Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    djvita wrote: »
    palp wiggs landokin

    Faced a similar team today with Wiggs, STHan, Sun Fac and Lando, G10 all five-star mods. This was node 9. Forget node 12..... I had to deal with EP, STHan, RG, QGJ and Rey, G11 or higher, all five-star mods.

    My Arena team is only 32K.
  • The0n3
    984 posts Member
    Today i got confident to node 11 thinking it would be easy again, but it seems they fixed that finally... I lost GW today though lol
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    I don't win any GW last time. Even three Teams from me can't win node 12 or sometimes even node 11. It sucks!
  • armyhutchings
    273 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Too small of sample since the recent power adjustments, but in my experience it feels a lot better and more consistent with the matchups. I'm no longer getting the broken node 12 easy mode, but I'm also not running into impossible-to-beat nodes that wipe out all 26 of my level 80s either. It seems like mods are actually being weighted correctly now. But, it's also only been two days. For those wondering: arena team - 39,938 and my top 5 - 43,189.
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    Put GW the way it used to be. The ones complaining are the ones that have hacked crystals...of course they will complain that it's too easy. Listen to the real "user base" not the haxors.
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    These are just made up teams now... Fully stared level 72 teams with no mods an yet they still have protection through the roof? This company is at it, nothing else to be said...
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    I figured GW would become different after power had been refigured. I think it is too hard now. Gw should be possible yet difficult. Not impossible.
  • slothe
    221 posts Member
    Come on people, just stop complaining about GW. I've had this game since the day after it came out and there have been periods, since GW unlocked, where I couldn't beat it for weeks after levels would raise or gear would change etc. Beating GW is very possible and will be easy if you build the right toons, everyone you need is f2p. Build Wiggs, Lando, STH, and JKA. I run this team in GW and can solo the entire thing in under 20min. and yes I have the insane final nodes now. I'm sure this will change after the next level increase and new 6-7dot mods become available, so I'll probably have another dry spell, but it forces you to catch up. Having an easy GW would be pointless and not do what it's intended to do, which is to force you to better your toons. Just leave it alone, it works fine.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    today is arena day, do one battle with someone you know you can beat with your top5 toons. then spend 50 crystals if youre so paranoid and switch back to your regular team
  • Skilz
    45 posts Member
    Fix this **** game please!!
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    muttBunch wrote: »
    Put GW the way it used to be. The ones complaining are the ones that have hacked crystals...of course they will complain that it's too easy. Listen to the real "user base" not the haxors.

    Hacked crystals I wish LOL. More like optimized my roster and mods so that GW is a cakewalk regardless of the squads I face :wink: 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Satyg
    160 posts Member
    I think GW is way to easy and they should make another tier with better rewards. I know people have problems with it and some don't. Please make another tier for challenge.
    Rrraarrwhhgwwr - Chewbacca (The Empire Strikes Back)
  • Dooku_for_days
    2907 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Another tier would be crazy IMO, but I can see how it's easy for those of us with deep (8-10 month F2P or whale) rosters. Honestly, do I want to spend anymore than 20 minutes on GW a day?... no. Do I want another tier?... no.
    Good suggestion though.
  • SithGorilla
    59 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    And the wheels keep spinning in this thread. I've been (vocally) pretty upset about how GW is since the update. I've had to make peace with it and realize that 1) I'm not going to win every one and 2) EA/CG doesn't care how much we complain, they won't change it.
    As far as "top players" posting in here about how easy it is to beat because of your deep rosters...that really doesn't help anyone who is struggling with this. And don't forget, your "deep roster" is due in part that you were able to reap the benefits of when GW was normal and easier to win. So take a moment to come down of your high horses and think what it would have been like when you were farming toons if GW was like it is now and have some compassion. Because you would be complaining to if suddenly the game mode that gave you the best benefits started pounding you into the ground.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Would be nice to have a bonus 12 nodes only accessible when you complete the first 12. Sets of 3 with 6,9,12 difficulty (if they fix the matching to not give easy nodes).

    Same roster availability from first 12, so it wouldn't reset and maybe double reward. Overall only another 1M if cleared. More about the challenge then the reward. No reason to give crazy reward,just a little incentive for those who want it.

    That lvl of difficulty would make it hard to clear all 12 additional nodes anyway so no need to complain about additional reward for those who can make it.

    But they would need to fix node matching before they implement anything like this. Can't give more rewards to those who have an easy node to get there. And definitely don't want to give easy nodes on the bonus nodes.
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    I use 7 toons to fly through it. I switch out 1 or 2 when needed. I have a deep roster but don't need it. Focus on your arena team and than maybe a few tank and healers. Palps (l) ani rey GS and liea. I will put in sth and rg I someone is going to die
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    I wish you could just sim the battles
  • Satyg
    160 posts Member
    I still think GW is fun. But not challenging.
    Rrraarrwhhgwwr - Chewbacca (The Empire Strikes Back)
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    Love the fan boys who come to visit. Thanks for the input. We are all glad that you paid real $ (cough) and can now beat GW easily (cough). The rest of us think that EA sucks for maxing the opposition AI and then BUFFING them on top of that. And why? Because a bunch of devs are too lazy to create new content.

    Maybe the fan boys could start a different "I love EA" thread, and then they wouldn't have to mix with the EA sucks rabble like me?
  • Satyg
    160 posts Member
    DaniB32 wrote: »
    I wish you could just sim the battles

    There's an AUTO button

    It sure is. But then you miss all the fun
    Rrraarrwhhgwwr - Chewbacca (The Empire Strikes Back)
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    I think an optional higher tier for advanced players that doesn't require rehashing through the first tier would be great.
  • Goldy
    254 posts Member
    Agreed, I'd even accept a 50 crystal refresh to let us do it again same day
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    i guess i pressed a few buttons with my suggestions to give people the ability to get a 3* filled node 11 and 12
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    No complaints or call for nerfs.. I just thought it was crazy and sadly funny!

    My node 11 for GW was Palp lead with QGJ, Lando, sthan and RG, all maxed in gear and mods. I sent my droid team (Hk, engineer, 88,86,poggle) and a dooku lead, Rey, sthan, ee and Gs team at him. The team attacked 12 times in a row and killed me without attacking once (dooku did counter 4 times tho) and killed my droids without them going once. After that I sent a QGJ lead, Secura, Fives, Leia and RG from which they attacked 14 times before QGJ could attack.

    The sheer amount of stuns, shocks, tm gains and damage drove me to the edge of sanity before I finally knocked out the emperor and Lando with the QGJ team and sent in my wedge team to end them. I was blown away hahah
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    Lol that sounds horrible and a bit funny. A tip: get some TM on all of your (good) toons on the easier nodes, i.e. use all of them at some point before getting to those harder nodes. I'm glad you made it (:
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    Just one question: Why you no prep??
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    I wasn't expecting it... for the past 2 months my node 11 and 12 were 3*, lvl 75-80, G4/5/6 guys so I could run through 1-8 with just my wedge team and then on node 9 I'd send a burner squad and then wedge could end them and the rest of the GW no problem. When I clicked on 11 and actually had a team to go against I wasn't expecting it so I didn't prepare lol
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    Lol that sounds horrible and a bit funny. A tip: get some TM on all of your (good) toons on the easier nodes, i.e. use all of them at some point before getting to those harder nodes. I'm glad you made it (:

    Months ago I would but the past month or two I would have the noob node 11 and 12 and since getting wedge I could go through the whole GW with just them (maybe one burner team). Since wedge I wouldn't get the tm for the other guys cause I'd never need it. But thanks for the tip regardless!

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