Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • TroelsVastrup
    183 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Oh, and if we really want to encourage players to try different ideas, then the teams could come with special rules as well.
    • "TM reduction does not work in this fight"
    • "No jedi"
    • "Stealth works in reverse - everyone can attack stealthed toons, but not non-stealthed."
    • "Buffs becomes the corresponding debuff instead, and debufds become the corresponding buff"
    • "No health gain"
    • "Only female toons"
    • "Everyone have 50% critical chance"
    • "Nightsisters have +25 +50 +75 speed
    • "Everyone have increased dogde vs. AEO's"
    • "At the end of each toon's turn they take X damage"

  • armyhutchings
    273 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    node 6: level 81, G10-11, fully modded 47, 88, 86, B2, JE.
    node 9: level 81-82, G10-11, fully modded EP, Rey, GQJ, Fives, and someone else I forget
    node 11: level 83, G10-11, fully modded wiggs, anakin, sth, ackbar lead (for some reason ... shoulda used Lando imo)

    No clue about node 12, that was too much for my roster to overcome. in case anyone's curious. I'm not even 82 yet.
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    Everyday I'm able to breeze through the first 11 nodes, but on the 12th I always seem to face a team 10x better than mine. Today I ran my entire team against the last node and did not even come close to beatting it. Any tips on what I should do?
  • BeetIe
    12 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    The team I faced were plasma lead, QQJ, sun fac, RG, and GC and they were all gear 10 except for qqj
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    all I get is an easy node. Level 80 gear 5-6 characters.
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    all I get is an easy node. Level 80 gear 5-6 characters.

    Are you level 80 or above?
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    TM load as many toons as you can in preparation for that last node.

    Run different teams on the easiest nodes and make sure you don't lose any characters until the last node.

    If you only run one team the whole GW you are asking for trouble (unless you have an uber OP squad like droids or Dangerzone).
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    Lumi/Bariss lead is nice for later nodes, when you are going after a tank, so you get some nice heals and cooldown reduction
  • BeetIe
    12 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    TM load as many toons as you can in preparation for that last node.

    Run different teams on the easiest nodes and make sure you don't lose any characters until the last node.

    If you only run one team the whole GW you are asking for trouble (unless you have an uber OP squad like droids or Dangerzone).

    My A and B squads are modded pretty good, and I tend to run B squad through the first 4 nodes
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    BeetIe wrote: »
    all I get is an easy node. Level 80 gear 5-6 characters.

    Are you level 80 or above?

    yes I'm level 81.
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    Lumi/Bariss lead is nice for later nodes, when you are going after a tank, so you get some nice heals and cooldown reduction

    I usually run a bariss lead
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    BeetIe wrote: »
    all I get is an easy node. Level 80 gear 5-6 characters.

    Are you level 80 or above?

    Level has nothing to do with it. If you are close enough in arena power to the highest arena power on your shard, then you will get the easy node 12.
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    Can you tell us what exactly the criteria is for the teams selected in GW? In my guild we have peopls that breeze through itwith no issues. Then we have others myself included who have a gear 10 modded great enemy team at node 6? If u modified it please tell us how causein my opinion a f2p and a p2p should have the same difficulty respectfully looking at the differencein accounts and adjusted accordingly. Please give some insight
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    Platzman wrote: »
    You must be kidding, getting around RG is basic.
    1) Do not trigger him (kill other toons by getting them to 50-100 and then one shot with highh dmg char
    2) simply dispel his taunt with QGJ or similar toon.

    And when solo RG looks at your 5 toons, it does not really matter if he has 60k HP or 120, since he hits like fly..

    AOE also helps ignore tanks...
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    soulaccord wrote: »
    Can you tell us what exactly the criteria is for the teams selected in GW? In my guild we have peopls that breeze through itwith no issues. Then we have others myself included who have a gear 10 modded great enemy team at node 6? If u modified it please tell us how causein my opinion a f2p and a p2p should have the same difficulty respectfully looking at the differencein accounts and adjusted accordingly. Please give some insight

    @soulaccord We would if we could, but the devs won't come clean and generally the forum doesn't agree on the algorithm. BUT I will tell you this: my research heavily suggests that the GW nodes are scaled based on the sum total power of the five highest power heroes on your roster. If you sum up the power of the enemy squad on each node, you will find that it follows this pattern:cpTVdr6.png

    If you follow this pattern, you can determine when to send your less-developed teams to load their turn meters. If you only have two good squads, send in your A team on N1 to load TM. Make sure cooldowns are reset before finishing; it may be best to use only basic attacks, depending on how your fights go. Send in the B squad on N2 to load TM, maybe run them as many nodes as you can. If you have other heroes, sub them in as allowed to load their TM and maybe save some protection on your primaries. If you have C and D squads, bring them in when the upcoming team is lower power. Get TM load on as many heroes as you can before you hit N12. That way, when they demolish your A team, you have more squads that can come in with TM charged and give them a chance to fight.

    would you like to know more? See: In a nutshell, the research shows that Top5 power is a more reliable indicator of GW difficulty than Arena power, because the standard deviations on each node are larger for Arena than they are for T5. Larger standard deviations suggest a lower dependence.

    There may be other factors at play as well for determining GW node scaling, but this method works well enough for me.
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    That is an awesome answer thank you very much makes sense
  • Goldy
    254 posts Member
    Well I had the Node 9 from hell today. All L82, 7* obvs, but not fully geared. I know for a fact that it was an arena team, because the guy is in my guild!! And that's the team he runs in Arena (and is #1).

    Interestingly though, I also know that his team IS fully geared, but either GW put his gear level down or the team pic showed that it wasn't. So, I don't think we'll ever figure out how GW works lol.

    Still got the easy N12 though, so that was something!!
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Goldy wrote: »
    Well I had the Node 9 from hell today. All L82, 7* obvs, but not fully geared. I know for a fact that it was an arena team, because the guy is in my guild!! And that's the team he runs in Arena (and is #1).

    Interestingly though, I also know that his team IS fully geared, but either GW put his gear level down or the team pic showed that it wasn't. So, I don't think we'll ever figure out how GW works lol.

    Still got the easy N12 though, so that was something!!

    it takes your power in the guild page, and like eventine put, the percentages. it allocates to the power, it either adds or substracts drom squads, its an arena team fielded but its not the same order. it will be the level, and have the actual mods of the char, only gear and raririty is modified (that's why you see lvl 80 3* toons in the easy nodes)
  • Mcpout
    20 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    So has there been a level cap increase or does the game just suddenly hate me??? I now have a team at nod 12 with two level 81 characters...
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    I've seen the same after reaching lvl 80. I got a full 81 team at node 11 followed by full 82 at node 12. I found that if I used my lvl 79 team to get thru most of the nodes the last couple teams are rather easy.
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    Malox23 wrote: »
    I've seen the same after reaching lvl 80. I got a full 81 team at node 11 followed by full 82 at node 12. I found that if I used my lvl 79 team to get thru most of the nodes the last couple teams are rather easy.
    I could almost understand that but I am only level 73 lol my highest leveled guy is sitting level 71 just now and weren't they adamant that the nodes we face are real players? How can that be the case if the players are above the level cap?
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    Even though i got to lvl 81 and close to 82 by a few hours now, my last node is still easy. I think the lvl cap increase didn't worked on fixing that...
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    I stopped farming it. Mods have broken GW beyond belief because the devs have no clue what their doing.

    Teams with RG and Daka. She will heal and it takes 10 minutes to take down the 45k protection.

    Endless counter attack teams, Dooku with 'Five' and any other means you'll die to counters. The amount of counters needs capped.

    Fully modded node 6 teams. Wait for reset.
  • Mario
    1 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Im f2p and i have only one question: HOW? I get almost all my chars killed at this stage. And this is after the update the 3th time in a row to get this player as the enemy in the last node.
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    GW is just unenjoyable now and it's too bad it used to not be this way. It used to be great, do some battles and have a couple last challenging nodes. But this format? Has anyone even noticed the endless upon endless negative comments? Do they care or do they just have dollar signs in their eyes? All it seems they're doing is trying to force people to p2p. It's not about "oh use your b team" it's about getting you to pay money to have multiple teams to make it somewhat enjoyable now. Too bad the game didn't used to be this way.
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    GW is unfair for new players or f2p players. having to face teams with potentially so much better gears, synergy and levels, it is just unthinkable to finish the nodes.
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    For me just faced a Level 81 Lando lead,Biggs,Wedge,Sun Fac,Shoretrooper on node 9 the Shoretrooper has 21000 health and 39000 protection and with auto taunt at start of battle is impossible fo me at level 81 with 2 teams at gear 9-10 Having to fight through 3 80 teams at nodes 3,5,7 with just 10 toons is just unfair for an F2P player like myself.GW since i got too level 81 has become nigh on impossible,i have on average faced between 8-10 fully loaded teams in the last 3 GWs and until today got to a least to node 11.EA are doing a good job catering for P2P only but player base will dwindle,Im thinking of quitting myself because EA are all about the money.
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    I can pass GW about 90% of the time, Im level 82 and have 27 toons at 7* LVL 82 all of which are well geared G11-G10, and a lot more at 6*. But every now and then i run into this team: Lando(L), Palp, ST Han, RG, Anakin all lvl 82 maxed with speed/Health mods. No matter what i throw at it i just cant beat it. Also have troubles with round 6 facing HK47 (L), JE, IG88, B2, RG/nebit lvl 80-82, G10, which i can defeat but always lose a few toons. I have been playing since december last year and honestly i think they messed up GW quite a bit. The auto balancing system of the game kind of defeats the purpose of leveling up toons. Why work and level up your toons, if by leveling them up you will gain no advantage? Just makes the AI harder to fight.
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