Player Created Galactic War posts - MERGED HERE

663 posts SWGOH Dev Team
Hey Everyone,

As you've noticed there are quite a few threads that have been created about Galactic War. I'm going to be merging all of those threads into this one. If you want to talk about the changes to Galactic Wars, I'm going to ask that you reply to this thread, or to the thread that @CG_JohnSalera recently created that is announced. Please do not create new posts about this topic.

Thank you.
Community Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes | Follow me on Twitter - Darokaz


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    Any of you know if the opponents gets harder if you complete one round at the galactic war table?

    Wondering if it would be better not playing it to the end in case the opponents get harder and harder.

    Or maybe the opponents are based on your level?
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    The opponents get harder as you progress through the table but so do the rewards. It resets daily so there is no reason not to go as far as you can.
  • Doj
    27 posts Member
    GW is broken down into 4 zones with 3 battles each. Generally speaking each battle gets harder in each zone, with the 1st in each zone a little easier than final battle in the previous zone.

    Advice, always retreat and save your heals for the last possible character.
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    How do you retreat ?
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    Hit the "gear" or options icon in the top left corner of the screen when it's your round and you have the option to retreat.
  • Yuri
    173 posts Member
    If you do the enemies will go back to full HP, interesting how they left that out of the patch notes.
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    I notice that this morning so, that was before the update.
  • Wifi
    36 posts Member
    That sucks
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    Oh well, finally unlocked GW about 2 days ago, and apparently I've now missed the boat on how to be successful at it.
    Hope they made it easier too if I now can't even swap out wounded characters.
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    I already cleared GW today so I can only go by what others are saying, but now when you retreat, the opponent is fully healed and revived, basically the match is completely reset on their side but not yours. I don't use force close but it seems like they left that in and now that has a complete advantage over the actually retreat, since at least you both get fully healed.
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    Hmm i might not have an issue with that
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    Reddplague wrote: »
    I notice that this morning so, that was before the update.

    Not true. I did my GW and used retreat like before
  • ThalosKirano
    728 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    This is really **** me off, they've now made completing GW virtually impossible. Well **** done, EA.

    You retreat after killing 2 of the enemy and it resets, you retreat after 2 of your guys die and it doesn't reset instead they stay dead. **** this game, they won't be getting another penny out of me unless they fix this ****.
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    Does force close still work?
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    They're just making GW more challenging. You need more toons to compete it now. That makes it more important to expand your roster and time your heals.

    I'm leveling up my JC and Ewok Elder now. Gonna need them in the future.

  • DarthMasterShawn
    3064 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I have to agree taking retreat out is absolute crap while leaving FC. I'll not spend any more money either. I was waiting to spend my few hundred for the weekend until I saw what updates were done. I'm glad I did. It is close to time to move on with how they are doing things.
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    Wowwww how could they leave this out of the patch notes? I just tried it and it's true. Seems like it resets cooldowns now as well?
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    So much for completing one any time soon then

    What a terrible decision. Being able to retreat added strategy to the whole thing, it's what made the entire mode. Now it's just bumrush the fights with as many people as you can. I would LOVE to hear the reasoning behind this
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    How are you even supposed to use your full roster now, regardless of trying to exploit it? If your characters start to die off, you can't reinforce your squad and you just get whittled down until you completely lose the battle, then the enemy are all healed when you go back in with your B squad? Is that how it's working now?
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    This is a major mistake. Makes GW pretty garbage to anyone without multiple 60 teams. People who say they never retreated or force quit and get though it, I want to see a video now.
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    Good. I've been right. I'm glad people have to actually work now to make it through.
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    It's a joke and if they'd have announced this **** move beforehand, I'd have made sure to finish GW before the update. As for anyone who says "it's a good thing" I wager you've already got the 20 GW completions achievement. Yet again the level 60+ win because they'll have the toons to keep on completing it and the rest of us will be left behind. The game was losing it's appeal for me anyway, this is just the final nail in the coffin.
  • MeetraSurik
    313 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    To say I'm angry about this is an understatement. @EA_Jesse @CG_AaronNemoyten @CG_JohnSalera Why wasn't this change documented? What are you thinking?

    To see comments made by CG/EA staff after the Barriss nerf saying that we'll get more transparency, then something HUGE like this, means my confidence in these two companies is now nonexistant. We're obviously never going to get that dev Q&A if this is the kind of garbage they're willing to roll out without talking about it.

    Well, I'd been spending too much money on this game lately anyway. Thanks for giving me an awesome reason to tighten the purse strings, I guess.

    Edit: Not only does this completely screw current players and p2w'ers, it disproportionately affects those that have just started or are f2p. Good job pushing away all your prospective customers, and angering all the ones you already have. I seriously can't believe this.
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    Okay, so I retreated four times now. From what I've seen, it resets health/cooldowns on BOTH sides. Haven't lost a character yet so i'm not sure if they get revived if you do retreat
  • Options have to get through one full battle before swapping characters?
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    It's a joke and if they'd have announced this **** move beforehand, I'd have made sure to finish GW before the update. As for anyone who says "it's a good thing" I wager you've already got the 20 GW completions achievement. Yet again the level 60+ win because they'll have the toons to keep on completing it and the rest of us will be left behind. The game was losing it's appeal for me anyway, this is just the final nail in the coffin.

    Wrong. I've played every day since release. Only beat it once. When I saw people beating it by "exploiting" it made me mad and I wouldn't do it. I don't know how people that are f2p are able to clear it multiple times. So if you are going to cry and threaten to leave just take your last bit of dignity and leave.
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    It's not supposed to be easy. Suck it up and grind to get better toons.
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    Andrew wrote: »
    Okay, so I retreated four times now. From what I've seen, it resets health/cooldowns on BOTH sides. Haven't lost a character yet so i'm not sure if they get revived if you do retreat

    Lost Lumi. If you DO retreat, your character WILL be REVIVED.
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    Nosnibor wrote: »
    It's a joke and if they'd have announced this **** move beforehand, I'd have made sure to finish GW before the update. As for anyone who says "it's a good thing" I wager you've already got the 20 GW completions achievement. Yet again the level 60+ win because they'll have the toons to keep on completing it and the rest of us will be left behind. The game was losing it's appeal for me anyway, this is just the final nail in the coffin.

    Wrong. I've played every day since release. Only beat it once. When I saw people beating it by "exploiting" it made me mad and I wouldn't do it. I don't know how people that are f2p are able to clear it multiple times. So if you are going to cry and threaten to leave just take your last bit of dignity and leave.

    Dignity? We're talking about an online game, you fool. I bow down to thee high and mighty who does not use retreat. Bollocks. Jog on and if you don't like my opinion don't read it :smiley:
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    To say I'm angry about this is an understatement. @EA_Jesse @CG_AaronNemoyten @CG_JohnSalera Why wasn't this change documented? What are you thinking?

    To see comments made by CG/EA staff after the Barriss nerf saying that we'll get more transparency, then something HUGE like this, means my confidence in these two companies is now nonexistant. We're obviously never going to get that dev Q&A if this is the kind of garbage they're willing to roll out without talking about it.

    Well, I'd been spending too much money on this game lately anyway. Thanks for giving me an awesome reason to tighten the purse strings, I guess.

    Edit: Not only does this completely screw current players and p2w'ers, it disproportionately affects those that have just started or are f2p. Good job pushing away all your prospective customers, and angering all the ones you already have. I seriously can't believe this.

    Again in my eyes this was an exploit and apparently the devs agree. If you are paying to win and can't win you just suck. I have put a little money into this and it is still difficult but it gives me a goal to have multiple teams that I can beat this with and I think that was the goal intended.
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