Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    I could be wrong but I believe it is based on your roster power, not just your arena power. You need better toons in general.

    Saying this, I did 2 GW campaigns today... the first had a hard node 12 and the second had an easy one. I'm not sure what to make of that.

    This has happened to me twice now...once today and another time last Tuesday during the GW guild activity. No idea why that would be. Really weird for back to back GWs done within 15 minutes of each other would have an easy and hard node 12.
  • SpencersSocks
    361 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    My easy node 12 stuck around for months and then disappeared with the update a few weeks ago.... Still not very difficult.... I run palpie lead with wiggs qgj and daka/sthan/phasma depending on the node....
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    My easy 12 node also disappeared since the ships update. Thats the highlight of my SWGOH experience. That final feeling of auto attack =,(

    Since the update the up-ed my nodes 3, 6, 10, 11, 12. Usually the hardest are 10, 11, 12. Today, I faced a lando-wiggs at the effin 6th!! That took a couple of resets so I can save my team. Then got the following: 10. Teebo lead (ok) 11. Jedi counter team 12. Palpatine with SThan and sunfac.

    Now you have to ask, does the prize of going through the 12 nodes justify the effort and repetitiveness?

    NO! I think they should have a bigger better prize for completing GW on a weekly basis.

    Still the biggest hassle of the game. OR 2nd hassle. I still hate the slow tank animation. =D Love the ships though.
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    Well, i get the easy node but i have 49k.... You might wanna try getting your power up?
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    Bleh, my node 6 today was a fully maxed out Wiggs Lando team. I got past it, but it cost me dearly. Nodes 9 and 10 were also solid teams that cost me several characters to get through. I could only stare at Node 11, nothing left to even seriously attempt it. Some days it's pretty easy. On those days the teams add up to the same power, but the design of the teams are weak. Today was just meta team day.

    My biggest problem with GW is that it's a horribly tedious timesink. I must have retried node 6 a couple dozen times before finally accepting a series that wiped one of my secondary teams to kill only two of their characters. The rewards are out of proportion to the time spent. Yet the credit crunch is such that I can't just skip it. After a while it just stops being fun, and you just grit your teeth and soldier through it.

    The design has two serious flaws. The matching algorithm does a horrible job of rating the opposing teams. Speed mods are seriously undervalued. Health and protection are overvalued. And there's no adjustment for good team synergy (which, admittedly may be tough to pull off). So teams with somewhat low total power can be absolutely killer teams that are nigh impossible to get past with your current resources. This also causes the difficulty to be something unrelated to your current power. As your characters improve, GW can become easier or suddenly get a lot harder. There's no sense of gain for improving your characters.

    The second issue is that the rewards are flat. You get the same rewards no matter how tough the opposition is. If it's going to keep getting harder and harder, then the rewards should also be better. But I'm essentially getting the same rewards today (or fewer now that I don't complete it every day) as I was when I could run it with a single Lumi team back in my level 50s.

  • warmonkey
    1314 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Getting real tired of spending an hour on these teams everyday. Is there a reason I can beat a team in arena easily then lose to the same team with worse mods in GW only because my stuns and other abilities have a very low chance to proc?
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    Node 12 doesn't aggravate me anymore it's six nine and eleven that make me what to smash my tablet. And what's up with the computer targeting the Sam toon three to four times in a row the chances of that happening should be 0.000064. yet it happens all the time. I know that as long a I can kill ep with on or two teams on node twelve I can finish it. It's saving protection specials and toons from previous nodes that grinds my gears.
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    Maegor wrote: »
    You need more arena power.

    I used to promote this argument -- Till today. I have been slowly boosting arena power (up 3k or so over the last week). The gw node 12 result; from easy greengeared into getting Skykrak today :)

    Not that it matters, with TM carrying over you can steamroll just about anything.
  • UltimateZeus
    1221 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Node 12 doesn't aggravate me anymore it's six nine and eleven that make me what to smash my tablet. And what's up with the computer targeting the Sam toon three to four times in a row the chances of that happening should be 0.000064. yet it happens all the time. I know that as long a I can kill ep with on or two teams on node twelve I can finish it. It's saving protection specials and toons from previous nodes that grinds my gears.

    I've also noticed the AI appears to be targeting only one person at a time in general. This also happens a lot in ships.
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    Node 12 doesn't aggravate me anymore it's six nine and eleven that make me what to smash my tablet. And what's up with the computer targeting the Sam toon three to four times in a row the chances of that happening should be 0.000064. yet it happens all the time. I know that as long a I can kill ep with on or two teams on node twelve I can finish it. It's saving protection specials and toons from previous nodes that grinds my gears.

    I've also noticed the AI appears to be targeting only one person at a time in general. This also happens a lot in ships.

    You aren't the only one who noticed this.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    To be honest, I have no idea what determines easy Node 12. I almost always get one. Yesterday, I got a really difficult one and today back to easy. Same Arena Squad I always use.
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    Lasserini wrote: »
    Maegor wrote: »
    You need more arena power.

    I used to promote this argument -- Till today. I have been slowly boosting arena power (up 3k or so over the last week). The gw node 12 result; from easy greengeared into getting Skykrak today :)

    Not that it matters, with TM carrying over you can steamroll just about anything.

    You got to fight general kenobi. Fun.
    When I saw him on my Vader Tie tournament shard I knew that day was not the day a F2P can win. So I gave up.
    Don't be a ****(4), and follow forum guidelines.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    i like my 12th node to be as difficult as possible. Losing a full team is more fun than 1 AoE win imo.
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    @Destructo My arena power is over 45k and I've had hard Node 12s for quite a while now. I think once people start hitting lvl 85 and gearing up their squads, maybe it will come back, but that's a guess.
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    The meta on node six, ****? There goes teams a and b. I'm for making it difficult but when is plainly impossible where is the fun?

    Hello anyone there from ea feel like they want to comment?

    If your developers are unable to make this work then at least give my teams the stupid advantages the computer gets so I can dodge every death blow.

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    A lot of the topics on these forums are people who are disappointed with galactic war, and want it to be made easier. Well I had an idea that wouldn't require any reworking of the match making, and is relatively simple. What we need is a way to restore health and/or protection. For example, you could restore part or all of a character's health or protection by paying with credits (you wouldn't be able to revive dead characters though). Also, you wouldn't be able to heal them every round. This wouldn't happen during gw battles, but while you're choosing your characters. Let me know what you guys think. Do you think this is a good idea? Do you have any ideas? Any feed back is appreciated. Thanks!
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    Georgemi6 wrote: »
    What we need is a way to restore health and/or protection.

    I've been saying this every time! Your health should be restored for the next battle, just like arena, unless your toon is killed off.
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    GW is easy. The idea of this game is to raise a deep roster of toons that can be put into teams of synergy.

    If you are only working on your squad arena toons, you are doing it wrong. Not every one is going to get top 5 in your shard, top 200 is still plenty of rewards for steady growth.

    Once you have 3 teams for GW its very doable. If you make a mistake or select the wrong team there is a retreat option.

    Try perhaps using your brain , rather then continuously asking for nerf or more advantage.
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    And retreat is there for a reason, learn to use it. Keep working your roster. GW is not that hard, even at my level. Get yourself Palpatine, problem solved.
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    Gw really isnt bad if you have more than a couple decent squads. I use rebels or ewoks for nodes 1-4, my arena team for 5-6, rebels for 7,8, arena for 9, ewoks for 10, arena 11 and 12. If my arena team is beaten in come the ewoks and rebels to finish off node 12. Most of the time i never need more than 3 squads and lose no toons. Dont use your best squad the entire time, you will lose toons or have them so week by the end they are easy pickins. Gw rewards roster depth.
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    If you want to do well in GW dont let your best team get to far ahead of your other teams. Use retreat when things look bad and try again doing something different. Also speed mods and AOE attacks help. Having a Wedge lead can keep a rebel team going
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    Galactic war is working as intended. The reason why its hard to certain people is because as stated above. They focused on their arena team too heavily and ignored the rest of their roster. It's suppose to be a balance.
  • Mr_Sausage
    1869 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Everybody at some point struggles with it. Then they get to lv85, get more powerful toons under their belt and GW gets much easier. Get Palpatine if you don't already have him. He was the turning point for me in GW when I struggled. And before lv80 I struggled a lot. Now I run one team all the way through. (Empire)

    Building up turn meter on the early nodes with different teams will help you too. Don't burn out your top squad all the way through to node 6. Get your B and C squads for the first few battles and build their turn meter.
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    The key is to build tm for the teams you use in the first few easy battles. Then when you do use them you can get the jump on the stronger teams. And save those specials.
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    GW is easy. The idea of this game is to raise a deep roster of toons that can be put into teams of synergy.

    If you are only working on your squad arena toons, you are doing it wrong. Not every one is going to get top 5 in your shard, top 200 is still plenty of rewards for steady growth.

    Once you have 3 teams for GW its very doable. If you make a mistake or select the wrong team there is a retreat option.

    Try perhaps using your brain , rather then continuously asking for nerf or more advantage.

    Wow. Dang. That got heated fast. I'm saying this to be helpful to other people in this forum. As a f2p player, I know how hard it can be to get new toons and have them leveled up. I have a diverse roster, but some times I can't beat gw. I understand it's supposed to be a challenge, but several players in my guild can't even make it past node 9 with all of their players.
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    Question, I read a lot that the gw nodes are based on one thing or another, either top 5 toons, or who you fight in the arena, also other hypotheses . Is there any real proof like a message from someone at EA or CG?

    Usually when the question pops up there is lot of attitude, but no proof.

    If you have proof, please share with the rest of the class


  • Kyleslater
    438 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    It aint easy for some of us
    GW is easy. The idea of this game is to raise a deep roster of toons that can be put into teams of synergy.

    If you are only working on your squad arena toons, you are doing it wrong. Not every one is going to get top 5 in your shard, top 200 is still plenty of rewards for steady growth.

    Once you have 3 teams for GW its very doable. If you make a mistake or select the wrong team there is a retreat option.

    Try perhaps using your brain , rather then continuously asking for nerf or more advantage.

    Try perhaps consider some of us just hit level 85 and don't have teams and gear to back it. (I hit 80 the day after they released the 85 update as a late start).

    For those of us GW is still hard as hell and usually ends up with us getting stuck at node 2. Level 72 toons do nothing on a level 85 node. Maybe in 2 months I will have enough 85's with gear to be able to complete GW. But for now we are stuck with stupidly impossible nodes (when you have a single team of 85's you won't be beating everyone with them). And having not completed a GW in 2 months starts to get a little discouraging. I don't want to win every day... But suffice to say I still have not completed the 50 GW completion quest... I think I'm at 42/50. I will admit things have been taking much better shape since I hit 85 and finally managed a full 85 roster (yesterday or 2 weeks after hitting 85). but I don't think GW will be easy mode till 2 months from now. Especially since I don't have any of the uber lineups (caze,wiggs).
    I hate these new timesinks called Tb/tw. Annoying features.
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    GW has been very difficult for me lately. Getting maxed Rogue One characters in node 12 is impossible.
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    Question, I read a lot that the gw nodes are based on one thing or another, either top 5 toons, or who you fight in the arena, also other hypotheses . Is there any real proof like a message from someone at EA or CG?

    Usually when the question pops up there is lot of attitude, but no proof.

    If you have proof, please share with the rest of the class


    @GenericUserName See here if you want details:
  • fascizio
    572 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Kyleslater wrote: »
    It aint easy for some of us
    GW is easy. The idea of this game is to raise a deep roster of toons that can be put into teams of synergy.

    If you are only working on your squad arena toons, you are doing it wrong. Not every one is going to get top 5 in your shard, top 200 is still plenty of rewards for steady growth.

    Once you have 3 teams for GW its very doable. If you make a mistake or select the wrong team there is a retreat option.

    Try perhaps using your brain , rather then continuously asking for nerf or more advantage.

    Try perhaps consider some of us just hit level 85 and don't have teams and gear to back it. (I hit 80 the day after they released the 85 update as a late start).

    For those of us GW is still hard as hell and usually ends up with us getting stuck at node 2. Level 72 toons do nothing on a level 85 node. Maybe in 2 months I will have enough 85's with gear to be able to complete GW. But for now we are stuck with **** impossible nodes (when you have a single team of 85's you won't be beating everyone with them). And having not completed a GW in 2 months starts to get a little discouraging. I don't want to win every day... But suffice to say I still have not completed the 50 GW completion quest... I think I'm at 42/50. I will admit things have been taking much better shape since I hit 85 and finally managed a full 85 roster (yesterday or 2 weeks after hitting 85). but I don't think GW will be easy mode till 2 months from now. Especially since I don't have any of the uber lineups (caze,wiggs).

    The funny thing here is that you don't even have to be a fresh 85 to have problems. I've always been an advocate of this dudes pro-tips because what I enjoy about this game is building the roster. I like almost all of the characters so I try to build as many of them as I can. That didn't help today since my last node was Baze, Chirrut, Shore, Vader, Boba. I tried every combo of my top 15 characters I could think of, and the best I could do was take out baze at the expense of 7 of my top guys. The remaining 3 in team 2 pretty quickly bit the dust after shore refreshed his taunt. I'm not a top ten arena player. I used to be a top 25 before the Rogue One toons started their release cycle, but now that has gone from me. I sit top 50. I'm fine with that since arena was never really my focus anyway, but there's no reason a top 50 player should have to hit a meta team that I am quite certain competes for number 1 on its shard. People that spout off stuff like @ReVenGe_in_MiNd here have no real idea what they are talking about, because no amount of brains or strategy was going to pull me through against that team. That's fine in arena, it has no place in Galactic War.
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