Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • EventineElessedil
    6171 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    SithHero wrote: »
    I get that there is a lot of frustration for some people trying to beat this mode. But quite frankly, GW is the best mode in the game. If it weren't for GW I would have gotten bored with this game a long time ago. I look forward to running GW every day. A ton more variety than there is in my arena ladder, that's for sure. And it gives me an opportunity to try out lower power squads and new squad compositions. You will all get there if you take time to flesh out your rosters. I certainly don't have the strongest roster and never see the easy nodes anymore, but if you can reach the final nodes with five squads (that might be a lot, I know) prepped with TM, you should be able to persevere.

    It's a math game. If a characters ability reads "60 percent chance to stun" then I want to be able to run that as many times as I can till I get the result I want. And guess what? I should be able to. It reads 60% chance. Sadly in GW that isn't the case. If you retreat and come back and repeat the same events, it will always fall the way they want it. That isn't good game development.
    This was done on purpose and is actually to your advantage. It gives you foresight. If you know an attack is not going to work, then don't do it. Try a different tactic. A different hero. Change your approach. Find something that works. This is actually a great feature of GW.
    The fact at they carry this logic to raids, and have it so some characters abilities are completely useless is the silliest thing of all time.
    This is not the case. If you restart a raid attack, the outcome of each attack may be different than before, depending on what you are trying to do of course. If you aren't landing debuffs, perhaps your potency is not high enough. If you aren't landing crits, boost your crit chance.
    Instead randomly throughout even the easier raid Yoda's dodge just won't come. He just won't get it.
    Yoda only gets Evasion Up foresight (sorry) if the enemy is above 50% health. That applies to the Rancor as well. This could be the issue you are dealing with.
    But when they tinker in the modes to such a fine degree that toons are randomly nerfed without you knowing it so they can try to get a mode a specific way, as they do with GW and Raids, what is the point?
    Sorry, but they don't do this.
    I still can't believe people think it's "right" to have to go in and spend copious amounts of time swapping and re swapping mods between teams.
    You can minimize the effort required for mod swapping. I only do it for AAT raid, and organize the mods so I only have to move the speed arrows around. I hate doing it, but until I have 50 speed arrows laying about I guess I'm stuck.
    Post edited by EventineElessedil on
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    Cop1416 wrote: »

    So if I find a lvl 5 mod with the same type of primary stats or better I should switch that one out in its place?

    Once you have one, yes. This is why mod farming makes me want to pull out my hair...hard to get the right one
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    People keep complaining about GW. Since ship update, it has gotten harder, but I still win it almost every day, probably 6 out of 7 times or so, if not more. Think I have only failed to complete 2 since the ships update. If you can't win then get more depth to your squad, or get more good healers. I've been working on other characters so my main team (which has no synergy) has been rather stagnate in strength. Stronger B and C teams means I do more damage in raids as well. Arena is also lame seeing everyone with Wedge, Biggs and Lando in their team. The devs really screwed up by making certain combos far stronger than everything else especially, and then adding a ton of more characters all at once, and many are rebels adding to an already OP team... Lack of variety makes it pretty lame. I get it, that they are trying to get all the characters from the new movie, but they need to at least consider balance, which they did not appear to do very much.

    This is me for reference.
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    I love GW it's a great way to test out your squads and earn some shards or ally points in the process. I think it really adds a lot to the game as many of my characters have been farmed out of GW.
    This discussion comes from some annoyance as to the 6th node of GW. Today I faced a team of 5* Palp, 7* Grevious, 7* JKA, 6* Vader, and 7* Rey. All level 85.
    Not an impossible team by any stretch of the imagination. With my best squad I might have been able to beat them but suffering heavy losses. I got past them but not after wiping out 5 of my toons from a mix of my 1st and 2nd string teams. What irks me is this is the kind of team I would expect to face in later nodes. Again I do not have a problem facing them, my issue here is how early I faced this squad. My squad and roster is not nearly good enough to face a team like this in the early nodes and then continue on. I know GW is supposed to be a challenge and I believe it should be. However I feel this challenge should come about in the last nodes instead of node 6. Because after node 6 it is normally pretty easy until the 9th node and then 11 and 12 are normally ball busters. Anyone else feel the same way?
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    After about a month playing I used to always make it at least to node 10/11 before dying. The last few days though I get wrecked at 6 now. I'm not sure if they may have done a recent change to difficulty or not but it seems a lot harder to make it past the halfway point.
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    My GW has been fairly easy, making it to 10 or 11th node. Today I faced the EP lead team at node 6. Wasn't impossible but it definitely took out my C and B squads.
  • Maegor
    1217 posts Member
    Get a team of droids with JE/Nebit and a team of rebels with Wiggs/Lando/STH. That's all you need to consistently finish GW. With the added benefit that they are awesome in two phases of the AAT.
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    Yesterday I faced 4 EP + Shore teams. I was able to beat 3 but not come out unscathed. Lost 1-3 toons per fight and my A team go rocked by EP because they're all Rebels. It's really the luck of the draw for me now; sometimes I get simple teams which I can steamroll and sometimes I get the annoying 50k teams.
    Here's my roster for reference:
  • jusTiC3
    47 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Node 6

    Lando, lea, scarif rebelscout, wedge, bigs; gl X, XI, lvl 85, full 5* Mods

    Node 12

    Baze, Boba, Shoretrooper, Palp, rg; all gl XI, lvl 85, 5* mods

    my arena power is 44k, r u kidding me????
  • BulYwif
    1977 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    I'm wondering if the teams to face with are not depending on both your roster and the team you first put in the game. For some weeks now, I find the GW fairly easy. Everytime, I start with an C or D team and can easily complete the 5 first nodes and sometimes the 6th. After that I put my Jedis, lvl 80-83, gear 8-9, and can co until node 10-11, sometimes 12. And finally, I put the usual Wiggs, Lando, Leia, and STHan, lvl 85, gr 8-10 to complete.
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    Not gonna lie, I am pretty much done at this point. It's supposed to be hard. Not impossible.
  • Lmoon74
    84 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    After a ball busting node 6,9 I have to face this. My top 5 power has not changed in ages and my arena is a constant 42k. I don't think I can even remotely beat this team and survive to node 12 lol dCTqhy5.jpg

    I should not to take a hour to figure out how to beat this team. Gw is fun and challenging but this is ridiculous
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    I just zetaed my qgj yesterday, now i can one team run GW, just use rebels on node 2 to gain TM just in case... But that's it... It's unfair for many.
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    For a long time I don't lose GW, saving my other teams to some especific nodes, but GW is so time consuming, we have to retreat and restart a lot and that's really boring.
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    Beat GW 365 times this year (yawn)

    Good for you, Henchman. You're clearly getting the luck of the draw.

    GW used to be really easy for me as well, I could generally blow through it with my A team alone, occasionally using a little help. About a month ago, difficulty increased as if a switch was thrown for me. I went from winning 95% of the time to winning less than 5% of the time.

    I'm a regular player with a decently tough team; certainly not a whale. I hang out at just <1000 in Arena, due to hearing that influenced GW opponents. I could push lower, but the benefits of running through GW are better than a higher Arena score (my arena power is 39,235). And in the case below, I think I actually dropped down to 1200 as an experiment.

    My GW finale today was a maxed whale: Boba, Biggs, Wedge, B2, Anakin, all 7-star, level 85, gear level 11, all had all mods 5-star, level 15, all but 2 abilities were maxed out (an arena power of 46k).

    How is the GW lineup selected? Was it changed from previous behavior? It did seem like previously pushing higher in Arena led to a more difficult GW selection, but recent tests haven't seemed to follow that same behavior.
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    Today was probably the worst I've seen to date. Fought a team on node six with AA lead, STH, Biggs, Hoth Scout, PL.

    Attacked Biggs who had no buffs. Six dodges in a row. PL attacked seven times. All seven got both bonus shots, and 100% of those 21 shots hit and were crits. All attacks from the Hoth scout were crits as well.

    This at less than halfway through the run. I didn't give a **** who you are, that's a ridiculous gem to face halfway through the map. Not because of their level or power, but because of the obvious cheating from the AI. Not once did a debuff I used land. No ability blocks, stuns, or offense down. When my QGJ attacked with humbling blow, it was deflected every single time.

    That kind of thing just **** me off. C'mon, EA. You're not even trying to hide the cheating, and pretending you aren't is just insulting.
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    This thread is probably full of ppl complaining about how hard GW is, so I just want to point at that the difficulty is not my issue. I feel like we are being cheated here. Meaning that the game is purposely sabotaging us in teh hopes to get us to spend IRL $$$. Example - every stealthed Leia I face hits me 3x (90% of the time) and I am lucky if I get my 2nd shot of my stealthed Leia 50% of the time. The enemy seems to dodge at the best possible moment for them - my team not so much. I know, I know you can trace these actions back the stats the opponents have, but I really do feel like it is TOO opportunistic in favor of the opponents. Meaning you can make the game harder so long as it stays within the confines of the game mechanics.... I really feel like GW has been artificially tweaked to take advantage of the players. Sorry just my $0.02 - flame on.
    KOEL - House of Lords, Recruitment Officer
  • Kyleslater
    438 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    So I did some testing on a new account and found out everything I was told here doesn't work. Also 43k is not 115% of 34k no matter how I do the math. Seems gw is not based off arena teams.

    I started a new acct to test this out and my arena team on that acct is at best 4.5k in the arena. there is no way 7.3k is 115% of that. I simplified things initially by only using ds heros in arena so I could keep track of power easier. But basically I learned that algorithms are based on something designed to annoy me. Maybe in 6 months I might be able to finish gw. I think I'm almost to three months now without finishing.

    I've been stupidly unlucky with getting speed mods and can't even consider most types of mods because I don't have full teams of x brand to even get them.

    Something needs altering IMO.
    I hate these new timesinks called Tb/tw. Annoying features.
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    There is a thing I do not understand though: one time I win without many problem against one team, the other time, eventhough I upgraded one or two characters in my team, I loose almost instantly against THE EXACTLY SAME TEAM. It's a little bit frustrating.
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    The match-making AI/scheme should adjust to the attempts performed.

    GW can be set to never win. No matter how powerful your team is they can always place you against a team with abilities you aren't even allowed to acquire. my A-team has 40k power, but my 12th node is always minimum 48k or higher (9,500-10,000/each). Now that can be a doable opponent if they are say... Jedi based. I might use my A, B, and C teams to wipe out all of them or nearly all of them. Which leaves D and lower teams only having to deal with one or two left. Thats great and all, but I also can be handed RG, Palpatine, Vader, Geo Spy and Anakin. All of them have too much HP to be done in one or two turns and then RG does their auto taunt. Palp, freezes 2-3 of them.... Spy taunts and Anakin forces them to eat dirt. Vader finishes whats left.

    I can try for an hour against that team and I'll never have enough power to overcome even RNG that is in my favor. The game should be able to account for this. The game should be able to adjust when its actually lope-sided in the team match-making and it should do something to adjust because if my final team is going to be a team I can't win using everything I have then the entire GW for that day is a shame.
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    My highest level character is 72.

    Node 10 today was that boring wiggs, lando team that everyone uses at level 85. Node 11 is the same but with even more gear. I was wiped out in two moves. My B-team died to get me through node 9.

    This is so naff, boring and pointless.
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    Still, at least they fixed Finn like all those threads asked for.
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    Kyleslater wrote: »
    So I did some testing on a new account and found out everything I was told here doesn't work. Also 43k is not 115% of 34k no matter how I do the math. Seems gw is not based off arena teams.

    I started a new acct to test this out and my arena team on that acct is at best 4.5k in the arena. there is no way 7.3k is 115% of that. I simplified things initially by only using ds heros in arena so I could keep track of power easier. But basically I learned that algorithms are based on something designed to annoy me. Maybe in 6 months I might be able to finish gw. I think I'm almost to three months now without finishing.

    I've been **** unlucky with getting speed mods and can't even consider most types of mods because I don't have full teams of x brand to even get them.

    Something needs altering IMO.

    It was said meny times GW base on power of your 5 most powerful toons. They do not have to be on arena team.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    it will get better, eventually..
    Save water, drink champagne!
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    Or worse. Starting to see zeta's coming in at nodes 11 + 12. Which when your way off on gear and zeta is a pretty big challenge
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    Other than July and August where I lost every time I had completed all GW. Then today on node 6 the opponent team 118% my top 5 and 119% my are a team. My top 36 toons all have power within 100 of each other. I use the tm strategy, tried restarting, and multiple combinations. Not only did I not kill a toon but I didn't even remove 25% of the protection from a single toon. Pretty lame for node 6
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    Any attorneys playing this game. Just wondering.
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    A big FU to the devs for completely screwed up balancing. Just had the joy of meeting fully loaded team of Anakin (L), Baze, Chirrut, SF and Fives. Chirrut only had a speed of 247, so it all worked out well.

    Even alpha striking with Wiggs + Lando didn't help, got Chirrut to red health, but he fully recovered and after that there is no chance whatsoever for me to kill any of them.

    I play games to have a good time. Can't say I have been enjoying lately, still I play. Yes, my fault but at least I (and everyone else minus the devs??) realize when certain toons are so over the top that they make the rest of the toons a waste.

    I tried different combinations but I really do have better things to do. So once more thanks, guys, you really do superb job.

    Ps. What's the policy of getting money back from iTunes for a subscription from last February? :)

    Edit: It was Fives, not QGJ. Didn't really notice his presence there at all.
    Post edited by Naw on
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    Vinniarth wrote: »
    Kyleslater wrote: »
    So I did some testing on a new account and found out everything I was told here doesn't work. Also 43k is not 115% of 34k no matter how I do the math. Seems gw is not based off arena teams.

    I started a new acct to test this out and my arena team on that acct is at best 4.5k in the arena. there is no way 7.3k is 115% of that. I simplified things initially by only using ds heros in arena so I could keep track of power easier. But basically I learned that algorithms are based on something designed to annoy me. Maybe in 6 months I might be able to finish gw. I think I'm almost to three months now without finishing.

    I've been **** unlucky with getting speed mods and can't even consider most types of mods because I don't have full teams of x brand to even get them.

    Something needs altering IMO.

    It was said meny times GW base on power of your 5 most powerful toons. They do not have to be on arena team.

    There is more claims that it is arena based. Though from my personal testing that is clearly wrong. Being based of top5 can be a touch annoying because I can't exactly level what I want to. Take qgj. Easy t xi gear. No requirement for any tank gear to get there. Mace.. I need tank gear to get there. I say this not because I get no tank gear but because the upgrade path for all heroes is so drastically different. While I might want to get mace to a place where he can help qgj I can't. Also I don't recommend having an all jedi team that doesn't include Jka or old Ben... They are useless as well magmatrooper against a palp/rg/b2/shoretrooper team.

    On a completely aside thing. I think those teams might be less annoying if that team wasn't so pay to win based... Don't get me wrong I'm all for paying for a game I like. But paying to that extent is a bit much for me personally. ($700 range currently I think).

    I hate these new timesinks called Tb/tw. Annoying features.
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