Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    GW is still such a boring chore.

    Usually, after 10 or so trys at a speacial node, where this or that of my important toons dies without killing one of the opposing toons I lose interest, get bored to the max and continue with what is left.
    I have 25 7*/lvl80 toons now, and I'm one of the lucky ones to have an easy node 12 now - but most of the time I don't reach node 12.
    Today I retreated like 12 to 15 times in node 9 which took me 90 minutes. Just to get stuck after node 9 with no more appropriate toons left.
    Yes, works as intended.
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    GW is just ridiculous now. It takes me forever, and I can't finish it. Fix this EA, we are all sick of it. What don't you get?!?!?!
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    @EetsdaBouss i have had that exact team 3 days in a row. And im over 39k its crap and unfair
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    Ok fine GW was always hard but now this is a joke.

    I'm tired of those Anakin (+59 speed) + SF + RG team with 200K of protection before you can take out the guy that can drop 17K of damage on each of your guys with its AoE. I can use 20 of my 7*, gear VIII-IX without being able to even kill one guy.

    GW was always a chore but now it is not even remotely funny as it is just simply impossible whatever I try.
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  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    You have hit the point with your top 5 power where you start getting these "nice" teams. Just a little push in power and you get past them to easy mode.
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    It's "doable" if you go the accepted route and just bank up on a top 5 team to gather so much power that your node 12 becomes easy peasy.

    But it's also a bad design. By punching on the "not funny" button they might give it another look eventually.
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    +59 speed. LMAO.
    Real top teams have +110 speed or even more.

    Needless to say its even worse against Wiggs combo.
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    Naw wrote: »
    You have hit the point with your top 5 power where you start getting these "nice" teams. Just a little push in power and you get past them to easy mode.

    In my experience you don't get past them, you just get a couple less of them. When I started getting green node 11 and 12 then my 6 and 9 got harder. Incidentally it seems that something changed recently. I was getting an "easy" node 11 for weeks and suddenly the last few days I have been getting a real team.

    It's not really a hard squad in node 11. Just a really tanky squad that can meet the power requirements.
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    Usually I can get through 1-11 with one team, then spend my whole roster on team 12. I have 3-4 modded up teams that can finish it, just by picking off a few of the OP toons at a time. It's kind of fun, figuring out which toons to pick off, trying to get Rey out from under an Rg/ST Han double taunt. I like to weaken the heavy damage dealers, then come back in next round and kill them before RG's auto taunt can save them.
  • CloneSpikes
    515 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    If tanks are your problem, you need toons to remove taunt imo. Will never work if u have to kill the tanks first.
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    Build multiple teams. It's that simple. I haven't lost a GW battle since February.

    iN DarthJarJar | Team Instinct Δ
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    Snackbull wrote: »
    Ok fine GW was always hard but now this is a joke.

    I'm tired of those Anakin (+59 speed) + SF + RG team with 200K of protection before you can take out the guy that can drop 17K of damage on each of your guys with its AoE. I can use 20 of my 7*, gear VIII-IX without being able to even kill one guy.

    GW was always a chore but now it is not even remotely funny as it is just simply impossible whatever I try.

    I've seen little change. You need to stop upgrading the "power" number of your top five and develope some other characters.
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    So, I have currently 7* all the GW toons that I care anything about. Including the rather bleh Mags who I did solely in the event of an empire event that requires 7* toons. I'm not really interested in Grevious either, so saving the tokens up for him isn't all that exciting.

    Obviously, I can save tokens to exchange in the shard shop for guild gear. But I also want to be prepared in the event they add a new toon to GW that I want. How many tokens should I save for such an event? Or should I just say screw it, convert them all to shard shop currency, and then farm the newby whenever he/she becomes availalbe?

    FWIW, the toons I DON'T have 7* are Tusken Raider (5*), NSI (1*), Cad (not unlocked), and Poggle (not unlocked). I don't need Cad, as I can clear the highest level credit heist without him. Tusken is ok, but not great. And I don't see there being any tusken/nightsister/genosian synergy events anytime soon. So, am I missing something, or just hoard those tokens?
  • 7AnimalMother
    2053 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    evanbio wrote: »
    Or should I just say screw it, convert them all to shard shop currency, and then farm the newby whenever he/she becomes availalbe?

    This. You can earn 3 pulls a day from GW, so unless you plan to spend $ to refresh, you can get that new character as about as fast as anyone else without saving.
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    sometimes its ok to have toons die. wiggs and palpy died on node 9 today for me, the rest took over and cleaned up node 10-12
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    :). Something similar. My aréna power is 40+, I can easily reach node 6 where I usually loose up to three week teams (7* g8), then node 9 which I'm usually able to finish with heavy dmg to my 2nd team and then in node 11 I have team I cannot beat with the rest of my rooster incl my top team boosted with TM from nodes 1-5 - normally not able even kill any oponents. Standard n11 squad - Anakin, SunFac, Ayala, QGJ and 5s. Today, untouched RG with combined 70k health+prot with armor 43% was smashed by Ayala, QGJ and assisted Anakin with just one attack...
    Same experience for more than month or even longer... I was desperate at the beginning, but now resigned to even see node 12 :). It is booring and with more than 27 7* g8+ A little bit sad as well.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    you earn 15 shards a day. you can buy 20 shards a day. you'll need 330 for a full character. 330/20=16.5days. 16x400=6400
    so basically you need 6400 GW tokens to max a characters as fast as possible (17days) without using refreshes, clearing GW each day and buying 4x5shards a day.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    If you want to work on a GW powerhouse team, go for an Empire team with Snowtrooper. Empire is full of ability block and stun. Snowtrooper's Unique grants all Empire allies turn meter when anyone dies. Considering each encounter ends with someone dying, you start tag next encounter with a good amount of turn meter.

    I personally run Emperor, Vader, RG, Tarkin, Snowtrooper and breeze through every node.
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    3 good teams. That's all you need. Send in your best troops to the first node, use basic attacks only and gain TM. Send your 2nd best team in to the second node, repeat. Use your third team from the third node onwards. When you face a decent opponent, swap in Team 2. Then go back to Team 3. When you get to Node 11 or whichever one is the beast battle, send in Team 1. It really is that easy.
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    I've gone the opposite route that most people recommend or claim to be the solution to beating GW: I'm using a 31k Arena team which is not the same team I use for GW. I have lots of 7* gear 9/10 modded toons in my roster which I can use if the 6th or 11th node are really hard, and I beat it (for the last two months since I changed the team). Before I made the change I was encountering incredibly hard fights on the last two nodes and I just couldn't beat it. So yes, you can work towards a team whose power breaks the GW algorithm so that your last one or two fights are easy, or you can do the opposite and get the last node to be super easy. Of course this means you're probably not gonna be ranking in the top 50 (as I write this I think I'm like rank 108) so don't do what I suggest if ranking high in Arena is preferable to finishing GW.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    I levelled up some high ranking toons the other day - now I seem stuck on node 11 battle. I know node 12 is easy, but just can't break past node 11 for the last few days.
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    leef wrote: »
    you earn 15 shards a day. you can buy 20 shards a day. you'll need 330 for a full character. 330/20=16.5days. 16x400=6400
    so basically you need 6400 GW tokens to max a characters as fast as possible (17days) without using refreshes, clearing GW each day and buying 4x5shards a day.

    Now that I've got all the GW heroes, my goal will be 6400 in the bank and the rest will go toward gear and Vader shards. Thanks for doing the math for me, I've been too lazy.
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    GW is not impossible I'm going to to tell you what I tell everyone else get a better roster and use strategy I pass gw every day even when it gets hard.
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    You all forgot to say you almost never land stun or other debuff hit, not to speak about having the pleasure of at least one of your toons being revived, compared to enemy who stuns and debufs with every single hit and keeps reviving constatly.

    Please go ahead about potency/tenacity modding stating that everything in GW is random and mot rigged. We can see how random the fight is when retreating and starting the same fight again

    It doesnt matter what power you have, if you reach the value for easy n12, you will be wasted at n11. Until you get the super special set of all metas, you will have to spend hours micromanaging every single fight from 6 above
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    Of course the RNG is predetermined if you follow the same pattern, but I agree with you there that the AI (lol) has a better chance of e.g. dodging with Old Ben than should be the norm.
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    I just wish my characters would work as well as what I see in nodes 9 thru 12. I don't think I've seen Leia hit triple hit for me more than 2 times in a row, but I can guarantee that she hits it every time if I see her in the 12th node.
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    Farm droids, farm Wiggs, farm Palp, farm Anakin, farm Lando
    You're welcome :wink: 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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