Lightspeed bundles .. serving who?


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    I've been playing for 3 and 1/2 years and I fully support these lightspeed bundles. They are finally a good value for a mobile game.
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    Nothing wrong with em. I'm almost 10m GP and yeah I grinded for the toons that are on offer for £9.99 but for some people this game is too grindy and they just want a fun squad to use instead of being beaten down all the time. It's not just about you and your roster, there are other people who are like 500k, 1m, 2m, GP etc and this gives them a couple of fun squads to play with if they want to.

    My cousin is 10 and he plays this game. He was legit happy to see a cheap bundle he could spend his money on to give him a few fun toons to play with. "£50 for a GL". No. You'd get every whale just buying them all.

    In short. They are a welcome addition to the game.
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    I bought it last time.
    Then I unlocked Rey.
    I am 8M I got SLKR>JML>Jabba>JMK now I am working on Leia.
    This is very perfect pack for me since I didn't want to farm rose finn etc. they still stay on gear level 0, and there are always more better, more useful charactor I need to spend my gear on and relic them first. I thought I could never unlock Rey but that pack just saved my life. HA.
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    Been playing since 2017 and only just getting around 10M now, and it's because I feel I got a horrible start to this game - there are way more resources available for newer players to pick cleaner paths, jump start their rosters, and make the game less of a grind now than when a lot of us started. When these dropped, I had 4 GL's and was working my 5th, and I had no intention of going for Rey. Finished Jabba and said "Wow, I can do a little catch up here, save time and relic mats, and finish 2 GL's in a month, get to 6." Did just that. I don't regret it at all. These other LSB, to someone else's point, are actually rounding out some off meta or standard counter teams for me, and I couldn't be happier. I've been stuck w/ a lot of them at g12 or whatever, with no idea when they'd get filled out. I was thinking about catching up still. A lot of us are working FT jobs and while I do play around work, I'd rather not. I have way more important things to do than spend my time grinding out another 300-400 kyro shock prods, that's time I could spend actually playing the game, or doing something else. For me, my time is well worth that $10-30. I'd do it again, depending on the team. I'm not going to be mad at someone for doing what I wished I could have done, saved time.

    Plus, let's not act like CG hasn't released some AWFUL packs over the years. Overpriced zetas, omis, CHANCES for shards to hit, mostly low payout/high priced garbage. If they're going to give me a couple hundred to a thousand kyros, and a boatload of relic mats for 1 character much less 5 or more characters for the price of a crystal pack, you bet your sweet **** I'm getting in on that. That's the best value they've ever given. Even if I don't have the mods or the zetas for them, you know I'm gonna get those while I can. Try pricing out what it'd cost normally to take 1 character from g12 to r3/r5. You can't do it for $20.

    Plus, one of the things that keeps me coming back to this game is mods. I find that way more engaging than clicking "sim" over and over again, hoping for a 1/1 drop ratio as my best case scenario.

    Definitely not alienated.

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    They are at a price point to make a good amount of money for CG. So, CG wins.

    Players win by getting toons to a decent relic level without much effort.

    Even players who don't get them win because it keeps more people in the game and keeps CG healthy.
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    Yeah, speaking of leaving the game, I'm not seeing players leaving my guild or our alliance because of these LSB. If they're leaving, a lot of them are saying the same thing - the grind is too much, life is too busy, and they don't have the time or energy to put into rinsing and repeating, trying to keep up w/ all the new stuff that comes out. If anything, I'm seeing players buy these things and be happier for it. Most of them are all saying the same things - saved time and energy. So yeah, I'm gonna call **** that these are causing players to leave the game.
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    Player burnout is something every game faces. Those players leaving is not an indication on the health or longevity of a game.

    I’ve stopped playing games due to feeling burnt out and it doesn’t mean those games were dying. It just wasn’t for me anymore. Sounds like you need to stop playing if you’re feeling this way.

    And if you’re looking for a more balanced audience response and have only gotten the opposite response to what you wanted to hear, you’re obviously barking up the wrong tree.
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    10+m account. Been playing for years. Love the LSBs. I've been able to fill gaps in my roster on the cheap and get some characters that I've long wanted but haven't been able to justify devoting resources to. Silly stuff like IG11/Kuiil and Phoenix. Merry Christmas to me. On top of that it makes the game way more approachable for new players - and we need new people coming into the game. I'm not mad - not one bit. Quite the contrary.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    The purpose of LSBs is to create a middle class, between the whales and the guppies. The game is ripe for such a move.

    It's each player's choice to decide where they want to live. Some may stay in their lane, some may move down, but I think the majority is moving up at the price of a few cups of coffee.
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    To the OP: This had to happen eventually. This game is incredibly resource intensive. All new toons require a butt load of kyros and it takes so long to grind what you want that it puts newer players off. Getting them invested in carrying on the game through a little light spending may be the best idea CG has ever had.

    If you already have the characters at relic level, it may be a mild inconvenience but you don't have to buy the packs. Just wait til a pack comes out that you do want.

    And the whales of the world aren't going to care about a few more people getting quick access to Rey/SLKR as they are so far into the game that they will never see them.
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    AlexanderG wrote: »
    Martyboy wrote: »
    Lightspeed Bundles (the negatives of them)

    Just a thought maybe find and go on this thead and tell these people they are wrong and experienced players are not leaving guids and dropping off the game. FILL YOUR BOOTS

    Players come, players go. It was ever thus.

    I doubt veteran players are leaving because of these packs. Feel free to show me otherwise.

    Most people I know that quit either did so because the game took up too much of their time with multiple accounts or they don't like the new raid and want to take a break. Nothing to do with the bundles.
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    I’m an end game account. These packs haven’t benefited me at all. They’re a transparently good thing for the game, and the more CG adds high value options as a catchup mechanic the better. The more people who can catch up to end game content the healthier the game will be.
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    The packs are a good thing for everyone. If you’re a new pr returning player, it’s a fantastic catchup mechanic. If you’re an end game player it creates a bigger pool for competition by keeping more people involved and playing.

    I personally won’t buy them but have no issue with them at all
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    They serve me. At nearly 9M GP with 6 GL’s. I never intended to work on my phoenix squad. They certainly served me very well because now I have a full relic phoenix squad to go with my captain Rex. Y’all have got to stop whining about these bundles. If you don’t like them, don’t buy them. If you do, do. Otherwise, shut up and let CG make some money.
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    Tbh if someone was going to start whining about packs I thought it would be because they thought it was a rip off for the price, not that they don't like some players are getting upgraded quickly
  • scuba
    14070 posts Member
    Ranzono wrote: »
    Tbh if someone was going to start whining about packs I thought it would be because they thought it was a rip off for the price, not that they don't like some players are getting upgraded quickly

    Welcome to the internet.
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    Love it. No-one joined the other thead for a balanced conversation.If the server went down this group posting would praise EA for introducing a health and well being player time out.
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    Martyboy wrote: »
    Love it. No-one joined the other thead for a balanced conversation.If the server went down this group posting would praise EA for introducing a health and well being player time out.

    What other thread?

    These bundles are wildly popular for both veteran and new players. From a monetization standpoint these are without question the most player friendly packs that they've ever released. Why shouldn't CG be praised for this? Your post confuses me.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    Martyboy wrote: »
    Love it. No-one joined the other thead for a balanced conversation.If the server went down this group posting would praise EA for introducing a health and well being player time out.

    Or alternatively, players are invested in the game, and would rather that the game be kept going by CG making money through any means necessary, even LSBs, than by letting it slowly die off.

    There’s been lots of opinions shared, both positive and negative on both threads (although the other you refer to wasn’t exactly obvious and easy to find). A balanced discussion doesn’t actually meant though that the same number of people have to be on each side.
    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921.
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    Martyboy wrote: »
    Love it. No-one joined the other thead for a balanced conversation.If the server went down this group posting would praise EA for introducing a health and well being player time out.

    Everyone knows a conversation isn't "balanced" unless everyone is frothing at the mouth with anger towards CG.
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    Martyboy wrote: »
    Love it. No-one joined the other thead for a balanced conversation.If the server went down this group posting would praise EA for introducing a health and well being player time out.

    You haven’t made a single coherent point about why these packs are bad for the game. You’ve stated opinions which have faced overwhelming disagreement.

    You reference other threads or conversations which have apparently happened, but are unable to find similar conversation in your own thread. This would leave a reasonable person to infer that these other conversations / threads likely never occurred, or occurred in some sort of an echo chamber that doesn’t actually reflect the playerbase at large.

    Stating that a pack is bad because it’s bad isn’t an argument. It’s an opinion. Stating a pack is bad because it was poorly communicated is an opinion followed by a reason, or an argument, and it would be the only one I’d agree with where LSB’s are concerned. That said, the pros far outweigh the cons.
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    If they release a LSB for Lord Vader, I'll become p2p. Maybe even for the bad batch alone (so many kyrotechs needed).
  • scuba
    14070 posts Member
    Martyboy wrote: »
    Love it. No-one joined the other thead for a balanced conversation.If the server went down this group posting would praise EA for introducing a health and well being player time out.

    If there was a another thread why did you start this one?

    Of course there was another thread, the last time (which was the first time) LSB made it in to the game there where many threads like this one, some people complaining about the packs some people praising the packs.

    We will just keep rinsing and repeating these threads like many others till the horse is really dead.

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    scuba wrote: »
    Martyboy wrote: »
    Love it. No-one joined the other thead for a balanced conversation.If the server went down this group posting would praise EA for introducing a health and well being player time out.

    We will just keep rinsing and repeating these threads like many others till the horse is really dead.

    we forum folk will kick the dead horse
  • TVF
    36629 posts Member
    Lightspeed horse bundle when
    I need a new message here.
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    If you don’t like the pack, don’t purchase them. Just like any other transaction in the game. I think these packs help new players. I had SLKR already as my first GL and farm. I don’t feel alienated that he’s being offered in packs. I’m happy new players get access to a GL and will more then likely keep playing now that they can realistically attain GL’s and actually play the game as intended.
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    I think it makes sense to let people access the older GL. It takes so much time to farm the requirements and then the tickets, that it will be impossible to get up to date, if you have limited resources. By the time you finished one, another one has appeared and you're still 6 or 7 GL's behind.
    For example, I foolishly skipped LV and now I never find the time for him. First I thought "when I finish Jabba", but I finished Jabba and now I want Leia. And after Leia, another one will be out.
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    Certainly don't feel alienated by the packs and have enjoyed the benefits especially as my 3 weakest factions have been resistance, rebels and first order!

    In my opinion, I hope we don't get too many LSB's that regularly especially ones geared towards GLs. I think Rey and Slkr were perfect GLs to allow catch up on as nobody really had the space to chase them in the mix of new characters to chase. I guess a similar argument could be made for SEE and JML. Beyond that I think there should be a value placed in time and the grind, not that people have already put in (I don't think that argument isn't really for the good of the game) but more moving forward. Playing the game for a long time and gradually building your roster is a huge part of the fun (for me anyway).

    Also since the packs have landed I've just been in GL chase mode going after Slkr, then Rey and with the rebel pack I'll basically be going for JML straight after. I know that's a choice and I can chose not to but when you're there it's hard not to? The GL tickets are quite draining and frustrating. It also puts everything else on hold, since they've dropped I don't think I've been really able to focus on the new stuff that much.

    Packs like phoenix, nightsister, trash jedi etc. I welcome all day as these help catch up in areas you're never going to have time to go back to but also let you carry on moving forward.

    So I welcome the LSB's they've been great but would also welcome a break from them.
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    Lucky it's Christmas, plenty of cheese about to go with this whine.
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    These packs are appreciated by veteran players too. I had three Phoenix at g12 still Fred all these years. Farmboy Luke was just bonus. Well worth the 10 bucks rather than weeks farming relic materials when I would rather be gearing up a new release rather than play catch up to make my new Rex squad better.
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