Why I believe Condoning Guild Hopping is bad for the long-term health of the game

The sole purpose of this post is to help the game developers consider aspects of their recent decisions that perhaps they hadn't considered before. I know there are many people on both sides of this issue but I have no interest in starting a debate; I merely want to help the developers think this decision though.

In my line of work when you propose any changes to the company's product or service, the first question will be, "how will that affect the customer?" "Does it better meet the needs of the customer or will it create problems for the customer?" With that in mind I would ask the developers who are you customers and what problem is your game solving? You obviously know the answer to this question better than I do but from my interactions in my guild and polls on the forums, I would venture to say that you have a lot of mid to young adults who share a love for Star Wars and most of which have a full-time job. Many of us find ourselves with "filler" time during the day. Maybe a commute on a bus or train, perhaps those extended bathroom breaks. What I really hope the developers realize is why do your customers choose to play a mobile app game instead of a pc or console game? Because the time we are trying entertain ourselves is small sporadic times throughout the day and not hours at a time on our couch.

When I found this game in January, it met those needs perfectly. I could get up play as I got ready for my day, play during my commute and perhaps come back on again late at night and I could play a mobile game competitively while not interfering with real life. I loved the thrill of building up characters and climbing up the arena.

Then changes starting to happen that made this game to start not meet the needs of its customers. The first was protection. Yes it helped bring balance from the speed meta but you could see that it increased the time to complete GW which people obviously didn't like.

Then the addition of raids. A lot of people were hesitant, myself included, because this was going to further increase the amount of time required to be competitive in this game. All in all, raids were a fun new game mode and didn't increase my daily playing time too severely.

However, now you've given the green light to let people guild hop and exploit guild rewards. What this means, is that if a guild was committed enough, each member could create 20+ alt accounts and the members just slowly cycle through all guilds (one per day) but by the time they hop to one of the guilds, there will be enough guild coins to run 10+ heroic raids.

Again I want to return to the fact that this is a mobile game. If I wanted to spend endless hours playing a game I would play on a pc or console. I've seen so many mobile app MMOs try to keep adding content to keep its starting player base entertained until they've become something that they're not and then they fizzle out and die. All of these changes are starting to turn SWGOH into something it's not. Being competitive in a console game should require hours of your day, to be competitive in a mobile app should not. When I get home at night I want to eat dinner with my wife and play outside with my kids, not sit on my couch logging in and out of my SWGOH alt accounts so I can get my Rey to gear 10. If I wanted to do that crap I would have started playing a pc game.

Bring new characters to the game, increase the level cap, tweak challenge tiers but stop increasing the time required to be competitive in this game, otherwise you'll start down the death spiral that so many before have taken.


  • AceCV
    999 posts Member
    The guild hopping must be irradicated....yesterday was already late to do it...so i think some official answer, at the highest level, should be given in this matter.
  • Options

    Isnt the whole guild caps a joke if guild hoping is allowed. If you use x alts to grind energy to use on raiding is obviously or should be unwanted behavior.
    I dont personally care about Who or which guild is utalizing this work around. It obviously gives Them a in My eyes incredibly advantage regarding currency, loot etc.
    People already offering to grind these alt guilds for $ should raise alot of red flags.
    A suitable solution should be made to adress these issues. Or the whole guild system Will be a tremendous failure that Will make people find other more balanced games to enjoy, which in My eyes Will hurt the starwars franchise. Not beeing able to fully grasp the mobile market and generate negative attitudes toward both EA for failure to implement a working multiplayer platform and the Starwars franchise for beeing nothing more than a milking cow.

    Sincerely Andy
  • Bgladney
    82 posts Member
    +1. Completely agree! Well stated
  • Womp_Womp
    282 posts Member
    Seriously? What do you guys do start a new thread everytime the other one falls off the first page?
  • Hobnob
    1097 posts Member
    It's ridiculous, a guild should be like your club, you work together, people always find exploits of course but I'm not sure why it is being encouraged.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Womp_Womp wrote: »
    Seriously? What do you guys do start a new thread everytime the other one falls off the first page?

    It didn't fall off, it was closed by a mod
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    I am not convinced it's the view of all the developers. The update was written from one Dev perspective- very first person. Given how poorly it was written it probably wasn't even discussed among the group or with the producer. It's a bit odd and a mod blocking a thread who is clearly conflicted is also odd (whether or not it was appropriately closed for being against TOS).
  • Veritasum
    755 posts Member
    Alt accounts are nothing new to any game. And why not post in one of the other threads on the topic? Just move on. And hurt the Star Wars franchise? lol. Let's make a way for guild hopping to be easier and get back to me after Rogue 1 is out and see how bad the Star Wars franchise got hurt. Blowing this way out of proportion. Were you going to get Han first anyway?
  • shampoo
    442 posts Member
    Here we go again lol
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    Just discuss without calling out any specific people or guilds... Otherwise closed
  • Veritasum
    755 posts Member
    Oh good, another thread with I'm just sayin about guild hopping. The truth of the matter is the vast majority of you if not all posting in here will never be affected by guild hopping at all. None of you were gonna get Han first (or most). I say, let them eat cake. And the rest of us can eat some bread. Not a big deal.
  • Womp_Womp
    282 posts Member
    Asic wrote: »
    Just discuss without calling out any specific people or guilds... Otherwise closed

    The devs have already commented, you are literally just blowing hot air at this point.
  • CitizenKane
    39 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Well they closed the other thread. I do see this as a very serious issue for My enjoyment of the game and it obviously reflects on My wish to support EA in other games if they ruin this one. I already heard alot of guildies contemplating stopping if this kind of behavior is endorsed by developers.

  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    just remove the cap of 600
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Veritasum wrote: »
    Oh good, another thread with I'm just sayin about guild hopping. The truth of the matter is the vast majority of you if not all posting in here will never be affected by guild hopping at all. None of you were gonna get Han first (or most). I say, let them eat cake. And the rest of us can eat some bread. Not a big deal.

    The point isn't about doubling or tripling how many Han shards they get.
    The point is about all of the other rewards (unobtainable gear, guild tokens, credits, etc.) that will further increase the gap between the two groups of players.
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • EM650
    1120 posts Member
    Well done. Thanks

  • BentWookiee
    4819 posts Member
    Asic wrote: »
    Just discuss without calling out any specific people or guilds... Otherwise closed

    ^ This.. The last thread was closed because it blew up into accusations etc.

    Just try to keep things civil and don't call out ANYBODY for ANYTHING.


  • MrGrips
    521 posts Member
    Veritasum wrote: »
    Alt accounts are nothing new to any game.

    Alt accounts potentially helping main accounts is pretty new to the game.
    Veritasum wrote: »
    The truth of the matter is the vast majority of you if not all posting in here will never be affected by guild hopping at all.

    If it was just guild hopping I wouldnt care but setting a precendent like what is seen here, in making alt accounts an encouraged part of a main's gameplay is something I dont want to see for a number of reasons.
  • EM650
    1120 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Womp_Womp wrote: »
    Seriously? What do you guys do start a new thread everytime the other one falls off the first page?

    They start a new one when the topic is deleted rather than just removing the off topic posts.
  • Smite
    259 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    AceCV wrote: »
    The guild hopping must be irradicated....yesterday was already late to do it...so i think some official answer, at the highest level, should be given in this matter.

    This ship sailed already.
  • Options
    Huh so its ok then?, good to know seems very strange but not turning it down lol.

    Btw Devs probably won't be good long run but if your ok with it then sweet as.
  • EM650
    1120 posts Member
    Asic wrote: »
    Just discuss without calling out any specific people or guilds... Otherwise closed

    ^ This.. The last thread was closed because it blew up into accusations etc.

    Just try to keep things civil and don't call out ANYBODY for ANYTHING.


    ^^^ Yes this. Please do no try to hold anyone accountable for their actions.
  • Ivan_Drago
    639 posts Member
    edited May 2016
    Hopping guilds should not allow players earn more raid rewards than theoretically possible for a member of the guild that runs a heroic every 2 days on average - as it undermines the whole concept of guilds as places for players to work together as a team.

    Also, clone/feeder guilds created with alt accounts with the only purpose of accumulating guild currency for raiding with hopped-in main accounts should also be not allowed - as again playing the guild system is the main (and perhaps only) goal these acconts and feeder guilds are or will be created.

    Also - and ofc it should be clear for EA - system in its current state may allow some undersired ways of monetization of raiding spots.

    Several things may be done:

    1) cooldowns on return to a previous guild (would not prevent a player from simply joining a new one if he doesn't like it or was kicked, but would prevent back-and-forth hopping)

    2) rewards may be given out not in one hour after raid completion but once a week cumulatively for all raids done this week (less fun this way for sure)

    3) some sort of currency may be charged off the player's balance upon joining the raid (so that he doesn't benefit from alt chars accumulating coins for the guild to open raid for mains)

    4) cooldown on joining the raid with a new guild may be introduced (say, 48 hours)

    5) variation of 4) for a player who just joined he guild, there may be a 48 hour waiting period for raid rewards but he can still raid and will receive reward in full if still in the guild in 48 hours)
  • Smite
    259 posts Member
  • EM650
    1120 posts Member
    Really the only solution to this is to link the guild coins to individual accounts. If you leave the guild, then the coins leave with you. That was the coins earned will be linked to those dummy accounts and not the team's entering to reap the reward.
  • Options
    Smite wrote: »

    We dont like that!!
  • Options
    tRRRey wrote: »
    Veritasum wrote: »
    Oh good, another thread with I'm just sayin about guild hopping. The truth of the matter is the vast majority of you if not all posting in here will never be affected by guild hopping at all. None of you were gonna get Han first (or most). I say, let them eat cake. And the rest of us can eat some bread. Not a big deal.

    The point isn't about doubling or tripling how many Han shards they get.
    The point is about all of the other rewards (unobtainable gear, guild tokens, credits, etc.) that will further increase the gap between the two groups of players.

    Aye, that's what I see as the problem. It seems to violate the spirit of play in the game. When you have an elite 1% group who actively exploit the situation, it just looks bad to the other 99%.

    It's a bit like paying taxes. Yeah, it sucks to do, but when everyone is in the same boat, you accept it. When you hear about people, who already have such substantial resources as it is, tucking their money away in skeezy offshore bank accounts to game the system and not have to pay, it stinks.

    Illegal? No.
    Against the spirit of the rules? Yes.

    Just because something is not specifically forbidden doesn't mean that it should be embraced and taken advantage of.

    (And, just as a note about other MMOs disallowing guild-hopping: a previous game I played mandated a 3-day waiting period between leaving and joining guilds, and it was a game that could be seen as the precursor design to SWGOH. It stunk when you wanted to switch guilds to be with a different team, but it did not allow the exploitative advantage of being able to raid with different guilds every day and reap all of the rewards from each hop.)
  • Options
    My 2 cents on Guild hopping:

    1) you have an opponent on server who is in Guild which is guild-hoppers
    2) he gears up toons at twice the speed you can. And remember there's no alternative way to get that gear! If I don't have a toon and no time to farm him, I can buy Chromiums, but Raid gear - no.
    3) I've invested thousands of dollars into this game for one specific purpose: to gain competitive advantage. That guild hopping tips the scale.

    How is guild hopping doesn't qualify as gaining an Unfair advantage or exploiting the loophole is beyond any reasonable explanation.

    Now, devs bowed to demands from people (and we can safely assume from those guild hoppers, as who else would raise the question) and legitimized it. Fair enough. What's even more frustrating they would condone the fact that guild hoppers can collect Raid rewards in both guilds. Why can't they block Raid rewards after guild hopping!?!?

    Fair enough, they call the shots. Where can I get my Apple refund?

    P.S.: BentWookie, I've not mentioned a single alphabet symbol, so you can't delete this post!
  • EM650
    1120 posts Member
    My 2 cents on Guild hopping:

    1) you have an opponent on server who is in Guild which is guild-hoppers
    2) he gears up toons at twice the speed you can. And remember there's no alternative way to get that gear! If I don't have a toon and no time to farm him, I can buy Chromiums, but Raid gear - no.
    3) I've invested thousands of dollars into this game for one specific purpose: to gain competitive advantage. That guild hopping tips the scale.

    How is guild hopping doesn't qualify as gaining an Unfair advantage or exploiting the loophole is beyond any reasonable explanation.

    Now, devs bowed to demands from people (and we can safely assume from those guild hoppers, as who else would raise the question) and legitimized it. Fair enough. What's even more frustrating they would condone the fact that guild hoppers can collect Raid rewards in both guilds. Why can't they block Raid rewards after guild hopping!?!?

    Fair enough, they call the shots. Where can I get my Apple refund?

    P.S.: BentWookie, I've not mentioned a single alphabet symbol, so you can't delete this post!

    Good post. I agree full heartedly and I am in the same spot. Invested a few thousand to hopefullybe competitive, but this deflates that initiative.
  • Asic
    1146 posts Member
    Womp_Womp wrote: »
    Asic wrote: »
    Just discuss without calling out any specific people or guilds... Otherwise closed

    The devs have already commented, you are literally just blowing hot air at this point.

    I don't follow your point. I think the discussion should be had, and should be done constructively.
This discussion has been closed.