Emperor Palpatine is OP.


  • RedXVIISpence
    249 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Man hes the EMPEROR OF THE GALACTIC EMPIRE! He should be ridiculously powerful!!! The real injustice is that yoda is not on par with him! Obviously they have a plan to come out with a counter to palp on the lightside, but yoda is not it as he should be! Im waiting for starkiller rey or jedi luke. But then people will be crying OP, OP... Just play the dang game or get out. Dont be mad because you couldnt get him. Bet all your OP criers use Rey tho.. Lol
  • Options
    Broda wrote: »
    Nerf asap please

    Your mom is OP.
  • scuba
    14103 posts Member
    Counter to EP not counting HS, Rex, Yoda
    Wiggs will 3hko him and is simple to make faster than EP

    Any character that can stun or ability block him

    He is a nuance that can easily be taken care of.
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    Personally, I'd rather they tuned up Empire and especially Sith a little across the board to make non-Palpy teams more viable rather than land single game-changing toon on us. I have him and he's made my fledgling Empire team worthwhile. I face him regularly in the top ten and he's focussed down pretty quickly by my droids.

    I wouldn't say he's overpowered. I'd say he's as powerful as he needed to be to bring the Empire and Sith players up to a competitive level. But I do think he's lazily designed. It's got to be easier to tweak one character to improve 12 others than actually set about improving 12 others...
    Just because more people say it, doesn't make it more right.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    ^ 100% agree. It is sad to see EP leading ST Han, QGJ, RG, and Rey/Anni... and for this team to be clearly superior to the old king of random.. Ben/Phasma/Anni lead with the same troupe.

    Where is Vader and Tarkin and Magnatrooper, et al? Why are EP's leader skills not bringing empire and sith to the party besides RG? Or maybe he is... on my server I have seen a Vader, for the first time, in top ten or 20. That's a start. But I know other servers have all these empire/sith toons available, already.

  • Options
    LastJedi wrote: »
    ^ 100% agree. It is sad to see EP leading ST Han, QGJ, RG, and Rey/Anni... and for this team to be clearly superior to the old king of random.. Ben/Phasma/Anni lead with the same troupe.

    Where is Vader and Tarkin and Magnatrooper, et al? Why are EP's leader skills not bringing empire and sith to the party besides RG? Or maybe he is... on my server I have seen a Vader, for the first time, in top ten or 20. That's a start. But I know other servers have all these empire/sith toons available, already.

    I'm actually kind of agreeing with you here even though it may not seem like it. When has it ever been that way? How often did you see more than 1 squad of 4 to 5 Jedi sitting in the top-10 consistently without spending 150 crystals to stay there? Rebels are really only recently good because of the Wedge & Biggs (aka Bert & Ernie) update. Clones are rare because aside from being P2P they get knocked back into the 20's and 30's overnight, so you'll usually only see Rex and 5's from that group and not even used together. The resistance team only has two characters right? LOL! The game is really just pulling the best character synergies together, which is both cool and unfortunate at times. Perhaps if we had some kind of "faction-bonus" based on having 4 and / or 5 characters of the same faction in the squad that cold change things but probably not.
  • scuba
    14103 posts Member
    LastJedi wrote: »
    ^ 100% agree. It is sad to see EP leading ST Han, QGJ, RG, and Rey/Anni... and for this team to be clearly superior to the old king of random.. Ben/Phasma/Anni lead with the same troupe.

    Where is Vader and Tarkin and Magnatrooper, et al? Why are EP's leader skills not bringing empire and sith to the party besides RG? Or maybe he is... on my server I have seen a Vader, for the first time, in top ten or 20. That's a start. But I know other servers have all these empire/sith toons available, already.

    I saw some trying to use Vader with ep lead and they quickly died off. EP with currently available Empire characters is better in a support role for arena than lead. I have thought this since his release.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    ^yeah, this wasn't a "good" team by any means, but it was nice to see.

    Problem with EP is that he all but kills the old king and queen of random, Ben and Phasma. We didn't need a new king of random. We could have used a toon that brought new squads into the limelight. EP hasn't done that on my shard, yet. Same teams, just better. Old phasma leads, now in the nose-bleeds.
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    Broda wrote: »
    HGF69 wrote: »
    You can tell the people that didn't get Palp, crying in public is never s pretty sight

    Lol yeah I didn't have a fifth rebel but cmon 1 toon to make or break everything is definition of op

    He is NOT make or break. Droid teams counter him hard.
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    Asking for a nerf because you don't have him ridiculous!!!

    I agree. Also asking for a nerf because people can't beat him is also ridiculous.

    Come to think about it...ask for nerfs in general is ridiculous.
  • Poxx
    2288 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    LastJedi wrote: »
    ^ 100% agree. It is sad to see EP leading ST Han, QGJ, RG, and Rey/Anni... and for this team to be clearly superior to the old king of random.. Ben/Phasma/Anni lead with the same troupe.

    Where is Vader and Tarkin and Magnatrooper, et al? Why are EP's leader skills not bringing empire and sith to the party besides RG? Or maybe he is... on my server I have seen a Vader, for the first time, in top ten or 20. That's a start. But I know other servers have all these empire/sith toons available, already.

    1st off, Empire is slow...not just slow, but really slow. Tarkin would b fine with 20 more speed and his aoe debuff as an opener but he uses his aoe weak nuke 1st under the AI.

    Stormtrooper, Magmatrooper and Veers r absolute garage.

    Snowtrooper has some promise.

    The 2 main reasons u don't see Empire toons even under Palpatine lead...slow and way too reliant upon debuffs. An Empire team is shut down...completely...by Rex.
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    I don't have a problem with how powerful he is, what I have the problem with is his power rating compared to his effectiveness. I just battled an EP team in GW and he was rated at 5555 (which matches him against my most powerful team, my highest power toon is 5967) but he's 20 faster than my fastest. His health and protection are comparable to my non tank characters. His special damage is 1600 more than my highest damage dealer and his regular damage is equal to it. His potency is extremely high, and to top it off his abilities are rife with turn meter gains, healing, stuns, and other debuffs. This is all with mods. I'd have much less of a problem with him if his power rating were more in line with his capability (for GW fights). He should be a powerful character, and I'm cool with that. Just rate him accordingly.
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    Although I can't speak for the end game.

    I can tell you that he is basically impossible for the level 50-70 range.

    People simply don't have the resources or rosters to deal with even a 5* Palp.

    I think the point most people are forgetting is that he can be counter, we specifically built around but when the playing field is suppose to be "even"/both teams don't have any true counters he just murders everything and everyone.

    That is why he is OP.

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    I feel like he's perfectly balanced for this new meta :smile:
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Zooey
    1607 posts Member
    tRRRey wrote: »
    I feel like he's perfectly balanced for this new meta :smile:

    Yeah I'm pretty sad when I fight a droid team and 88 whups my EP for 17k damage and then I'm left trying to kill a B2 without shock therapy.
  • Options
    Broda wrote: »
    Nerf asap please

    Nah, dies in 1 round..... please improve your game to continue your posting rights...
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    Lillegre wrote: »
    Broda wrote: »
    Nerf asap please

    Nah, dies in 1 round..... please improve your game to continue your posting rights...

    I posted this like two weeks ago when he was released I don't lose anymore shut it
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    Ok how can I get speed up? I can not beat speed mod to top level so then what ? I mean how much money has everyone spent ? I am near 400 sence game came out that would have got me a ps4 and a StarWars game!
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Zooey wrote: »
    tRRRey wrote: »
    I feel like he's perfectly balanced for this new meta :smile:

    Yeah I'm pretty sad when I fight a droid team and 88 whups my EP for 17k damage and then I'm left trying to kill a B2 without shock therapy.

    If u want to whup droids with EP... 1. Use ST Han and RG. Yeah b2 can neutralize han, but that doesn't matter. ST HAN borks droid turn order with Bluff. As well as slow them down to maybe squeeze in your han before one of the assassins. Then 2. stack health sets with heal5h primaries and flat health secondaries on EP. Droids can only kill this EP with good rng and human decisions. Under AI, not a chance. Use EP AOE and u win.

    My assassins will crit for 24k. And this setup can defend, let alone win on offense. For a sure thing, add anni.
  • Zooey
    1607 posts Member
    LastJedi wrote: »
    Zooey wrote: »
    tRRRey wrote: »
    I feel like he's perfectly balanced for this new meta :smile:

    Yeah I'm pretty sad when I fight a droid team and 88 whups my EP for 17k damage and then I'm left trying to kill a B2 without shock therapy.

    U got ur mods wrong. If u want to whup droids with EP... 1. Use ST Han and RG. Yeah b2 can neutralize han, but that doesn't matter. ST HAN borks droid turn order with Bluff. Then 2. stack health sets with flat health secondaries on EP. Droids can can only kill this EP with good rng and human decisions. Under AI, not a chance. Use EP AOE and u win.

    Nah I do use STHan RG (with potency cross on Han) and he usually does screw up the droids turn order enough for my 200 speed EP to stun them. The thing is, droids are one of the only teams that I can lose to on offense because sometimes they have good enough rng for 88 to shoot my EP after he's lost protection and crit for 15k+ to kill him.
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    The thing is, droids are one of the only teams that I can lose to on offense because sometimes they have good enough rng for 88 to shoot my EP after he's lost protection and crit for 15k+ to kill him.
    In that case...

    Boohoo, for you. :) Too bad you can't beat everything 100% of the time with EP, lol. Droids have the same problem with your type of EP team, BTW. The only saving grace is AI EP doesn't always lead off with the AOE! This happened to me for the first time, today, and it saved my bacon.

    Droids have their own problems, and it's not a matter of "darn, I can only win 75% of the time." I routinely pull out Dooku lead to climb. The wimpy EP lead teams on my shard crush Rex and still beat droidz.... I've got a Gear 7 EP on my server that is battling for first place in his timezone on my shard.

    So some of my guildies gave me great advice for dealing with EP... all assuming I have my own EP, lol.

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    Broda wrote: »
    LastJedi wrote: »
    OP is correct. Palpy is the worst toon release ever done in this game. Never has one new toon made so big a difference.

    I think more people will agree one week from now. Wait and see. And I'll be here to say I told you so. :)

    Whhhhaaatt??? Since when are you NOT towing the company-line with EA? Wooowww I'm not sure what to say...

    The only thing I'm sick of with EP is my server went from Old Ben dominated to a different geriatric old-fart in Palpatine. Server went from super-boring to cool for 2 days to boring again. Boring for facing a lot of the same ****, boring because I don't want to use him (though I do have him) and have to use the same team to win and not get beat too bad on defense.

    What team are you using to consistently beat them?

    Yoda or rex tenacity renders him useless. I have a shard mate who beats my top rank team every time. He uses yoda to beat me!!
  • Options
    LastJedi wrote: »
    OP is correct. Palpy is the worst toon release ever done in this game. Never has one new toon made so big a difference.

    I think more people will agree one week from now. Wait and see. And I'll be here to say I told you so. :)

    JE was far more disruptive. Stacked mature servers with JE/Droid teams all over top 10 arena.

    It's not rocket surgery.
  • Options
    Broda wrote: »
    LastJedi wrote: »
    OP is correct. Palpy is the worst toon release ever done in this game. Never has one new toon made so big a difference.

    I think more people will agree one week from now. Wait and see. And I'll be here to say I told you so. :)

    Whhhhaaatt??? Since when are you NOT towing the company-line with EA? Wooowww I'm not sure what to say...

    The only thing I'm sick of with EP is my server went from Old Ben dominated to a different geriatric old-fart in Palpatine. Server went from super-boring to cool for 2 days to boring again. Boring for facing a lot of the same ****, boring because I don't want to use him (though I do have him) and have to use the same team to win and not get beat too bad on defense.

    What team are you using to consistently beat them?

    Yoda or rex tenacity renders him useless. I have a shard mate who beats my top rank team every time. He uses yoda to beat me!!

    We have a guy that's rolling with a level 74 Yoda with QGJ lead which with his mods puts Yoda faster than any of our fastest players just to have a shot at beating EP teams. LOL. Yoda has 2 bars of protection if I remember correctly, it's so funny facing him on offense.
  • Options
    Broda wrote: »
    Lillegre wrote: »
    Broda wrote: »
    Nerf asap please

    Nah, dies in 1 round..... please improve your game to continue your posting rights...

    I posted this like two weeks ago when he was released I don't lose anymore shut it

    That's good you don't lose anymore. Maybe figure out a strategy, change toons around, mods etc before the next time you say something needs a nerf. People on this game are too quick to run to the forums and post how something needs a nerf. The devs are competent enough to make a good game but the community isn't competent enough to figure out how to beat something.

    Kudos to you for beating Palpatene. Now if something can be done about all the other people that still complain about stuff they can't beat...

  • Options
    Broda wrote: »
    LastJedi wrote: »
    OP is correct. Palpy is the worst toon release ever done in this game. Never has one new toon made so big a difference.

    I think more people will agree one week from now. Wait and see. And I'll be here to say I told you so. :)

    Whhhhaaatt??? Since when are you NOT towing the company-line with EA? Wooowww I'm not sure what to say...

    The only thing I'm sick of with EP is my server went from Old Ben dominated to a different geriatric old-fart in Palpatine. Server went from super-boring to cool for 2 days to boring again. Boring for facing a lot of the same ****, boring because I don't want to use him (though I do have him) and have to use the same team to win and not get beat too bad on defense.

    What team are you using to consistently beat them?

    Yoda or rex tenacity renders him useless. I have a shard mate who beats my top rank team every time. He uses yoda to beat me!!

    We have a guy that's rolling with a level 74 Yoda with QGJ lead which with his mods puts Yoda faster than any of our fastest players just to have a shot at beating EP teams. LOL. Yoda has 2 bars of protection if I remember correctly, it's so funny facing him on offense.

    That's because he is using Yoda for battle meditation only. It renders Palpatenes stuns useless. Once Palpatene uses his AoE stun and its resisted..all that is needed is the best damage dealers to burn him down before he goes again.

    Yoda is a good toon, too bad he was nerfed long ago..but with the correct mods you can get him to 200 plus speed and 20k protection. I use him still everyday in Gw. Foresight is invaluable and helps so much. Everyday I get to node 10 with many of my toons still having protection..all because of Yoda's foresight and battle meditation.
  • Options
    Aniema wrote: »
    Broda wrote: »
    LastJedi wrote: »
    OP is correct. Palpy is the worst toon release ever done in this game. Never has one new toon made so big a difference.

    I think more people will agree one week from now. Wait and see. And I'll be here to say I told you so. :)

    Whhhhaaatt??? Since when are you NOT towing the company-line with EA? Wooowww I'm not sure what to say...

    The only thing I'm sick of with EP is my server went from Old Ben dominated to a different geriatric old-fart in Palpatine. Server went from super-boring to cool for 2 days to boring again. Boring for facing a lot of the same ****, boring because I don't want to use him (though I do have him) and have to use the same team to win and not get beat too bad on defense.

    What team are you using to consistently beat them?

    Yoda or rex tenacity renders him useless. I have a shard mate who beats my top rank team every time. He uses yoda to beat me!!

    We have a guy that's rolling with a level 74 Yoda with QGJ lead which with his mods puts Yoda faster than any of our fastest players just to have a shot at beating EP teams. LOL. Yoda has 2 bars of protection if I remember correctly, it's so funny facing him on offense.

    That's because he is using Yoda for battle meditation only. It renders Palpatenes stuns useless. Once Palpatene uses his AoE stun and its resisted..all that is needed is the best damage dealers to burn him down before he goes again.

    Yoda is a good toon, too bad he was nerfed long ago..but with the correct mods you can get him to 200 plus speed and 20k protection. I use him still everyday in Gw. Foresight is invaluable and helps so much. Everyday I get to node 10 with many of my toons still having protection..all because of Yoda's foresight and battle meditation.

    Oh yeah, I totally get why he's using Yoda. It's just funny because he puts himself at such a disadvantage on defense by using him, especially at gear 7 level 74 with 1 and 2 start Mods no less. If EA does ever adjust Yoda and / or Rex to use their Tenacity buff first, EP could be completely irrelevant and is why they haven't done it.
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    DrNocard wrote: »

    4. I've suggested using Yoda or Rex. You zero in on Rex because he is p2p. Wait. He's in shipments. You haven't addressed that Yoda neutralizes EP. He has a 35 speed advantage over EP. Use him.

    Unfortunately, that speed advantage will never be realized against someone with a 240+ speed Poe. If you're argument is that a broke f2p has equal opportunity.
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    Aniema wrote: »
    Broda wrote: »
    Lillegre wrote: »
    Broda wrote: »
    Nerf asap please

    Nah, dies in 1 round..... please improve your game to continue your posting rights...

    I posted this like two weeks ago when he was released I don't lose anymore shut it

    That's good you don't lose anymore. Maybe figure out a strategy, change toons around, mods etc before the next time you say something needs a nerf. People on this game are too quick to run to the forums and post how something needs a nerf. The devs are competent enough to make a good game but the community isn't competent enough to figure out how to beat something.

    Kudos to you for beating Palpatene. Now if something can be done about all the other people that still complain about stuff they can't beat...

    Can I beg for a reverse-nerf for yoda? Lol dude hits like a wet noodle
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