Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    Preloading turn-meter is the single best thing I have done. I happen to rotate in 1-2 of my B toons per round. If your roster is somewhat deeper than just an arena team, that should be all you need.

    Droids seem to be the FASTEST way to complete GW and nearly the safest, provided there is a taunter like Nebit. I've completed the last two days of GW in 6 minutes and 30 seconds. Going for speed actually makes it fun, and takes less time obviously.
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    Come on guys, I have more 130 win in GW, so I know how to win one and my roster is not limited to 5 guys (more than 30 guys over 5k in power and my arena team is 38K). I used to go through GW like a piece of cake, so don't tell me that you do it this way. I know. I did it before.

    The problem is that one or 2 weeks ago the algorithm changed. Before it was really hard till node 11 and then a joke, now it is the same but node 12 is just beyond doable.

    So I suppose that somehow I'm in a bad part of the GW generator algorithm and this spoil all the fun.
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    Where do yall get that u can only spend 1600 a day. I just refilled my shard shop bank and spent 2400 to make up for the coin ive spent on vader shards the past few days. 26400 is what u need for one toon...wait i got it now...u can only spend 1600 on one character per day. My b.

    But yeah 6400 is minimum. But of course if youre staying at minimum then no shards can go toward vader in the shard shop.
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    I used to be very challenged a few weeks ago and that is how it always should be. I'm not getting any easy random node 12s, but it is still way too easy at the top. If the first 5 nodes were actually competitive at all, then that would be interesting
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    But can you beat it with JC lead?
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    Where do yall get that u can only spend 1600 a day. I just refilled my shard shop bank and spent 2400 to make up for the coin ive spent on vader shards the past few days. 26400 is what u need for one toon...wait i got it now...u can only spend 1600 on one character per day. My b.

    But yeah 6400 is minimum. But of course if youre staying at minimum then no shards can go toward vader in the shard shop.

    Well, the idea is to see how many one should save to max a toon as soon as possible. But Vader shows up so rarely in the shard shop that one could slowly convert a few in the shard shop while building their GW bank to 6400. I have a little over 1000 in the shard shop now. If Vader pops up, I'm still good. :)
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    Jmvdmz wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    you earn 15 shards a day. you can buy 20 shards a day. you'll need 330 for a full character. 330/20=16.5days. 16x400=6400
    so basically you need 6400 GW tokens to max a characters as fast as possible (17days) without using refreshes, clearing GW each day and buying 4x5shards a day.

    You need 26400 GW tokens to 7* a toon!!!!

    Dammit, @leef lied to me! Now I have to do math: (330/5)*400 = 26,400. @Daddyngo007 math confirmed!

    @leef is right, assuming you will beat galactic war every day, you will earn 1200 every day, so you Only need to save 6400

    OIC. So they are both right. Cool.
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    Snackbull wrote: »
    Come on guys, I have more 130 win in GW, so I know how to win one and my roster is not limited to 5 guys (more than 30 guys over 5k in power and my arena team is 38K). I used to go through GW like a piece of cake, so don't tell me that you do it this way. I know. I did it before.

    The problem is that one or 2 weeks ago the algorithm changed. Before it was really hard till node 11 and then a joke, now it is the same but node 12 is just beyond doable.

    So I suppose that somehow I'm in a bad part of the GW generator algorithm and this spoil all the fun.

    Im sorry, I'm not understanding the bolder part. Are you saying you cannot finish node 12 now? i would assume that's what you're saying, considering your follow up sentence, but I want to make sure.

    Also, I'm not sure what you're referring to when you say, "so don't tell me that you do it this way." What way are you referring to? Autoing through GW?
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    Uhffff!! I gotta say, i was having serious issues with GW for the past week, not been able to complete node 12 ONE SINGLE TIME. Then, yesterday i was doing GW (to atleast get some rewards), got a hard but fairly doable node 11 and then..... Node 12 was simply ridiculous, 5 toons with lvl 78 and green gear!! I can't deny i smiled and celebrated that i can finally get GW completed once more.

    PS: I know this is obviously not WAI, but not completing GW every single day is not WAI as well.

    PS2: You can see why is not WAI only because oif this: i was 37k arena and got impossible GWs, now i'm 38 almost 39k and get those easy last nodes. A single k can make that of a difference? Thus, not WAI for anyone.
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    I'm not spending another penny on this game until GW is addressed. I have a large assortment of level 80, 7 *, 9-10 leveled up characters and I cannot consistently get past mod 9. It's ridiculous.
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    Brockman08 wrote: »
    I'm not spending another penny on this game until GW is addressed. I have a large assortment of level 80, 7 *, 9-10 leveled up characters and I cannot consistently get past mod 9. It's ridiculous.

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    Brockman08 wrote: »
    I'm not spending another penny on this game until GW is addressed. I have a large assortment of level 80, 7 *, 9-10 leveled up characters and I cannot consistently get past mod 9. It's ridiculous.

    I'm so confused when people say this. What is a large assortment? 20? 30? How many of those toons are good toons to begin with? Or are some of those just the easy toons you can get to 7*?

    I don't care if you spend any money or not. If you were a spender before then the lesson is you cannot buy your way to the end of GW.

    I would consider a large assortment of toons to be at least 25 (for GW purposes; in all around game play the number will be way higher). 25 good toons properly leveled, geared, and modded will get you five separate teams in the first five nodes. Despite the fact that for most people it's not necessary, use your whole bench of those 25 toons in the first five nodes, a different team each time. This builds TM and saves protection. Then on nodes 6, 9, 11, and 12 put in your a teams; whichever one has the most protection or that can beat the node. If you have a large assortment then you should be able to field more than one "a team". On the off nodes, take them out and heal if necessary. Most times it won't be necessary to heal. Most importantly, never let anyone die. Retreat and make adjustments before you let someone die. If you have an easy node 12 then use that strategy for 6, 9, 10, and 11. Like I said, it's not necessary to use so many toons but it is easier and it is fun using toons you don't normally use. I think, at least.

    If you don't have at least 25 good toons then adjust the strat accordingly and work to build an actual large assortment of properly geared, leveled, and modded 7* toons.
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    tRRRey wrote: »
    Farm droids, farm Wiggs, farm Palp, farm Anakin, farm Lando
    You're welcome :wink:

    What, no Night Sisters?
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    Im lost. Dobt understand most things... Guilds shards how to use abilities.... Need help bad. Trying to read posts here but they even confuse me. I just started yesterday. I have played and have have level 19 players im a level 17? Its very confusing.
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    Please adjust, on a scale of 1 to 10 it is a hard 10. All I'm asking for is make it a 9. Last node all characters are well above 8k for power and most have 30k to 40k health and protection. Please adjust
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    Feels like a 6/10 to me
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    It's not very hard if you use a reasonable strategy. Nodes 9, 11, and 12 are challenging, but the rest are kind of recuperative.
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    Feels like a 6/10 to me

    I've been playing since December. Feels like a 4.
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    I got through it today, and only lost a single toon, using only 1 team after node 1. *shrugs*
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    Samantha wrote: »
    Feels like a 6/10 to me

    I've been playing since December. Feels like a 4.

    I was trying to be generous for the GW AI :D
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    You may be (are) doing it wrong if you think GW is so challenging that you have problems completing it on a regular basis. I have faith you will figure it out, good luck OP.
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    It is more annoying than anything else. I have 7* every character in GW shipments, so I rarely bother to play it any more. Picked it up a bit more once they added raid gear in shard shop, but still haven't finished a full 12 rounds in a week or so. Not because I cannot, but because I don't feel the need to.

    So I think less a nerf and more a rework.
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    You probably should have kept your highest squad power under 30k before going fight in arena and winning. Now your stuck until you work more on other toons.
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    Another one of these? Must be Thursday
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    What level are you? I **** at it a few weeks ago, but once you hit level 80 it gets so much easier. Trust me, I haven't been able to do it a while ago, but as long as you use a good strategy and level the right people, it becomes insanely easy.
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    How to pass GW:
    1) Run Droids
    2) Run your arena team
    3) Complete

    At most, it should take about 3 teams. 1 for the easy nodes, 1 for 6, 9, and 11, and one for 12.

    Eventually, you will also hit a point where the final node is ridiculously easy. I hit it this week, and now GW takes no time whatsoever. I almost am looking for things to do in the game throughout the day.
  • Quicksilver
    1175 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    i'd love it if the people who complain about GW would list their rosters instead of just saying its too hard. If you have one team and are expecting to win GW you are the problem not GW.

    If anyone who complains about GW being too difficult doesnt have 2-3 solid teams then they need to stop complaining about GW and see how it is after they get 2-3 solid teams, its not meant to be beaten every day or at all until you progress that far
    Post edited by Quicksilver on
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    i'd love it if the people who complain about GW would list their rosters instead of just saying its too hard. If you have one team and are expecting to win GW you are the problem not GW.
    ^^This! It even says in its description that it is meant to be a battle of attrition. Being able to swap out different toons for different battles is part of the game mode.

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