Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    fascizio wrote: »
    Kyleslater wrote: »
    It aint easy for some of us
    GW is easy. The idea of this game is to raise a deep roster of toons that can be put into teams of synergy.

    If you are only working on your squad arena toons, you are doing it wrong. Not every one is going to get top 5 in your shard, top 200 is still plenty of rewards for steady growth.

    Once you have 3 teams for GW its very doable. If you make a mistake or select the wrong team there is a retreat option.

    Try perhaps using your brain , rather then continuously asking for nerf or more advantage.

    Try perhaps consider some of us just hit level 85 and don't have teams and gear to back it. (I hit 80 the day after they released the 85 update as a late start).

    For those of us GW is still hard as hell and usually ends up with us getting stuck at node 2. Level 72 toons do nothing on a level 85 node. Maybe in 2 months I will have enough 85's with gear to be able to complete GW. But for now we are stuck with **** impossible nodes (when you have a single team of 85's you won't be beating everyone with them). And having not completed a GW in 2 months starts to get a little discouraging. I don't want to win every day... But suffice to say I still have not completed the 50 GW completion quest... I think I'm at 42/50. I will admit things have been taking much better shape since I hit 85 and finally managed a full 85 roster (yesterday or 2 weeks after hitting 85). but I don't think GW will be easy mode till 2 months from now. Especially since I don't have any of the uber lineups (caze,wiggs).

    The funny thing here is that you don't even have to be a fresh 85 to have problems. I've always been an advocate of this dudes pro-tips because what I enjoy about this game is building the roster. I like almost all of the characters so I try to build as many of them as I can. That didn't help today since my last node was Baze, Chirrut, Shore, Vader, Boba. I tried every combo of my top 15 characters I could think of, and the best I could do was take out baze at the expense of 7 of my top guys. The remaining 3 in team 2 pretty quickly bit the dust after shore refreshed his taunt. I'm not a top ten arena player. I used to be a top 25 before the Rogue One toons started their release cycle, but now that has gone from me. I sit top 50. I'm fine with that since arena was never really my focus anyway, but there's no reason a top 50 player should have to hit a meta team that I am quite certain competes for number 1 on its shard. People that spout off stuff like @ReVenGe_in_MiNd here have no real idea what they are talking about, because no amount of brains or strategy was going to pull me through against that team. That's fine in arena, it has no place in Galactic War.

    So in my digging I may have found what my biggest problem was. People keep saying deep rosters is what makes gw easy and while I understand that I kept facing teams higher level then me so I figured incorrectly that leveling and gearing my top 5 was what to do... It appears that top 5 in arena sets gw... So if your top 5 are poor gw toons or 2k above the rest of your roster... GW will be impossible... which for me currently it is. So time to deepen the roster (convenient since I just hit 85 and rand out of levels to get).
    I hate these new timesinks called Tb/tw. Annoying features.
  • WildMango
    151 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Kyleslater wrote: »
    It aint easy for some of us
    GW is easy. The idea of this game is to raise a deep roster of toons that can be put into teams of synergy.

    If you are only working on your squad arena toons, you are doing it wrong. Not every one is going to get top 5 in your shard, top 200 is still plenty of rewards for steady growth.

    Once you have 3 teams for GW its very doable. If you make a mistake or select the wrong team there is a retreat option.

    Try perhaps using your brain , rather then continuously asking for nerf or more advantage.

    Try perhaps consider some of us just hit level 85 and don't have teams and gear to back it. (I hit 80 the day after they released the 85 update as a late start).

    For those of us GW is still hard as hell and usually ends up with us getting stuck at node 2. Level 72 toons do nothing on a level 85 node. Maybe in 2 months I will have enough 85's with gear to be able to complete GW. But for now we are stuck with **** impossible nodes (when you have a single team of 85's you won't be beating everyone with them). And having not completed a GW in 2 months starts to get a little discouraging. I don't want to win every day... But suffice to say I still have not completed the 50 GW completion quest... I think I'm at 42/50. I will admit things have been taking much better shape since I hit 85 and finally managed a full 85 roster (yesterday or 2 weeks after hitting 85). but I don't think GW will be easy mode till 2 months from now. Especially since I don't have any of the uber lineups (caze,wiggs).

    I also had a difficult time beating galactic war initially. I realized that the stronger my arena squad is the harder galactic war became. Unless you have meta teams g10/11 you have to make some sacrifices.

    For instance I kept my arena squad underleveled/undergeared and sacrificed my arena ranking to be able to beat galactic war everyday. I kept my B and C team's power close to my A team. I didn't let my A team's power go ahead too far. Be very careful when you level your A team or gear them up for arena it will make galactic war harder. Its suppose to be a balance.

    Most people who have a hard time with galactic have an unbalance roster and has tried too hard for their arena ranking.
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    Kyleslater wrote: »
    fascizio wrote: »
    Kyleslater wrote: »
    It aint easy for some of us
    GW is easy. The idea of this game is to raise a deep roster of toons that can be put into teams of synergy.

    If you are only working on your squad arena toons, you are doing it wrong. Not every one is going to get top 5 in your shard, top 200 is still plenty of rewards for steady growth.

    Once you have 3 teams for GW its very doable. If you make a mistake or select the wrong team there is a retreat option.

    Try perhaps using your brain , rather then continuously asking for nerf or more advantage.

    Try perhaps consider some of us just hit level 85 and don't have teams and gear to back it. (I hit 80 the day after they released the 85 update as a late start).

    For those of us GW is still hard as hell and usually ends up with us getting stuck at node 2. Level 72 toons do nothing on a level 85 node. Maybe in 2 months I will have enough 85's with gear to be able to complete GW. But for now we are stuck with **** impossible nodes (when you have a single team of 85's you won't be beating everyone with them). And having not completed a GW in 2 months starts to get a little discouraging. I don't want to win every day... But suffice to say I still have not completed the 50 GW completion quest... I think I'm at 42/50. I will admit things have been taking much better shape since I hit 85 and finally managed a full 85 roster (yesterday or 2 weeks after hitting 85). but I don't think GW will be easy mode till 2 months from now. Especially since I don't have any of the uber lineups (caze,wiggs).

    The funny thing here is that you don't even have to be a fresh 85 to have problems. I've always been an advocate of this dudes pro-tips because what I enjoy about this game is building the roster. I like almost all of the characters so I try to build as many of them as I can. That didn't help today since my last node was Baze, Chirrut, Shore, Vader, Boba. I tried every combo of my top 15 characters I could think of, and the best I could do was take out baze at the expense of 7 of my top guys. The remaining 3 in team 2 pretty quickly bit the dust after shore refreshed his taunt. I'm not a top ten arena player. I used to be a top 25 before the Rogue One toons started their release cycle, but now that has gone from me. I sit top 50. I'm fine with that since arena was never really my focus anyway, but there's no reason a top 50 player should have to hit a meta team that I am quite certain competes for number 1 on its shard. People that spout off stuff like @ReVenGe_in_MiNd here have no real idea what they are talking about, because no amount of brains or strategy was going to pull me through against that team. That's fine in arena, it has no place in Galactic War.

    So in my digging I may have found what my biggest problem was. People keep saying deep rosters is what makes gw easy and while I understand that I kept facing teams higher level then me so I figured incorrectly that leveling and gearing my top 5 was what to do... It appears that top 5 in arena sets gw... So if your top 5 are poor gw toons or 2k above the rest of your roster... GW will be impossible... which for me currently it is. So time to deepen the roster (convenient since I just hit 85 and rand out of levels to get).

    This person gets it.

    I have not have geared my arena team for a while now (even though I can gear them) just so I can beat galactic war everyday. I am sacrificing arena ranking just to be able to beat galactic war. I figure being able to beat node 12 everyday is better than 50 additional crystals. Once my b and c team is properly leveled up and geared then I will upgrade my arena team.
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    WildMango wrote: »
    This person gets it.

    I have not have geared my arena team for a while now (even though I can gear them) just so I can beat galactic war everyday. I am sacrificing arena ranking just to be able to beat galactic war. I figure being able to beat node 12 everyday is better than 50 additional crystals. Once my b and c team is properly leveled up and geared then I will upgrade my arena team.

    Don't give me much credit. I only just figured this out.... And give how far ahead my current arena team is it might be a bit before my gw team catches and passes.. I guess this is why wiggs teams are so popular with arena... Low power but high dps.

    I hate these new timesinks called Tb/tw. Annoying features.
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    Expansive roster means diddle squat when you have to face multiple palp, shore, SF, 5's, and RG teams. What's the best counter for it? My QGJ died on the first Palp node, my Teebo and A team got rocked in the 2nd Palp node. And finally, my remaining teams couldn't put a dent on a 7* Shore on the 3rd Palp node. After burning 25 units on the last node, I finally got shore down but everyone on my squad was dead by then.
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    Tavanh wrote: »
    My QGJ died on the first Palp node

    Don't bring a knife to a gun fight.
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    ParaMeds wrote: »
    I know you have a 200 million dollar movie investment to promote but if you're just going to make a bunch of dumb Rogue One characters that no one's ever heard of prior to a month or two ago this OP then I think I'll just go back to giving my money to Supercell.

    You'd think it's Star Wars, no one could possibly screw it up, however the devs here have managed to exactly that with each update pretty much since mods.


    And here's a pre-thank you for the ban I'm sure I'm getting for not singing along to "Everything is Awesome!"

    You ain't gonna get banned. No one reads this thread.
  • WildMango
    151 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Tavanh wrote: »
    Expansive roster means diddle squat when you have to face multiple palp, shore, SF, 5's, and RG teams. What's the best counter for it? My QGJ died on the first Palp node, my Teebo and A team got rocked in the 2nd Palp node. And finally, my remaining teams couldn't put a dent on a 7* Shore on the 3rd Palp node. After burning 25 units on the last node, I finally got shore down but everyone on my squad was dead by then.

    What is your arena power level. You should have been very careful about leveling and gearing Teebo. His power level that he adds to your arena A team will make galactic war very hard. I purposely keep my Teebo underleveled and undergeared so my arena power level doesn't get too high. Also my QGJ is underleveled/undergeared because of the same reason. If you don't want to face palp shore SF etc in galactic war you should have had sacrificed arena ranking/power. Its too late for you now, but newer people should learn from this. It's a balance between arena power and galactic war, what do you prefer more.
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    I shouldn't have to sacrifice my Arena power levels at all. My top 5 toons are around 46.5k power. I have a full Rebels G10-11, Droids Gear 11, jawas at G10-11 (though they aren't any help), Jedi at G10-11. I can do 1-4% in all phases for Heroic AAT but really struggle against Palp teams after they destroy a few characters per fight. I can go about defeating 2 but 3 is just too much to handle.
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    Tavanh wrote: »
    I shouldn't have to sacrifice my Arena power levels at all. My top 5 toons are around 46.5k power. I have a full Rebels G10-11, Droids Gear 11, jawas at G10-11 (though they aren't any help), Jedi at G10-11. I can do 1-4% in all phases for Heroic AAT but really struggle against Palp teams after they destroy a few characters per fight. I can go about defeating 2 but 3 is just too much to handle.

    Interesting.. I'm surprised you can't win with two almost fully geared meta teams.

    These guys can almost auto-battle through the whole galactic war with rebels and droids.
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    here is a video explaining how Galatic War breaks... go to after 7 minutes if you don't want my channel update.
    Yes, I am THE Warrior.
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    Basically, you must get a team with 54k + power to break the last nodes... Not to mention the guy is a whale with 16k in crystals, full baze and shore... I'm having the easy node 12 and i have 49k, but you can't expect this video to be a "that's how you break GW tips" since the only "tip" is, get your 5 most powerfull toons to 50k+ and GW will be a piece of cake... Lol
  • cgrimm69
    37 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    I struggle with GW too, and it's all because of how I focused so much on one team for too long. I wanted Yoda, so for months I focused on a strong Jedi arena team. I farmed both AS and MW from the cantina the hard way, and built up a strong team. So when I 7 starred Yoda I was happy, but my B and C teams are so far below that one that I can't finish GW anymore. Only way to fix it is to either sacrifice arena rankings by fielding a weaker team, or build up a stronger roster. I'm not dropping in arena if I can help it because there are better toons to farm there and I need the gems, so a stronger roster it is.

    All that said, GW needs a rework. Frankly it's not any fun anymore. The AI cheats like crazy for one thing, and that's frustrating as hell. For another, you'd think with all the characters the game has you'd see some variety, but you don't. The enemy teams are always the ones that are hardest for your best squad to beat, so for a Jedi heavy roster expect to fight the Sid/Luminara/Vader combo on every node. It just gets to be a chore, rather than a fun mode of game play. You shouldn't have to sacrifice your arena team rankings just to play GW. The difficulty is ridiculous. Today I didn't even make it past node six without losing three teams. 100% crit rate from the AI will do that.
    Post edited by cgrimm69 on
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    They all die
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    The last three nodes of today's GW had the exact same composition ! Emperor Palpatine, Royal Guard, Darth Vader, Super Battle Droid, and Anakin ! Gee how many times to I have to kill the same guys ! Too bad there are not enough characters in the game to have 12 unique teams. Oh...wait a minute there actually are. We are all fighting Deadpool over, and over again. So darn boring ! Come on Devs...I will post some code for you to generate unique, and interesting teams if you need some help ! You can still max them out with gear, mods as much as you want. But, I am so tired of killing 10 reys, vaders, etc. in a row. I got so excited this week. I fought a team with Poe Dameron ! Took me a while to figure out who he was.
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    Still unbalanced, unfair, unbelievable, and unimaginable that almost 200 pages and developers still hate the fan base ... It's like going to the grocery store knowing the good food is stacked on the top shelf because they want short people to have stunted growth
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    the game is fake its as simple AS that... Its not even just gw now, hidden bonuses in pretty much any team you are facing, characters with bonus attacks always proc three times now guaranteed, mods pointless even checking them now as they don't correspond to what your facing, debuffs always hitting for defending team while always nothing hitting on attack (ships are the best example of this, its even got to the point with them that you might as well auto it because its pointless trying to be tactical and that's with a fleet comfortably in the top 100 for my shad), ohhh and an update that has pretty much handed the meta to everyone in the game so now that raids look like a guess the two extra characters to the same combo that everyone is running...
    The only thing that this company could have possibly done worse would have been alienating half of their player base that actually contribute more to the game in sales by giving another platform an award on a MULTI platform server with a toon to 7 star in a week, that is pretty much a walk in to any team preparing for an event for one of the most sought after characters (especially after the meta shift to wedge) so all in all great way to **** up a game that was on the right path to redeeming its self in the space of two months... An dont hold your breath waiting for a company that wont even offer in game support... This company is nothing more than a sweep sweep mentality and the purpose of these forums is not to help but to hide the many many growing problems in this game....
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    Too hard to complete everyday especially when last 2 nodes is like fighting a hardcore boxer when you just climb to the top of Everest then they just kick you fall and died. Just need rebalanced!!!!!
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    I don't mind challenging. I DO mind impossible. It's so bad now that I don't even like to play it anymore. I'll do my daily and play enough to get one buy from the GW shop but that's all. I done enjoy playing a badly and deliberately unbalanced game mode.
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    I get that there is a lot of frustration for some people trying to beat this mode. But quite frankly, GW is the best mode in the game. If it weren't for GW I would have gotten bored with this game a long time ago. I look forward to running GW every day. A ton more variety than there is in my arena ladder, that's for sure. And it gives me an opportunity to try out lower power squads and new squad compositions. You will all get there if you take time to flesh out your rosters. I certainly don't have the strongest roster and never see the easy nodes anymore, but if you can reach the final nodes with five squads (that might be a lot, I know) prepped with TM, you should be able to persevere.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    I agree with @EventineElessedil . GW is my playground, to try new teams, new combos. using the same team bores me actually.
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    djvita wrote: »
    I agree with @EventineElessedil . GW is my playground, to try new teams, new combos. using the same team bores me actually.

    You would. Because you can probably beat the GW every time or at least regularly. Quit trolling.
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    Cop1416 wrote: »
    djvita wrote: »
    I agree with @EventineElessedil . GW is my playground, to try new teams, new combos. using the same team bores me actually.

    You would. Because you can probably beat the GW every time or at least regularly. Quit trolling.

    It isn't trolling, it's encouragement. As we've discussed before, the trouble you are having is with mods and arranging them correctly to enhance your characters' strengths. You still haven't put your CD triangles on Wiggs, instead you've got them on St Han and Barriss. Take St Han's triangle and put it on Biggs, take Barriss' (or IG-100's) triangle and put it on Wedge. DO IT NOW, and profit.
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    Cop1416 wrote: »
    djvita wrote: »
    I agree with @EventineElessedil . GW is my playground, to try new teams, new combos. using the same team bores me actually.

    You would. Because you can probably beat the GW every time or at least regularly. Quit trolling.

    It isn't trolling, it's encouragement. As we've discussed before, the trouble you are having is with mods and arranging them correctly to enhance your characters' strengths. You still haven't put your CD triangles on Wiggs, instead you've got them on St Han and Barriss. Take St Han's triangle and put it on Biggs, take Barriss' (or IG-100's) triangle and put it on Wedge. DO IT NOW, and profit.

    Believe me. You may be trying to encourage but that post came off as condisending.
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    It isn't trolling, it's encouragement. As we've discussed before, the trouble you are having is with mods and arranging them correctly to enhance your characters' strengths. You still haven't put your CD triangles on Wiggs, instead you've got them on St Han and Barriss. Take St Han's triangle and put it on Biggs, take Barriss' (or IG-100's) triangle and put it on Wedge. DO IT NOW, and profit.[/quote]

    And a quick question, y put only a lvl4 mod on a main character?
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    Cop1416 wrote: »

    It isn't trolling, it's encouragement. As we've discussed before, the trouble you are having is with mods and arranging them correctly to enhance your characters' strengths. You still haven't put your CD triangles on Wiggs, instead you've got them on St Han and Barriss. Take St Han's triangle and put it on Biggs, take Barriss' (or IG-100's) triangle and put it on Wedge. DO IT NOW, and profit.

    And a quick question, y put only a lvl4 mod on a main character?[/quote]

    A 4* mod with the right primary is better than a 5* mod (for the same slot) that is the wrong primary.
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    Cop1416 wrote: »

    It isn't trolling, it's encouragement. As we've discussed before, the trouble you are having is with mods and arranging them correctly to enhance your characters' strengths. You still haven't put your CD triangles on Wiggs, instead you've got them on St Han and Barriss. Take St Han's triangle and put it on Biggs, take Barriss' (or IG-100's) triangle and put it on Wedge. DO IT NOW, and profit.

    And a quick question, y put only a lvl4 mod on a main character?

    A 4* mod with the right primary is better than a 5* mod (for the same slot) that is the wrong primary.[/quote]

    Ahhhhh okay thx

    So if I find a lvl 5 mod with the same type of primary stats or better I should switch that one out in its place?
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    I get that there is a lot of frustration for some people trying to beat this mode. But quite frankly, GW is the best mode in the game. If it weren't for GW I would have gotten bored with this game a long time ago. I look forward to running GW every day. A ton more variety than there is in my arena ladder, that's for sure. And it gives me an opportunity to try out lower power squads and new squad compositions. You will all get there if you take time to flesh out your rosters. I certainly don't have the strongest roster and never see the easy nodes anymore, but if you can reach the final nodes with five squads (that might be a lot, I know) prepped with TM, you should be able to persevere.

    I have no issues with the challenge, I've even beaten GW recently. What I do have a problem with however, is the game hard locking chances/changing AI rates in GW. They do the same thing in Raids, (and frankly in other modes) Randomly the AI logic seems to either increase or alternatively, no matter how many times you run something they always resist, dodge, stun, crit, etc at the same times.

    It's a math game. If a characters ability reads "60 percent chance to stun" then I want to be able to run that as many times as I can till I get the result I want. And guess what? I should be able to. It reads 60% chance. Sadly in GW that isn't the case. If you retreat and come back and repeat the same events, it will always fall the way they want it. That isn't good game development.

    The fact at they carry this logic to raids, and have it so some characters abilities are completely useless is the silliest thing of all time. And it's not that their abilities are useless that is the issue anyway. When I use Yoda and give my entire team a dodge, if a character like say Grevious has an ability that says his attack can't be dodged and he hits my toon. Fine. Logic. But they don't do that. Instead randomly throughout even the easier raid Yoda's dodge just won't come. He just won't get it. They tweak and change how toons work in certain modes without even telling you they are doing it. It's manipulative and typical of a free to play game looking for your money.

    It's **** too. People shouldn't get punished because of the toons they choose to farm. The only thing they should get is the actual strengths and weaknesses of said toons. But when they tinker in the modes to such a fine degree that toons are randomly nerfed without you knowing it so they can try to get a mode a specific way, as they do with GW and Raids, what is the point? If you don't spend copious amounts of money getting the exact toons that people have since discovered work best in certain Raids, or GW, your just going to beat your head against the wall.

    This is coming from someone who has put like $20 into the game, and as I may have mentioned before in this thread I have like 15 7* toons. Not at all gear 10+, but over half of them are. And because I think mods are the **** thing ever I refuse to swap mods between characters. I just mod everyone up with 4 tier + because that amount of micro management just to be able to play the game isn't something I think is in the spirit of what I like about the game.

    I still can't believe people think it's "right" to have to go in and spend copious amounts of time swapping and re swapping mods between teams. Granted provided you earn enough credits and have your hero's lvl'd decently modding up isn't THAT expensive (although it can be initially).

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    Cop1416 wrote: »

    It isn't trolling, it's encouragement. As we've discussed before, the trouble you are having is with mods and arranging them correctly to enhance your characters' strengths. You still haven't put your CD triangles on Wiggs, instead you've got them on St Han and Barriss. Take St Han's triangle and put it on Biggs, take Barriss' (or IG-100's) triangle and put it on Wedge. DO IT NOW, and profit.

    And a quick question, y put only a lvl4 mod on a main character?[/quote]

    Because you need the CD boost. That's an extra 30% damage that you are ignoring for each hero. When Wedge assists Biggs and both crit (which they "always" do), that is a really big chunk of damage that you are not getting. It's worth way more than the 4% health buff or 6% offense you've currently got on them.

    I don't mean to sound condescending. It sounds like you are asking for help with your posts and I'm trying to give it to you. If you don't want it, I'll just leave you to your own devices.
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    Cop1416 wrote: »

    It isn't trolling, it's encouragement. As we've discussed before, the trouble you are having is with mods and arranging them correctly to enhance your characters' strengths. You still haven't put your CD triangles on Wiggs, instead you've got them on St Han and Barriss. Take St Han's triangle and put it on Biggs, take Barriss' (or IG-100's) triangle and put it on Wedge. DO IT NOW, and profit.

    And a quick question, y put only a lvl4 mod on a main character?

    Because you need the CD boost. That's an extra 30% damage that you are ignoring for each hero. When Wedge assists Biggs and both crit (which they "always" do), that is a really big chunk of damage that you are not getting. It's worth way more than the 4% health buff or 6% offense you've currently got on them.

    I don't mean to sound condescending. It sounds like you are asking for help with your posts and I'm trying to give it to you. If you don't want it, I'll just leave you to your own devices.[/quote]

    And thanks. I e done as you've advised. I'm hoping it works lol.
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