Captain Drogan


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    CanadianAK wrote: »
    Limb difference? That's so ridiculous. Guess what? They don't put disabled people on the front lines unless they're down to nobody. There are a ton of EU characters and movie characters that can be used, but I guess weirdos need to "see themselves" to be happy. Keep marketing to the lowest percentage of the fan base.

    Seriously?, If you don't like the character then don't farm it, it is as simple as that..... It's a fictional character made up in a mobile game... It's the Star Wars universe and people (yes CG are people) can use their imagination and create whatever they like....

    Also, as someone who has served overseas for our country (yes I am Canadian), I can tell you that there are plenty of "disabled" people who serve in combat... Some of them are disabled because of that combat...
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    CanadianAK wrote: »
    Limb difference? That's so ridiculous. Guess what? They don't put disabled people on the front lines unless they're down to nobody. There are a ton of EU characters and movie characters that can be used, but I guess weirdos need to "see themselves" to be happy. Keep marketing to the lowest percentage of the fan base.

    Geez, troll much? You do realize this is a fictional game, and not an actual military engagement, right? And even if it were, are you in command of armed forces that you would have that information? Why are they "weirdos"? because they were born different than you? Go back to the Dark Ages with your bigotry and ignorance
  • KDC99X
    761 posts Member
    Wow.. these comments about “woke” agendas and bashing the character for having a limb difference are ridiculous and pathetic. Ideological brain washing and cognitive dissonance are real, folks…

    The only issues I have are that the art looks pretty meh in the face (something about it just looks like a mannequin to me, lol), and the animations look like they take FOREVER (seriously 8x when??).

    Imagine being pressed about a fictional character in a mobile game. 🙄
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    The only thing that concerns me about this guy is why he's taking a flamethrower to Endor...
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    Some men just want to watch the world burn
    I need a new message here.
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    Either CG is 5head with this title, or the universe has a good sense of humor, judging by some of the GOH community’s backlash to the new toon.

  • StarSon
    7493 posts Member
    Either CG is 5head with this title, or the universe has a good sense of humor, judging by some of the GOH community’s backlash to the new toon.

    While I understand each of these words individually, I am struggling to comprehend what you are actually saying by putting them together in this order.
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    Either CG is 5head with this title, or the universe has a good sense of humor, judging by some of the GOH community’s backlash to the new toon.


    shoulda made them swallowable instead of chewable. would’ve at least solved this problem.
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    I think captain inclusion is cool. I'm pretty sure I remember seeing him in the background burning down the forests of endor with his flame thrower while attacking the shield generator,
    reinforcing the empires propaganda that the rebels were trying to deforest the moon. Those terrorists.
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    A flame canon, on a FOREST moon. Great call CG...
    Worst made character to date.
  • Noms
    18 posts Member
    edited September 2023
    What about 50stbot? Gambling was in one crappy scene, from one of the crappies movies...a gambling 50st is what we need!!!
    Post edited by Noms on
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    I can't wait to get him to R7, get Leia and then never, ever use him again. Ever.
  • scuba
    14113 posts Member
    I can't wait to get him to R7, get Leia and then never, ever use him again. Ever.

    Except the raid
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    Anyway, he has only 4 fingers to to his elbowless arm 🤷🏼‍♂️
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    I can't wait to get him to R7, get Leia and then never, ever use him again. Ever.

    So you will miss out on a character that is probably a core unit of GL Leia's Team? Just because you hate that CG is coming up with characters as many star wars game developers did before them. Are Revan or Starkiller also bad because they were developed for a game? I honestly don't understand the hate, just get over it that there is a character that you don't find as cool as other chars.
  • Options
    A flame canon, on a FOREST moon. Great call CG...
    Worst made character to date.

    There are so many worse characters i cant even think of a top 1 example
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    Blubcop wrote: »
    I can't wait to get him to R7, get Leia and then never, ever use him again. Ever.

    So you will miss out on a character that is probably a core unit of GL Leia's Team? Just because you hate that CG is coming up with characters as many star wars game developers did before them. Are Revan or Starkiller also bad because they were developed for a game? I honestly don't understand the hate, just get over it that there is a character that you don't find as cool as other chars.

    At least Revan and Starkiller had story lines in their games, even though they were created. And no, I'm not a fan but I can accept them. This guy was just made up and added to one of the biggest battles in Star Wars lore. I've always preferred Canon characters over Legends or non-Canon characters. And I couldn't care less if he's a core unit to Leia. I will have plenty of others that will fit in fine with whatever team I use.
  • Options
    Blubcop wrote: »
    I can't wait to get him to R7, get Leia and then never, ever use him again. Ever.

    So you will miss out on a character that is probably a core unit of GL Leia's Team? Just because you hate that CG is coming up with characters as many star wars game developers did before them. Are Revan or Starkiller also bad because they were developed for a game? I honestly don't understand the hate, just get over it that there is a character that you don't find as cool as other chars.

    At least Revan and Starkiller had story lines in their games, even though they were created. And no, I'm not a fan but I can accept them. This guy was just made up and added to one of the biggest battles in Star Wars lore. I've always preferred Canon characters over Legends or non-Canon characters. And I couldn't care less if he's a core unit to Leia. I will have plenty of others that will fit in fine with whatever team I use.

    To be fair, there were probably more than 12 people and 25 ewoks (approximate numbers) at the battle of endor. He could have been there.
  • Options
    I_JnK_I wrote: »
    Blubcop wrote: »
    I can't wait to get him to R7, get Leia and then never, ever use him again. Ever.

    So you will miss out on a character that is probably a core unit of GL Leia's Team? Just because you hate that CG is coming up with characters as many star wars game developers did before them. Are Revan or Starkiller also bad because they were developed for a game? I honestly don't understand the hate, just get over it that there is a character that you don't find as cool as other chars.

    At least Revan and Starkiller had story lines in their games, even though they were created. And no, I'm not a fan but I can accept them. This guy was just made up and added to one of the biggest battles in Star Wars lore. I've always preferred Canon characters over Legends or non-Canon characters. And I couldn't care less if he's a core unit to Leia. I will have plenty of others that will fit in fine with whatever team I use.

    To be fair, there were probably more than 12 people and 25 ewoks (approximate numbers) at the battle of endor. He could have been there.

    from what i recall, they took a single
    lambent-class shuttle to the surface and that was it. it was a small strike team. they didn’t expect to have i firefight with imps riding AT-STs
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    edited September 2023
    I wish in addition to a like button we had a facepalm button, for some of the things I've read here.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    Blubcop wrote: »
    I can't wait to get him to R7, get Leia and then never, ever use him again. Ever.

    So you will miss out on a character that is probably a core unit of GL Leia's Team? Just because you hate that CG is coming up with characters as many star wars game developers did before them. Are Revan or Starkiller also bad because they were developed for a game? I honestly don't understand the hate, just get over it that there is a character that you don't find as cool as other chars.

    At least Revan and Starkiller had story lines in their games, even though they were created. And no, I'm not a fan but I can accept them. This guy was just made up and added to one of the biggest battles in Star Wars lore. I've always preferred Canon characters over Legends or non-Canon characters. And I couldn't care less if he's a core unit to Leia. I will have plenty of others that will fit in fine with whatever team I use.

    You use the word "I" a lot....
  • Gannon
    1649 posts Member
    Not a fan of the wonky arm. as a disabled person, I just don't find it fitting to have that issue is a fantasy universe where getting sliced in half is just a hiccup in your journey.. -_-
    It's an issue of modern society, a futuristic society wouldn't have that, right?
    It's not super offensive or anything, just doesn't fit there.
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    I_JnK_I wrote: »
    Blubcop wrote: »
    I can't wait to get him to R7, get Leia and then never, ever use him again. Ever.

    So you will miss out on a character that is probably a core unit of GL Leia's Team? Just because you hate that CG is coming up with characters as many star wars game developers did before them. Are Revan or Starkiller also bad because they were developed for a game? I honestly don't understand the hate, just get over it that there is a character that you don't find as cool as other chars.

    At least Revan and Starkiller had story lines in their games, even though they were created. And no, I'm not a fan but I can accept them. This guy was just made up and added to one of the biggest battles in Star Wars lore. I've always preferred Canon characters over Legends or non-Canon characters. And I couldn't care less if he's a core unit to Leia. I will have plenty of others that will fit in fine with whatever team I use.

    To be fair, there were probably more than 12 people and 25 ewoks (approximate numbers) at the battle of endor. He could have been there.

    Not saying he wasn't.
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    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Blubcop wrote: »
    I can't wait to get him to R7, get Leia and then never, ever use him again. Ever.

    So you will miss out on a character that is probably a core unit of GL Leia's Team? Just because you hate that CG is coming up with characters as many star wars game developers did before them. Are Revan or Starkiller also bad because they were developed for a game? I honestly don't understand the hate, just get over it that there is a character that you don't find as cool as other chars.

    At least Revan and Starkiller had story lines in their games, even though they were created. And no, I'm not a fan but I can accept them. This guy was just made up and added to one of the biggest battles in Star Wars lore. I've always preferred Canon characters over Legends or non-Canon characters. And I couldn't care less if he's a core unit to Leia. I will have plenty of others that will fit in fine with whatever team I use.

    You use the word "I" a lot....
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Blubcop wrote: »
    I can't wait to get him to R7, get Leia and then never, ever use him again. Ever.

    So you will miss out on a character that is probably a core unit of GL Leia's Team? Just because you hate that CG is coming up with characters as many star wars game developers did before them. Are Revan or Starkiller also bad because they were developed for a game? I honestly don't understand the hate, just get over it that there is a character that you don't find as cool as other chars.

    At least Revan and Starkiller had story lines in their games, even though they were created. And no, I'm not a fan but I can accept them. This guy was just made up and added to one of the biggest battles in Star Wars lore. I've always preferred Canon characters over Legends or non-Canon characters. And I couldn't care less if he's a core unit to Leia. I will have plenty of others that will fit in fine with whatever team I use.

    You use the word "I" a lot....

    Umm...because it's MY opinion...
  • Options
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Blubcop wrote: »
    I can't wait to get him to R7, get Leia and then never, ever use him again. Ever.

    So you will miss out on a character that is probably a core unit of GL Leia's Team? Just because you hate that CG is coming up with characters as many star wars game developers did before them. Are Revan or Starkiller also bad because they were developed for a game? I honestly don't understand the hate, just get over it that there is a character that you don't find as cool as other chars.

    At least Revan and Starkiller had story lines in their games, even though they were created. And no, I'm not a fan but I can accept them. This guy was just made up and added to one of the biggest battles in Star Wars lore. I've always preferred Canon characters over Legends or non-Canon characters. And I couldn't care less if he's a core unit to Leia. I will have plenty of others that will fit in fine with whatever team I use.

    You use the word "I" a lot....
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Blubcop wrote: »
    I can't wait to get him to R7, get Leia and then never, ever use him again. Ever.

    So you will miss out on a character that is probably a core unit of GL Leia's Team? Just because you hate that CG is coming up with characters as many star wars game developers did before them. Are Revan or Starkiller also bad because they were developed for a game? I honestly don't understand the hate, just get over it that there is a character that you don't find as cool as other chars.

    At least Revan and Starkiller had story lines in their games, even though they were created. And no, I'm not a fan but I can accept them. This guy was just made up and added to one of the biggest battles in Star Wars lore. I've always preferred Canon characters over Legends or non-Canon characters. And I couldn't care less if he's a core unit to Leia. I will have plenty of others that will fit in fine with whatever team I use.

    You use the word "I" a lot....

    Umm...because it's MY opinion...

    Yes.... Yes it is :)
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    I_JnK_I wrote: »

    There are so many worse characters i cant even think of a top 1 example

    Bodhi, Jedi Knight Guardian, and Scion of Jango all jumped to mind.
    Make Bronzium autoplay opening an option.
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    Got no real problem with those complaining about an original character assuming your issue starts and ends with original. I do find it a little surprising though because I doubt a significant majority would agree that any of the first 7 gls are both the correct version of the character and the character in general is worthy of gl status. The only possible one in my mind is kenobi.
  • LordDirt
    5106 posts Member
    edited September 2023
    Drathuk916 wrote: »
    Got no real problem with those complaining about an original character assuming your issue starts and ends with original. I do find it a little surprising though because I doubt a significant majority would agree that any of the first 7 gls are both the correct version of the character and the character in general is worthy of gl status. The only possible one in my mind is kenobi.

    SLKR is the wrong version? SEE is the wrong version? Jabba has different versions?
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Options
    I_JnK_I wrote: »

    There are so many worse characters i cant even think of a top 1 example

    Bodhi, Jedi Knight Guardian, and Scion of Jango all jumped to mind.

    Scion of Jango is a non-GL counter to LV in TW so I wouldn't consider him one of the worst
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    LordDirt wrote: »
    Drathuk916 wrote: »
    Got no real problem with those complaining about an original character assuming your issue starts and ends with original. I do find it a little surprising though because I doubt a significant majority would agree that any of the first 7 gls are both the correct version of the character and the character in general is worthy of gl status. The only possible one in my mind is kenobi.

    SLKR is the wrong version? SEE is the wrong version? Jabba has different versions?

    I didn’t say they were my opinions but the collective opinion of the community. As for your specifically mentioned gls.

    Jabba- imo yes obviously but more than a handful have suggested he is not worthy of the status.

    SEE- no. Palp at any point between order 66 and rotj is more fitting to me

    Slkr- sure only because he’s from the sequels and I don’t despise them as much as others.
This discussion has been closed.