Client restart - Message: the dark side is rising (Merged threads)


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    Speculation is fun. At the end of the day, all we have is that. I , for one, would like a concrete statement about what is upcoming.
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    Dark side is rising, give us more money.
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    An event lasting 11 days would give them extra time testing new raid and keep the angry mob at bay...
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    Only the part of the mob, that has a rebel team....
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    Ferenghir wrote: »
    Only the part of the mob, that has a rebel team....

    Lol - please stop this silliness. Leia is one of the top 2-3 glass cannons in the game (Rey and GS being the other two). Lando is great as a scoundrel or rebel. STHan is an awesome tank - now also a scoundrel. I am not sure why people would NOT farm some of the most iconic and powerful characters in the game. If you don't have a rebel team, you should be getting one (or at least be working toward the 3 above).

    People beg for new content - we get it (or hear about it) and people complain anyway. Account is 8 days old and you're already complaining? Lighten up Francis. ;)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Anyone noticed r2d2 in action in the following video?
    (crazy stuff happens at 1:44)
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    I am going with an event to unlock and get Luke Skywalker Shards!
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    Whatever it is I hope they won't wait until the end of the week to release it. With the mods update I had been off from work for 10 days and literally on the bus ride to my first day back to work the mod update went live and I missed the first crucial couple of days of the update (I work 12-15 hours a day, so not much time on work days).

    This week I'm off Monday to Friday, and have to be back at work on Saturday. So please release it soon and don't wait until the weekend!! Hahah
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    I guess I would have been farming rebels for the past month if I wasn't so occupied trying to get the jawas up for the new raid...
  • scuba
    14118 posts Member
    As this is datamined info it is not official amd subject to change.
    Looks like the event may be 7 days from the cryptic message
    INBOX_EVENT_PROGRESSION2_7DAY|There has been a great disturbance in the force.\n\nThe dark side is rising...


    INBOX_EVENT_EMPERORS_END_1DAY|Prepare your Rebel squad to take part in the new [c][f0ff23]EMPEROR'S DEMISE[-][/c] event.\n\nStarting tomorrow, the next 11 days will be one of the rare chances to participate in this event. Once it ends, it is unclear when it will return. The future is always in motion.

    INBOX_EVENT_EMPERORS_END_1DAY_TITLE|Emperor's Demise Coming Soon

    There also appears to be a pack for $39.99
    EMPEROR'S DEMISE BUNDLE (Star Warsâ„¢: Galaxy of Heroes) EMPEROR'S DEMISE BUNDLEBõÃ $39.99
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    Patman6632 wrote: »
    Anyone remember the last time EA posted an ominous message with no information before releasing an update.

    Jesse said "let me leave this here"
    Little did we know Jesse was leaving us with mods, an update that would bring this game an inch from death. So how about this time instead of trying to slide us these slick messages you guys tell us what is coming up so we can provid some feedback.

    An inch? If one person farted the game wouldve gone over the edge
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    Do we have information when exactly the event is going to start? Probably I just overlooked it...
    Anyway, I am looking forward to a new event. Let's see if my Lando can kill them all. :-)
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    Dhoey321 wrote: »
    I am going with an event to unlock and get Luke Skywalker Shards!

    That's exactly my thoughts, as well. Rebels fighting Luke to unlock him.

  • Dhoey321
    1629 posts Member
    @bubbafrombama i really hope so! That would be the best possible outcome in my opinion!
  • Faroer
    246 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    The line 'there has been a disturbance in the force' was spoken by Palpatine, and was referring to Luke.
    Perhaps a rebel Luke? Personally I'd rather Emperor Palpatine but oh well.

    Also by obiwan when alderaan was destroyed. Maybe the deathstar is coming.... :p
  • Bora
    440 posts Member
    Or thrawn.. :)
    Res non verba
  • Reyalp
    738 posts Member
    Ferenghir wrote: »
    Only the part of the mob, that has a rebel team....

    If its like Yoda then I'd assume most peeps have atleasr 5 5* rebels to unlock him.

    Its all pure speculation though -
    Faroer wrote: »
    The line 'there has been a disturbance in the force' was spoken by Palpatine, and was referring to Luke.
    Perhaps a rebel Luke? Personally I'd rather Emperor Palpatine but oh well.

    Also by obiwan when alderaan was destroyed. Maybe the deathstar is coming.... :p

    I'd be keeping the DS and Ships to coincide with Rogue One if I was CG/EA
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    I wish they would confirm if it going to be Rebels so we know who to work on for sure. Even more so with them making it sound as if it could be a long time before event comes back if ever.
  • Reyalp
    738 posts Member
    The line 'there has been a disturbance in the force' was spoken by Palpatine, and was referring to Luke.
    Perhaps a rebel Luke? Personally I'd rather Emperor Palpatine but oh well.

    The msg ends with 'The Dark side is rising' - based on that I doubt its Luke.
  • Reyalp
    738 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Faroer wrote: »
    The line 'there has been a disturbance in the force' was spoken by Palpatine, and was referring to Luke.
    Perhaps a rebel Luke? Personally I'd rather Emperor Palpatine but oh well.

    Also by obiwan when alderaan was destroyed. Maybe the deathstar is coming.... :p

    Or its a 'Travel to Alderaan event'. You will receive 5k creds now and 12k when you reach it.
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    Reyalp wrote: »
    Faroer wrote: »
    The line 'there has been a disturbance in the force' was spoken by Palpatine, and was referring to Luke.
    Perhaps a rebel Luke? Personally I'd rather Emperor Palpatine but oh well.

    Also by obiwan when alderaan was destroyed. Maybe the deathstar is coming.... :p

    Or its a 'Travel to Alderaan event'. You will receive 5k creds now and 12k when you reach it.

    Yeah. EA will have a 7k entry fee. Then you earn 5k credits at start and 12k when you get to alderaan. However, once you realize alderaan is destroyed, you forfeit the 12k giving you a net - 2k credits.......
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    My money is on the Dark side Barris that is currently programed into the game but not released for use yet. Amongst others.
  • Faroer
    246 posts Member
    In app pop up - confirms a rebels vs empire event is about to launch
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  • Faroer
    246 posts Member
    Would be nice if they spread rebels around more, 3 in arena shipments is quite annoying
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    if they do it will be after the event
  • EVRT
    201 posts Member
    It is just going to be the Empire event coming back. Confirmed by today's popup in game
    Discord: EVRT #5566 Line: bevrt
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    rumors it will be a yoda type style event
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    According to datamined info, the event is called, 'emperors demise'. We're going to be battling palpatine for either his shards or luke shards.
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