wrote: »
    if any compensation will be given (not saying if any is coming or isn’t) it would be after it’s fixed and they have assessed the overall damage

    Perhaps they should communicate this then ultra. I know their stance since Carrie left is 99% “it’s a game and bugs happen, deal with it” but this is affecting several game modes now costing crystals and resources every which way. Their silence, as usual, is insulting to their players and paying customers.
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    It's already happened 3 times to me today during GAC, that's the round lost which means I will lose crystals.
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    The fact that compensation is so alienated is a very poor business practice. Some of the biggest issues I have with the game, which relates to this issue, is that if the problem itself helps players it is address soooo fast. Within a day it’s fixed. Whereas actual deterrents that impact players in a negative manner are slow to address with very little communication or apologies.

    Sadly in the grand scheme of things, it’s not hard. Which suggests that they make these decisions without the players in mind at all which should be their number 1 priority.

    In issues of crystal and GAC it is directly linked to in game currency that can be bought with real money, creating a deficit caused by bugs. Therefor people wanting to spend more money. I just hope they take this issue seriously.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    if any compensation will be given (not saying if any is coming or isn’t) it would be after it’s fixed and they have assessed the overall damage
    I await my 3 CWC shards with supreme indifference.

    Realistically there is no way they can assess the damage of an issue of this nature, scope and duration.

    Either they will give out a token apology to everyone or nothing.

    Putting more focus on the issue when we first started reporting it en masse would have been the best thing they could have done but here we are.
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    and I just lost my second grand arena because of the freezing issues yet again. Why the hell has CG not cancelled this GAC it is not fit for purpose. This game has been out for 7 years yet it feels like a **** pre-alpha.

    This GAC needs to be cancelled right now and our stats reset to before it started. Oh top of that how about a modicum of communication with the customers you regularly price gouge, tell us what you are doing to address this complete and utter shambles you call a game right now.
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