Yoda challenge - level 90 omega Megathread


    2761 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    PixieClock wrote: »
    Jedi_Yoda wrote: »
    SS0DEN wrote: »
    After about 50 attempts I was able to complete it, but I agree it's **** what EA did.

    They did NOTHING..

    Yoda has not changed apart from making him get protection

    So why does he now do double the damage he used to?

    Double? I remember at level 70 getting crits on my team for 12k+ I just saw Jesse's post about nothing changing. This kinda makes me giggle since I beat it at level 70 and people at level 77+ are still complaining about how difficult it is...
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Veritasum
    755 posts Member
    I guess people feel their Yoda sentiments cannot be grouped with the others. Must have another thread!!
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    BoboFoot wrote: »
    Ta. Typing on a tablet is a pain in the butt!
  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    PixieClock wrote: »
    Jedi_Yoda wrote: »

    Just admit you are a **** and don't understand plain english. Its from developer notes.. its pretty clear what they did. So you don't see the bar, and??!? You going to complain about that too?

    Waaah.. I can't see protection bar.. waaah.. so what its STILL there, protection is protection.. PERIOD. Don't know what you are griping about.
    Still haven't answered two of the questions though have you? Reading fail?

    If there is no change other than to "add protection", then why does yoda now do double the damage he used to?

    Perhaps it's you that having problems understanding plain English?

    I gave you the **** developer notes. If you can't be bothered to ASK them that's your problem not mine.

    HE isn't double damage.. I clearly stated WHAT DEVS said Yoda is 90, always been Yoda has ALWAYS been this hard.

    If you want answers ASK THEM. ITs pretty clear WHAT protection means, other people get it why not you?

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    RAYRAY wrote: »
    PixieClock wrote: »
    Jedi_Yoda wrote: »
    SS0DEN wrote: »
    After about 50 attempts I was able to complete it, but I agree it's **** what EA did.

    They did NOTHING..

    Yoda has not changed apart from making him get protection

    So why does he now do double the damage he used to?

    Double? I remember at level 70 getting crits on my team for 12k+ I just saw Jesse's post about nothing changing. This kinda makes me giggle since I beat it at level 70 and people at level 77+ are still complaining about how difficult it is...

    I hope you get herpes. I seriously mean that
  • Usho
    586 posts Member
    k bye
    2761 posts Member
    trashcanus wrote: »
    Hellcat wrote: »
    Wolviebane wrote: »
    I cannot believe the devs would straight up lie to us knowing people can watch videos of past yoda events and see they were doing half the damage he does now.

    It is sad that honesty isn't what they are about. From Reddit calling out people for complaining and saying nothing has changed. It is like I am seeing Jesse face on Baghdad bob trying to act like nothing is wrong, when the last three updates and this event have been a disgrace, but why I am I not surprised this is EA we are talking about voted worst company in America numerous times. That's a great goal to achieve looks like they could heading down the path yet again.

    Exactly. For the trolls who keep saying ''it was just as difficult back then''. Obviously they are talking out of their butts because if they had finished the event before, they don't get to play this Yoda event.
    Here are the video of the 7* yoda challenge back then
    If you can't be bother with numbers, notice how Yoda's basic removes only 1/5 (1/4 at most) of QGJ's health bar? Now he ALWAYS puts you into yellow or even red with one hit. And if the AI decides to hit you with his sidekicks next, your toon is gone. Doesn't matter how much health you start with. And the developers dare to make it sound like it is the same as before.

    SO, Yoda doesn't crit at 10k-15k like he does right now, and @EA_Jesse said nothing was changed (https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/39229/grand-master-yoda-event-info-5-12-2016#latest), LOL ! They have no scruples about lying to us !

    I remember getting one shot for 12k + at level 70.
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
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    Arkangil wrote: »
    I know my team of 7*jc and lumi, 6* barris plo and eeth is not ideal but I beat 5* ok. Now 6* yoda he practically one shots plo and jc.

    I've seen him take 5 turns in a row. It seems IF I get him to yellow health he gets stronger and faster.

    Was it always this hard? I worked for 3 events to get any Jedi team to this level. Lots of resources. For EA to make it not doable is not cool!

    I was able to get 6* Yoda in second try only. I saw how Yoda fights and then planned and it worked perfectly. My team Lum(L) 77g8, Barris 76g8, QGJ 77g8, Koth 72g8, Mac 74g8. Only Lumi was 7*.

    Strategy is how carefully you heal. Do not heal through Lumi, till Yoda doesn't uses his Masterstroke. Heal with JC. Once Yoda uses Masterstroke, use Lumi's heal. You team will keep on recovering health.
    Lumi gave a advantage of few dodges. Focus attack only on Yoda. Ignore those side guys. I lost only QGJ in the quest.
  • BoboFoot
    212 posts Member
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    Double? I remember at level 70 getting crits on my team for 12k+ I just saw Jesse's post about nothing changing. This kinda makes me giggle since I beat it at level 70 and people at level 77+ are still complaining about how difficult it is...

    People exaggerate to try and make their point.

    Honestly, if you don't have 5 Jedi at gear 8 MINIMUM and level 80 why are you expecting to clear this with ease?

    People who cleared it before were probably max gear/level then. Level/gear goes up, you should be at that before you are complaining that you can't clear it.

    I cleared it, level 78, mix of 7-9 gear. Took about 20-25 attempts. When I cleared it it wasn't that hard really. It is manageable with the right set up, adds and approach.
  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    Alexone wrote: »
    Jedi_Yoda wrote: »
    Jazz66 wrote: »
    PixieClock wrote: »
    Jedi_Yoda wrote: »
    PixieClock wrote: »
    Jazz66 wrote: »
    I'd love to know what "He is now affected by protection" means.

    And this is one reason why the whole protection mechanic is broken.

    Its the same protection you get.. go into stats for any gear VII character, look at protection its not more damage its like a shield...

    Just admit that you have no idea what you're talking about.

    I don't think he's even played it this time around. I guess he just likes trolling. Sigh.

    Not only did I play it I BEAT it.. just because YOU are having a hard time does NOT conclude the event is broken, maybe they need to have a special ed Yoda event for you..

    If you used Barriss/Ashoka don't talk here ok?

    What difference does it make? I beat it, I used Ahsoka not Barris, so what... If you can't beat maybe you need a game that is less difficult.

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    That's a poetry.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    Jazz66 wrote: »
    Not dense. So why doesn't he have protection then?

    It means they cranked his damage because you have protection.

    I don't think the results are RNG. Most people finish in about 20-50 attempts. This means people who fail to finish in 200 attempts likely aren't just having bad luck. I think people saying it's just RNG do a disservice to people struggling. There is definitely strategy on when to debuff, heal and use your specials which improve your chances of winning.

    So if you are struggling try changing up your strategy a bit.
  • Bgladney
    82 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    So prior to the level cap increase, folks with LVL 70 toons beat an omega-ed lvl 90? Don't think so
  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Jazz66 wrote: »
    Trying to better understand the mechanics of unannounced changes to a challenge does not constitute whining. I think everyone knows it's doable, but players are finding it harder than expected based on last time around. They're entitled to express their concerns and frustrations without being told to "stop whining". If you don't want to read it, don't open the thread.

    The arguments are not valid. They are complaining about something that has not changed since the last time. Only added protection to Yoda.

    Its not harder than expected.. its only hard because people didn't have a chance to try it out before, don't know what its like until they try it.

    They didn't change anything added protection to Yoda, he is 90 same as before, same gear, same damage and according to notes he was slowed down a tad..

    Whining does nothing when its VERY clear its a doable event.. People whine because it took them hours, well its a game.. you can start \ stop any time you want. That's the nature of entertainment.. but whining will not SOLVE anything, that's the point.

    You can't complain when most people have completed Yoda.. go watch some videos get some tips and Barris isn't the only answer.

    I tried with Barris didn't work for me, I didn't use Barris at all..
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    So after many hours and what seemed like hundreds of attempts finally took down the green monster. JKG and Barriss, worked on Barriss until she equalized and didn't knock down much health from Yoda. He stole evasion up and QGJ was next and used humbling blow and it landed (can't say how many times it didn't). Barriss was my lead, QGJ, Lumi, JC and Eeth. Completly anti-climactic and was easy as far as the battle was concerned. Keep at it and I know it is not easy and frustrating to get to the battle in which you will finally win.
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    I got all scared for nothing. Took me 3 tries.
  • Eetu
    2 posts Member
    I beat Yoda today with Old Ben (L), Jedi Consular, Eeth Koth, Luminara and Qui-Gon. Maybe I was lucky with dodges :smile:
  • Agi
    65 posts Member
    really stressed spent months to farm 5 Jedis at 7* finally have them all 7* and all gear 8; 2 lvl 78 2 lvl 74 1 lvl 72 and get punished by a lvl 90 yoda omega full geared? Seriously? Dunno how many time i tried I think devs wants us to spend money on gear 9 (the un-farmable one) this game is getting closer to be a scam.
  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    Jazz66 wrote: »
    Not dense. So why doesn't he have protection then?

    He *DOES* have it just because you can't *SEE* it to your satisfaction does not mean its not there... maybe they added some layer to reduce damage done to him, dunno, did you try asking the DEVELOPERS?

    I relayed what they put in the notes, protection was added, no damage buff, no change in level and no change in gear.

    It's pretty self explanatory.
  • Slots
    72 posts Member
    Still don't see how this is possible without Barriss...
  • BoboFoot
    212 posts Member
    Agi wrote: »
    really stressed spent months to farm 5 Jedis at 7* finally have them all 7* and all gear 8; 2 lvl 78 2 lvl 74 1 lvl 72 and get punished by a lvl 90 yoda omega full geared? Seriously? Dunno how many time i tried I think devs wants us to spend money on gear 9 (the un-farmable one) this game is getting closer to be a scam.

    Try getting to max level. Having level 74 and 72 characters sure isn't helping. Give yourself the best chance possible.

    People who are are completing it.
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    You complainers are missing the entire point.

    The event is scaled relative to the player base.

    This even right now is has hard for us at lvl 75-78 as it was for people who struggled mightily when they were 67-70. You are experiencing the same level of difficulty and frustration as they did.

    They aren't going to just let the even stagnate, so that a month later when everyone is so much more powerful that it becomes a cake-walk. The Even is relative the game. Stop looking for handouts and earn it.

    Also it is about how you plan it.
    You don't have to had Barriss. Most likely you have Lumi, use her as Leader. Since you have 5 jedi she heals everyone at the beginning of their turn, and the evasion works for all, then you don't have to get your heal stolen by yoda. Think oustide the box, this isn't the arena, different things apply on Yoda.
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    Absolute joke.. it's impossible

    It's not impossible, but it is 100% luck and 0% strategy or skill. It's to.
    So I beat it. Finally. Way too much luck involved. Not enough strategy.

    I used (like many people)
    Barris (L), level 72
    Luminara, level 74
    QGJ, level 74
    EK, level 70
    JC, level 72
    (All gear 8)

    I almost beat it once before with JKG and JC as the helpers, but I didn't have enough toons and healing left after taking out yoda. Super frustrating.

    I finally beat it with EK and Barris as the helpers. Same basic strategy everyone talks about, using barris' heal to pull health from yoda.

    Took way too many tries, but it can be done with the blessing of RNGesus.

    Same experience here too bro, took 6-7 hours but eventually hit the easy loop when he had Anakin and Old Ben, I was using the same line-up as you, but lvl 77.

    When I beat him, I finished with all 5 guys still standing, it was insanely easy. I can see why people who hit the easy loop first shot cannot understand why people are so upset about the rediculous encounter. 100+ impossible loops, then one that was so easy, it could probably have run on auto.

    Broken encounter is broken and you don't need to face him with Barris either, I'm not sure that makes much of a difference really.
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    Jedi_Yoda wrote: »
    Jazz66 wrote: »
    Not dense. So why doesn't he have protection then?

    He *DOES* have it just because you can't *SEE* it to your satisfaction does not mean its not there... maybe they added some layer to reduce damage done to him, dunno, did you try asking the DEVELOPERS?

    I relayed what they put in the notes, protection was added, no damage buff, no change in level and no change in gear.

    It's pretty self explanatory.

    Wow, I reported this guy now.. Guess you must be trolling, but please stop spamming your nonsense when everybody tells you that you are clearly wrong.

  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    DarthBalls wrote: »
    Yoda just hit me for 6k critical on masterstroke... And the JKG just criticaled me for 7k. Lol. Let's keep saying that the event hasn't changed. ****

    Because it hasn't... The devs went out of their way to point this out.. don't know why you ASSUME its changed, you didn't do it before.. but other people did now its your turn to try it out for yourself so how you ASSUME its different when you have no point of reference?
    2761 posts Member
    DarthBalls wrote: »
    RAYRAY wrote: »
    PixieClock wrote: »
    Jedi_Yoda wrote: »
    SS0DEN wrote: »
    After about 50 attempts I was able to complete it, but I agree it's **** what EA did.

    They did NOTHING..

    Yoda has not changed apart from making him get protection

    So why does he now do double the damage he used to?

    Double? I remember at level 70 getting crits on my team for 12k+ I just saw Jesse's post about nothing changing. This kinda makes me giggle since I beat it at level 70 and people at level 77+ are still complaining about how difficult it is...

    I hope you get herpes. I seriously mean that

    That's not very nice. If I were a superstitious man I may take offense to that. If I was a whiny child I may write a forum post about how you offended me. As it stands I will just say: LOL
    ☮ Consular ☮ American Rebel Rebel Force (Endor) JedhaYavin IV
  • Mahluus
    31 posts Member
    Took me 6/7 attempts to get 6* yoda. Barriss lead, QGJ, JC, Lumi and Ahsoka all gear level 8. I also ignored adds and just hit yoda as hard as possible.

    A few tips:
    1. Definitely DO NOT use Lumis heal, no matter how tempted you are, he will steal it and the amount of damage he heals makes it very difficult to succeed, i saw him heal from 30% to nearly full over 2 rounds.
    2. Do not use QGJ humbling blow, same reason as above, Yoda will steal offense up and the increase in his dmg is devastating.

    Rest is just luck and RNG, a Lumi lead with increased dodge might work too. On my successful attempt he kept stealing Lumis evasion up and that was nearly my undoing but I managed to get through.
  • Lianara
    740 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    I finished it today at level 77, no omegas or gear 9, after 3 tries.
    Lumi lead, Barris, Eeth, Ahsoka, QGJ. Lumi, Barris, and QGJ were 7*, rest 6*
    Ally Code: 253-747-318
  • wisenuts
    561 posts Member
    i waited until after yoda stole my buffs before using lumi heal/qgj humbling blow.
  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    PixieClock wrote: »
    So for a game to be fun it has to be really really easy to just get to the end?

    Man, I wish all these younger people complaining about this, had to play the games we had on early video game systems. I can here it now.

    Foxtrot Nintendo, Mike Tyson is impossible. This game isn't fun. Blah Blah.

    Seriously, Punchout was one of the best games ever, and partly because is was so incredibly hard to beat.

    Entitlement vs Earned. You guys need to stop complaining, get better and earn it, If you have to build for the next event then do that. Have a goal, work a solution to get that goal, complete goal. Welcome to real life!

    Oh, stop being melodramatic. That's not what I said and you know it. There's a difference between challenging because it needs skill and challenging because it's almost completely down to luck.

    Games are luck based.. form of entertainment.. Casinos use luck because if you did skill people would complain that people can LEARN how to play the game and take advantage.

    ALL games are RNG, you don't see the code that generates for games but its ALL computer generated numbers to decide the outcome.
    .. and its RANDOM
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