Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    First post - in the top 50 on a December server, top 3 in my guild (we finish Lvl 6 raids in 2 days) here, spent about $80 on the game so far (incl $5 for Count Dooku - no regrets).

    About to walk from the game. Why?
    • I like a challenge, but I'd like it to be a consistent one. Some folks in my guild (similar arena power, similar roster) have reported wildly differing experiences. Some face weak teams on Node 12, some don't. Some finish some days, others haven't finished a single day since the changes. Noone in my guild has finished every single day since the changes and our two top players can clear phase 1 of a Lvl 6 raid by themselves. Too random to blame skill or lack of a deep roster - after playing with the Guildmates for a couple of months you know what their rosters look like and how skilled they are as players
    • The credit crunch is real. Without GW as a reliable source of credits farming chars becomes an empty task. I usually level one char at a time so I'm hardly wasting credits on useless chars, and what good is having enough shards for a 7* Leia if you don't have the credits to level and star her up?
    • The new GW adds time. I've never autoplayed and always enjoyed trying out new squads to see and learn. GW redux takes this to a whole new level. The times I finished I was a) lucky to come across meta teams that were a good fit for my roster and b) I had enough time to retreat often enough to play each node as best as I could. I can carve out an hour or a little bit more every day to play, but if GW alone takes up a majority of that time its a tad to intense in my book.

    I'll lay low for a couple of days to see what happens. After that its k thx bye.
  • Super123
    233 posts Member
    As we already have discussion thread for complaining about recent change in GW, in this thread I like to trigger a discussion on how to complete GW in daily basis.

    I think everybody has their own method, and it will be nice if we can discuss it here to give a constructive feedback for less fortunate players.

    Lemme begin with mine. I start playing from January, and now I'm level 80 with some good and mediocre 7* toons. Like all of you, I have problem with completing GW in the past, but now I don't have that problem anymore.

    Here is what I do to complete GW everyday.
    1. Invest in ewoks. Believe it or not, I finish 9-10 nodes everyday with my ewok team+RG. They are awesome. I do it everyday with

    4* chirpa, gear 8 (L)
    4* ewok scout, gear 8
    4* RG, gear 7
    7* teebo, gear 9
    6* EE, gear 8

    Basically, you don't need a full 7* team of ewok to perform well in GW! With this investment, you can save your best toons for the most difficult battle in nodes 10-12.

    2. Don't rely on your arena team, use different combination of toons!
    I have 15 7* mostly gear 8, only 3 of it is either gear 10 or 9. Given this breadth, I rarely field my arena team for difficult battle because my arena team is build around the idea of winning a five minutes battle no matter the casualty is. In GW, my objective is winning battle with minimum or no casualties.

    Another benefit of fielding non-arena team is that you could use this experience as an opportunity to learn on how to do battle with different sets of toons. The more you know the strength and weakness of you own toons, the better you will be in any future battles.

    3. Invest in meta is good for arena, but it might be harmful to your game knowledge.
    Following point 2, I suggest you to try any character you like and try them in GW. That experiment will give you an invaluable battle experience. GW is the only place where you can experiment with new toons or new formations without serious risk as trying that directly in arena. You can retreat without the risk of losing anything significant!

    This is my suggetion and it works for me. How about yours?
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    Well after changes I felt I had to add my voice, no chance in hell of finishing the gateway I will wait until after the holiday and the. I to will be forced to move on
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    This is infuriating! How many players have to post complaints for someone to listen?! The game is losing many of the most dedicated and loyal players! Gw is **** since this new update. This game should be enjoyable! Instead, parts of it have become tedious, upsetting, frustrating, annoying, etc.. I actually enjoyed gw for the few weeks prior to the newest update!! Not any more >.< Many of us spend so much time (and money) on the game already! I know I play for several hours, off and on, throughout the day, so adding another hour or two, just to get through one gw, is a ridiculous waste of time! This thread is evidence that there IS an issue here. I'm not asking for anything to be handed out to me, I would just like gw to go back to the way it was, when it was actually enjoyable and not an impossible waste of time.
    BlasterBabe aka Purple Dana aka The Countess aka DD
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Personally, I complete GW even in its current state. HOWEVER, I know plenty who can't. They've managed to completely hose f2p players who don't have a fully leveled diverse roster. GW is their main source of credits and they've choked the life out of them, not to mention tokens for starring up characters.

    No credits, no leveling up
    No tokens, no stars for GW toons
    No toons, can't do well in raids
    Can't do well in raids, less gear

    This is garbage truck juice. It doesn't need to be easy, but it doesn't need to be impossible. This is so far from balanced it's ridiculous. If I was f2p, I'd quit instantly. Even the Dolphins and Whales are having trouble with it. For me, it takes 15ish minutes just to not burn my main arena squad at node 6 and yesterday / day before were the first times in a long time that I thought I wouldn't be able to beat it. Ridiculous.

    Tl;Dr, GW is terrible again, especially for f2p.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • URcompanySux
    6 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I decided to sign up just to let you know where I stand as a player of your game(s)

    I'm not a whale, but I have spent at least $500 on your game over the past couple of months. As a PAYING customer I must inform you that with your recent stealth changes, and lack of care and communication in how they were implemented, have caused me to become completely disenchanted and unsatisfied with your product as well as your customer service.

    Now before anyone reading this jumps to the conclusion that I am just whining because I'm a horrible player or that I'm having trouble completing GW, i'll let you know that I've completed it every day since the stealth change. However, this doesn't mean that I am enjoying it. I actually dread doing GW now since its become so tedious. Its bad enough that you get matches that exceed your power, but then you also have to deal with the same boring meta dodge (Ben/Dooku) Rey/RG teams continually, over and over and over again.

    Its caused a few of my Guild mates to quit because they cant complete it. I can't say that I blame them when they're facing squads that have up to 5K more power than they do and they're not fortunate enough to have the 25+ 7* lvl 80 characters that I have. These are people that have been with Me since DAY ONE of starting my guild. So I don't appreciate you destroying our community with poor game breaking decisions.

    I genuinely feel bad for those of you who are suffering because of this change. Its not fair that they have put you up against a credit wall to go along with the gear wall that most of us have been suffering. Especially since some of us (myself included) have been having an easier time completing it with low gear teams on nodes 11&12.

    In conclusion: I will NOT be quitting the game, but I will also not be spending another dime on this SUB PAR PRODUCT and your lack of CUSTOMER SERVICE. Furthermore, I will not be spending another dime on any other New EA products unless I buy them second hand (used) at gamestop etc. Where I am certain that you wont see a dime of the hard earned $ that I am spending.

    Post edited by URcompanySux on
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    One way this could have been avoided would have been to have a gear up event. Run the Sunday group of challenges for a week. Then it would have felt like they were trying to be fair about the increased difficulty, and giving those needing to prepare a head start.
  • Karek77
    292 posts Member
    Instead of doing the plain old 12 battles course, why dont we have an infinite amount of battles of which you can only use 1 squad (you chose one team at the beginning and you stick with it till the end) and you go on battling until all of your characters are dead. The rewards scale with how deep you were able to go. Its way more interesting than the current GW imo. Maybe give players like 1 or 2 characters substitutions along the way after some "checkpoints".
  • Gimp
    2 posts Member
    In my profession we don't start a big job on Friday after noon or make any big changes before a holiday weekend. I for one certainly won't be suckered spending a bunch of real life cash attempting to overcome GW teams that kill my entire team while I'm lucky to take down a single target.
  • Davidstareater
    218 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I like a challenge but the teams are really way geared beyond mine and the rewards seem to still be the I want to know are we still getting the same rewards for that ? I'm not a complainer but even though I'm level 80 facing level 80 arena teams with higher gear and levels, will we get any change? I hope it's not something lame like a few more credits..
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member

    As a PAYING customer I must inform you that with your recent stealth changes, and lack of care and communication in how they were implemented, have caused me to become completely disenchanted and unsatisfied with your product as well as your customer service.

    I'll let you know that I've completed it every day since the stealth change. However, this doesn't mean that I am enjoying it. I actually dread doing GW now since its become so tedious.

    Its caused a few of my Guild mates to quit because they cant complete it.

    I don't appreciate you destroying our community with poor game breaking decisions.

    I genuinely feel bad for those of you who are suffering because of this change. Its not fair that they have put you up against a credit wall to go along with the gear wall that most of us have been suffering. Especially since some of us (myself included) have been having an easier time completing it with low gear teams on nodes 11&12.


    Edited for the highlights I TOTALLY agree with. +1
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    When they boost rewards by ~150K next week, please remember that was already planned, as indicated on Refdit by CGgasp (or whatever his nick is, I don't hang out on Reddit enough to remember), although it's likely to be played off as an adjustment following player feedback.

    Additionally, and again, with nearly 23K views and 1K comments, why hasn't this thread been stickied at the top of the General Discussion? Fortunately it's been active enough (more so) to keep it visible to all.

    Obviously this has replaced Dodge as the topic in the forum. Leaving it as a floating topic seems to ignore the importance of the topic to the community by whomever gets to decide these things.
  • Tuftedpaper85
    1811 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    This is the second time in the past four days I've failed to complete gw after failing to complete once in the prior four months. I have about one gear 10 toon, 5 gear 9's, and the rest are gear 8 and below. The last node was ackbar, leia, qui, sth, and Royal guard all gear 10 and 11. I understand they wanted to make it hard, but impossible? Cmon.. I retreated multiple times, swapped characters around, and burned through my whole lineup and only managed to kill the tanks. There was literally nothing I could have done to win.

    I just played for 30 minutes just on the last two nodes, which keep in mind comes after ten nodes. If i want to do something not fun, I'm going to sweep my floor, but even that's starting to sound more appealing than GW.

    The solution is simple: either go back to how it was during the two weeks at the end of June when it was easy, make it six nodes instead of 12, or double the rewards for each node. I don't understand how that's such a hard concept for the devs to grasp.

    It comes to simple expectation management. Over the past six months, I've come to expect that on most days I can bear galactic warfare with the same team and some strategic character switching here and there. If my expectation is now going to be that I can only beat once every day, then rewards needto be increased, or the length of time needs to be decreased. That is how you keep your customers happy. There is no reason I should spend more than 30 minutes and face back to back gear 10 and 11 squads for level 40 rewards...,
  • Forar
    94 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    This is ridiculous. I don't mind a challenge, I dislike giant time sinks and impossible tasks. My collection is nothing special (usually place around rank 100-200 in arena, still slowly grinding my way to some of these 'meta' characters being usable), but I would complete the GW very consistently. Maybe miss one per month or less.

    Now I'm getting **** on since the patch. Node 11/12 teams with RG/Daka/Dooku/Rey/etc, gear 9 or 10+.

    This is a bloody mobile game, but is practically demanding MMO raiding levels of commitment and time (easy there pedants; hyperbole present), and I'm beginning to resent the notion that it's somehow 'whiny' or 'entitled' to not want to spend 1-2+ hours a day just to clear out the GW (on top of the mere minutes to Raid/ticket some missions/cantina and auto the challenges). And the post above about falling further behind is right on point; the GW was my primary source of credits to improve characters. If I can't finish it, I can't level up/star characters as quickly, which means it takes even longer to be able to complete the GW and compete in the arena.

    I get that not every feature will be for everyone, but there's an achievement for completing 150 GW's, I'm at 131 (started in early January so I've pretty much always been behind) and it's obnoxious to suddenly change a 'daily event, kinda meh but at least the rewards are decent ' to 'frustration inducing time sink I'm lucky to get to node 12 on'.

    Supposedly on Reddit they've said they're going to add 150k to the GW? Call me a cynic, but I suspect they're going to add that in a way where instead of making around 450k for completing it, I'll make 450k for failing to complete it.

    Adding a brick wall at the end of the GW isn't remotely fun. There's not 'l2p' I can do that will let me blow up a RG/Han/Daka before Rey/GS/QGJ eat half my team, and with the already existing credit crunch, putting the last few nodes (worth almost 100k themselves) behind those teams just lessens what was already coming in.

    I'm certainly no whale, but I've bought my share of multi-week crystal packs. If this is their way of trying to inspire me to buy more, they've failed spectacularly.
  • Forar
    94 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Jakkal wrote: »
    EA Jesse wrote this-
    "Galactic War – still one of the most discussed topics in the community, the team has been doing a lot of internal testing to find a way to make Galactic War more enjoyable. The first step is making it not take near as long, and the development team has a solution for this. Starting next week an update will be rolled out that makes some adjustments to Galactic War’s difficulty, which should in turn lower the amount of time it takes for players to complete. We’ll continue to monitor how players are interacting with Galactic War and make additional tuning changes as needed."

    Two weeks later John Salera write this-
    "Provide a real challenge to players. In other words: it’s meant to be hard!"

    Does that make sense to anyone? Not to me. Unless they've screwed up like everything else and trying to cover it. Just LAMAO :D


    Apparently their idea of making it faster was just to make some nodes impossible for some players.

    Funny how they reacted to the long bemoaned 'credit crunch' by... taking away 100k credits per day I was getting consistently for months. I'm sure that'll be just what I need to help catch up on my backlog of levels and stars characters need!

    They listened to our complaints about the length of time it took, shortened it considerably... and then decided to bump it back up again with massive single time sink fights.

    Good job guys!
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    When they boost rewards by ~150K next week, please remember that was already planned, as indicated on Refdit by CGgasp (or whatever his nick is, I don't hang out on Reddit enough to remember), although it's likely to be played off as an adjustment following player feedback.

    Additionally, and again, with nearly 23K views and 1K comments, why hasn't this thread been stickied at the top of the General Discussion? Fortunately it's been active enough (more so) to keep it visible to all.

    Obviously this has replaced Dodge as the topic in the forum. Leaving it as a floating topic seems to ignore the importance of the topic to the community by whomever gets to decide these things.

    I think they have answered. "It's supposed to be hard.." CG has voiced their thoughts, and is moving forward.
  • JoseIrimia
    446 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    After the fiasco of the jedi's events (Aayla and kit fisto) they decided to readdress the strategy (guided by greed and not balance) encouraging players to spend more money. Most likely someone from above got very angry with the results (people using crystals) of those events, and after the apology came the GW update. I was very naive to believe the apology (in the form of free crystals and 2 omega events) for the poorly designed events was sincere and developers truly cared about the community.

    With the current update, big spenders will be able to face this challenge without problems (deep rosters highly leveled and geared), but for casual spenders (and obviously f2p) within 200-50 position in arena will be next to impossible (let alone to say, not only hard, but long, frustrating and boring)

    My feeling, seeing the virulent response in the forums, is that instead of opening the wallets of those casual spenders (or f2p), will get the opposite reaction, while whales won't increase their investment.
    Well, time will tell whether greed will kill the golden egg goose.

    So far they deter me and many others from getting in a near future any further products under the brand EA or CG.
  • Sparrow
    525 posts Member
    Ok so this will be a little long.

    Everyone agrees that GW is supposed to be about using a deep roster.

    So my Roster has 54 characters, ive got 25 who are 7* or have enough shards to be 7 star, and i have almost all of them as geared up as i can with my current materials.

    The very first node in my GW is what i consider an easy node, i have 3-4 teams i could make that would beat it fairly easily.

    But i was curious, GW wants me to use a deep roster right? So i thought lets do a power comparison. The first node i faced had a total power of 22,533, and an average power of 4506

    So i grabbed 5 characters near this power, starting with the lowest at 4272 and the highest at 4592, giving a total of 22,456 and an average of 4491

    So yeah i can pull a team that should be fairly evenly matched. the problem is half of my roster is much weaker than this. full 26/54 are too low a power to go into this squad.

    What is the point of all this? simple, for most people who are not able to level all of their toons to 80 etc most of your roster is useless in GW no matter how deep it is.

    Without GW forcing you to use lower power toons and hence requiring a full revamp you wont ever give a challenge that is not annoying and frustrating. it will always be either too easy, or impossible without retreating for good RNG.
  • Otiss
    6 posts Member
    Only want than buy gold. Stupid ideas...
  • Lovey948
    41 posts Member
    With the devious change to galactic war to top off a terrible month for players of this game, I'm sat here wondering when is enough enough? 2 hours to now complete gw this game has become so toxic why can't something go the players way
  • Pallax
    16 posts Member
    A wider sampling of toons then just the top 5 power rating to base the table off would go a long way
  • Max10
    43 posts Member
    Do the developers of this game have some sort of communistic totalitarian ideology to run this game? Just when you start to get ahead they change something to prevent you from suceeding. Frustrating.
  • Gungnir75
    718 posts Member
    Just a friendly reminder that gw is still a joke!!

    Tons of bugs in game

    New characters not working right

    Raids are dull

    Events are meh

    I see progress in the game but with each step foreword something else seems to get messed up

    My interest is starting to dwindle
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    How about just reverse the rewards. That way us trying to get the rewards will get them. Also those who want a "challenge" can go for it. Also remove the retreat button for those who complain that it's boring, that would make my day lol.
  • Tommylew
    144 posts Member
    I swear they act without thinking! GW was too easy, now it's too bloody hard! Try and find more middle ground having maxed out teams when I'm not maxed out for three of my nodes is ridiculous! Unless you have around 20+ 7 stars you are going to struggle on finishing GW if you are unlucky with nodes!
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    I signed up for this forum with the sole purpose of posting in this thread. Others have stated the issue here much better than I would, and I don't wish to waste more of my time simply restating their sentiments. GW is ridiculous now. I can restart and restructure and try every team and RNG roll and still can't get through it. No more of my money for you, EA.
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    The previous change was to address making GW faster to clear because it was taking too long for most people. Now it's worse than before increasing that time even more and making it more difficult. For a mobile game the time they are asking for average casual players is near comparable to MMORPG PC gaming. This really defeats the purpose of pick up and play for a few minutes throughout the pick up for a few hours throughout the day.
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    This is the third or fourth day where I've been screwed by GW on the last node. What the hell is going on? I keep on getting put up against ridiculously OP teams. Sort it out CG!
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    I think the problem stems from a conceptualization vs. realization problem.

    The concept of GW is supposed to be end game, need 50 maxed out toons to beat everyday kind of thing.

    The reality is that GW is a farm. Between credits, mats, and training droids, you get anywhere from 30-60% of your incomes from GW.

    You can not have both at the same time. No game has done it, no game in the foreseeable future will. I THOUGHT the Devs learned this back in February, when they did THE SAME THING. But no, here we are again. Repeating the same mistake, heck even saying the same things.

    There really is only one way we're going to fix this, and that is to do the same thing we did last time. No $$ until this is fixed. Hopefully they learn this time....
  • Nyrohigh
    3 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    My arena team has 32.700 power but my 6,11 and 12th rivals had 35K+ power (thats sucks)
    i managed to do last 11 one but this one.. SmZG4PG

    So EA when will you guys fix that?

    Edit: removed language
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