What do you think about the recent galactic war tuning ?


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    I don't mind the increased difficulty if they scale up rewards accordingly.
    Why not just up the rewards? That would satisfy most people. Those who want hard and those who don't but would be prepared to put more time and effort in for more rewards. Makes total sense.
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    The easier version was better, faster and more enjoyable.
    Lol!! I got halfway and reset it. I liked it when it was easy. I work for a living and don't have time to do Galactic Chore!!
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    The easier version was better, faster and more enjoyable.
    Challenge? I'am in the 30-50s in Arena and don't face such overhard artificial teams like those in GW now.
    My dear developers.... this is not fun and it is not challenging. It is frustrating and either it is gone in two weeks, or I'am gone.
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    impossible to beat for me. failed on last battle 3 times in a row.
    I don't mind a challenge but something that is impossible to beat becomes boring and leads to people stopping playing.
  • Salty01
    105 posts Member
    They completely ignored players feedback by increasing difficulty. Change it back.
    I am consistently top 10 in Arena, many times top 5. I can rarely finish it now. It is beyond ridiculous and obviously inconsistent. I am done spending until they make some adjustments. I don't mind a challenge, but this is a joke.
  • CatoNines
    423 posts Member
    Since you didn't give us the option "It's so easy I'm bored to tears", I couldn't participate in your poll.
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    They completely ignored players feedback by increasing difficulty. Change it back.
    They pretend they increased the difficulty as it was supposed to be a tough challenge from the beginning ... AHAHAHA

    The truth is that whales stopped buying the credits vault, and EA/CG are sure this is due to the easier GW.
    But common EA/CG, the reason people stopped buying those is not that GW is easier, it is just that once you have leveled up the meta characters (approx. 10/15 toons) you don't have anything else to do.
    I mean who wants to spend time leveling up Police Coruscant, Grand Moff Tarkin, IG100...

    Plus even if you spend credits leveling them up, you will still face the gear wall.

    You made farming gears much more complicating than farming shards, so don't complaint about people having lots of characters at level 1, G1 and not wanting to invest real money to get credits they don't really need ...
  • masters
    235 posts Member
    They completely ignored players feedback by increasing difficulty. Change it back.
    It simply takes too long to even try to get as far as you can. Ain't nobody got no time for that. It's like they are trying to gear the game for the unemployed and derelicts.
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    It's great. I love the challenge. I don't like auto mode.
    I like it. It's not as hard as pre-June 15th, and more challenging that post-Jun 15th.

    But honestly, they just need to make as easy and hard mode, or multiple tiers. Events, challenges, raids everything else has it. You pick easy or hard when you start and can't change it until GW refreshes.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    I think we definitely need another poll.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Maybe a second Megathread, too.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    They completely ignored players feedback by increasing difficulty. Change it back.
    It's already insanely hard to get credits in the game, and GW is a great place to do it. I have 18 7* with 4 toons at gear 9. My 12th node is full of gear 11s. Too much guys. Don't tell me it's supposed to be hard. Screw you. I've spent time out of my day, every day, for 6 months+ with this game. Don't make it less enjoyable
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    The easier version was better, faster and more enjoyable.
    My node 11 and 12 are 3* teams its great
    surfeur14 wrote: »
    They pretend they increased the difficulty as it was supposed to be a tough challenge from the beginning ... AHAHAHA

    The truth is that whales stopped buying the credits vault, and EA/CG are sure this is due to the easier GW.
    But common EA/CG, the reason people stopped buying those is not that GW is easier, it is just that once you have leveled up the meta characters (approx. 10/15 toons) you don't have anything else to do.
    I mean who wants to spend time leveling up Police Coruscant, Grand Moff Tarkin, IG100...

    Plus even if you spend credits leveling them up, you will still face the gear wall.

    You made farming gears much more complicating than farming shards, so don't complaint about people having lots of characters at level 1, G1 and not wanting to invest real money to get credits they don't really need ...

  • Options
    It's great. I love the challenge. I don't like auto mode.
    Makes me laugh how many people are complaining about having to actually play the game. Srsly? If you hate spending time playing it that much then stick to grinding out the other parts of the game and don't do GW. Or just delete the game. Because why keep playing if it sucks so bad to actually play?
  • Veritasum
    755 posts Member
    Node 6 went hard and now 12 went easy. So a wash for me.
  • SingLam
    1 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    They completely ignored players feedback by increasing difficulty. Change it back.
    Blurryface wrote: »
    Everything is the same for me except the last 4 nodes. Node 9, 10 and 11 are hard but if I do it right I can win. Node 12↓↓↓

    Is completely impossible after those nodes. I've always tried to spread out my roster while maintaining a good arena team so I guess I was kinda annoyed that I can't beat it.

    PS done two GW since update and fought the same guy at node 12.

    That team is just like i saw yesterday except swap out Rey for GS.

    I met the same team today but its from another player. They are totally unbeatable for me coz I only have1 lv 10 Luminara to fight them.
  • Xenith
    267 posts Member
    I don't mind the increased difficulty if they scale up rewards accordingly.
    If they remove the node 6 "Spike" and increase the credits and add an omega when completing a gw WILL prob make everyone Happy
    Omega unlocks in gw at lvl 80 (obvs)
  • Quicksilver
    1175 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    They completely ignored players feedback by increasing difficulty. Change it back.
    its a joke again now, it was so nice during that period when it wasnt overly hard, could try out different teams and strategies, didnt have to retreat 50 times to make sure your characters stay alive, it was great, but then of course it was something the devs actually did right for once so they naturally had to make it an hour and a half chore again because a handful of people on the forum said it was too easy, thanks for that guys way to go! I hope you enjoy your hour and a half galactic war, and everyone who cant dedicate that long EVERY SINGLE DAY to this boring errand cant complete it anymore, i'd take the new difficulty if this was a once a week event but every single day its way too draining, im really starting to hate this "game"

    I thought games were supposed to be fun, this one gets less enjoyable every day, im not even sure if it was ever really fun or if I just got suc ked into the challenge but either way what little I enjoyed in this game is quickly fading away

    is it really necessary to censor the word suc ked on the forum, like honestly? i've never been on a forum in my entire life that is as pathetic as this one when it comes to censoring, suc ked is not a bad word that needs to be censored
  • Gungnir75
    718 posts Member
    They completely ignored players feedback by increasing difficulty. Change it back.
    Mobil game........ Should not be a required multiple hour time sink.

    I'm back to just not bothering with it, and again my interest in the game will fade right along with my spending habits.
  • Nodoon
    112 posts Member
    lackhand79 wrote: »
    Makes me laugh how many people are complaining about having to actually play the game. Srsly? If you hate spending time playing it that much then stick to grinding out the other parts of the game and don't do GW. Or just delete the game. Because why keep playing if it sucks so bad to actually play?

    You, and the people like you who are posting about "challenge" do not understand the frustration people are talking about, or are simply trolling. There is no challenge in facing a team 5 levels higher, with 7-8k more power that is 2 gear levels ahead of you. That is impossible and it would not matter how many characters you have to throw at them.

    I am all for challenge, That is what makes games fun. But there is a difference between challenge and impossible. Here is my "best" arena squad. All are gear 8 except GS, gear 9. Power is 29487. Phasma lead, level 7 skills, level 75 7*-QGJ level 7 skills level 75 6*-GeoSoldier level 7 skills level 75 6*-Lumi, level 7 skills level 75 7*-RG level 74 level 7 skills 5*. The team I am facing is Dooku lead, omega skills, level 80 7*-Daka, omega skills level 80 7*-RG omega skills except for the 2nd one, level 80 7*-Rey Omega skills level 80 7*-Phasma Omega skills level 80 7*. All are gear 10. How would you proceed, being the master of the game that you are?
  • EchoDelta
    64 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    They completely ignored players feedback by increasing difficulty. Change it back.
    Back to being unable to increase Arena squad power due to GW being too difficult as is. I'm at about 32k power too. Can't imagine how difficult those above 35k have it.
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    I don't mind the increased difficulty if they scale up rewards accordingly.
    GW is just far too easy atm.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    It's great. I love the challenge. I don't like auto mode.
    Not doable with a single squad on auto mode, but still pretty much doable. Fair enough. The previous iteration was far too easy, basically free stuff.
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    I don't mind the increased difficulty if they scale up rewards accordingly.
    My galactic war has been glitched since the update. Today I had to fight 3 Rey + royal guard maxed out teams (boring and irritating) and then for my final node I got this:[img]Http://i.imgur.com/MKE7nWe.jpg[/img]

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    I don't mind the increased difficulty if they scale up rewards accordingly.
    My galactic war has been glitched since the update. Today I had to fight 3 Rey + royal guard maxed out teams (boring and irritating) and then for my final node I got this:[img]Http://i.imgur.com/MKE7nWe.jpg[/img]

    My final node has been like this every day since they changed it.
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    The last one is impossible to beat for me, I finish my A,B, C teams there or getting there

    I get, Duku as leader, RG, Rey, 5's, and a combination of Daka, Gamorrean or Phasma all of them level 80 gear 10-11 and maxed omegas

    For a FTP like me with out deep maxed out roosters it's impossible to me to beat that , it's not challenging for us the not elite its impossible to finish it, some times my 3 las teams are somethings like that.

    I don't like it
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    tmntguy86 wrote: »
    Faster was the biggest thin for me. Pre June 15th it could take me 1 - 1 1/2 hours to complete.

    Post June 15th I could finish in about 20-25 minutes. I still had about 2-3 solid teams to face that gave me a challenge. In the early stages it also gave me a chance to try other toons and lineups that I'm currently building vs teams that are comparable in skill level. It gave me a good indication if I wanted to keep building that ion or lineup or which toons I really enjoy.

    Post June 29th.... This "update" is atrocious. It's taking longer than the pre June 15th update and is incredibly harder. Exponentially harder. Pre June 15th wasn't fun due to how long it took. Post June 29th has become something less than fun. I didn't think I would dislike a part of this game (GW) as much as I did pre June 15th. However, this post June 29th phase has made me hate this mode altogether. It's simply just way to long and to hard.

    Pretty much this.
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    The easier version was better, faster and more enjoyable.
    Really dumb changes. The revised format was fine the way it was and there was no need to tinker with it.

    Still achievable but it now becomes a time sink again and requires an extra 20-30 minutes of my day and having to rotate various squads in and out for TM optimisation.

  • Mackejn
    3 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    The easier version was better, faster and more enjoyable.
    They need to find a middle ground. I can see the last iteration being too easy. This one is just a kick in the balls on nodes 11 and 12. Tone those down and I'd be fine with it.
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