Recent change to Galactic War - open conversation


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    After all this time and having won every single GW after the change...

    I rest my case. The devs have killed the only fun part of the game.

    My toddler nephew has that toy with pegs and holes of different forms (square, cross, triangle...) - I am sure most of you have seen it. That's what GWis now. A healer is killed? Retreat, change an attacker for a tank, repeat. Didn't work out? Change a shooter toon for a stunner toon and try again. Still wrong pegs in wrong holes? Bring the first combination back in but change the leader. Retreat and repeat. And again. And again.

    No art. No thinking. Just try all possible combos of your most upgraded/competitive toons until you've found a right fit of pegs and holes.

    Only I am not a toddler, so it gets boring AND mindless really, really quick. And to add insult to the injury the actual gain is much less than what is shown when you open chests. How comes GW mechanics were "fixed" and these "display bugs" were not?
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    Dal_Zuba wrote: »
    So far no very lucky to be in the branch of the server I'm in. I started playing 20 days ago, no purchases and im at level 51; #1 in Arena is at level 57, i usually stay around 30-50.
    I finish my GW every day since the change using my main squad, with less than 5 retreats
    ST Han 5*
    5's 4*
    Lumi 4*
    JC almost 4*
    Talia 4*
    All just a few keypads away from being purple gear...Actually had one battle vs a level 63 yesterday too. I have 4* Chewy, Mace and Jawa and other lower toons but -
    Thanks to you guys in the forum i took advise to pick a squad and just go with it and grow it...

    The arena server doesn't seem to matter. I started january 2 and even when the top players on my server where mid 50's with only 1 p2w team going currently...I would still meet p2w level 60s which are higher than anyone on my arena ladder in galactic war..
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    I've given new GW a fair shot by now, I think. And I'm still not a fan. Not because I lose (only ever lost two, both before the change). But because I'm bored out of my skull playing it, but have to so I can get shards for characters.

    You've institutionalized save scumming, the lamest of lame tactics in the name of strategy. It's not strategy to line up your top 5, roll the dice and try 10 times if you roll badly. It's just tedious.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Now that I have had a chance to try the new GW for over a week, my opinion has changed.
    I hate it even more than I did previously. The fights are getting constantly harder, but beating them is more luck and save game reloading than strategizing. Sure, sometimes I have to figure out to swap a character out. But that's only after failing the fight multiple times.
    It's awful. I hate it. And it was the only fun mode in this game (no, hitting the "Sim" button or autoplaying "challenges" isn't fun).
    If you take the ability to randomize the fights out, then it will be both awful and even more frustrating.
    I don't lose, but I don't enjoy it. So I still lose.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    ventsel wrote: »
    My toddler nephew has that toy with pegs and holes of different forms (square, cross, triangle...) - I am sure most of you have seen it. That's what GWis now. A healer is killed? Retreat, change an attacker for a tank, repeat. Didn't work out? Change a shooter toon for a stunner toon and try again. Still wrong pegs in wrong holes? Bring the first combination back in but change the leader. Retreat and repeat. And again. And again.

    No art. No thinking. Just try all possible combos of your most upgraded/competitive toons until you've found a right fit of pegs and holes.
    Good analogy, and well stated.
    Sorry, @CG_JohnSalera but we have given this a try. It's terrible. Please, do something to make it fun again. :(
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    Alot of people would love to complete GW 'every day', so stop your whining.

    What's stopping them, then? I'm doing it with farmable toons. my best pegs are Sid, Lum, Pilot, Chewie, JC, Dooku and Assajj. As of today, I'm 63 level. Not all of them are.

    I for one would love to have at least some FUN playing. Winning doesn't make it more fun. Strategy and diversity did. I didn't win all GWs before change (I've lost much more often), but I wasn't whining then, and I'll whine all I want now. You do understand I don't really need your permission, right?
  • Bacon
    11 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    After a week of playing I feel a bit the opposite of my initial reactions to the change. While I still really enjoyed managing all the cool downs and swapping in and out of healers based on the battle situation with the old system... it also had its own degree of tedium. I had equal moments of excitement and dread about getting through the war each day previously, probably because I'd overthink each move way too much.

    My collection of characters is decent, but not as all inclusive as some peoples. I have about 10 characters at max level (currently 63 for me) or within a few levels of max with t7-8 gear, with several others hanging out in the mid 50's that can be useful in certain situations.

    The strategy has shifted from a turn by turn consideration of swapping characters around to a battle by battle consideration of how well my best characters can handle the enemy lineup while still coming out healthy enough for the rest of the war. Yes infinite do-overs provide what may be too much of a safety net, but there have still been many days where a few battles before the end I had to decide if I was ok sacrificing one of my better guys to advance or if I should keep tinkering to achieve a better outcome. Sometimes the only way to get through a battle was to suck it up, cut my losses and move on trusting that I had enough left on the bench to pull through to the end.

    Ultimately I think the best option would still be if the buffs and rebuffs remained throughout the old retreat system so you couldn't cheese past taunts and damage over time etc. But for my own particular play experience Galactic War is still sitting in a decent spot challenge wise for the collection I have.

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    Those arguing the entire game as designed is completely boring, and now that GW is aligned with CG vision an intent, the last bastion of fun - this last part is now also very boring... could it be not that you are playing the wrong game, or exagerating "a tiny bit" your arguments for the sake of influence?

    I see you bashing the game all over - wing to wing. I personally like a lot of things in the game including the old and new GW. There are things that irritate me. Yes. I agree. However, I am a bit tired of those bashing the entire game as boring. If the ONLY thing INTERESTING was debuffing mid term by retreating, maybe another game will please you best?
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    I'm level 63 and still havent completed one GW. I'd love to have your problems with not being able to do it everyday :/
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    could it be not that you are playing the wrong game, or exagerating "a tiny bit" your arguments for the sake of influence?
    Could it be that we got used to playing what we thought was the "right game" for 6 or 7 weeks, and then it got turned into the "wrong game" overnight one Thursday?
    Could it be that they've said they plan further changes and we are making our views known?
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    So GW is bullsh!t now, it was a tactical challenge before, but now no amount of planning can beat 'that team', which is fresh, compared to your weakened team.
    When one's BEST team(S) can't get through HALF of the event, there is a problem. There is no balance and no balance leads to irrelevant strategy.
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    I'm just now level 59. 6* Sid, 6* Lum, 4* JC, 4C Phasma, 4* Daka, 5* Luke, 5* Chewie, 3* Dooku, 3* Poe, all gear level 6 or 7. Those are the only chars I ever really use for GW. Arena rank hovers between 50-150.

    I've finished GW every day since the change. Most days, I have to replay a battle or two a few times to get the right outcome. If I'm against a super hard-hitting team, I may decide to use Poe for a battle as a sacrificial lamb or sub Chewie in for his taunt to protect the team or if my healer cooldowns aren't set up right. For the last couple of battles, I'm fine losing a character or two because I know I'll finish.

    Still, there are a lot of good ideas for changing and improving kicking around in this thread. Seems like most people who are having success, like me, aren't using that many characters. Most if not all of the battles are fought with top five with maybe one or two substitutions on occasion. So that doesn't seem to square with the original goal, which is to make people use a variety of teams, etc.

    In addition, there seems to be a problem with all of the opposing teams looking so similar. I agree, that's another boring part.

    So, you want to force us to be flexible and use our whole roster? There are 12 battles, five characters per battle, so 60 slots to fill for the entire GW. So, match-making, first pass: The system looks at your top 15 characters in terms of stars, levels and gear levels and creates a set of 60 characters, 4 each that mirror the stars, levels and gear levels of your team but with random characters. These 60 characters are then randomly sprinkled around the 12 nodes of the war.

    Now you start, but each of your characters can only be used a total of 4 times. If you only have 15 decent characters, fine, but if you have a deeper bench, then that will be to your advantage. Plan your matchups according to whatever you are facing in that node.

    This is just a first pass, but it sounds to me like it would be more fun than the current system. With some playtesting, I think it has promise. And give people warning so they can get their teams ready?
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    Characters who don't participate in a battle should have all cooldowns fully reset upon successful completion of a battle. Sit out the fight, then come back fresh so to speak.

    Then you secondary Droid team for example, can actually be used every second battle, instead of being virtually a one shot team....

    The healer(s) you used the previous round comes back in fresh again from the start to help heal your team back up after a tough battle....


    Seems like a simple answer that would at least add a bit more as far as strategy and depth goes, as well as allowing you to use more characters whilst still making it just a bit easier for those who have spent the time and effort and compiled decent benches.
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    I don't understand how so many are completing this. I'm level 63 an never finished once. Heck never got to the final fight. I dread playing galactic war every day because I know its just going to be more frustration. There is challenging, then their is impossible. For me, as a F2P player, its impossible.

    Its certainly not enjoyable. It's slowly but surely pushing me away from the game. I see full purple level 63 squads by halfway on
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    GW is the most imbalanced mess I have ever come across in over 30 years of gaming.
    How is it even remotely conceivable to match new players with players 5 levels above and with purple geared toons?
    GW is extremely unfriendly to new players who have just starter GW,once in it never ends.
    You level up, doesn't matter, you still face enemy 5 levels higher......
    5 levels higher !
    This is how the current games ridiculous coding works.
    Player is level 52
    The enemy has 4 level 58 and one level 50 toon, so the enemy must be level 50
    It starts a match with your level 52 team.
    What a joke
    Sort it out, other game developers are sniggering all over this mess.
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    I don't understand how so many are completing this. I'm level 63 an never finished once. Heck never got to the final fight. I dread playing galactic war every day because I know its just going to be more frustration. There is challenging, then their is impossible. For me, as a F2P player, its impossible.

    Its certainly not enjoyable. It's slowly but surely pushing me away from the game. I see full purple level 63 squads by halfway on

    They are not new players.
    I have had a team of 6 new players testing GW for the last week.
    None have made completed it.
    These guys are highly competent with MMO team matches ect, veterans of MMO's.
    All agree the balance is not there.
  • TweetTromp
    59 posts
    edited January 2016
    I never knew about the retreat option prior to the patch. GW doesn't feel severely overtuned. Seems like any other game. With some luck you clear the board with weaker heroes and your consistency and ability to clear the board daily increases as you build up your squad. I've cleared GW every day successfully since the patch. The only thing that changed for me is that the 5-7 heroes I've been investing all of my resources in are getting more powerful by the day.

    With that being said, I've min/max'ed my play time / stamina usage and I imagine there is a large portion of the player base that does not (or cannot) invest as much time into the game so their characters may not be as far along even playing the game longer than I have. I don't see anything wrong with changing the system to match those players with squads that would make their GW run competitive, but not completely out of reach.

    It might be an idea to take a player's power rating of their 5-7 most powerful heroes on their roster and use that as a baseline to determine the types of matchups they will face across the board.

    Another option would be adding a difficulty toggle. Create an easier setting for players who take a much more casual approach to the game that allows them to have a sense of progress, consistency, and closure day-to-day with less rewards. Create a "hard mode" for the super nerds that ramps up the level of teams they will face for a substantial increase in reward(s).

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    Wow there are a lot of people with A LOT to say here. I pretty much just skipped through and read the ones @CG_JohnSalera decided to quote. Kudos to you though for the amount of activity you've had lately. Lots of toxicity in this forum. I'm surprised you guys even reply at all sometimes.

    Well I gave my review on page one and I was happy with it then. I'm Lv 65 now and I'm still happy with it. Plain and simple.
  • AnotherMolEliza
    39 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    ventsel wrote: »
    My toddler nephew has that toy with pegs and holes of different forms (square, cross, triangle...) - I am sure most of you have seen it. That's what GWis now. A healer is killed? Retreat, change an attacker for a tank, repeat. Didn't work out? Change a shooter toon for a stunner toon and try again. Still wrong pegs in wrong holes? Bring the first combination back in but change the leader. Retreat and repeat. And again. And again.
    +1. For those who aren't finishing GW this is one of the main three reasons.

    1) Backed the wrong characters. There is a reason why people are complaining about 10 toons being overpowered. There are about a dozen toons that are head and shoulders above the others, and not all of those perform well in GW due to the cooldowns (Poe, Poggle, Droids, Fives). Meanwhile there are toons that are poor in Arena that shine in GW (JC, Daka, Dooku)
    2) Didn't power-level an A-team. I take my same core three through the entire GW, and cycle out the fourth and fifth depending on the situation. Luminara, Resistance Pilot, Sid are core. If any of those die I MUST restart. Of the cycle characters (Poe, Chewie, Vader, Dooku, JC, Finn, Resistance Trooper) any of those die I think hard and only continue if it is match 9-12. The other cycles are there to die if it is impossible to not lose a character.
    3) You aren't willing to restart each fight a dozen times from fights 7-12. Opponent resisted your opening Dooku stun, RESTART, target someone else.

    Of course if you are a whale, none of these matter.
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Could it be that we got used to playing what we thought was the "right game" for 6 or 7 weeks, and then it got turned into the "wrong game" overnight one Thursday?
    Could it be that they've said they plan further changes and we are making our views known?

    EnderU wrote: »
    Characters who don't participate in a battle should have all cooldowns fully reset upon successful completion of a battle. Sit out the fight, then come back fresh so to speak.

    I am not there yet to have two level 65 teams, but this would make sacrificial squads useful as well if done on any battle completion (including a loss).

    Best idea in the whole thread!
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    After using the new retreat button I am not opposed to it. I just Retreat then stick in new team till I find what works. Not much fun as it is just a rinse and repeat action but it works. If your intention was to have it used often than I think it is a success. I barely used it before the change and I never used it early. I use it often now. Would I prefer a different system? I would say yes.

    I would love to see better matchmaking. I am not too fond of hitting a full team of high level purples with Poe on my 5th, 6th, and 7th fight all the time. Basically my early section has been harder than my last three fights. Maybe you can find a way to move the power squads to the back.

    Also, I would love it if you didn't stick my injured high level toons all the way at the bottom of the character screen. In fact, this change is high priority in my opinion. When this game gets some years on it with many more toons just imagine how annoying this is going to get when it is pretty annoying now.
  • Jsnazz
    349 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    ventsel wrote: »
    After all this time and having won every single GW after the change...

    I rest my case. The devs have killed the only fun part of the game.

    My toddler nephew has that toy with pegs and holes of different forms (square, cross, triangle...) - I am sure most of you have seen it. That's what GWis now. A healer is killed? Retreat, change an attacker for a tank, repeat. Didn't work out? Change a shooter toon for a stunner toon and try again. Still wrong pegs in wrong holes? Bring the first combination back in but change the leader. Retreat and repeat. And again. And again.

    No art. No thinking. Just try all possible combos of your most upgraded/competitive toons until you've found a right fit of pegs and holes.

    Only I am not a toddler
    Hmm what's the different between dozen of force close and your toddler analogy on the above?

    And your welcome ; )

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    Qeltar wrote: »
    could it be not that you are playing the wrong game, or exagerating "a tiny bit" your arguments for the sake of influence?
    Could it be that we got used to playing what we thought was the "right game" for 6 or 7 weeks, and then it got turned into the "wrong game" overnight one Thursday?
    Could it be that they've said they plan further changes and we are making our views known?
    I don't understand how so many are completing this. I'm level 63 an never finished once. Heck never got to the final fight. I dread playing galactic war every day because I know its just going to be more frustration. There is challenging, then their is impossible. For me, as a F2P player, its impossible.

    Its certainly not enjoyable. It's slowly but surely pushing me away from the game. I see full purple level 63 squads by halfway on

    If you reach l70 before the cap lift, all enemies will be max the cap thus 70, thus never a higher level opponent.
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    Im just gonna have to be content with 400 crystals a day until I get a full bench
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    For the first time in at least 3 weeks I failed to finish GW ... I'm Level 63, and on last node got matched against another 63, maxed out p2w team. Since it was last fight I threw in suicide squad to clear everyone's cooldowns. That worked and they took out 2 of the enemy. Then I went in with my main squad, and never got a turn. Every one of my top 5 got killed before I had a chance to retreat. I guess I could have fc'ed but never likes that option. With having only B squad available I had no chance, so GW ended with all my toons gone and 3 of the enemy standing.
    The reason is my a team was worn out fighting previous node, which was against maxed L65 team so I had no Heals or health.
    In the old system I would have tried to refresh cooldowns and sub out to get my team ready.
    Ally Code: 253-747-318
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    I've been playing since hard launch and am currently level 64. I've finished GW twice since the change. I've read all the talk of having a deep bench to clear GW. I have 23 toons that are level 60 plus. Of those 23, 18 are purple geared and and of those 18, 13 are 5* or higher. I am not f2p. I've spent well over 2500 on this game. I find no enjoyment in the current version. From the 3rd battle onwards I am routinely matched against 6 - 7* purple geared teams that include a smorgasbord of OP toons with excellent synergies. By the 10th battle even my deep bench is whittled down. The current version of GW is a never ending gauntlet of trial and error that is tedious and frustrating. Strategy has been removed in preference to sacrifice to the RNG Gods. I routinely rage quit as the last member of my A team subcomes in round 11, or if I'm lucky, 12. I'm not sure what the "answer" is but I know I enjoyed GW much more pre-change.
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    Check out this dude jedi master ailan has youtube videos of him doing galactic war. He seems like a pretty cool guy who obviously likes this game a lot and has just about every character.

    Anyway what I notice over the last 2 videos he uploaded is just the way frustration builds. He starts out playing in a good mood joking around with his kid or whatever...

    But then by about the 7th round it is just guess and check which way to play the rng and you can see the rage and frustration build. To the point where he is swearing at the screen questioning why he bothers anymore.

    Then more like relief when the final team is not poe and he can turn the darn game off..

    Possibly this is working as intended to make people feel if they just spend a bit more they will have enough charcters to finish. But like I said this dude has nearly every character already so idk..

    I am actually surprised they didn't introduce new galactic war shipments at the same time as changing the rules to further this psychowhatever feeling.
This discussion has been closed.