Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    My GW is working fine. Since learning I can retreat anytime a battle or line up isn't working, I finish it about 90% of the time, before it was like 50%
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    Yes GW is supposed to be difficult, it was pointless before the rework when you could just auto run you're way through it with your main squad BUT it is unbalanced, severely unbalanced. Teebo lead w/ STH, Daka, RG & Rey on the 6th node, lvl 80, G10, fully maxed out Mk V mods, that's the type of team I shouldn't be seeing until the 11th/12th node. **** I would even be okay being stomped by this team on the 9th node so at least I'd have the first 8 to earn some credits and GW tokens but in 5 battles you can't earn squat. That does not help me to progress in the slightest. I do not want instant gratification from the game, that's not what I'm after but how can you argue that this is fine when my squad has 35k power and yet there are players with 40k+ power who for nodes 11 and 12 get 3* teams. Nobody should be getting those squads and until that stops not one player no matter how "easy" you or your guild supposedly finds GW can say that GW is working as intended, unless the intention is to absolutely ball bust your intermediate players and lets the stronger squads have a cake walk. GW is NOT too difficult, difficulty is where it should be (albeit the rewards don't reflect this) matchmaking on the other hand is incredibly broken and ruins GW.
    Pit me against hard squads that's fine but not during the first half of the war and giving me no opportunity to reap the decent rewards you get from the later nodes.
    But alas I'm sick of this topic now, people are trying to voice their concerns and problems they've had just to be shot down by elitist players who think they're the dogs unmentionables because they're able to finish it and are tired of this topic creeping up on the forums constantly. Instead of shooting people down denying that there's an issue try opening your eyes and realising that not everyone has the same experience in game as you do. The people struggling don't deny that there are players who don't face these issues so have the same respect and don't belittle the problems that they're facing.
  • Leebuddy311
    63 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Fatzke wrote: »
    Don't you think there is a reason for so many threads on this subject? Probably because it's an actual major issue in the game!

    No, I don't think so. The majority of my guild doesn't have any problems to complete GW. Same thing with friends who play GoH. Only because the minority is crying so loud, I wouldn't say it's an actual major issue. There was a poll here once and it seems, that most of the players don't have huge problems with GW.

    It became harder, more challenging of course, but not impossible. I appreciate that.

    Good for you being on being the minority and able to finish it. I agree it should be harder, but day in and day out myself and others keep facing impossible teams not hard teams and others like you face the easiest teams and are able to finish. I have a deep and diverse roster. Still doesn't matter when facing a completely oper powered team day in and day out since the rework.

    Once again, my point is GW is INBALANCED. Not everyone faces impossible teams and not everyone faces super easy teams. It's all over the place.
    Post edited by Leebuddy311 on
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    Seems like the same two people keep trying to argue against GW being hard. They use absolutely no logic in their arguments, just continue to say it's working as intended, build your roster, it's not hard, etc. Just a couple of trolls making it more frustrating for us to try and argue our points. Stay off these threads and stop representing the game developers unless you actually work for the company.
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    dough wrote: »
    lol @ lvl 70 ppl giving tutorials.

    Some players aren't in a hurry to reach lvl 80. I've capped all my toons at lvl 74 and I walk through GW everyday...and I will beat any lvl 80 arena team. Everyone bullrushes their toons to lvl 80 and then moan about how they can't finish GW. Just my opinion
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    Waaah.. I can't complete gw. Waaah... I need more credits.
    When will all of you learn that things in life don't come for free?
  • Leebuddy311
    63 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Sparhawk66 wrote: »
    Waaah.. I can't complete gw. Waaah... I need more credits.
    When will all of you learn that things in life don't come for free?

    Stay off this thread unless you have a legitimate insight about the INBALANCE of Galactic War.
  • Fatzke
    705 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    "Oh no, please stay out, I just want to whine with all the other noobs, I don't need people with another opinion here."

    Less Q.Q, more Pew Pew.

    How old are you? 12?
    Maybe you just suck. All your crying won't change anything, just get your **** together and stop your annoying crybaby threads.
  • Leebuddy311
    63 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Fatzke wrote: »
    "Oh no, please stay out, I just want to whine with all the other noobs, I don't need people with another opinion here."

    Less Q.Q, more Pew Pew.

    You just suck, that's it. All your crying won't change anything, just get your **** together and stop your annoying crybaby threads.

    You're not giving your opinion on the subject.. You're just being a troll.
    Abide by the forum guidelines and don't direct negative insults at people.
    Bring a legitimate discussion to the table.
  • Caeus_Gymkata
    66 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    tRRRey wrote: »
    The problem with GW is that it became impossible to p2p or f2p. Got to the last node today and found that team waiting for me.. It's not even fun to try and fight it. I don't mind a challenge, but being beaten to a pulp with no chance of winning it's the opposite of fun in my book.

    Well the team you're running is suboptimal against that opponent. I know plenty of p2p and f2p players that complete GW daily

    I complete it most of the time and I think you are pretentious and full of crap. F2P don't have the resources to maintain enough starrred/leveled/geared/modded rosters to field 'optimal' teams against a variety of GW opponents. Furthermore, being forced to fight 4 more or less equal squads beforehand leave them with primary squads at a severe disadvantage, depleted and on cooldown. The mod update also took away the ability to use burn squads against these tuned teams because all you do is give them turn meter advantage. And even the early 'easy' squads are now modded to the point where they can strip protection away in a single fight.

    Basically everything you are saying is garbage. GW can be completed, but your experience and your 'friends' experiences are anecdotal and don't equal everyone's. I can complete GW but it is ridiculous and time consuming. And it isn't a 'challenge' to constantly retreat and swap characters until you find the lucky RNG draw. **** of here with that nonsense.
  • Fatzke
    705 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Oh I did, and I'm not the only one. But you don't want to listen. You don't accept other opinions, that's why nobody takes you serious.
    Stay off this thread unless you have a legitimate insight about the INBALANCE of Galactic War.

    (enough said).
  • Leebuddy311
    63 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Fatzke wrote: »
    Oh I did, and I'm not the only one. But you don't want to listen. You don't accept other opinions, that's why nobody takes you serious.
    Stay off this thread unless you have a legitimate insight about the INBALANCE of Galactic War.

    (enough said).

    No. You didn't. Saying we're all "crying" about it is not a legitimate insight about the subject. It's a useless opinion that contributes nothing.
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    chainsaw wrote: »
    Some players aren't in a hurry to reach lvl 80. I've capped all my toons at lvl 74 and I walk through GW everyday...and I will beat any lvl 80 arena team. Everyone bullrushes their toons to lvl 80 and then moan about how they can't finish GW. Just my opinion
    He was talking about player level, not the level of individual toons. Not everyone is moaning about not being able to finish, admittedly a lot are. But there are those of us who are more concerned with the balance issue and I personally take major issue with the matchmaking. I don't care about finishing GW everyday, but fact is I should not be getting destroyed on node 6 by an impossible team (refer to my previous post on this thread) that is far stronger than any other team I see for the duration of the war. THAT IS WRONG. It should be gradual progression into difficulty not throw a nuclear bomb at you halfway through, then expect you to crawl the rest of the way. There have been times where node 6 has destroyed my entire roster of decent toons and I just barely make it out the other end with one toon virtually dead to get to node 7 to see a below level 70 team.
    You are just another person who is denying that there is a problem with GW because you don't personally suffer which is only because you've capped your toons at level 74, which in my opinion kinda invalidates anything you have to say on the issue because you aren't at the same point as we are, keeping your toons under levelled and squad power low is going to make your GW easier thats just how the game calculates who you'll face, furthermore the grind to get credits to level up toons to 80 should not then result in another aspect of the game punishing you for advancing. Face it, as long as there are players facing impossible squad arena teams (there is a major difference between difficult and straight up impossible) on node 6 and then others getting teams of 3* toons on nodes 11-12 sometimes even 10, GW IS BROKEN and there is a problem that EA/CG/whoever it is running this train wreck of a game needs to sort out.

    As for some insight into helping the balance; perhaps make nodes 1-6 be synergy teams/ teams based around the factions, they want us to stick around and put the time and money in to going for these characters then show us what they're capable of, let us go up against them and see them in action and how well they can do (perhaps avoid jedi and droid teams because we see them in arena regularly and one of those types of teams will most likely crop up later) and then once you get halfway through GW can seriously step it up and start launching squad arena teams at you for the second half. Teams shouldn't start becoming impossible to beat until node 9/10, at least then everyone has the opportunity to earn about 50% of the total available credits from this game mode everyday.
  • CapnnRex
    184 posts Member
    So the last couple days I cannot even get past the 8th battle in GW. It is not hard, it is impossible. GW is the only way to make any progress with credits In the game. Now I cannot do that. It needs fixed. The teams you face cannot have anything to do with your arena teams or level. Mine has never been high in level and I purposely have kept my power below 30 k. GW is making me want to quit the game
  • Draykoh
    25 posts Member
    You're trying to beat the whole thing without losing a single team? You're doing it wrong.
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    I win most days, although it is a soul crushing chore that I have to keep going back to. It usually ends with me feeling like this.

  • CapnnRex
    184 posts Member
    Lol no, I am having team after team wiped without even getting a turn. I am facing gear 10 plus teams when all my chars are gear 8. They slice through my teams like hot butter.
  • SmokeyJoe320
    931 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    ^^ No, the popular theory out here is the difficulty of your GW is determined by the power and/or rank of your arena team. Not sure if it is true or not. But I think that is what he is saying... not that he trys to do it with one team.

    EDIT - this was in reply to comment #2
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    CapnnRex wrote: »
    So the last couple days I cannot even get past the 8th battle in GW. It is not hard, it is impossible. GW is the only way to make any progress with credits In the game. Now I cannot do that. It needs fixed. The teams you face cannot have anything to do with your arena teams or level. Mine has never been high in level and I purposely have kept my power below 30 k. GW is making me want to quit the game

    See my thread "GW difficulty and Inbalance"
  • Fatzke
    705 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    No. You didn't. Saying we're all "crying" about it is not a legitimate insight about the subject. It's a useless opinion that contributes nothing.

    Not at all, you simply don't listen.
    Good for you being on being the minority and able to finish it.

    I never said that. I said that the majority of the players (depending on the forum polls, threads about GW, own experience and the experience of my guild members) are able to finish GW every day. The players who can't are the MINORITY.
    day in and day out myself and others keep facing impossible teams not hard teams and others like you face the easiest teams and are able to finish.

    Another thing I never said. I said that it's hard and challenging, but not impossible. I don't face easy teams. I also have to fight against full modded high end meta teams, but I'm able to beat them. (I'm f2p, not a whale, and it's hard, but it's NOT impossible).

    So you're saying that everybody who is able to complete GW faces easy teams and everybody who's not has to fight against the hard teams and because of that it's imbalanced. That's your opinion, but it's not a fact.

    And telling people to leave the thread because they don't think GW is imbalanced is a pretty childish way to deal with arguments.

    Everything I said was twisted or ignored.
    And yeah, that's crying and nothing else. So grow up and try harder. EA already said that they won't change GW in the near future.
  • CapnnRex
    184 posts Member
    Bottom line is I should not be EVER facing these high level of teams. Especially in node 8 or 9.
  • jjkriv
    429 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I use to defend GW and it was fine the way it was,I have a very deep roster and can swap toons out left and right and it was perfect and felt rewarding after completing until I just updated my Leia to 7* who I don't use and ran into "Igor ConQueso" which clearly has to be a dev made up roster bc I can't find him anywhere_CP lead,sun fac,GS,Fives,Leia-all maxed out 5* mods(15)it would take 10 maxed out toons to beat this roster with all the bonuses, counter attacks and a computer Leia who seems to always get 3 attacks..I'm at 28,450 attack and have literally no chance at beating this menagerie.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    GW is supposed to be a challenge, WAI! :smile: 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    It could be that the silent majority can complete GW just fine, and that's why they choose to not constantly post on the forums about the subject. Food for thought :wink: 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • X0160768
    223 posts Member
    Check Reddit for a useful post with some things you can try to manage the difficulty. I'm trying a few myself as I'm struggling to finish node 12 now.

    The post is entitled: "Changing my GW strategy"
  • Fitz
    302 posts Member
    tRRRey wrote: »
    It could be that the silent majority can complete GW just fine, and that's why they choose to not constantly post on the forums about the subject. Food for thought :wink:

  • Leebuddy311
    63 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Fatzke wrote: »
    No. You didn't. Saying we're all "crying" about it is not a legitimate insight about the subject. It's a useless opinion that contributes nothing.

    Not at all, you simply don't listen.
    Good for you being on being the minority and able to finish it.

    I never said that. I said that the majority of the players (depending on the forum polls, threads about GW, own experience and the experience of my guild members) are able to finish GW every day. The players who can't are the MINORITY.
    day in and day out myself and others keep facing impossible teams not hard teams and others like you face the easiest teams and are able to finish.

    Another thing I never said. I said that it's hard and challenging, but not impossible. I don't face easy teams. I also have to fight against full modded high end meta teams, but I'm able to beat them. (I'm f2p, not a whale, and it's hard, but it's NOT impossible).

    So you're saying that everybody who is able to complete GW faces easy teams and everybody who's not has to fight against the hard teams and because of that it's imbalanced. That's your opinion, but it's not a fact.

    And telling people to leave the thread because they don't think GW is imbalanced is a pretty childish way to deal with arguments.

    Everything I said was twisted or ignored.
    And yeah, that's crying and nothing else. So grow up and try harder. EA already said that they won't change GW in the near future.

    Your first comment that actually brought some constructive criticism. Thank you for sharing.

    And I wish I was facing hard and challenging teams like you do, but the fact is that I am not. They are impossible. My point about GW being unbalanced.
  • Leebuddy311
    63 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Fitz wrote: »
    tRRRey wrote: »
    It could be that the silent majority can complete GW just fine, and that's why they choose to not constantly post on the forums about the subject. Food for thought :wink:


    This is probably true. If I were able to finish everyday, I most likely wouldn't post about this issue. Fact is that many people are facing impossible teams, many are facing super easy teams and many are facing teams somewhere in the middle.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    1 retreat to swap RG and Rey for GS assist
    1 retreat after Daka's heal revived GS, 86, and RG and GS auto revived right after
    1 retreat to swap RG and Rey for GS assist again
    Yeah these aren't the hardest teams but even still I got through today's GW with zero casualties and minimal retreats. Sometimes it's all about the luck of the draw :wink: 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    Good job tRRRey on finishing GW today. I once again did not get the luck of the draw and faced yet another impossible team to beat on node 12.
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