Question for top ranked FTP players

1265 posts Member
My supposition is that the only way for a FTP (a true FTP, not a "I spent money but now I don't" one) to get rank 1 on a server is to have the level pause like there was at level 60 then level 70. This must have allowed FTP's to get caught up to the PTP's.

Otherwise I don't see how an FTP player can get to #1 competing with people that are leveling and gearing much more rapidly than others.

Would you top ranked FTP players agree or disagree with this? Did the level pauses assist you?


  • DV_27
    967 posts Member
    I started playing a bit late so I didn't get the pause at 60 because the cap was already increased by then but I still stayed top 10 or so most of the way up to 70. At that cap and since then, I've been getting 1 a lot. But before the pause as you call it, I only managed 1 maybe 3/4 times
  • gobears21
    1265 posts Member
    DV_27 wrote: »
    I started playing a bit late so I didn't get the pause at 60 because the cap was already increased by then but I still stayed top 10 or so most of the way up to 70. At that cap and since then, I've been getting 1 a lot. But before the pause as you call it, I only managed 1 maybe 3/4 times

    and not a dime spent right? No crystal packs, no $5 starter bundle etc....
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    Huge benefit. I maintained top 50/top 20 on the way up reaching 60 when the top reached 70. It wasn't until 65 or 66 that I started hitting top 5.

    Now as the game progresses the numbers of high spenders per server drops so the caps likely wouldn't be as high. But the pause at 70 allowed me to get to number 1 and then keep pace from 70-80.

    Disclosure: I bought the $5 ewok pack so no longer true FTP
  • SlyGambit
    1246 posts Member
    gobears21 wrote: »
    My supposition is that the only way for a FTP (a true FTP, not a "I spent money but now I don't" one) to get rank 1 on a server is to have the level pause like there was at level 60 then level 70. This must have allowed FTP's to get caught up to the PTP's.

    Otherwise I don't see how an FTP player can get to #1 competing with people that are leveling and gearing much more rapidly than others.

    Would you top ranked FTP players agree or disagree with this? Did the level pauses assist you?

    Pauses definitely help. I'm FTP (sans $10 on a dooku pack and one-time $5 subscription) and am fortunate to only see a few whales on my shard. I was able to catch up at 60 with a single dedicated team (Sid/Poe/IG-86/GS/Poggle). There also weren't many meta shifts at 60 but the one that did happen (Poe) was one that I was a part of early. I got ahead of the whales on my shard that had been primarily running Jedi. When the speed meta came along with 70 I had stored up ~4k crystals from being routinely top-5 in my shard and was able to outpace other FTP and stay within a few levels of my resident 2 whales (there are now a few more at the top) . I had also made sure I spread out my stars and wasn't getting anyone up to 7* so I was prepared for meta shifts. 6* toons are perfectly fine top tier arena but if you have too low of a score, even though it's meaningless, you do get targeted more frequently and there is still no foolproof defensive team.

    With the level 80 move I struggle a little more to stay top-5 causing me to typically buy two refreshes instead of one. I think that is much more due to the current Dooku/RG meta being unfriendly to people who don't spend money and farmed RG legit since his buff and haven't farmed Rey. I'll have RG up to 6* in another week or so but I suspect both him and Dooku will get nerfed soon so I'm trying to build up a Rebel team which along with a Droid team seems to be the most likely to survive future changes.
  • ilyanor
    310 posts Member
    I'm a f2P i'm not rank 1 (usually rank 2-5) but i easily could win the whale of my server, simply i don't care too much spending crystals for refreshes because my time zone is really crowded..
    But for example there is a my friend @Dooku_for_days , FTP, that can reach and keep rank 1 each day more easily..
  • TheRedDeath
    139 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Hello, I'm full F2P here. Not a dime spent, and I also didn't managed to tap into the meta until mid games.

    Only in the recent 3 weeks I've managed to climb into top 10 with the speed meta.
    And slowly I gotten top 5 every day.
    There were times I got number 1, but ever since the capped lifted and some of the whales managed to pre-craft gears, it got harder to get number 1 spot, but still, I get number 2 which is great for f2p too.

    Yes, the pauses helped F2p greatly because things become stale and almost everything is evenly matched with p2p except for gears.
    You catch up on all those eventually until it's lifted again.

    So keep playing! and be active all the time!
  • gobears21
    1265 posts Member
    Hello, I'm full F2P here. Not a dime spent, and I also didn't managed to tap into the meta until mid games.

    Only in the recent 3 weeks I've managed to climb into top 10 with the speed meta.
    And slowly I gotten top 5 every day.
    There were times I got number 1, but ever since the capped lifted and some of the whales managed to pre-craft gears, it got harder to get number 1 spot, but still, I get number 2 which is great for f2p too.

    Yes, the pauses helped F2p greatly because things become stale and almost everything is evenly matched with p2p except for gears.
    You catch up on all those eventually until it's lifted again.

    So keep playing! and be active all the time!

    I'm actually not FTP, I'm a ptp player. I have seen a lot of ftp people touting that they can keep top ranks etc and I just don't see how that's possible for someone just starting out. Those that have commented on this thread have for the most part confirmed that most that are ftp and on top benefited from the level pauses.

    It is this reason that I wrote this thread a while back:

    People don't always realize now how they benefited in ways that new players don't benefit from. All they see is what impacts themselves and can't see past their own myopic viewpoint. For instance, all the talk of pre-crafted gear and how EA doesn't care etc when in fact the total userbase this would have actually impacted has to be such a low percentage and with all the bugs impacting 100% of the user base, it is obvious where the focus could be.

    People say that some things are "just a blip in the radar".... every few seconds you hear a "beep"....."beep"....."beep"

    But for the person actually *in* the blip.... it sounds like "beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep"

    Everyone sounds from their beeeeeeeeeeep :)

  • DV_27
    967 posts Member
    gobears21 wrote: »
    DV_27 wrote: »
    I started playing a bit late so I didn't get the pause at 60 because the cap was already increased by then but I still stayed top 10 or so most of the way up to 70. At that cap and since then, I've been getting 1 a lot. But before the pause as you call it, I only managed 1 maybe 3/4 times

    and not a dime spent right? No crystal packs, no $5 starter bundle etc....

    Not in this game no. But I did do a lot of research and things when I got started so I farmed good toons from early on which helped a lot
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I would say the good FTP can maintain arena position to do the 50/50 energy and 100 Cantina all the way to the top without pauses.

    This allows them to finish GW consistently and have a roster that is not significantly behind the average PTP.

    Then once at cap compete for number 1
  • DV_27
    967 posts Member
    Mind you, I can't hold rank though. Not without a maxed RG which most f2p players won't have yet. I usually drop to 30ish and have to climb from there. Sometimes I drop further and have to use a 50 refresh
  • SlyGambit
    1246 posts Member
    gobears21 wrote: »
    I'm actually not FTP, I'm a ptp player. I have seen a lot of ftp people touting that they can keep top ranks etc and I just don't see how that's possible for someone just starting out. Those that have commented on this thread have for the most part confirmed that most that are ftp and on top benefited from the level pauses.

    Level pauses obviously help. So did starting out with the game. There are more avenues for people to P2W now so the gap between have and have-nots will be higher in arena. Since arena is the source of the crystal lifeblood of a competitive FTP player that matters.

    But I've never seen a shard other than the soft release shard that had more than a handful of true whales that are spending thousands of dollars to stay in front. And the difference between spending thousands and spending a couple hundred are huge. All it takes for a FTP player to catch someone who's spent $200 is a one or two bad farms by the paying player.

    So while getting #1 is going to take longer because of those things getting to the top 10 should be very doable by any FTP in a month or two of playing. It's obviously helpful if you get in a fresh shard at start (ie. first day you do arena you're already in the top 200 and not in the 10000s) but even a slightly older shard will still be something you can catch up to.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    It depends on how hard your shard is. Started in february and right now, there is only one whale i can't really beat because some of the chars he has, are broken. There are many p2p, but not like this guy though. He has been no1 for more than 40 hours now in the whole shard. Even when he gets beaten, he defends all day long. Other than that, i started to get top 3 everyday for a good 2 weeks? Least i think so. But i get knocked back to 20-25 overnight. Sure, this update to 80 didn't help much and a lesser frequency of updates would help!

    This update that was just rolled, showed me the difference between p2p and f2p. Sure, you can get almost same characters as f2p, the difference is it will take me 4 months to get what he has and it took him 2 days, because he already had them. And one of the characters, Leia, the most broken one, i can't get. So it pays to be p2p i guess!
  • Options
    I'm not a top player, but I hit my first top 20 the other day. I've been playing since mid-December and I spent the first couple months playing sub-optimally so I'm at a big disadvantage when it comes to resources.

    One thing that I noticed is that many times the big bottleneck is stars, yet eventually you'll max out on a toon and that part will be done. Gear and levels come relatively quickly compared to stars, so it's easy to make those up. I think getting those 7* characters is probably a bigger deal than the level cap.

    However, if you don't choose who to star up optimally you can end up behind the meta and limited on how high you can go. For me, investing in the Yoda event and not using refreshes well the first couple months meant no 7* Dooku which is a disadvantage. I also didn't jump on RG right away, so I'm a bit behind on him. I also don't have Rey. None of these are deal breakers when it comes to arena, but the combination has left my team options a bit limited.

    So you can catch up even if you're behind, but to be top level you have to be very careful on who you focus on and may not be able to "waste" time and resources on things like the Yoda event or Droid/Ewok events without potentially sacrificing your arena team.

  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    100% F2P here and currently finishing just shy of rank 20. I never had a pause as I started playing in early February and hit 70 the morning of the new 80 cap. I also early on focused mainly on Jedi so I never really had a meta team that you usually see in the top 20. But yeah, trying to compete with people who are several levels ahead of you and likely also pre-crafted and are now at gear IX, is pretty tough. But once I finally hit the new cap and get a few more toons, I can see myself getting into the top 5 and maybe even #1 a few times (though not too often as it's hard to hit that point when I work until just about payout and don't have time to snipe the spot with multiple refreshes).
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • Options
    FWIW, I was a true F2P and attained #1 in Arena. Since then, I have bought the $5 Ewok pack (because I'm working on Ewok Elder right now). Yes, for me, it took the level pause at 70 to get there. I was top 50 for a long time, but soon after I caught up at 70, I was able to quickly move up in rank. It took a focused plan, both long term and short term, farming smartly from Cantina battles (GS, then Dooku), Cantina Shipments (Poe, then QGJ), Arena shipments (Sid, then STH), and GW Shipments (Lumi, then Phasma). Also a plan to gear farm to get them all to 8 ASAP. Finally, some luck in Bronzium packs (Lumi, Dooku and Daka 2x) really helped. Also agree with garublador that you can't be distracted by special events. Stick to your plan if winning is important to you. If not, just have fun.
  • Options
    You can own a Jaguar, and wrap it around a tree because you're a terrible driver. Money spent != skill. Get excellent with what you have and what's available to you.

    There's also no real way to confirm if these f2p players have actually spent no money - the Internet has an abundance of trolls and lack of honesty, after all.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    meta shifts will decrease the F2P in top arena ranks. cant addapt fast enought. catching up at lvl caps obviously helps. since the lvl cap is raised to 80 i noticed myself falling behind in team power and arena rank. im full f2p around rank 50-20. cant reach the top20 anymore because my original arena squad doesnt cut it anymore, need to build up new toons to compete wich is a painfully slow process.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • DarthMelkor
    277 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Well, sure the top 5 or so people on my shard are level 76 77 even 78 so they have access to omega abilities for one or two characters. Daka's 60% stun is awful, makes me want to dust off my Yoda.They also were able to precraft a furnace or two, unlike myself who stopped farming hairdryers once I learned they would drop from challenges, but I did have 5 droid callers and 2 each of the other precrafts. One guy already has a QGJ at g10 and once he hits 80 and gets the rest of his squad to g10 will be almost impossible for me to kill. Still, I've placed in the top 10 3 times and top 20 2 times in the last 5 days.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    meta shifts will decrease the F2P in top arena ranks. cant addapt fast enought. catching up at lvl caps obviously helps. since the lvl cap is raised to 80 i noticed myself falling behind in team power and arena rank. im full f2p around rank 50-20. cant reach the top20 anymore because my original arena squad doesnt cut it anymore, need to build up new toons to compete wich is a painfully slow process.

    This. Older shard f2p players are at a disadvantage, as many of them (if they were trying to compete in arena) have undoubtedly chased bad metas. Barris, then Poe, etc. The issue is that on an older shard, if the p2p players are still spending money to stay ahead of the curve, the f2p player takes longer to catch the new meta.

    The level cap increases over time also hurt. Just before the level cap was raised I was in the top 20 and even snagged top 10 (with no refreshes) a couple of times. Now I am staying in the top 50...just barely. And I have to be fairly active at payout to do so. I did bank a day's worth of energy prior to the cap raise, that helped (I'll hit 75 in 12 hours or so).

    I think what f2p players have to do with the level raise is simply push their arena team up as fast as they level. Then, when they finally hit the cap, continue to focus on your "B" heroes - just in case the meta shifts again. That way, you can swap in "B" heroes if they are the new meta over your "A" squad. At least this seemed to help when the cap hit 70. I worked on Ahsoka, ST Han and Droids. ST Han will hit 7* in 3-4 days and that will help a lot.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    As a FTPer who places #1 almost daily my advice is to stop focusing on so many characters.

    Yoda or Daka
    ST Han

    All gear 9. 34000+ power. How? I spend all my time on 6 characters.

    Whales can gear up 20 toons. Until more than 5 are allowed in arena it doesn't matter much.

    The issue of course is, if they hit one or two of those heroes with the nerf bat, you (as most f2p players would be) are screwed. Ask any f2p players that lived through the Poe meta with Barris (or the current one with Poe). You just happened to guess correctly, with heroes that worked in previous metas and are still viable. A majority of f2p don't get so lucky.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    As a FTPer who places #1 almost daily my advice is to stop focusing on so many characters.

    Yoda or Daka
    ST Han

    All gear 9. 34000+ power. How? I spend all my time on 6 characters.

    Whales can gear up 20 toons. Until more than 5 are allowed in arena it doesn't matter much.

    I'm sure it doesn't hurt that you had the foresight to precraft (I still have no idea why they allow the equipping of this gear while not opening it to general farming).
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • gobears21
    1265 posts Member
    As a FTPer who places #1 almost daily my advice is to stop focusing on so many characters.

    Yoda or Daka
    ST Han

    All gear 9. 34000+ power. How? I spend all my time on 6 characters.

    Whales can gear up 20 toons. Until more than 5 are allowed in arena it doesn't matter much.

    How would you get Yoda if you didn't focus on jedi?
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    As a FTPer who places #1 almost daily my advice is to stop focusing on so many characters.

    Yoda or Daka
    ST Han

    All gear 9. 34000+ power. How? I spend all my time on 6 characters.

    Whales can gear up 20 toons. Until more than 5 are allowed in arena it doesn't matter much.

    i call **** ;) maybe not all of it, but atleast some of it.

    and this claim only proves that f2p players cant addapt fast to meta changes because they can only focus on 6 toons
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • gobears21
    1265 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    As a FTPer who places #1 almost daily my advice is to stop focusing on so many characters.

    Yoda or Daka
    ST Han

    All gear 9. 34000+ power. How? I spend all my time on 6 characters.

    Whales can gear up 20 toons. Until more than 5 are allowed in arena it doesn't matter much.

    i call **** ;) maybe not all of it, but atleast some of it.

    and this claim only proves that f2p players cant addapt fast to meta changes because they can only focus on 6 toons

    Well not only this, but if you read my supposition it is that any FTP player that is top ranked had to benefit at some point of a level pause. There's just no way without incredible luck otherwise that you'd keep top rank and yet I see far too many ftp players claiming that they don't need to spend money to be top ranked.... maybe not but they absolutely did need to spend time and a lot of it. Always 2 sides to every coin
  • Beewl
    129 posts Member
    FTP definitely suffers when the cap gets raised and meta changes. I was able to get about 7-10 maxed 7* before the cap went to 80. Still hanging in top 15 / 1 to 3 at payout. Luckily, the meta has stayed about the same with the last update.
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    gobears21 wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    As a FTPer who places #1 almost daily my advice is to stop focusing on so many characters.

    Yoda or Daka
    ST Han

    All gear 9. 34000+ power. How? I spend all my time on 6 characters.

    Whales can gear up 20 toons. Until more than 5 are allowed in arena it doesn't matter much.

    i call **** ;) maybe not all of it, but atleast some of it.

    and this claim only proves that f2p players cant addapt fast to meta changes because they can only focus on 6 toons

    Well not only this, but if you read my supposition it is that any FTP player that is top ranked had to benefit at some point of a level pause. There's just no way without incredible luck otherwise that you'd keep top rank and yet I see far too many ftp players claiming that they don't need to spend money to be top ranked.... maybe not but they absolutely did need to spend time and a lot of it. Always 2 sides to every coin

    A lot of it is luck for sure. Both to have what works in the meta and be on a server that doesn't have insane whales going for the high rank.

    This game has strategy but not to the point where you can outsmart your opponent with subpar pieces. This isn't chess.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • gobears21
    1265 posts Member
    Beewl wrote: »
    FTP definitely suffers when the cap gets raised and meta changes. I was able to get about 7-10 maxed 7* before the cap went to 80. Still hanging in top 15 / 1 to 3 at payout. Luckily, the meta has stayed about the same with the last update.

    I don't think that's true; I just don't think people have had the time to adapt quite yet. Give it time, there's a new meta for sure....
  • Options
    Realize that ptp players spend a lot of resources on charecters outside of the meta and get a relatively small return from increased flexibility. Sure during meta changes and level increases they can maintain their top positions, but within a few weeks a good ftp player can be back at the top again.

    Besides pre crafted gear and level, there aren't that many ptp exclusive charecters that are in the meta. They get Leia, a few more stars for RG, or an ewok or clone squad.

    In fact, I think this past update was good for ftp players. Why? Because protection is the same reguardless of stars! With the same gear a 5* RG and a 7* RG are now closer to strength with protection than they were pre update.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    so far only 1 player claiming to be f2p and consistandly ranking nr1. all the others including myself noticed a drop in arena rank. seems like your supposition was correct. f2p will always be playing catch up to p2p until the lvl cap.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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