What do you think about the recent galactic war tuning ?

306 posts Member
edited July 2016

What do you think about the recent galactic war tuning ? 583 votes

It's great. I love the challenge. I don't like auto mode.
IvoB1987Poe_Dameron_BLK1Casual_PlayerAmnorunit900000NaurosBak_SherpaDickMufflerThewhiteonEKingOfLosingKopfschussFranckMcBeckerLaLiamRadwinWarBostonmessMo_lizaKellJaceZaramNyxX07 49 votes
The easier version was better, faster and more enjoyable.
GeddreArillianSlythRinnAveryTakThePedroKidMLGebraLianaraMofojokers1992IwanSteelersCANich0142Ohnothimagen81ZehavaWildGruntjohnrossi87EightysGeofRivJedi_of_OzHershBathens 127 votes
I don't mind the increased difficulty if they scale up rewards accordingly.
DarthPurgatoryTelaanTheRenegadeJ7000Syth_HunterNaecabonStav_KoobuKhorvog_KarbossaMurTelVarlieRonTomdano7591Dashboardfive2zeroKrokovichbenacrowEzezielRomao33Arryn_RenHallonfoster 179 votes
They completely ignored players feedback by increasing difficulty. Change it back.
Miss_DollJJHDarkDigglerBoro_Smooth1Sticare_Courts_0073ksbden02clhsKonaEhukaiCrymsonkyngfikretkuruTheopiumEM650StarSonkozakjanosDrakeIXArenHammosdefinitelyPaarngfigZach2357Wildcats1203 228 votes


  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    It didn't change for me (aside from the extra easy glitched out final battle) so I can't properly evaluate. I wouldn't turn down increased rewards though.
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    Harder but beatable. Nuff said
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    They completely ignored players feedback by increasing difficulty. Change it back.
    Everything is the same for me except the last 4 nodes. Node 9, 10 and 11 are hard but if I do it right I can win. Node 12↓↓↓

    Is completely impossible after those nodes. I've always tried to spread out my roster while maintaining a good arena team so I guess I was kinda annoyed that I can't beat it.

    PS done two GW since update and fought the same guy at node 12.
  • Options
    The easier version was better, faster and more enjoyable.
    I prefer the speed especially with rewards. But i was enjoying trying new teams out back to setting up tm teams then one tier 8 team then main team over and over.
  • tmntguy86
    447 posts Member
    The easier version was better, faster and more enjoyable.
    Faster was the biggest thin for me. Pre June 15th it could take me 1 - 1 1/2 hours to complete.

    Post June 15th I could finish in about 20-25 minutes. I still had about 2-3 solid teams to face that gave me a challenge. In the early stages it also gave me a chance to try other toons and lineups that I'm currently building vs teams that are comparable in skill level. It gave me a good indication if I wanted to keep building that ion or lineup or which toons I really enjoy.

    Post June 29th.... This "update" is atrocious. It's taking longer than the pre June 15th update and is incredibly harder. Exponentially harder. Pre June 15th wasn't fun due to how long it took. Post June 29th has become something less than fun. I didn't think I would dislike a part of this game (GW) as much as I did pre June 15th. However, this post June 29th phase has made me hate this mode altogether. It's simply just way to long and to hard.
  • CaptainRex
    2840 posts Member
    I don't mind the increased difficulty if they scale up rewards accordingly.
    I don't care, but they could have told us
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    The easier version was better, faster and more enjoyable.
    Time spent =/= rewards accrued
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    It's great. I love the challenge. I don't like auto mode.
    1st + 3rd choice... I like the challenge but wouldnt be bad they increase the rewards a lil bit
  • MLGebra
    343 posts Member
    The easier version was better, faster and more enjoyable.
    I voted for 2, but 3 really needs to happen, and 4 is just objectively true. So... 2, 3, and 4! Current version is playable but not very fun and certainly not rewarding enough.
  • senkoujin
    187 posts Member
    On the last node, I had to go up against Rex, Echo, Fives, Clone Sergeant, AND Royal Guard all LVL 80 at Gear lvl IX (or higher). At this point, "hard" is an understatement.
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    They completely ignored players feedback by increasing difficulty. Change it back.
    Everything is the same for me except the last 4 nodes. Node 9, 10 and 11 are hard but if I do it right I can win. Node 12↓↓↓

    Is completely impossible after those nodes. I've always tried to spread out my roster while maintaining a good arena team so I guess I was kinda annoyed that I can't beat it.

    PS done two GW since update and fought the same guy at node 12.

    That team is just like i saw yesterday except swap out Rey for GS.
  • Options
    The easier version was better, faster and more enjoyable.
    I don't want it to be so easy that you can auto through it, but I also don't want to be spending hours retreating and trying the same battle over and over again. On the 6/15 update it was noticeable easier, but for me it was still challenging (I have almost 39k arena power). Now the only reason I didn't fail GW for the past 3 days is I'm getting those green gear teams on the final node. I liked it how it was in June, although from what I heard, I'm in the minority as someone who was not able to put it on auto and win.
  • ukdfink
    148 posts Member
    They completely ignored players feedback by increasing difficulty. Change it back.

  • BubsSolo
    54 posts Member
    I don't mind the increased difficulty if they scale up rewards accordingly.
    Beefier rewards, the whine of the complainers is hurting my ears, should quite most folks down.
  • jabo5886
    40 posts Member
    They completely ignored players feedback by increasing difficulty. Change it back.
    The problem is that you need to complete GW daily in order to have any chance of leveling characters. It becomes frustrating but you have to do it.
  • Miss_Doll
    258 posts Member
    They completely ignored players feedback by increasing difficulty. Change it back.
    Everything is the same for me except the last 4 nodes. Node 9, 10 and 11 are hard but if I do it right I can win. Node 12↓↓↓

    Is completely impossible after those nodes. I've always tried to spread out my roster while maintaining a good arena team so I guess I was kinda annoyed that I can't beat it.

    PS done two GW since update and fought the same guy at node 12.

    When I saw this I start to think my situation isn't that bad....

    Phasma lead 60% pro rate
    Rey aayla QGj rg all max gear 10 or 11

    Wait a sec. Is there any forum rules that say can't comment on officer profile picture ??
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    I don't mind the increased difficulty if they scale up rewards accordingly.
    This is the evidence they DO NOT TEST ANYTHING. EVER.

    It was so frustrating today spending 30 minutes on the last node composed by:
    JKA (L), QGJ, RG, Rex, 5s
    JKA, QGJ and Rex in g11, 5s and RG g10
  • ukdfink
    148 posts Member
    They completely ignored players feedback by increasing difficulty. Change it back.
    Yup. Think they miss testing out completely. Agile in all its glory.
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    The easier version was better, faster and more enjoyable.
    I liked it when it was easy. Game is already too time consuming arena + raid + daily activities +++++
    517 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    They completely ignored players feedback by increasing difficulty. Change it back.
    Extremely boring.

    Top teams already on node 6. Node 7 full droids, Node 8 easy jedis, node 9, 10, 11 top arena teams...

    If only the credit reward was not on GW I would skip doing it for sure!
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    The easier version was better, faster and more enjoyable.
    I just completed but i wish i was seeing these easy 12th node i keep seeing on hear. Min been lvl 80 g9-10 squads which i dont have any even close to that. Lvl78, G8 qgj closest
    Yes Yoda is worth farming
  • Options
    They completely ignored players feedback by increasing difficulty. Change it back.
    In today's galactic war I faced a level 72 with meta toons and fully geared etc. I am level 56. They pretty much screwed over the mid levels. I dont mind difficult but at least make it somewhat fair. In what world is it realistic to match up opponents that are 15-20 levels apart from each other? This wasnt even the final node.
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    They completely ignored players feedback by increasing difficulty. Change it back.
    EASB was the guild that cheated to unlock Han Solo first in the world
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    The easier version was better, faster and more enjoyable.
    Blurryface wrote: »
    EASB was the guild that cheated to unlock Han Solo first in the world

    Reversing that mistake doesn't make them money
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    It's great. I love the challenge. I don't like auto mode.
    Seems to me that they made it perhaps too punishing for low level and undergeared players.

    However it seems resonably balanced at 39k(ish) arena power - Tough teams at node 6, 9 and 11 (+12 if they realize that its bugged now).
    10walkover + 2 actual fights was silly, this plays out better and doesn't take much longer once you've learned where the hard nodes are.
  • Yarzahn
    329 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I don't mind the increased difficulty if they scale up rewards accordingly.
    I don't mind the increased difficulty if they scale up rewards accordingly.
    It annoys me to no end that the rewards are the same since the cap was level 60, even though leveling and gearing a character cost exponentially more.
    They really need to increase the credit rewards.
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    I don't mind the increased difficulty if they scale up rewards accordingly.
    It hurts not to finish GW because we are reliant upon the rewards to keep pace, in the arena especially. If the devs are going to make it so difficult that not finishing is something we're going to have to get used to, I think they should make the rewards MUCH better, increasing them throughout by a reasonable multiplier and adding a nice bonus at the end.

    More importantly, it's essential that the difficulty remains consistent across all player levels. It seems obvious from the feedback that there is a very varied experience of the new GW, ranging from "what's all the fuss about, it's barely changed for me" to "in the name of all that's holy, what just happened???!!! I feel like I've just been stomped by an AT-AT!!!!"

    That needs fixing. The rest can be discussed, but that needs fixing. You can't make a feature that slams lower level players and makes life easier for high level players. It's against the unwritten protocols of Freemium morality...
  • Paarngfig
    112 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    They completely ignored players feedback by increasing difficulty. Change it back.
    GW is REDICULIOUS ...it's horrible in so many ways, but don't say anything negative about GW on the forums they do not like it and will remove posts and send you warnings
  • Options
    They completely ignored players feedback by increasing difficulty. Change it back.
    Yeah, facing a full L80 7* G9 droid team on the last node when your best team is L73 7* G8... That's not a challenge. That's just insulting.
  • Salty01
    105 posts Member
    They completely ignored players feedback by increasing difficulty. Change it back.
    It's absolutely ridiculous. I faced top arena teams (gear level 11 and 10) in nodes 6,10, and 11. Could not get past node 11. Please either change it back or tune it down slightly. I don't mind a challenge, but this is beyond stupid.
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