Message from the EP


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    Between yesterdays and todays changes Im pretty satisfied with where the game is. I understand the need for balancing and that some toons get weaker and others get stronger. It helps that I have 20 maxed out characters but I can see how others with fewer can be miffed. I think some small modifications would make a world of difference:

    1. The health bars currently dont really make a lot of sense, its hard to tell exactly how much health a character has left.

    2. Protection should regenerate some in GW, say 50% for all toons at every 3rd stage, or something like that.

    3. Some balancing to the ls/ds missions, im getting 1-2 shot by the enemy which makes it really hard to three star the missions.

    4. Im not sure if QGJ humbling blow procs offense up on a kill, i tried it a couple times and it didnt work.

    Aside from that, Im mostly OK with where the game is, I like the new events, and the new datamined info on guilds and raids seems very interesting.

  • saberOriginal
    129 posts Member
    edited July 2016
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  • saberOriginal
    129 posts Member
    edited September 2016
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  • saberOriginal
    129 posts Member
    edited September 2016
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  • saberOriginal
    129 posts Member
    edited September 2016
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  • Seknos
    306 posts Member
    edited April 2016

    - The update to challenges fixed the excessive difficulty, and gifts were appreciated, good job.

    - The new Omega event is very interesting and fun to play. I do like the ewok event aswell.

    - I am glad you guys are looking into GW, because fighting a strong team of equivalent level without any protection is sometimes way too hard. (ex: Dooku (L), Rey, RG, GS, QGJ)

    - I understand the idea behind nerfing damage, but some are exaggerated. Especially for Yoda. 15-20% nerf would have been more than enough. This character is really hard to get at 7* and people that made the heavy investment to get him should not feel robbed.

    - Some players were able to pre craft some gear and are now way ahead of everybody else. Not fair, not balanced. I assume this gear will be available when guilds will be released. But players that were not able to pre craft should be compensated.

    - New health bars were in majority not appreciated by players because it feels like our maxed out toons are back to level 30. In GW the enemy bar on the top right corner does not display the health correctly.

    - The main problem with this update is that the goal was to bring balance and diversity. So far it is not the case. There are still some modifications necessary so that a larger character pool can be viable and usable.

    On a general note too many changes were implemented at the same time. To the extent that most players did not recognize the game or their characters. There is a potential in this update but different issues need to be addressed so that players can accept it, adapt to it and keep moving forward. Keep in mind that adapting to so many changes, testing new characters is very costly in credits, energy, gear and so on. A little help here would be greatly appreciated by the community.

    The fact that you guys pay attention and listen to our feedback is very positive. Re-balancing the game is a challenge and we need everybody to work together in order to make this game better.

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    Seknos wrote: »

    - I am glad you guys are looking into GW, because fighting a strong team of equivalent level without any protection is sometimes way too hard. (ex: Dooku (L), Rey, RG, GS, QGJ)

    - New health bars were in majority not appreciated by players because it feels like our maxed out toons are back to level 30. In GW the enemy bar on the top right corner does not display the health correctly.

    The fact that you guys pay attention and listen to our feedback is very positive. Re-balancing the game is a challenge and we need everybody to work together in order to make this game better.

    I remember this too about the latest change. The fact that in GW you can lose your protection for your A team in the second node and then you fight level 64 squads that can make the game difficult for you, especially when all of the nodes came with protection full. Protection cannot be affected by healing right? Maybe this can be changed.

    And yes constructive feedback is way better than whining all over this forum. Thanks again for looking into these issues.
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    Thanks for letting me get back to the real world ,those latest updates rank with the intro of jar jar binks ,you may aswell introduce him into this game ,pretty much killed it for me now.
    He can destroy people by talking ,and his special power can be George Lucas pumping him up from the rear.Seriously thx
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    I wonder if Bob the the builder can fix this problem that EA have created i just did a GW with no protection yes i have 5 x 73 characters with all stars but when you have 5 x 74 with full protection a battle i have now goes for like 15 to 20 min like cmon EA at least refuel this only on GW to make it a fair fight......
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    Damoscoke wrote: »
    Thanks for letting me get back to the real world ,those latest updates rank with the intro of jar jar binks ,you may aswell introduce him into this game ,pretty much killed it for me now.
    He can destroy people by talking ,and his special power can be George Lucas pumping him up from the rear.Seriously thx

    If there is something I don't understand about Star Wars, is the hate towards Jar Jar. He is a funny character in that universe. What is the big deal... Ahh yes the necessity of whining and more whining when in fact you guys were never able to deliver a single thing in your **** life, except yes ... judging and whining! I wish I can see you creating something successful and then take this much criticism from others.
  • Puch
    12 posts Member
    Can you do something to fix tie pilot?? I understand the nerf but really that much? His damage is now more than 50% less .. And now he is so useless .. He hits like any other character, his health is extremly low and 0 resitance / dodge or whatsoever. I spent months farming him just to level 6 and right now this is all useless as he could be replaced with any other toon. Way to ruin the fun for me....
  • AggelosV82
    52 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    No my friend I disagree with you. I don't have problem with the new update. I mean OK it's a bit harder but I can deal with it. But that thing with Jar Jar I am absolute.
    That thing is not funny.
    Funny is C3PO. Funny and cute are the droids we are looking for.
    Jar Jar is an annoying S t u p i dity. That character destroyed Episode I.
    Episode II and III was better because we see him barely 5 minutes.
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    Tcorneliubrv you can make a great contribution if you can somehow have an ignore function added to the forum so everyone dont have to read all your insults. Stop the personel hetz on everyone that dont share your opinion plz
  • Genghus
    73 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Well most changes seems to be in right direction, apart from some of the character balance change.

    Yoda I had 7* and gear 9 and was not op before change, but now completely useless in Arena as damage is laughable, is now replaced.

    Dooku need fixing in the dodge part think there should be a character cool down after its dodged once, so we can then at least target a character that has dodge once.
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    I still think you should be able to regain some protection in GW every third round or something, but I actually find Challenges more fun now. I'm also getting used to the rebalance. It's a shame FOTP had to get a significant nerf because his damage offset his low health. defense and speed. Now I have no use for him whatsoever.
    .GG Profile | Got spaces on my ally list.
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    CG_JohnSalera: At the level 70 cap, the top end of the game was very much focused on speed and quick burst damage. There were fairly constant complaints on the forums about the domination of this particular strategy, and complaints that there were not enough viable squad builds.

    I think the goal is a perfect example of care for the long term health of the game. I like the direction you are taking us, +1 support for you and your staff.

    My only comment, is that there really isn't any reason to spend money on this game. Many F2P players can beat me. Spending 1,000's on game to support CG/EA did not help my position within the gaming community. So far, I've only been taught to be cheap, follow the meta, and I can be top dog.
    what an ugly thing to say... does this mean we're not friends anymore?
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    CG_JohnSalera: At the level 70 cap, the top end of the game was very much focused on speed and quick burst damage. There were fairly constant complaints on the forums about the domination of this particular strategy, and complaints that there were not enough viable squad builds.

    I think the goal is a perfect example of care for the long term health of the game. I like the direction you are taking us, +1 support for you and your staff.

    My only comment, is that there really isn't any reason to spend money on this game. Many F2P players can beat me. Spending 1,000's on game to support CG/EA did not help my position within the gaming community. So far, I've only been taught to be cheap, follow the meta, and I can be top dog.

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    This is because the ftp whiners are deciding how the game should be run
  • Ivan_Drago
    639 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Hey all -

    Just to let you know, we are continuing to read your posts and monitoring the overall (and evolving) tenor of the feedback.

    I'm hoping after the update from 24 hours ago that Challenges are no longer a pain point. They should feel pretty similar to how they felt prior to the Thursday update. Please let me know if otherwise.

    Galactic War is under active discussion on the dev team. We are hearing your feedback and will be discussing options early next week.

    Thank you!

    Challenges are fine now.

    GW... Beatable of course, but it is much slower than before. difficulty-wise it is Ok for a well-developed team, but for an underdeveloped one it would be a huge pain.

    Arena... Now, on offence it is easier to win - battle takes longer, there are more turns, and AI is quite dumb which helps players if battle is longer. The only viable defence is to outlast the timer.

    Disparity between pre-crafters and those who didn't pre-craft became even higher.

    Drastic changes lead to a need to level more characters, but players would need several times more credits to do so, currently it is not possible. Also, with each and every level gear requirements become bigger, but energy amounts remain intact. Energy should scale at least on par with level upgrade costs, otherwise people won't be able to play effectively.

    Omega event - great per se, but refresh for crystals was a mistake. Clear edge to P2W which was not needed.

    Health bars - one of the biggest mistakes of the update. Previous health bars were so much better, they were informative. You could add protection on top of previous bars.

    Yoda nerf...well... Iconic characters should always be the strongest, just because they are the core of the franchise. And Yoda will all the pain to obtain him should simply be strongest, maybe on par only with Emperor and Rey (other franchise stars)
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    @CG_JohnSalera thanks for working with us here.

    You could solve your PR problem easily by 1) giving us a vision of how the precrafted gear problem is going to be fixed (like soon), give us a way to get droid callers and furnaces 2) buff yoda and the poor Jedi back you made them useless they were average to slightly above w qgj lead from 8 weeks ago -- so much of the player base went this way. 3) tell us how the dooku leader thing is going to be worked out 4) explain defense cause defense leadership doesn't work--one point of the update 5) you also killed several notable hard to obtain toons: FOTP, Anakin, a previously very very average toon Tusken Shaman I paid $250 for. He is ruined. No one thought of that? Power down 6000 to 5200 and other issues. Sad. How could anyone be confident buying next aurodium pack. I seriously tried on the forums to help you sell them. Don't nerf hard slash impossible to farm toons like Anakin. It's painful enough when he is put on last cantina round but to destroy his efficacy. 6) talk about and explain the credit crunch. It isn't my issue but it is a giant issue for many. Maybe acknowledge it and any possible plans for it. 7) increasing levels hurt everyone's sense of building a squad and options because of your gameplay changes and cost of upgrade. I had 20 7 star and 12 playable arena toons. Down to 5. Not smart.

    No one in the board room thought "incremental changes". Like maybe just add protection. Then something else. Not to mention so so many bugs and fails we get the distinct impression you have absolutely no quality and testing. Old Ben leadership a glaring example. You guys had to throw your golden goose here in a blender. Unpleasant week over at CG. Your EA execs probably phoned over for a conference call wondering why the direct deposits firehose of cash was at risk...

    We appreciate gameplay changes. We can swallow them. We don't like nerfing hard to farm long grind average arena toons. Come on. Can't you understand my (our) frustration as a paying customer? I have liked this game for months and supported you guys...
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    DevTore wrote: »
    Great update so far. More thinking required for squad setup which is fantastic. I've completed GW (slightly more difficult than pre update, but doable), significantly improved my arena ranking, completed all challenges attempted (bar 1 failure when savage went nuts on me), and moved further through LS/DS missions than I'd previously gone.

    Really frustrating that so many people complained based on posts and datamining, rather than actually playing. Hopefully the devs pay more attention to feedback from those that have actually tried the new strategy for a while rather than the rage-quit vocal minority.

    Good job, devs!

    Did you even read the complaints? Doesn't look like it
  • Options
    AggelosV82 wrote: »
    No my friend I disagree with you. I don't have problem with the new update. I mean OK it's a bit harder but I can deal with it. But that thing with Jar Jar I am absolute.
    That thing is not funny.
    Funny is C3PO. Funny and cute are the droids we are looking for.
    Jar Jar is an annoying S t u p i dity. That character destroyed Episode I.
    Episode II and III was better because we see him barely 5 minutes.

    Apparently star wars is an entire universe where immaturity and stupidity isnt supposed to exist. Seems your upset because of some reality was put into the movie and ruined the visions of absolute perfection. Hmm... that ideal society sounds familiar with history ... guess what that led to.
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    @CG_JohnSalera: Thanks for reviewing and considering all the feedback. Turns out we're a passionate lot. A few updates after another day of gameplay since the update:
    • Thanks for the gear.
    • Challenges seem back to where they had been (or, at least, I'm back to the highest tier that I've unlocked in each).
    • Health bar is not a good visual gauge, but I understand you're working on it.
    • Since the update, I'm now able to earn 3 stars on certain battles (DS Hard 6-A/B/C, 6-B and Cantina 6-F); not sure if it's the AI, though I suspect the protection on my Toons is the reason.
    • That said, still not a fan of protection. I think you could have done the same thing by just adjusting health. As many have suggested, if protection is a permanent thing, then one should be able to replenish it (especially for GW). Or perhaps it replenishes automatically at a rate based on the Toon's protective gear.
    • Still trying to wrap my head around the changes to Advantage. I'm not a fan of simply making the next attack an automatic crit - doesn't seem "dramatic" enough effect for something you have to use a Special Ability for. Also, the duration is a problem - CP's Victory March, FOO Marching Orders, and FOST Order Relentless should all apply Advantage for 2 turns; FOTP Keen Eye for 3. However, in all cases, the Advantage buff is gone after the next attack - this is a serious blow to FO squads.
    • Love the new Omega events - keep that up for sure.
    • Like the Ewok events, and would love to see more events that focus on specific squads (e.g., Droids, Rebels, Scoundrels, FO, etc.) - seems to me that this is the best way to entice players (myself included) to develop Toons they wouldn't normally bother with.

    Again, while change is hard (especially when it disrupts a player's investment), I think there are a number of us trying to keep an open mind and give this update a fair shake. I also understand that some of these changes may be laying groundwork for further updates (e.g., raids or guilds). The fact that you're listening and willing to take feedback is much appreciated!
    Contact me on Discord: Welsh Piper#4917
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    Marskal wrote: »
    Tcorneliubrv you can make a great contribution if you can somehow have an ignore function added to the forum so everyone dont have to read all your insults. Stop the personel hetz on everyone that dont share your opinion plz

    I don't insult. I just state my conclusion over some complaints in here. That's it.
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    Good to see some response from the dev team after the game breaking update. I was thinking hot patches would be used on some of the more terminal items and it seems they were. Health bar and GW are soon to be fixed as well I hope. Kudos on the progress to this point anyway.
    Use the force Luke.... and get rid of that stupid musket.
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    I actually prefer a non healable protection solution over just having a bigger health pool. If health pools where 100% refillable I would go with two high hp tanks with taunt and three healers. Arena battle would be 100% draw. As it is now, it stops one shots, but then allows you to focus fire down characters.

    Just my two cents
  • pardaig
    30 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    After a couple days and the post-update fix (i.e. challenges and some other stuff) I'm getting used to it. Was frustrated at first but yes it did come to my mind that the game was getting "maxed-out" pretty quickly and it had to get slowed down...hence the mass-nerf that disappointed a lot of folks myself included. But I do think some toons need upgrading, like FOTFP that got low health, dies quickly and doesn't do the same damage as pre-update it seems (or maybe I'm mistaken). GW is still doable but harder since protection doesn't come back. But since protection is there and you buffed back the damage in the fix, if protection regenerates I feel it would get too easy. Maybe I'll get hate for saying this but to me it's not such a big change; gone back to business as usual. FYI level 73 and couple 7 stars, average ftp daily player.

    p.s.: I do understand the most rage comes from PTP people and I realize their situation could be very different from mine so in no way do I think the changes affect everyone in the same way; I respect everyone's opinion, ftp or ptp players etc.
    EmpereurDuNord - QC force
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    Kabbes wrote: »
    If you don't enjoy the challenge of GW, I genuinely have no clue what it is that you like about this game. Working out how to beat a challenging opponent, with infinite chances to go back and try again is EXACTLY the thing RPG players have wanted from their game since the dawn of the genre. It seems that some of you just want a single button that says "WIN" that just gives it all to you on a plate.

    I call **** unless you're one of those players that have 3 full 7* teams. How can you say that handicapping your team after they lose "protection" while the ai has twice your health is fun or even reasonable. Some of use don't spend tons of $$$ or have hours to play. The casual player got screwed. If you can't understand that it's your problem, not ours
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    Finished the challenges, finished GW, finished second in Arena (a drop from first, my position last 2 weeks running, due to lockout in final fight) .

    The new changes are fine, you just have to rethink the way you do things. This update is beneficial for the long term health of the game.

    If rethink means pay to get more characters then yes, we must "rethink"
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    Alrighty now I might have jumped the gun on GW, sorry about that because I just wrecked the GW battles twice now but still trying to figure out how to use the Omega Ability materials.
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