The Gear Grind: A Problem of Supply vs. Demand


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    Keep bumping this up
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    very well written. +1
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    I am currently working on 3-4 solid teams for the heroic tank raid. Here is an example of what I need VS what I have. Yes I do NEED all of these. I'm getting these teams to between G9-10 because beyond that is impossible and even this is extremely difficult to obtain.

    450 mk6 hypo syringes needed. I have 32.
    320 mk3 holo projectors needed. I have 5.
    240 mk4 keypads needed. I have 32.
    200 mk3 droid callers needed. I have 1.
    450 mk3 stun cuffs needed. I have 3.
    150 mk5 stun guns needed. I have 16.

    Here is how much i have of other challenge gears that I don't need at all.

    784 mk5 key pads
    606 mk4 stun guns
    272 mk8 electrobiniculars
    332 mk4 droid callers
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    +1 come on devs, this is getting old, please fix it.
  • BrtStlnd
    1094 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    This is the most well thought out explanation of the repetitive gear problem we all have. 1000s of some that will never be used, but are still doled out in level 85 challenges, and shortages of pieces every single character needs multiple times.

    I'm also of the mind that developers just aren't aware of what gear is needed and in what quantity. I don't think this indicates malice or indifference on their part, just that they aren't fully aware because they don't experience the game the same way we do.

    The fact that the EP of the game cited the galactic gear pack as a remedy is actually funny. Again, I'm sure he's just unaware of what the gear pack actually gives players.
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    Part of the reason I will be leaving the game. This game is requiring too much time. Plus the tank is such a drag
  • scuba
    14071 posts Member
    Awesome write up. Couldn't agree more

    Dev response previously supplied in the interview below. I will not share my thoughts on the responses about the gear question and answers.

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    +1 This would definitely help the player base in general by allowing f2p to grind gear faster, thus making the p2p desire to spend more money to keep the degree of advantage they currently hold. Also, you don't find blue gear in any stores except the regular shipments, so that alone would excite many of those who pour in boatloads of cash and help them feel happier overall. I wonder if it would be too much to ask for amounts to be increased as well. If I need five droid callers for a piece of gear, I can get it in one challenge. If I need chewy syringes, I need several days of challenges.
    Lastly, please change TAC gear rewards. Many of those rewards go nowhere and thus do not reach what I would assume to the the heart behind these challenges: to assist players in farming and allow progression to happen at a pace people are satisfied with. These challenges are quintessential to the game and I always appreciate them deeply. You devs do awesome work. Please don't take any of these posts as complaints, but just requests from people who love and are very passionate about your product.
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    This thread is spot on. I understand that they want people to drop crystals on the game but an endless grind of the same gear for months isn't the way to get that.
    I think the release of ships has shown that people will spend if they are having fun. Those that spent money on ships actually saw a return on what they were putting in. It wasn't just another holo projector with another hundred to go.
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    I'm hoping the survey was to fix the game I think people are leaving in droves and they are noticing
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    Great description of the problem and modest, rational proposals to fix it. Nice work! Gives me new hope, although I'm worried about what happens when the devs strike back.
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    Great post, +1000. I'd love an event where the prizes are needed gear pieces and the refresh is other gear pieces, like the ones we have a thousand of.
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    One thing that has always bothered me is that there seems to be no rhyme or reason to how Gear is priced. In shipments, you can buy a full MK 5 furnace for 1400 crystals. You can also buy a pair of MK 3 stun cuffs for 1400. This makes no sense because you need a full pair of cuffs to craft a furnace. Cuffs are purposely overpriced to slow people down. If we're going off the cost of MK Holo Projectors (300 crystals or 20 salvage pieces to create) then Stun Cuffs should be priced at 700 crystals, not 1400.

    Please don't remind the devs that Mk5 furnaces used to be 2500 crystals. That is why the price seems 'off' now. They only brought the price down to 1400 because of the ridiculous number of people complaining it was unfair. For over a thousand arena battle the devs were guardians of proactiveness against gear grinding... before the dark times... before the level cap increase.
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    So this got moved to a forum section that doesnt get a lot of traffic. Great.
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    runefan wrote: »
    So this got moved to a forum section that doesnt get a lot of traffic. Great.

    Silver lining, it means someone from CG had eyes on it. Disappointing though because this is a reasonable discussion.
  • Phipps
    1107 posts Member
    Yeah for the ppl that say they can't fix this now because ppl who spent will be mad.

    Well how will they feel with the game shuts down because everyone has quit the game.

    I have seen the many of the most dedicated players in the game since the games launch recently give up and quit because of just this.

    New content is great.

    Farming gear for content from 9 months ago is not
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    Stealth censorship
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    A million times this
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    This thread was hard to find after it was moved.

    Thanks for taking the time to break it all down @benacrow :)

    I hope it gets looked at by devs.
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    +1 so much. In my opinion this is the biggest problem in the game at the moment.

    Also, can't believe this thread was moved....
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    Sarryen wrote: »
    @benacrow and others commenting on here - I agree totally with what you are saying.

    However, there is something even more absurd that you don't mention (so maybe you are not aware of it):
    Put the MkIII Holo Projector and MkIV Keypad in Guild Shipments
    This one just makes me laugh. Every. Single. Other. Purple piece that costs 20 salvage to create is available in the guild shop for purchase with 1219 guild currency. But the 2 most needed 20-piece purples? Nope. This would be such an easy fix. Please put these items in here as well, and so many people's problems would be solved. This alone would be enough for me, and many other players, to stop complaining about needing 1000s of these. Please. Please. Please.

    The Mk3 Holo Projector IS already in the guild shipments BUT only at lower levels - once you go above about level 60 or 70 it is removed.

    My guild found this out a few weeks ago and are astonished there hasn't been more uproar about this on the forums.

    Either this is deliberate - which makes me despair about how the devs want to gate the lower gear in the game. Or they are unaware of this being an issue - which would leave me even more in despair!

    Ah yes. I was meaning to include that point but oversaw it when making the post.

    Yes, the MkIII holo projectors are actually available in the guild shop for lvl60 players and below, but when we actually NEED them at lvl80-85, they mysteriously disappeared.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
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    BrtStlnd wrote: »
    This is the most well thought out explanation of the repetitive gear problem we all have. 1000s of some that will never be used, but are still doled out in level 85 challenges, and shortages of pieces every single character needs multiple times.

    I'm also of the mind that developers just aren't aware of what gear is needed and in what quantity. I don't think this indicates malice or indifference on their part, just that they aren't fully aware because they don't experience the game the same way we do.

    The fact that the EP of the game cited the galactic gear pack as a remedy is actually funny. Again, I'm sure he's just unaware of what the gear pack actually gives players.

    I believe this is the case, and the point of this thread. I do not believe the devs realize this is an issue, so it is here to properly educate them about what 99% of players face on a daily basis.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
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    Please take a look at the original thread, that was for some reason buried in the 'Gear and UI' feedback section of the forum.

    The point of this thread is to bring awareness to a huge issue in the game, and it can't beig awareness buried deep in the forum.
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
  • Mvnson
    234 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    benacrow wrote: »
    I believe this is the case, and the point of this thread. I do not believe the devs realize this is an issue, so it is here to properly educate them about what 99% of players face on a daily basis.

    I am 100% with you on this. That is why I believe that the following links are an absolute must see for everyone:
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