6 and 7 Star Darth Vader


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    Does nobody read everything Jesse said not final action on those who used exploit. No they will not keep 6 and 7 Vader.
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    I say make the Vadar a 2 or 3 star(2 if you exploited to 7, 3 if you exploited to 6). Make the punishment fit the crime.
    Subscribe to my Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UClZS5GiOkbKp-meIU6vFxow?sub_confirmation=1

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    So if Darth Vader starts at 4* how did people still get him to 5*? or does he start at 5*? this stinks I am still 13 shards away, I want Vader lol.

  • obiwan1011
    396 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I guess the phrase "take cheating very seriously" unfortunately means very different to CG than what we think. Tolerating cheating with mild punishments sets a very wrong precedent. :|


    Even though CG said their action is not final, he also clearly stated that cheaters will not be banned. Enough said.
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    Well... I do know at least one person who didn't really want to but felt compelled to do it when everybody else did it and he felt the need to stay competitive. I don't condone it, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that people should get banned. It was an exploit, not a hack. It was really simple to do, too.
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    Nonemo wrote: »
    Well... I do know at least one person who didn't really want to but felt compelled to do it when everybody else did it and he felt the need to stay competitive. I don't condone it, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that people should get banned. It was an exploit, not a hack. It was really simple to do, too.

    This is the very reason why people who exploited it should be banned. It creates an environment where people will follow inappropriate behaviours because they feel they are losing out. And guess what? This spreads out like a virus to the point where the vast majority of the population is exploiting it and it will then be too difficult/painful for CG to take any action.

    It also doesn't matter whether it was simple to do or not. The exploiters still had to take extra actions to learn how to do it and actually do it.

    Only by drawing a hard line that cheating = banned, it ensures the integrity of the game and stops people from the herd mentality.
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Greetings Heroes,

    As some of you have noticed, there have been a number of players with a 6 or 7 star Darth Vader. This raised some flags with us since the highest star Darth Vader a player could obtain currently is 5, and that is only if all achievements are completed that are in the game.

    There was an exploit that players were using to obtain extra Darth Vader shards, thus allowing them to Promote him to 6 or 7 stars. This exploit has already been fixed and will no longer allow extra Darth Vader shards to be obtained through the method that was used.

    We have decided to not ban these players, but will be taking additional action in the near future with these accounts.

    As a temporary solution, all 6 and 7 star Darth Vader characters will be lowered in power for all players so that they are the same as a 5 star version. So if you come across a 6 or 7 star Darth Vader in Arena or Galactic War, know that they only have the stats of a 5 star version. Once we are able to take the additional action referenced above, we will back out this temporary change to the 6 and 7 star versions of Vader.

    We take cheating and abuse of exploits very seriously because it upsets the balance of the game and can give certain players an unfair advantage against the rest of the community who are playing by the rules.


    Please make their Vader permanently 4 star.
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    Punishment: dropp vader down to 4 stars and
    If Vader 7 stars -> remove 1 star from the two heroes with the highest power
    If Vader 6 stars -> remove 1 star from the heroe with the highest power
  • Rolf
    1032 posts Member
    Banning is overly harsh, but there needs to be more of a punishment than just taking away their boosted Vader. If you want to cheat at Solitaire, fine. But this game is a *competition*, and every player they defeated with an illegally-enhanced character received less arena awards than they should have, and is farther behind the power curve because of it.

    If the only penalty for exploiting a bug is losing your exploit, then there's no reason at all *not* to do the next exploit. Maybe you won't get caught and have more power indefinitely, or maybe you will and still get to keep all the benefits the exploit got you. No harm done, so the door's open.
    My ally code: 296-673-769. Wish we could have more than 35.
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    Well in this instance I wouldn't ban them either utilizing an exploit and hacking into a game are two different offenses. Hacking should always be a banned offense. But an exploit is in some manner the company's fault.
  • Keaven
    1099 posts Member
    Great. Lets ban anyone exploiting game glitches, then we'll never find the next ones.

    And we are all exploiting glitches. There are a lot of glitches in AI fighting and hero abilities.
    Profile: Keaven
    Guild: Fear The Boot
  • LBJfor3
    9 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    xJazzx wrote: »

    Please make their Vader permanently 4 star.

    I like this idea. Punish them by permanently putting them at a disadvantage with the character they cheated to get. Brilliant idea, Jazz.

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  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    Best thing I've read all year. All seven days
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    xJazzx wrote: »
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Greetings Heroes,

    As some of you have noticed, there have been a number of players with a 6 or 7 star Darth Vader. This raised some flags with us since the highest star Darth Vader a player could obtain currently is 5, and that is only if all achievements are completed that are in the game.

    There was an exploit that players were using to obtain extra Darth Vader shards, thus allowing them to Promote him to 6 or 7 stars. This exploit has already been fixed and will no longer allow extra Darth Vader shards to be obtained through the method that was used.

    We have decided to not ban these players, but will be taking additional action in the near future with these accounts.

    As a temporary solution, all 6 and 7 star Darth Vader characters will be lowered in power for all players so that they are the same as a 5 star version. So if you come across a 6 or 7 star Darth Vader in Arena or Galactic War, know that they only have the stats of a 5 star version. Once we are able to take the additional action referenced above, we will back out this temporary change to the 6 and 7 star versions of Vader.

    We take cheating and abuse of exploits very seriously because it upsets the balance of the game and can give certain players an unfair advantage against the rest of the community who are playing by the rules.


    Please make their Vader permanently 4 star.

    No just take his mangled **** out of his suite. Loool
  • obiwan1011
    396 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Keaven wrote: »
    Great. Lets ban anyone exploiting game glitches, then we'll never find the next ones.

    And we are all exploiting glitches. There are a lot of glitches in AI fighting and hero abilities.

    I don't know how this exploit is done, but it is different from taking advantage of poor A.I or bugged hero abilities. No one has to do anything extra to make Leia do things that she isn't supposed to do consistently.

    On the other hand, this was something that the exploiters had to take extra measures to gain unfair advantage.

    Banning is not easy. It can be harsh and painful. But if you undermine the intergrity of the game, then the game is toasted. As people say, no player is above the game.

    If you want some proof on what being (intentionally/unintentionally) lenient/tolerent to cheating can do, look no further than at MLB with their steriod issue. We all know this story. Few players initially started taking steriods to gain unfair advantage, but MLB didn't crack them down hard enough. Then more players jumped onto the steriod bandwagon to the point where players who weren't taking steriods became the fools. The League is still suffering from and cleaning up the mess.
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    You guys are ridiculously insane and so up in arms about it. Patch it and its fixed. Put them down to the best they should get for Vader. End of story. Sounds like everyone wants them banned forever...its a just a flocking game.
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    DarthDamon wrote: »
    You guys are ridiculously insane and so up in arms about it. Patch it and its fixed. Put them down to the best they should get for Vader. End of story. Sounds like everyone wants them banned forever...its a just a flocking game.

    If "its a just a flocking game," why cheat? After all, "its a just a flocking game."
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    Keaven wrote: »
    Great. Lets ban anyone exploiting game glitches, then we'll never find the next ones.

    And we are all exploiting glitches. There are a lot of glitches in AI fighting and hero abilities.

    Yeah... This is what I think too. There is a subtle difference here. I use Leia all the time, even though I would probably use her even if her buff wasn't broken. Still, it does give me an unfair advantage. Does that make me a cheater?

    At the same time, I can definitely see the point in setting examples and avoiding a culture of cheating. It's a balancing act.
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    DarthDamon wrote: »
    You guys are ridiculously insane and so up in arms about it. Patch it and its fixed. Put them down to the best they should get for Vader. End of story. Sounds like everyone wants them banned forever...its a just a flocking game.
    do you have a 7 Vader?

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    Nonemo wrote: »
    Keaven wrote: »
    Great. Lets ban anyone exploiting game glitches, then we'll never find the next ones.

    And we are all exploiting glitches. There are a lot of glitches in AI fighting and hero abilities.

    Yeah... This is what I think too. There is a subtle difference here. I use Leia all the time, even though I would probably use her even if her buff wasn't broken. Still, it does give me an unfair advantage. Does that make me a cheater?

    At the same time, I can definitely see the point in setting examples and avoiding a culture of cheating. It's a balancing act.

    To me it is not even close to being the same. Unless you know how to trigger the Leia-bugs, they are passive bugs. Repeatedly using a glitch to get a 7* Leia is far worse than simply using Leia, right?
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    Instead of banning those who used this exploit, how about a token reward to those who didn't? Even something non game changing like a handful of bronzium pulls?
  • Joser
    23 posts Member
    DarthDamon wrote: »
    The only problem I have with it is the fact that exploit does not equal cheat. If they Modded the game then that is cheating but taking advantage of a glitch in the game is not cheating...its part of the game until its patched. I've read on some forums how some have received double or triple the rewards for arena battle and no one is complaining about them. for the most part, there will always be people buffed and dropping all sorts of money or even taking advantage of exploits...i for one probably would've done it, too. However, it's just a game. A free game. Get over it and just enjoy it.

    Sorry you are wrong.

    Per the terms of service on ban worthy actions

    "promote, encourage or take part in any activity involving hacking, cracking, phishing, taking advantage of EXPLOITS or cheats and/or distribution of counterfeit software and/or virtual currency/items."

    However, if the exploit was unavoidable/unintentional I would say no ban. If it wasn't intentional then it is 100% wrong to do anything but ban in my opinion
  • Joser
    23 posts Member
    Joser wrote: »
    DarthDamon wrote: »
    The only problem I have with it is the fact that exploit does not equal cheat. If they Modded the game then that is cheating but taking advantage of a glitch in the game is not cheating...its part of the game until its patched. I've read on some forums how some have received double or triple the rewards for arena battle and no one is complaining about them. for the most part, there will always be people buffed and dropping all sorts of money or even taking advantage of exploits...i for one probably would've done it, too. However, it's just a game. A free game. Get over it and just enjoy it.

    Sorry you are wrong.

    Per the terms of service on ban worthy actions

    "promote, encourage or take part in any activity involving hacking, cracking, phishing, taking advantage of EXPLOITS or cheats and/or distribution of counterfeit software and/or virtual currency/items."

    However, if the exploit was unavoidable/unintentional I would say no ban. If it wasn't intentional then it is 100% wrong to do anything but ban in my opinion

    WAS Intentional* phone autocorrect
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    I like how EA/CG allow cheaters to just carry on as though nothing has happened.
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    Yall aren't understanding what he said. Their immediate solution is removing any advantage these exploiters have to restore balance. Consequences for their actions are tbd.
    --Nud Stark--
  • LavaMeezo
    9 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    The fact cheaters are going to get away with it, with just a slap on the hand, makes me wonder why I'm even playing. The integrity of the game is thrown out the window, most likely in an attempt to keep as many paying customers as possible, even if they cheat!! I find this to be totally unacceptable!!! As a top ranked p2w player, who has played since launch, I find it highly unlikely they even got to five star Vader legitimately. All the response to this has done is left me feeling cheated. Time for me to reconsider, if cheating is going to be condoned, I don't want to play... let alone invest in a corrupt game!!! GROW A SET EA\CG!!! and enforce the TOS *@#%
  • Options
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Greetings Heroes,

    As some of you have noticed, there have been a number of players with a 6 or 7 star Darth Vader. This raised some flags with us since the highest star Darth Vader a player could obtain currently is 5, and that is only if all achievements are completed that are in the game.

    There was an exploit that players were using to obtain extra Darth Vader shards, thus allowing them to Promote him to 6 or 7 stars. This exploit has already been fixed and will no longer allow extra Darth Vader shards to be obtained through the method that was used.

    We have decided to not ban these players, but will be taking additional action in the near future with these accounts.

    As a temporary solution, all 6 and 7 star Darth Vader characters will be lowered in power for all players so that they are the same as a 5 star version. So if you come across a 6 or 7 star Darth Vader in Arena or Galactic War, know that they only have the stats of a 5 star version. Once we are able to take the additional action referenced above, we will back out this temporary change to the 6 and 7 star versions of Vader.

    We take cheating and abuse of exploits very seriously because it upsets the balance of the game and can give certain players an unfair advantage against the rest of the community who are playing by the rules.


    Are you planning on fixing the Culling Blade? My maxed ability does not produce 100% turn meter.

    Known as íN Quartus Ω in the game
    Member of Team Instinct
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    obiwan1011 wrote: »
    DarthDamon wrote: »
    You guys are ridiculously insane and so up in arms about it. Patch it and its fixed. Put them down to the best they should get for Vader. End of story. Sounds like everyone wants them banned forever...its a just a flocking game.

    If "its a just a flocking game," why cheat? After all, "its a just a flocking game."

    duck hunt
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