Client Restart(S) - Toons lost power\"QoL Release Info" (C&Q) ***MEGATHREAD***


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    My reduction in power has caused me to drop over 200 spots in arena. About to quit this game. I spent time and energy to develop a team. I choose certain characters to develop and work on. Spent the time grinding for gear and the right mods. Now my team is powerless. Over 4k drop in power. I do not find this entertaining. Characters are now worthless unless you have the few selected ones that the devs like.
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    I'll be patient but something is not right. Same guy I fight and readily beat is now 3k higher than me and I haven't made it through 2 rounds. Totally getting obliterated. Numbers didn't match up either. His han hit me for 13k and anakin hit me for 11k. I have 27k protection alone. I should have had shield left never mind not being dead.
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    My reduction in power has caused me to drop over 200 spots in arena. About to quit this game. I spent time and energy to develop a team. I choose certain characters to develop and work on. Spent the time grinding for gear and the right mods. Now my team is powerless. Over 4k drop in power. I do not find this entertaining. Characters are now worthless unless you have the few selected ones that the devs like.

    Power doesnt affect stats of toons. If you dropped its because people had better teams
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    Vertigo wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    spotremix wrote: »
    so will the visual bug of power be fixed eventually because it scares me everything i look at my toons and see them out of the order they are suppose to be in.

    haha, as trivial as it may seem, the toons not being in the right order annoys me aswell xD

    But they ARE in the right order, it's just a different right order ;)

    well they aren't in my order :)

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    DatBoi wrote: »
    My reduction in power has caused me to drop over 200 spots in arena. About to quit this game. I spent time and energy to develop a team. I choose certain characters to develop and work on. Spent the time grinding for gear and the right mods. Now my team is powerless. Over 4k drop in power. I do not find this entertaining. Characters are now worthless unless you have the few selected ones that the devs like.

    Power doesnt affect stats of toons. If you dropped its because people had better teams

    hes trolling
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    So all my chars power got dropped. From arena I went from 43.8k to 39.6k yet I battled the same exact team as me. Same star ect and he s had 44k power...?
  • The0n3
    984 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    Fact is, it is scaring to see your team 5k below the usual, in my case i was used to see my power over 50k for a while now, when i saw 45k i even thought some bug had my mods removed or something, but when i saw it didn't, i did almost puked my heart out....

    I still find a little akward that nobody in my shard had their powers dropped but me... But i'll trust the devs on this one and believe nothing has actually changed.

    PS: I agree that having the power number decreased makes you a more "viable target"... 50k+ usually scares ppl out... 45k not so much.
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    People have spent time and money on this game, don't take away what they have earnt with there time and money. Many people got robbed by Sony, making Star Wars Galaxies kiddy friendly. Millions fled to Warcraft after there fantastic update that destroyed the game. The severs become ghost towns and the game got shut down, hopefully you will learn from this.

    Star Wars Galaxies IGN Zall Wessel Guild The Sunfall Rebels
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    My reduction in power has caused me to drop over 200 spots in arena. About to quit this game. I spent time and energy to develop a team. I choose certain characters to develop and work on. Spent the time grinding for gear and the right mods. Now my team is powerless. Over 4k drop in power. I do not find this entertaining. Characters are now worthless unless you have the few selected ones that the devs like.

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    Zall wrote: »

    Star Wars Galaxies IGN Zall Wessel Guild The Sunfall Rebels

    No one cares.

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    Power level means nothing expect for when it comes to who you fight in galatic war. I feel speed is one of the bigger factors in the new formula, if so I kind of like this as it is what is the most important when in arena.
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    Verbal PVP at it's finest. Lol
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    It's not a problem decrease power of the tons , the problem it's that in my team I run 3* baze and 6* B2 and I'm in the top 10-20 daily and mi power decrease to 38.000 because of this toons. The other teams has > 44.000 power and I know they are going to attack me more times because I have less power than their teams.
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    Last night Palpatine (L), Vader, Boba, Shore, TFP were 41k power. Today 38k

    Did something change?

    All I did this morning was upgrade Vader from 6 to 7*
  • Tharivol
    130 posts Member
    edited February 2017
    I keep smiling @Power level and Arena drops due to less Power Shown posts (When others see you with 4-6k less power than the usual they simply attack you, and even if they lose, they attack again, especially when you are close to top while they wouldn't normally), but first time in last 3 weeks I dropped to top 20, and it's only 2,5 hours in to the Arena reset lol.. Oh well, there will be some action at least to get back up to top 1 tomorrow :) (My 49k shows as 43k, not sure if others see it as 43k too but from the daring attacks that I don't get normally, it apparently seems so) But I can see how this might be affecting lots of other people in a way it would be really really hard to fix..
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    Yesterday Shoretrooper had power of 10k and today its 8k. What has happened?
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    SikrouDeco wrote: »
    Verbal PVP at it's finest. Lol

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    Upgrading vader probably did it :D
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    He's right, when you upgrade Vader your team power reduces by 3k usually.... >:)
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    You must be mistaken, it is pretty obvious that you have difficulty seeing things right in front of your eyes.
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    I've been playing thru gw & arena fights and it definitely seems as if my toons aren't hitting as hard. I'm more than a little annoyed since they have basically told us nothing yet. Maybe I'm imagining it but since there was no announcement that this was going live today, or that there would be issues, I've no way to tell for sure. If I'd known I would have paid more attention, and at the very least saved my gw's & challenges so thanks for that as well.
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    I checked an opponents arena team which has a stated power of 43,479.

    The individual toon powers sum to 40,618.

    Either way, there is a visual glitch - the stated squad power or the individual toons.
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    My arena team sucks but I've fallen 100 places in a matter of hours. I usually have to fall asleep first to drop 100 places lol.
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    Jesse w/EA just posted to twitter that the full update will be released Wednesday. Too bad they can't post that here on the OFFICIAL forum.
    SWGoH In-Game Name (ColonelSandurz) - TeamSkunk Omicron - hAAT
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    T_Landis wrote: »
    Jesse w/EA just posted to twitter that the full update will be released Wednesday. Too bad they can't post that here on the OFFICIAL forum.

    That would make too much sense
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    I lost 3k power too. From 40k to 37k now.
    Almost everyone toon had his power decrease.
    But didnt see that il the quality of life improvement.. just saw challenge are way fat now
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    I'm pretty annoyed. My squad arena power was at 38k before this update, now it's at 33k... and all of my opponents in the arena are at the same power they were. Glad it didn't just happen to me.
    I'm hoping they revert this change. My 6 star gear level 8 fully modded Boba was at over 6.5k power. Now he's at 5.3k power, so that's great. Also, my 7 star gear level 11 fully modded Anakin was at 9.2k power, now at 8.4k power. Arena rank dropped from 130 something to 277 since this update.
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    Maybe if you tried reading the great big megathread whose title shows it is about precisely this topic and stickied right at the top of the page you would find answers without adding to the spam.
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    T_Landis wrote: »
    Jesse w/EA just posted to twitter that the full update will be released Wednesday. Too bad they can't post that here on the OFFICIAL forum.

    Typical... sure lets have official forums for fun and giggles, why post all updates here.
    This is a signature.
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