Leviathan isn’t pushing the meta…


  • KDC99X
    762 posts Member
    So what’s the time frame from “ready to release” to “live in the game”? Is there some sort of typical cadence?
    StarSon wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    I know radio silence is CG's thing and we got a post on release day that they're looking into the known bugs, but almost a week now and they still haven't added a comprehensive list of bugs (they could literally just watch Ahnaldt's video and recreate them to confirm), nor have we gotten an update on an expected fix/compensation.

    I know it's against ToS to suggest the r word but people are going to get antsy if CG stays quiet on this mistake that many many players spent hundreds on.

    Compensation on what? Also the Trello board has 3 bugs listed as Ready for Release, so they're clearly doing something.

    Also, I still don't understand the issues on offense at 7*. I haven't lost yet.

    Are you saying they have fixes ready for 3 bugs or they're ready to release 3 more bugs? Just asking for clarification as I will unlock the ship next month.


  • Options
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    SithAmer wrote: »
    the problem with leviathan is that it's terrible at low stars and 7* it does just enough; it's a nice ship to have but considering chimera beats ex triple attacker, finalizer beats ex w/ bossk, and tarkin beats profundity...those are 3 fleets with 0 overlap. they all do what lev does without the massive relic investment (plus $$ or crystals to 7* the ship, as it's unusable at low stars).

    Why does everyone keep going on about low star viability? Low stars are a temporary condition. Who cares how it performs at low stars, and why should there be any expectation that ANY unit is going to perform well before it's fully upgraded? Some units work well at low stars, others don't. No one cares about it after they get to 7*, which everyone will do eventually.
    Ratinira wrote: »
    P.s. The whole concept "customer shouldnt be upset if they got a bad product, it is customers fault for buying it after all, so customer should be happy and smiling" seems a little bit wrong to me

    Who's happy about it though? No one is happy about the bugs - no one is defending the bugs - but we also shouldn't be making any assumptions about Leviathans strength as a fleet until the bugs are fixed. We just don't have a good enough picture to know. Should we? Yes. But we don't. People are saying "be patient" because we really don't have a choice. Throwing venom and vitriol at CG on the forums isn't going to fix anything any faster - it just gives anyone reading a false impression about the strength of the fleet.

    What we do know is that even with the bugs, it's still doing it's job and I'll echo StarSons earlier statement in saying that I haven't fallen out of the top 10 in fleet arena in the past week. That's really unusual in my shard. So you all keep not using Leviathan, or hold your position of not farming it. Please. That gives me and all the other early adopters a huge advantage in both GAC and fleet arena.

    As I keep using Leviathan, I keep getting better at using Leviathan. Mirrors are even getting easier and I'm nearly ready to back away from my initial impression that all mirrors are simple coin-flips. That doesn't seem to be the case. I'm really starting to feel that when all the bugs get fixed, this fleet is absolutely going to be a force to be reckoned with.

    F2P cares about low star viability. If Levi is not viable below 7 stars due to sabotage ultimate not being available, it is a big deal for F2P. It takes more than 1.5 years to 7 star a capital ship without spending crystals. In 1.5 years, a new meta capital ship would have come and F2P would have never realised full potential of Leviathan.

    I got mine to 6 star without spending a dime and I will be using all of my juicy fleet winnings to get it 7 stars on the 20th when it returns, also without spending a dime...

    Funny thing about being F2P is you can't expect to have the latest and greatest maxed out when it arrives.. If it was that easy nobody would spend anything and the game wouldn't be here....

    having it maxed out isn't the point, the point is the precedent was set with ex and prof that there could be usage as lower stars.

    it's also ridiculous that i have a tarkin tier ship at low stars for the relic/signal data investment required

    nvm i can beat prof with tarkin.

    Who says there isn't usage at lower stars?.... Do you actually own the ship?

    Folks have been on here telling everyone how it needs to be 7 stars to beat Prof and yet somehow every day since I got mine on the 20th I have taken first in fleet arena amongst a sea of 7 star ex and Prof.... Either they don't own it or don't know how to use it ....

    I really wish these forums would make a link to each users profile mandatory, it would really help cut down on the rumors and flatten the wheels on the negativity bandwagon....

    Your wish goes both ways. I wish every person on here saying they destroy 7* Exectuors with 4* Levis and obliterate 7* Profundity with 5* Levis would actually prove it.
    I can't find any videos of 4* or 5* Levi's beating Executor and I can't find anything other than 7* Levi's beating triple attacker Exectuors but I keep seeing 2-3 people on here saying it. I've asked several times for someone to tell me how their 6* Levi is reliably winning vs triple attacker Executor (mine is not which is why I've been asking for someone to show me so I can do what they're doing). So far nothing.
    Stop telling me Levi can do these things and show me.

    Firstly, I am not saying that a 4* Levi should destroy 7* Ex and Prof... Far from it... I don't buy into this hype that a precedent was set just because a previous unit was able to do something at lower star levels... That being said, I stand by my statement that a 6* absolutely can destroy all of the other fleets (7* Prof end Exec)... Ironically, the only fleet I have troubles beating at 7 stars is another Levi...


    This 100% proves my point. You can't show the evidence to back up what you and others keep saying.
    Show me Levi's less than 7* beating real 7* Executor lineups and Prof fleets like I keep hearing is happening. You showed me your arena history which proves absolutely nothing. I still finish 1st every day but that has absolutely nothing to do with Levi and everything to do with my other fleets.

    I'm not fully convinced that a 5 or 6* Levi should beat triple attacker Executor (which you yourself said you hadn't fought/won against) but I'm also tired of people on here saying things are happening that for some odd reason can't be backed up with evidence.

    That is my arena data showing me climbing to first with my 6* Leviathan as of the 20th when I got it..... I beat all manner of 7 star Exec and Prof to get there (it's a 5 1/2 year old shard).... What more would you like as proof?

    I never said I wasn't beating 7 star Exec and prof, Quite the opposite....


    Ok. Check out my arena history. You will note that I now finish #1 or close to it since CG released Captain Rex. Mine is still only 4* but I'm trashing Jabba's, LV's and proper JMK/CAT teams even with their datacrons. I can't use my datacrons yet because my Rex is only G12 but you can see how well it works by this image of my arena history. You believe me right? Even though I can't produce any other evidence?

    OK, this is the last time I am going to indulge this.... I showed you my arena climb to first that somehow "magically" started on the 20th when Levi became available and I got it at 6*... I showed you me in first place amongst 7 star Prof and Exec.... Now, here is a screenshot of my fleet... Notice how the GP of the fleet I am in first with matches the GP of my fleet?.....


    Now, let me guess, you are going to tell me that I took first with Profundity and then switched my fleet out?.... Here is my .GG ..... Good luck finding my Prof (hint, it isn't there because I don't have it).... My next best fleet is a lowly 4 star Exec that certainly wasn't taking first in that shard and struggled to maintain top 30 as you can see by my history...


    Now, are you actually interested in learning how to use your Leviathan or do you just want to keep demanding more proof? I am more than willing to help anyone struggling with strategy etc... This ship is nowhere as bad as folks are making it out to be, and if they say it is, then I suggest you demand some (any) proof from them...

    Lets move forward.
    For my part, I'm not frustrated that the ship is underperforming I'm frustrated that I can't seem to get the results that others are getting from a less than 7* Levi (mine in only 6*). My shard is filled with triple attacker Executors but I cannot figure out how to reliably beat them. I'm here because Im fully aware there are better players than me that know how to use this ship better.

    OK, what are the relic levels on your pilots, specifically Marauder, Malgus and Assassin?

    In your triple attacker battles, does HT come out as the first reinforcement?

    Seems like if they hit contract, it's Boba first. If they don't have contract it's always HT.

    Relics are the Levi requirements. Malgus is R5
  • StarSon
    7507 posts Member
    KDC99X wrote: »
    So what’s the time frame from “ready to release” to “live in the game”? Is there some sort of typical cadence?
    StarSon wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    I know radio silence is CG's thing and we got a post on release day that they're looking into the known bugs, but almost a week now and they still haven't added a comprehensive list of bugs (they could literally just watch Ahnaldt's video and recreate them to confirm), nor have we gotten an update on an expected fix/compensation.

    I know it's against ToS to suggest the r word but people are going to get antsy if CG stays quiet on this mistake that many many players spent hundreds on.

    Compensation on what? Also the Trello board has 3 bugs listed as Ready for Release, so they're clearly doing something.

    Also, I still don't understand the issues on offense at 7*. I haven't lost yet.

    Are you saying they have fixes ready for 3 bugs or they're ready to release 3 more bugs? Just asking for clarification as I will unlock the ship next month.


    Not sure there's a normal cadence, but I think mostly it's out in the following release after entering that state. The only exception I can remember is the Reva shard mission where it might have been two updates.
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    This is the end result 75% of the time. I hang on until HT gets instakilled and the inevitable Boba aoe wipes me out.
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    I think people claiming Leviathan is bad are wrong. But I also think CG overhyped the ship.

    At 7* (because I don't care about lower stars), I would say it's the best defensive fleet, even with the bugs. I don't think it's the best offensive ship, but I'll admit I haven't played with it much on offense because I couldn't hit Auto and walk away and haven't had the stomach to learn when I know bug fixes are coming.

    Frankly, I'm glad it's not as OP as CG hyped it up to be, but we'll see if executes profoundly after the bugs are fixed.

    I steam roll 7* Lev with Pro and only basic and never call in a reinforcement. I'd say that's not a good defensive ship.

    I'm confused. How many counters does Profundity have? How many counters does Executor have? Is a ship only "good on defense" if it's not able to be countered?
    EDIT - this screenshot proves nothing because those could be Profundity wins for all we know and I don't care enough to continue the back and forth. What I really want is help with my Levi...

    In my experience (25-30 tries) anything less than 7* Levi has approximately 25% chance to win vs triple attacker Executor.
    1. If the opening salvo lands breach on your Sith bomber and IG hits twice on every assist - you will lose.
    2. If they hit their contract before you get a turn - you will lose.
    3. If Boba is the 1st reinforcement after the contract and/or before you can instakill HT - you will lose.

    If none of those things happen you will win.

    What am I missing or what can I do to make this a more effective counter?

    What's your starting lineup?

    Ive tried several but I seem to have the best success with Bomber, Malgus, and Dorito. I call in Maul first for the protection and retribution on bomber. Then call in the instakill reinforcement.
    I can't reliably handle the opening play if IG is in there so maybe my starting lineup is the problem.

    Try that with Sith Fighter instead of Dagger starting. The extra TM might make the difference for you. Focus IG first - basic with fighter, followed by mass assist from Fury (if you don't need to heal), drop concussion mines with bomber. Sabotage Engines (breach immunity on bomber), Scimitar reinforce (targeting either RC or IG for the stun - might need to play with it and figure out which is ideal), stealth everyone with Scimitar, Sabotage Hangers, M6 Reinforce (targeting biggest threat for the stun if you're not stuck behind the taunt). Heal with Fury as needed.

    That's how I would approach it. I don't know that it will work because I can't test 4*, but I know there's a way to make it work.
    KDC99X wrote: »
    So what’s the time frame from “ready to release” to “live in the game”? Is there some sort of typical cadence?
    StarSon wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    I know radio silence is CG's thing and we got a post on release day that they're looking into the known bugs, but almost a week now and they still haven't added a comprehensive list of bugs (they could literally just watch Ahnaldt's video and recreate them to confirm), nor have we gotten an update on an expected fix/compensation.

    I know it's against ToS to suggest the r word but people are going to get antsy if CG stays quiet on this mistake that many many players spent hundreds on.

    Compensation on what? Also the Trello board has 3 bugs listed as Ready for Release, so they're clearly doing something.

    Also, I still don't understand the issues on offense at 7*. I haven't lost yet.

    Are you saying they have fixes ready for 3 bugs or they're ready to release 3 more bugs? Just asking for clarification as I will unlock the ship next month.


    If it's ready for release, it's a safe bet that it'll show up in the next update - but they've never made any kind of official statement about that and I wouldn't expect them to. Honestly I'm surprised that board is public facing, but I'm glad it is.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    SithAmer wrote: »
    the problem with leviathan is that it's terrible at low stars and 7* it does just enough; it's a nice ship to have but considering chimera beats ex triple attacker, finalizer beats ex w/ bossk, and tarkin beats profundity...those are 3 fleets with 0 overlap. they all do what lev does without the massive relic investment (plus $$ or crystals to 7* the ship, as it's unusable at low stars).

    Why does everyone keep going on about low star viability? Low stars are a temporary condition. Who cares how it performs at low stars, and why should there be any expectation that ANY unit is going to perform well before it's fully upgraded? Some units work well at low stars, others don't. No one cares about it after they get to 7*, which everyone will do eventually.
    Ratinira wrote: »
    P.s. The whole concept "customer shouldnt be upset if they got a bad product, it is customers fault for buying it after all, so customer should be happy and smiling" seems a little bit wrong to me

    Who's happy about it though? No one is happy about the bugs - no one is defending the bugs - but we also shouldn't be making any assumptions about Leviathans strength as a fleet until the bugs are fixed. We just don't have a good enough picture to know. Should we? Yes. But we don't. People are saying "be patient" because we really don't have a choice. Throwing venom and vitriol at CG on the forums isn't going to fix anything any faster - it just gives anyone reading a false impression about the strength of the fleet.

    What we do know is that even with the bugs, it's still doing it's job and I'll echo StarSons earlier statement in saying that I haven't fallen out of the top 10 in fleet arena in the past week. That's really unusual in my shard. So you all keep not using Leviathan, or hold your position of not farming it. Please. That gives me and all the other early adopters a huge advantage in both GAC and fleet arena.

    As I keep using Leviathan, I keep getting better at using Leviathan. Mirrors are even getting easier and I'm nearly ready to back away from my initial impression that all mirrors are simple coin-flips. That doesn't seem to be the case. I'm really starting to feel that when all the bugs get fixed, this fleet is absolutely going to be a force to be reckoned with.

    F2P cares about low star viability. If Levi is not viable below 7 stars due to sabotage ultimate not being available, it is a big deal for F2P. It takes more than 1.5 years to 7 star a capital ship without spending crystals. In 1.5 years, a new meta capital ship would have come and F2P would have never realised full potential of Leviathan.

    I got mine to 6 star without spending a dime and I will be using all of my juicy fleet winnings to get it 7 stars on the 20th when it returns, also without spending a dime...

    Funny thing about being F2P is you can't expect to have the latest and greatest maxed out when it arrives.. If it was that easy nobody would spend anything and the game wouldn't be here....

    having it maxed out isn't the point, the point is the precedent was set with ex and prof that there could be usage as lower stars.

    it's also ridiculous that i have a tarkin tier ship at low stars for the relic/signal data investment required

    nvm i can beat prof with tarkin.

    Who says there isn't usage at lower stars?.... Do you actually own the ship?

    Folks have been on here telling everyone how it needs to be 7 stars to beat Prof and yet somehow every day since I got mine on the 20th I have taken first in fleet arena amongst a sea of 7 star ex and Prof.... Either they don't own it or don't know how to use it ....

    I really wish these forums would make a link to each users profile mandatory, it would really help cut down on the rumors and flatten the wheels on the negativity bandwagon....

    Your wish goes both ways. I wish every person on here saying they destroy 7* Exectuors with 4* Levis and obliterate 7* Profundity with 5* Levis would actually prove it.
    I can't find any videos of 4* or 5* Levi's beating Executor and I can't find anything other than 7* Levi's beating triple attacker Exectuors but I keep seeing 2-3 people on here saying it. I've asked several times for someone to tell me how their 6* Levi is reliably winning vs triple attacker Executor (mine is not which is why I've been asking for someone to show me so I can do what they're doing). So far nothing.
    Stop telling me Levi can do these things and show me.

    Firstly, I am not saying that a 4* Levi should destroy 7* Ex and Prof... Far from it... I don't buy into this hype that a precedent was set just because a previous unit was able to do something at lower star levels... That being said, I stand by my statement that a 6* absolutely can destroy all of the other fleets (7* Prof end Exec)... Ironically, the only fleet I have troubles beating at 7 stars is another Levi...


    This 100% proves my point. You can't show the evidence to back up what you and others keep saying.
    Show me Levi's less than 7* beating real 7* Executor lineups and Prof fleets like I keep hearing is happening. You showed me your arena history which proves absolutely nothing. I still finish 1st every day but that has absolutely nothing to do with Levi and everything to do with my other fleets.

    I'm not fully convinced that a 5 or 6* Levi should beat triple attacker Executor (which you yourself said you hadn't fought/won against) but I'm also tired of people on here saying things are happening that for some odd reason can't be backed up with evidence.

    That is my arena data showing me climbing to first with my 6* Leviathan as of the 20th when I got it..... I beat all manner of 7 star Exec and Prof to get there (it's a 5 1/2 year old shard).... What more would you like as proof?

    I never said I wasn't beating 7 star Exec and prof, Quite the opposite....


    Ok. Check out my arena history. You will note that I now finish #1 or close to it since CG released Captain Rex. Mine is still only 4* but I'm trashing Jabba's, LV's and proper JMK/CAT teams even with their datacrons. I can't use my datacrons yet because my Rex is only G12 but you can see how well it works by this image of my arena history. You believe me right? Even though I can't produce any other evidence?

    OK, this is the last time I am going to indulge this.... I showed you my arena climb to first that somehow "magically" started on the 20th when Levi became available and I got it at 6*... I showed you me in first place amongst 7 star Prof and Exec.... Now, here is a screenshot of my fleet... Notice how the GP of the fleet I am in first with matches the GP of my fleet?.....


    Now, let me guess, you are going to tell me that I took first with Profundity and then switched my fleet out?.... Here is my .GG ..... Good luck finding my Prof (hint, it isn't there because I don't have it).... My next best fleet is a lowly 4 star Exec that certainly wasn't taking first in that shard and struggled to maintain top 30 as you can see by my history...


    Now, are you actually interested in learning how to use your Leviathan or do you just want to keep demanding more proof? I am more than willing to help anyone struggling with strategy etc... This ship is nowhere as bad as folks are making it out to be, and if they say it is, then I suggest you demand some (any) proof from them...

    Lets move forward.
    For my part, I'm not frustrated that the ship is underperforming I'm frustrated that I can't seem to get the results that others are getting from a less than 7* Levi (mine in only 6*). My shard is filled with triple attacker Executors but I cannot figure out how to reliably beat them. I'm here because Im fully aware there are better players than me that know how to use this ship better.

    OK, what are the relic levels on your pilots, specifically Marauder, Malgus and Assassin?

    In your triple attacker battles, does HT come out as the first reinforcement?

    Seems like if they hit contract, it's Boba first. If they don't have contract it's always HT.

    Relics are the Levi requirements. Malgus is R5

    OK, may be a bit rough in that case, also not sure where your SASS is relic wise...

    1- Starting lineup = Fury, B28, Fighter (fighter helps get you out ahead)
    2- Focus on XB first, use specials only if enemies don't have tenacity up (exception Fury middle special)
    3- First Special use Sabotage the Engines to slow Exec down
    4- First RI should be Scimitar, Give the prot up and retribution to B28
    5- Sabotage the hangars or basic (whichever is available)
    6- 2nd RI should be MKVI since HT should be out... Yeet HT with basic, start picking away
    7- If you haven't used sabotage the hangars use it
    8- Take over their capital, with "Seize the Bridge", use basic attacks
    9- Profit
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    Only one try but Fighter was a huge difference. Thanks guys!
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    Are you saying they have fixes ready for 3 bugs or they're ready to release 3 more bugs? Just asking for clarification as I will unlock the ship next month.

  • Options
    Only one try but Fighter was a huge difference. Thanks guys!

    NICE! Glad we could help!
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Devian
    676 posts Member
    edited July 2023
    rickertron wrote: »
    Given my experience of having my lunch handed to me by a Levi and how they are dominating the top of my fleet arena. Levi is fine as is.
    People want something different and they love OR stuff, that's why Levi can dominate arena. But no, Levi is not fie as is. It's at least bugged like no othere character/ship in the game in all swgoh history. 10+ buggs is no joke. And ignoring the problem(not giving any update) doesn't help community in trusting devs.
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    Are you saying they have fixes ready for 3 bugs or they're ready to release 3 more bugs? Just asking for clarification as I will unlock the ship next month.


    The list is Embarrassing….Levi may execute but not profoundly. To release something with so many bugs. I understand a bug or unintended interaction but come on. Most companies have a money back guarantee…this company releases something and says oh well…well actually they don’t really say anything.
  • StarSon
    7507 posts Member
    Devian wrote: »
    It's at least bugged like no othere character/ship in the game in all swgoh history. 10+ buggs is no joke. And ignoring the problem(not giving any update) doesn't help community in trusting devs.

    You must be new.

    Also, they aren't ignoring the problem. They gave us a list of known issues and have fix over half of them (though not released yet; probably Wednesday).
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    Only one try but Fighter was a huge difference. Thanks guys!

    Super glad it worked out for you Randy... Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your POV), this fleet is all about finesse and not about brute force...
  • Options
    It’s a week later and not a peep from CG.
  • Devian
    676 posts Member
    edited July 2023
    StarSon wrote: »
    Devian wrote: »
    It's at least bugged like no othere character/ship in the game in all swgoh history. 10+ buggs is no joke. And ignoring the problem(not giving any update) doesn't help community in trusting devs.

    You must be new.

    Also, they aren't ignoring the problem. They gave us a list of known issues and have fix over half of them (though not released yet; probably Wednesday).
    Why "probably?", we could at least know why it takes so log and their plans. Why don't we have more updates? Last time there was an update - 21.07. 8 days, no news on fixing bugs if any.
    Communication matters
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    StarSon wrote: »
    Devian wrote: »
    It's at least bugged like no othere character/ship in the game in all swgoh history. 10+ buggs is no joke. And ignoring the problem(not giving any update) doesn't help community in trusting devs.

    You must be new.

    Also, they aren't ignoring the problem. They gave us a list of known issues and have fix over half of them (though not released yet; probably Wednesday).

    At the end of the day, they released a ship with multiple bugs that WE had to find for them and show them were causing havoc with gameplay. If they knew these bugs were happening at release, they should've 'fessed up before we found them ourselves.

    Not only are we not being paid to beta test their implementations, some of us are actually paying money to test their buggy implementations. (Without even a thank you)
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Devian wrote: »
    It's at least bugged like no othere character/ship in the game in all swgoh history. 10+ buggs is no joke. And ignoring the problem(not giving any update) doesn't help community in trusting devs.

    You must be new.

    Also, they aren't ignoring the problem. They gave us a list of known issues and have fix over half of them (though not released yet; probably Wednesday).

    At the end of the day, they released a ship with multiple bugs that WE had to find for them and show them were causing havoc with gameplay. If they knew these bugs were happening at release, they should've 'fessed up before we found them ourselves.

    Not only are we not being paid to beta test their implementations, some of us are actually paying money to test their buggy implementations. (Without even a thank you)

    And, some of us are just using the thing at less than 7 stars to reap nice crystal rewards..... seems like a decent trade off to me
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    Devian wrote: »
    It's at least bugged like no othere character/ship in the game in all swgoh history. 10+ buggs is no joke. And ignoring the problem(not giving any update) doesn't help community in trusting devs.

    You must be new.

    Also, they aren't ignoring the problem. They gave us a list of known issues and have fix over half of them (though not released yet; probably Wednesday).

    At the end of the day, they released a ship with multiple bugs that WE had to find for them and show them were causing havoc with gameplay. If they knew these bugs were happening at release, they should've 'fessed up before we found them ourselves.

    Not only are we not being paid to beta test their implementations, some of us are actually paying money to test their buggy implementations. (Without even a thank you)

    Thank you!
  • biglippedbeast
    340 posts Member
    edited July 2023
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    SithAmer wrote: »
    the problem with leviathan is that it's terrible at low stars and 7* it does just enough; it's a nice ship to have but considering chimera beats ex triple attacker, finalizer beats ex w/ bossk, and tarkin beats profundity...those are 3 fleets with 0 overlap. they all do what lev does without the massive relic investment (plus $$ or crystals to 7* the ship, as it's unusable at low stars).

    Why does everyone keep going on about low star viability? Low stars are a temporary condition. Who cares how it performs at low stars, and why should there be any expectation that ANY unit is going to perform well before it's fully upgraded? Some units work well at low stars, others don't. No one cares about it after they get to 7*, which everyone will do eventually.
    Ratinira wrote: »
    P.s. The whole concept "customer shouldnt be upset if they got a bad product, it is customers fault for buying it after all, so customer should be happy and smiling" seems a little bit wrong to me

    Who's happy about it though? No one is happy about the bugs - no one is defending the bugs - but we also shouldn't be making any assumptions about Leviathans strength as a fleet until the bugs are fixed. We just don't have a good enough picture to know. Should we? Yes. But we don't. People are saying "be patient" because we really don't have a choice. Throwing venom and vitriol at CG on the forums isn't going to fix anything any faster - it just gives anyone reading a false impression about the strength of the fleet.

    What we do know is that even with the bugs, it's still doing it's job and I'll echo StarSons earlier statement in saying that I haven't fallen out of the top 10 in fleet arena in the past week. That's really unusual in my shard. So you all keep not using Leviathan, or hold your position of not farming it. Please. That gives me and all the other early adopters a huge advantage in both GAC and fleet arena.

    As I keep using Leviathan, I keep getting better at using Leviathan. Mirrors are even getting easier and I'm nearly ready to back away from my initial impression that all mirrors are simple coin-flips. That doesn't seem to be the case. I'm really starting to feel that when all the bugs get fixed, this fleet is absolutely going to be a force to be reckoned with.

    F2P cares about low star viability. If Levi is not viable below 7 stars due to sabotage ultimate not being available, it is a big deal for F2P. It takes more than 1.5 years to 7 star a capital ship without spending crystals. In 1.5 years, a new meta capital ship would have come and F2P would have never realised full potential of Leviathan.

    I got mine to 6 star without spending a dime and I will be using all of my juicy fleet winnings to get it 7 stars on the 20th when it returns, also without spending a dime...

    Funny thing about being F2P is you can't expect to have the latest and greatest maxed out when it arrives.. If it was that easy nobody would spend anything and the game wouldn't be here....

    having it maxed out isn't the point, the point is the precedent was set with ex and prof that there could be usage as lower stars.

    it's also ridiculous that i have a tarkin tier ship at low stars for the relic/signal data investment required

    nvm i can beat prof with tarkin.

    Who says there isn't usage at lower stars?.... Do you actually own the ship?

    Folks have been on here telling everyone how it needs to be 7 stars to beat Prof and yet somehow every day since I got mine on the 20th I have taken first in fleet arena amongst a sea of 7 star ex and Prof.... Either they don't own it or don't know how to use it ....

    I really wish these forums would make a link to each users profile mandatory, it would really help cut down on the rumors and flatten the wheels on the negativity bandwagon....

    brother you won't win that argument, google "swgoh gg biglippedbeast" i have just under 11 million gp and i am ranked 441 in the game in gac - please don't tell me i don't know what i'm talking about or that i don't know how to play the game.

    what i'm saying is, i just wrecked a 7* lev with my holdo in gac, and it's unplayable on offense at low stars, unlike the previous releases of high requirement capit ships, or any other unlock of a toon in the game that required the amount of investment that this ship did.

  • Options
    the problem with leviathan is that it's terrible at low stars and 7* it does just enough; it's a nice ship to have but considering chimera beats ex triple attacker, finalizer beats ex w/ bossk, and tarkin beats profundity...those are 3 fleets with 0 overlap. they all do what lev does without the massive relic investment (plus $$ or crystals to 7* the ship, as it's unusable at low stars).

    Why does everyone keep going on about low star viability? Low stars are a temporary condition. Who cares how it performs at low stars, and why should there be any expectation that ANY unit is going to perform well before it's fully upgraded? Some units work well at low stars, others don't. No one cares about it after they get to 7*, which everyone will do eventually.

    temporary condition? we aren't talking about a marquee character here are we?

    ftp takes years to get ex prof or lev up to 7*; mu 5* prof is highly usable while lev isn't.

    and before you say something about really smart and contrarian about "not all toons or ships have the same viability at lower stars", this is a ship that required hundreds (maybe even thousand +) of signal data and tons of relic mats, even for seasoned players (i'm almost touch 11m gp).

    but i'm out of touch for daring to think i should get some usage out of a non 7* ship?

    But you CAN get use out of it. Assuming for a second that beating Profundity isn't possible with a sub 7* Leviathan (it absolutely is, but for the sake of argument we'll say it's not) - You can absolutely beat Executor with it, so even with Prof off the table, you still have a fleet that disrupts the previous meta.

    It doesn't take years to 7* as F2P. If you skip one caninta refresh, one fleet refresh, and one normal energy refresh a day for a month, that's 6k crystals or 70 blueprints. That's 4 months to get a 7* capital ship without spending any money. Double the number of refreshes you skip and you have a 7* Leviathan in 2 months. Sure, it slows down other progress and most people don't have the stomach for that, but that's the nature of "F2P".

    Whether people like it or not 7* IS THE STANDARD - that's the yard stick - that's the metric by which units are judged. If CG had made this a 7* unlock we wouldn't even be having this conversation. But it's not - it's a 4* unlock and at 4* it still beats almost everything (if not actually everything). That's far from useless.

    7* has NOT been the standard in ships; there are no gates to mods or relics with ships. in each of the previous capital ship releases they had used at low stars.

    given that is the precedent, i apologize that i expect to get some use out of a 5* lev (i didn't take it last 4* once it was found out via testing 5* couldn't do much) when the requirements were as steep as they were. that's another precedent in this game, that the higher the requirements, the better the better the toons.

    as of now, leviathan is not changing anything, it's iffy to beat anything outside of 7*, and as of now i can wreck profundity with tarkin and ex with either FO or chimera.

  • Options
    the problem with leviathan is that it's terrible at low stars and 7* it does just enough; it's a nice ship to have but considering chimera beats ex triple attacker, finalizer beats ex w/ bossk, and tarkin beats profundity...those are 3 fleets with 0 overlap. they all do what lev does without the massive relic investment (plus $$ or crystals to 7* the ship, as it's unusable at low stars).

    Why does everyone keep going on about low star viability? Low stars are a temporary condition. Who cares how it performs at low stars, and why should there be any expectation that ANY unit is going to perform well before it's fully upgraded? Some units work well at low stars, others don't. No one cares about it after they get to 7*, which everyone will do eventually.

    temporary condition? we aren't talking about a marquee character here are we?

    ftp takes years to get ex prof or lev up to 7*; mu 5* prof is highly usable while lev isn't.

    and before you say something about really smart and contrarian about "not all toons or ships have the same viability at lower stars", this is a ship that required hundreds (maybe even thousand +) of signal data and tons of relic mats, even for seasoned players (i'm almost touch 11m gp).

    but i'm out of touch for daring to think i should get some usage out of a non 7* ship?

    But you CAN get use out of it. Assuming for a second that beating Profundity isn't possible with a sub 7* Leviathan (it absolutely is, but for the sake of argument we'll say it's not) - You can absolutely beat Executor with it, so even with Prof off the table, you still have a fleet that disrupts the previous meta.

    It doesn't take years to 7* as F2P. If you skip one caninta refresh, one fleet refresh, and one normal energy refresh a day for a month, that's 6k crystals or 70 blueprints. That's 4 months to get a 7* capital ship without spending any money. Double the number of refreshes you skip and you have a 7* Leviathan in 2 months. Sure, it slows down other progress and most people don't have the stomach for that, but that's the nature of "F2P".

    Whether people like it or not 7* IS THE STANDARD - that's the yard stick - that's the metric by which units are judged. If CG had made this a 7* unlock we wouldn't even be having this conversation. But it's not - it's a 4* unlock and at 4* it still beats almost everything (if not actually everything). That's far from useless.

    7* has NOT been the standard in ships; there are no gates to mods or relics with ships. in each of the previous capital ship releases they had used at low stars.

    given that is the precedent, i apologize that i expect to get some use out of a 5* lev (i didn't take it last 4* once it was found out via testing 5* couldn't do much) when the requirements were as steep as they were. that's another precedent in this game, that the higher the requirements, the better the better the toons.

    as of now, leviathan is not changing anything, it's iffy to beat anything outside of 7*, and as of now i can wreck profundity with tarkin and ex with either FO or chimera.

    I guess I just don't understand what it is that people were expecting from a <7* ship. And of course 7* has been the standard - show me someone who unlocked a capital ship and then just stopped upgrading them because that's all they needed.

    People are absolutely making use of leviathan before taking it to 7*. To claim that it's unplayable and/or useless is just silly and willfully ignoring the facts to try to make this seem more egregious than it actually is.

    Regarding requirements being commensurate with unit power - Profundity had higher reqs than Exec, but Exec can do everything Prof can do. Jabba and JMK are both arguably stronger GLs than LV and yet his requirements are 10-15% higher. So no, that's not a precedent - thought I would like to think that's how it works, CG has shown that not to be the case - which is unfortunate, but it is what it is.

    It's bad - it's horribly bugged - and CG should feel bad about it - and they should make a statement about it - and they should do some damage control - and they should fix it - and they should maybe even look at a make-good of some kind for certain people that spent more than they apparently had to. Everything about this release went wrong and it's not good.

    I don't understand why people feel the need to misrepresent the situation to make it sound worse. When you say things like "it's unplayable" when that's clearly not true, you're not helping to make the case that it's a bad situation - you're proving that you're not capable of providing objective feedback.

    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Devian
    676 posts Member

    Jabba and JMK are both arguably stronger GLs than LV and yet his requirements are 10-15% higher. So no, that's not a precedent - thought I would like to think that's how it works, CG has shown that not to be the case - which is unfortunate, but it is what it is.
    how dare you making the disgraceful release of LV a case to why that was normal thing to happen...
    You, defenders of underwhelming perfomance of LV stated that every future GL are oriented for full r9 with their lifters. But became silent when r5 jabba without ult and lifter could beat JMK. And now you make a case of why its normal if character that requires more resources perform worser? So hypocritical. The next time 7* marquee gonna beat 3rd sister + GI it will be totally ok with you as well.

  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    the problem with leviathan is that it's terrible at low stars and 7* it does just enough; it's a nice ship to have but considering chimera beats ex triple attacker, finalizer beats ex w/ bossk, and tarkin beats profundity...those are 3 fleets with 0 overlap. they all do what lev does without the massive relic investment (plus $$ or crystals to 7* the ship, as it's unusable at low stars).

    Why does everyone keep going on about low star viability? Low stars are a temporary condition. Who cares how it performs at low stars, and why should there be any expectation that ANY unit is going to perform well before it's fully upgraded? Some units work well at low stars, others don't. No one cares about it after they get to 7*, which everyone will do eventually.

    temporary condition? we aren't talking about a marquee character here are we?

    ftp takes years to get ex prof or lev up to 7*; mu 5* prof is highly usable while lev isn't.

    and before you say something about really smart and contrarian about "not all toons or ships have the same viability at lower stars", this is a ship that required hundreds (maybe even thousand +) of signal data and tons of relic mats, even for seasoned players (i'm almost touch 11m gp).

    but i'm out of touch for daring to think i should get some usage out of a non 7* ship?

    But you CAN get use out of it. Assuming for a second that beating Profundity isn't possible with a sub 7* Leviathan (it absolutely is, but for the sake of argument we'll say it's not) - You can absolutely beat Executor with it, so even with Prof off the table, you still have a fleet that disrupts the previous meta.

    It doesn't take years to 7* as F2P. If you skip one caninta refresh, one fleet refresh, and one normal energy refresh a day for a month, that's 6k crystals or 70 blueprints. That's 4 months to get a 7* capital ship without spending any money. Double the number of refreshes you skip and you have a 7* Leviathan in 2 months. Sure, it slows down other progress and most people don't have the stomach for that, but that's the nature of "F2P".

    Whether people like it or not 7* IS THE STANDARD - that's the yard stick - that's the metric by which units are judged. If CG had made this a 7* unlock we wouldn't even be having this conversation. But it's not - it's a 4* unlock and at 4* it still beats almost everything (if not actually everything). That's far from useless.

    7* has NOT been the standard in ships; there are no gates to mods or relics with ships. in each of the previous capital ship releases they had used at low stars.

    given that is the precedent, i apologize that i expect to get some use out of a 5* lev (i didn't take it last 4* once it was found out via testing 5* couldn't do much) when the requirements were as steep as they were. that's another precedent in this game, that the higher the requirements, the better the better the toons.

    as of now, leviathan is not changing anything, it's iffy to beat anything outside of 7*, and as of now i can wreck profundity with tarkin and ex with either FO or chimera.

    You are 441st in the game and didn't read the kit?.... All of the abilities on the Leviathan, including the most powerful ones are gated behind star levels... What did you think was going to happen?
  • Options
    the problem with leviathan is that it's terrible at low stars and 7* it does just enough; it's a nice ship to have but considering chimera beats ex triple attacker, finalizer beats ex w/ bossk, and tarkin beats profundity...those are 3 fleets with 0 overlap. they all do what lev does without the massive relic investment (plus $$ or crystals to 7* the ship, as it's unusable at low stars).

    Why does everyone keep going on about low star viability? Low stars are a temporary condition. Who cares how it performs at low stars, and why should there be any expectation that ANY unit is going to perform well before it's fully upgraded? Some units work well at low stars, others don't. No one cares about it after they get to 7*, which everyone will do eventually.

    temporary condition? we aren't talking about a marquee character here are we?

    ftp takes years to get ex prof or lev up to 7*; mu 5* prof is highly usable while lev isn't.

    and before you say something about really smart and contrarian about "not all toons or ships have the same viability at lower stars", this is a ship that required hundreds (maybe even thousand +) of signal data and tons of relic mats, even for seasoned players (i'm almost touch 11m gp).

    but i'm out of touch for daring to think i should get some usage out of a non 7* ship?

    But you CAN get use out of it. Assuming for a second that beating Profundity isn't possible with a sub 7* Leviathan (it absolutely is, but for the sake of argument we'll say it's not) - You can absolutely beat Executor with it, so even with Prof off the table, you still have a fleet that disrupts the previous meta.

    It doesn't take years to 7* as F2P. If you skip one caninta refresh, one fleet refresh, and one normal energy refresh a day for a month, that's 6k crystals or 70 blueprints. That's 4 months to get a 7* capital ship without spending any money. Double the number of refreshes you skip and you have a 7* Leviathan in 2 months. Sure, it slows down other progress and most people don't have the stomach for that, but that's the nature of "F2P".

    Whether people like it or not 7* IS THE STANDARD - that's the yard stick - that's the metric by which units are judged. If CG had made this a 7* unlock we wouldn't even be having this conversation. But it's not - it's a 4* unlock and at 4* it still beats almost everything (if not actually everything). That's far from useless.

    7* has NOT been the standard in ships; there are no gates to mods or relics with ships. in each of the previous capital ship releases they had used at low stars.

    given that is the precedent, i apologize that i expect to get some use out of a 5* lev (i didn't take it last 4* once it was found out via testing 5* couldn't do much) when the requirements were as steep as they were. that's another precedent in this game, that the higher the requirements, the better the better the toons.

    as of now, leviathan is not changing anything, it's iffy to beat anything outside of 7*, and as of now i can wreck profundity with tarkin and ex with either FO or chimera.

    I guess I just don't understand what it is that people were expecting from a <7* ship. And of course 7* has been the standard - show me someone who unlocked a capital ship and then just stopped upgrading them because that's all they needed.

    People are absolutely making use of leviathan before taking it to 7*. To claim that it's unplayable and/or useless is just silly and willfully ignoring the facts to try to make this seem more egregious than it actually is.

    Regarding requirements being commensurate with unit power - Profundity had higher reqs than Exec, but Exec can do everything Prof can do. Jabba and JMK are both arguably stronger GLs than LV and yet his requirements are 10-15% higher. So no, that's not a precedent - thought I would like to think that's how it works, CG has shown that not to be the case - which is unfortunate, but it is what it is.

    It's bad - it's horribly bugged - and CG should feel bad about it - and they should make a statement about it - and they should do some damage control - and they should fix it - and they should maybe even look at a make-good of some kind for certain people that spent more than they apparently had to. Everything about this release went wrong and it's not good.

    I don't understand why people feel the need to misrepresent the situation to make it sound worse. When you say things like "it's unplayable" when that's clearly not true, you're not helping to make the case that it's a bad situation - you're proving that you're not capable of providing objective feedback.

    You are forgetting the fact that even at 7 stars it is not pushing the meta nor dominating in any way.

    Unplayable? No.
    Underperforming? yes.
    Misrepresented by the devs? yes.
    Clearly not tested? yes.

    Hence the communities frustrations.
  • Ratinira
    412 posts Member
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    the problem with leviathan is that it's terrible at low stars and 7* it does just enough; it's a nice ship to have but considering chimera beats ex triple attacker, finalizer beats ex w/ bossk, and tarkin beats profundity...those are 3 fleets with 0 overlap. they all do what lev does without the massive relic investment (plus $$ or crystals to 7* the ship, as it's unusable at low stars).

    Why does everyone keep going on about low star viability? Low stars are a temporary condition. Who cares how it performs at low stars, and why should there be any expectation that ANY unit is going to perform well before it's fully upgraded? Some units work well at low stars, others don't. No one cares about it after they get to 7*, which everyone will do eventually.

    temporary condition? we aren't talking about a marquee character here are we?

    ftp takes years to get ex prof or lev up to 7*; mu 5* prof is highly usable while lev isn't.

    and before you say something about really smart and contrarian about "not all toons or ships have the same viability at lower stars", this is a ship that required hundreds (maybe even thousand +) of signal data and tons of relic mats, even for seasoned players (i'm almost touch 11m gp).

    but i'm out of touch for daring to think i should get some usage out of a non 7* ship?

    But you CAN get use out of it. Assuming for a second that beating Profundity isn't possible with a sub 7* Leviathan (it absolutely is, but for the sake of argument we'll say it's not) - You can absolutely beat Executor with it, so even with Prof off the table, you still have a fleet that disrupts the previous meta.

    It doesn't take years to 7* as F2P. If you skip one caninta refresh, one fleet refresh, and one normal energy refresh a day for a month, that's 6k crystals or 70 blueprints. That's 4 months to get a 7* capital ship without spending any money. Double the number of refreshes you skip and you have a 7* Leviathan in 2 months. Sure, it slows down other progress and most people don't have the stomach for that, but that's the nature of "F2P".

    Whether people like it or not 7* IS THE STANDARD - that's the yard stick - that's the metric by which units are judged. If CG had made this a 7* unlock we wouldn't even be having this conversation. But it's not - it's a 4* unlock and at 4* it still beats almost everything (if not actually everything). That's far from useless.

    7* has NOT been the standard in ships; there are no gates to mods or relics with ships. in each of the previous capital ship releases they had used at low stars.

    given that is the precedent, i apologize that i expect to get some use out of a 5* lev (i didn't take it last 4* once it was found out via testing 5* couldn't do much) when the requirements were as steep as they were. that's another precedent in this game, that the higher the requirements, the better the better the toons.

    as of now, leviathan is not changing anything, it's iffy to beat anything outside of 7*, and as of now i can wreck profundity with tarkin and ex with either FO or chimera.

    You are 441st in the game and didn't read the kit?.... All of the abilities on the Leviathan, including the most powerful ones are gated behind star levels... What did you think was going to happen?

    But the kit posted by dev's doesn't include any information about unlocking requirement.
    Unlike, for example, Merrin's kit, that specifically mantions that special 1 unlocks at g12...
    So, how reading it should help?
  • TVF
    36744 posts Member
    Ratinira wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    the problem with leviathan is that it's terrible at low stars and 7* it does just enough; it's a nice ship to have but considering chimera beats ex triple attacker, finalizer beats ex w/ bossk, and tarkin beats profundity...those are 3 fleets with 0 overlap. they all do what lev does without the massive relic investment (plus $$ or crystals to 7* the ship, as it's unusable at low stars).

    Why does everyone keep going on about low star viability? Low stars are a temporary condition. Who cares how it performs at low stars, and why should there be any expectation that ANY unit is going to perform well before it's fully upgraded? Some units work well at low stars, others don't. No one cares about it after they get to 7*, which everyone will do eventually.

    temporary condition? we aren't talking about a marquee character here are we?

    ftp takes years to get ex prof or lev up to 7*; mu 5* prof is highly usable while lev isn't.

    and before you say something about really smart and contrarian about "not all toons or ships have the same viability at lower stars", this is a ship that required hundreds (maybe even thousand +) of signal data and tons of relic mats, even for seasoned players (i'm almost touch 11m gp).

    but i'm out of touch for daring to think i should get some usage out of a non 7* ship?

    But you CAN get use out of it. Assuming for a second that beating Profundity isn't possible with a sub 7* Leviathan (it absolutely is, but for the sake of argument we'll say it's not) - You can absolutely beat Executor with it, so even with Prof off the table, you still have a fleet that disrupts the previous meta.

    It doesn't take years to 7* as F2P. If you skip one caninta refresh, one fleet refresh, and one normal energy refresh a day for a month, that's 6k crystals or 70 blueprints. That's 4 months to get a 7* capital ship without spending any money. Double the number of refreshes you skip and you have a 7* Leviathan in 2 months. Sure, it slows down other progress and most people don't have the stomach for that, but that's the nature of "F2P".

    Whether people like it or not 7* IS THE STANDARD - that's the yard stick - that's the metric by which units are judged. If CG had made this a 7* unlock we wouldn't even be having this conversation. But it's not - it's a 4* unlock and at 4* it still beats almost everything (if not actually everything). That's far from useless.

    7* has NOT been the standard in ships; there are no gates to mods or relics with ships. in each of the previous capital ship releases they had used at low stars.

    given that is the precedent, i apologize that i expect to get some use out of a 5* lev (i didn't take it last 4* once it was found out via testing 5* couldn't do much) when the requirements were as steep as they were. that's another precedent in this game, that the higher the requirements, the better the better the toons.

    as of now, leviathan is not changing anything, it's iffy to beat anything outside of 7*, and as of now i can wreck profundity with tarkin and ex with either FO or chimera.

    You are 441st in the game and didn't read the kit?.... All of the abilities on the Leviathan, including the most powerful ones are gated behind star levels... What did you think was going to happen?

    But the kit posted by dev's doesn't include any information about unlocking requirement.
    Unlike, for example, Merrin's kit, that specifically mantions that special 1 unlocks at g12...
    So, how reading it should help?

    Did you know the ship is live in game now?
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Ratinira
    412 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Ratinira wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    the problem with leviathan is that it's terrible at low stars and 7* it does just enough; it's a nice ship to have but considering chimera beats ex triple attacker, finalizer beats ex w/ bossk, and tarkin beats profundity...those are 3 fleets with 0 overlap. they all do what lev does without the massive relic investment (plus $$ or crystals to 7* the ship, as it's unusable at low stars).

    Why does everyone keep going on about low star viability? Low stars are a temporary condition. Who cares how it performs at low stars, and why should there be any expectation that ANY unit is going to perform well before it's fully upgraded? Some units work well at low stars, others don't. No one cares about it after they get to 7*, which everyone will do eventually.

    temporary condition? we aren't talking about a marquee character here are we?

    ftp takes years to get ex prof or lev up to 7*; mu 5* prof is highly usable while lev isn't.

    and before you say something about really smart and contrarian about "not all toons or ships have the same viability at lower stars", this is a ship that required hundreds (maybe even thousand +) of signal data and tons of relic mats, even for seasoned players (i'm almost touch 11m gp).

    but i'm out of touch for daring to think i should get some usage out of a non 7* ship?

    But you CAN get use out of it. Assuming for a second that beating Profundity isn't possible with a sub 7* Leviathan (it absolutely is, but for the sake of argument we'll say it's not) - You can absolutely beat Executor with it, so even with Prof off the table, you still have a fleet that disrupts the previous meta.

    It doesn't take years to 7* as F2P. If you skip one caninta refresh, one fleet refresh, and one normal energy refresh a day for a month, that's 6k crystals or 70 blueprints. That's 4 months to get a 7* capital ship without spending any money. Double the number of refreshes you skip and you have a 7* Leviathan in 2 months. Sure, it slows down other progress and most people don't have the stomach for that, but that's the nature of "F2P".

    Whether people like it or not 7* IS THE STANDARD - that's the yard stick - that's the metric by which units are judged. If CG had made this a 7* unlock we wouldn't even be having this conversation. But it's not - it's a 4* unlock and at 4* it still beats almost everything (if not actually everything). That's far from useless.

    7* has NOT been the standard in ships; there are no gates to mods or relics with ships. in each of the previous capital ship releases they had used at low stars.

    given that is the precedent, i apologize that i expect to get some use out of a 5* lev (i didn't take it last 4* once it was found out via testing 5* couldn't do much) when the requirements were as steep as they were. that's another precedent in this game, that the higher the requirements, the better the better the toons.

    as of now, leviathan is not changing anything, it's iffy to beat anything outside of 7*, and as of now i can wreck profundity with tarkin and ex with either FO or chimera.

    You are 441st in the game and didn't read the kit?.... All of the abilities on the Leviathan, including the most powerful ones are gated behind star levels... What did you think was going to happen?

    But the kit posted by dev's doesn't include any information about unlocking requirement.
    Unlike, for example, Merrin's kit, that specifically mantions that special 1 unlocks at g12...
    So, how reading it should help?

    Did you know the ship is live in game now?

    You may be very surprised, but yes.
    And, you may be surprised, but personally I have first opened its in-game skills after I unlocked the ship and started leveling them.
    Because I have already read its kit in here and saw no reason to go and re-read them. Reading skills just for the sake of reading them never was fun to me.
  • TVF
    36744 posts Member
    Well now you know better.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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