Sith Triumvirate Raid Feedback Thread

685 posts EA Community Manager
Hello Holotable Heroes,

We have received a wide range of feedback about the newest raid, The Sith Triumvirate and we would like to hear more about your experience. Please include the following information in addition to your feedback:
  • What tier or tiers did you play?
  • What GP is your Guild that is attempting the raid?
  • What teams you did you attempt the raid with?
  • What part of the raid motivated or demotivated you to continue trying?
  • What about the raid did you enjoy? What did you dislike about the raid?


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    Tier 4 mostly sometimes 5
    110mil GP
    Jtr, rey, bb8, r2 rt. Zeta veers troopers with death trooper. Wiggs cls han leia. Nihilus ep vader savage thrawn. Asajj zeta unique daka acoloyte zombie. Pretty much all toons g11 and above.
    Tier 1 is a slog and nihilus can be very unpredictable with his annihilate so phase special can be deployed and he decides not to use it.
    Tiers 2 and 3 are fairly enjoyable
    Tier 4 is the worst, massive slog to try and get through nihilus whilst traya and sion pound you. Once nihilus goes down its not as bad but still feels painful.

    Most deactivating part is when doing tier 5 or tier 4 a few weeks ago when you put in 2 or 3 days of hard work and trying to grind out as much damage as possible and then getting 6 or 7 of each salvage for 3rd place. Time to reward value atm seems very low.
  • jkray622
    1636 posts Member
    1. We have done two t6 raids, but typically do t5. We did one t4 and it took about as long as t5 for worse rewards.
    2. My guild GP is currently 106M.
    3. I use:
    Resistance (RJT, BB8, R2, Trooper, Scavenger),
    Zader (zVader, Hermit Yoda, Tusken Shaman, Darth Sidious, Boba Fett)
    Big JC (Thrawn, Jedi Consular, Jawa engineer, Hera, Greedo) - Phase 1 only
    Chex Mix (CLS, Han Solo, Death Trooper, Chirrut, ROLO)
    Troopers (zVeers lead, Stark, Death Trooper, Snowtrooper, Shoretrooper)
    Other Troopers (Thrawn lead, zVeers, Death Trooper, Stark, Shoretrooper)
    First Order (zKRU, FO Executioner, FOTP, Phasma, zKylo Ren)
    Nightsisters (zzVentress, Talia, Zombie, Daka, Talzin)
    (variants and repeats because it takes my guild 3-4 days)
    4. The only reasonable ratio of effort/reward is in Heroic, and I am trying to develop my tactics and squads to help my guild eventually achieve that.
    5. It is considerably too much time. In order to get "good" runs with my squads, I usually spend 1+ hour per day....every. single. day. And in the end I get crappy rewards.

    Basically the reward/effort ratio is nowhere near equitable in my mind. I understand that as a guild leader and the top scorer in my guild, I put in more effort than most of my guild, but this is really tiresome.
  • OneWorldAway
    545 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    We recently merged and are in the process of bringing two guilds to heroic level. We've since completed the heroic version of the raid. I'll add some bullet points-

    -the biggest detractor for participation in t6 and below is the rewards earned. In my opinion they are not in balance with the time spent completing the raid. That said, in my opinion, heroic is fine.

    -the heroic tier of the raid is in my opinion highly satisfying to complete as a guild. The decision to remove the retreat function was ultimately the right call, I believe. This ensures the use of roster depth.

    -the damage bug at the end of p4 is annoying. the guild can likely finish the raid in a "throw your whole roster" format, it is frustrating to drop in rank over a bug.

    -in my opinion, the most frustrating element as a participant in the heroic raid, is the dependency on RNG factors. Anyone who plays the Chex mix team is aware of this.

    -an enjoyable part of the raid is the element of balance or risk/reward. This is particularly true in p2 and 4, stacking cycle of pain/suffering.

    Guild is 143mgp, 138m at the time of completion of heroic.

    Current "road map" for the raid:

    P1 JTR
    P2 Trooper/Thrawn
    Ackbar lead Leia spam
    P3 chex mix
    P4 zAsajj lead NS
    Entire remaining roster

  • Options
    I hope that info helps or is relevant to what you're looking for @CG_SBCrumb
  • bisto_760
    236 posts Member
    I'm in a 120m gp guild. We rotate 2x t4 then a t6. We have a wide variety of players ranging from 1.5m gp to 3+m gp.

    Teams we're using are standard jtr, imperial troopers, sisters and quite a few others actually. Not all member have access to the top teams. Working on it.

    Main issues: rewards for the t4-6 do not match the effort. T4 done in 2 days and is easy but almost pointless because of the rewards. T6 takes 5+ days. It's honestly a terrible slog and hard to keep people interested. Generally after a t6 we have enough tickets to launch another one but the guild is too drained to do it again. Repeat this process over and over and the game becomes something you no longer look forward to playing.

    Before the reward rollback the rewards were more tolerable. I am NOT speaking about the heroic to be clear. We're not there yet.

    The mechanics were initially just annoying but the more we play the better we get. I personally don't mind the mechanics anymore but I can see how people would still be frustrated by them. Too much tenacity, immunity to debuffs etc...

    Zeta crunch. The teams required to do heroic need a huge zeta investment. It takes too long to get them. I know you guys already said you're happy with where zetas are at but you asked so that's my opinion. Need 3 for jtr + bb8. 3 more for sisters. 1 for troopers. 3+ for first order etc..

    Tldr; raid needs better rewards for lower tiers and we need access to more zeta mats.
  • CG_SBCrumb
    685 posts EA Community Manager
    edited May 2018
    I hope that info helps or is relevant to what you're looking for @CG_SBCrumb
    Yes! Thank you @OneWorldAway for putting that together. CG_Carrie and the rest of team have asked me to collect as more information about the STR for review. No plans at the moment but we will take a look at all the data and feedback to determine if/what we need to improve.
  • TVF
    36771 posts Member
    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    [*] What tier or tiers did you play?
    [*] What GP is your Guild that is attempting the raid?
    [*] What teams you did you attempt the raid with?
    [*] What part of the raid motivated or demotivated you to continue trying?
    [*] What about the raid did you enjoy? What did you dislike about the raid?

    T4 most often, an occasional T5 to check our progress.
    70m GP
    Generally, I use JTR, Wiggs Rebels, NS, IT with Thrawn, and a DOT squad (Zader + DOT toons). Exact composition varies by phase.
    Motivation comes from the week-to-week improvement, both myself personally and our guild as a whole. Several of us are committed to improving our rosters to do better and we are definitely progressing.
    Demotivation comes from the lackluster rewards.
    I enjoy the different strategies needed in each phase (other than the final part of T4 where nothing seems to work better than anything else) and the chance to work on and utilize some toons I'd barely even heard of before (Hi there, Magmatrooper and Tusken Shaman).
    I don't enjoy the rewards, at T4 they aren't in line with the effort required.

    Thanks for listening.
    I need a new message here.
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    We finished our third heroic. It takes a little over 24 hours now. Guild GP about 125 mil.
    We played t6 up till then.

    P1: RJT exclusively (about 20 teams are needed)
    P2: troopers, phoenix, general rubbish. Everyone does 2% total.
    P3: chexmix exclusively
    P4: DN: sisters
    P4: Sion: Kru FO and some leftovers
    P4: Traya: Clones with slow tank and generally everything left.

    I do like the fact that building specific teams pays off, and the strategy involved. Especially the stacks from Sion, the shield in P4,... are intresting to experiment with.

    I hate the many restarts needed because of RNG. A strategy should work or not work imho. Now it works sometimes and sometimes it totally doesn't, without the player having any influence on it. P1 and P3 are too RNG dependent.

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    Worst part of the game. Hate the raid. Hate the lack of rewards. Hate what it has done to guilds and squads. Should be scrapped. Too long, too time consuming, and takes away from the other challenges of the game. Territory wars is the best thing going right now. Should focus on that.
  • Smash88
    37 posts Member
    Thank you for this thread.
    My guild normally does T5 raids right now.
    We are 110M GP
    I attempt to use Sith in P1 because they do the most damage for me. I do not have some of the highly recommended characters such as BB8 and RJT. I use assist teams, various Rebel teams, Sith in P2. I use Chex mix and Rebels, Sith, Assist teams in P3, and I am almost finished with a NS team that is hitting P4 now. Other than those teams, I throw whatever I can at it until I obtain some more useful comps like Troopers or Resistance.
    I feel like I am a unique position. I took some time off of the game for 7 months. I actually left right before TB dropped. I returned at the end of March. I have been doing the Sith raid since then and learning from it. I believe it is the best raid of the three so far. It is the most detailed and makes you think the most. I love the risk/reward function when dealing with Sion. Also, the characters bring back good memories of 2003 when I played KOTOR.
    As of right now, I am still playing catch-up with gear. The Sith raid does help, but it does not feel like I get very many rewards for the amount of time I put into the raid. The raid is pretty lengthy. My guild runs constant raids as we push for more gear and better progress. It takes a toll because it is now a daily thing in the game, which takes up too much time for me. Unfortunately, I have resorted to autoing some teams that can handle it because I'm tired of playing it out. We understand that we can drop down to a lower tier and take a break more often, but the rewards are not worth it to us.
    I'm not sure what the answer is, but it may have something to do with the frequency. I have also experienced TB and TW for the first time along with the STR. I enjoy the larger quantity of rewards with the fewer monthly participation of TB/TW. My TB and STR take up the same amount of time daily, but the TB only happens a few times a month.
    Thanks for listening!
  • scuba
    14176 posts Member
    Updated Sion’s “Cycle of Pain” ability description to correctly reflect that units can gain Cycle of Pain if they damage Any enemy during a friendly or enemy turn instead of only during the enemy’s turn. Note: Cycle of Pain has also worked this way since we released the Sith Triumvirate Raid but the ability description did not mention that players could receive stacks of pain even if it was their turn. The difficulty of the Raid should remain unchanged.

    Wow we had to wait that long for the fix to be the ability is WAI. That is just kitten. I mean really couldn't this information have been shared when the bug was acknowledged instead of the sneaky slight of hand that made it sound like the ability was going to be fixed to match the description?? This is just....... I am going to stop before i make some moderator come in and do that stuff we are not allowed to talk about. Thanks for nothing.
  • two_step
    35 posts Member
    I've done T5, T6 and an attempt at Heroic

    Guild GP is about ~120 million, though dropping recently as several long time players quit

    The usual mix of teams, JTR, Thrawn-led troopers, Chex Mix, etc.

    P1 and P4 are awful. P1 is totally random, and it isn't fun to have to restart 20 times to get the right RNG to do decent damage. It also isn't fun that you can basically only do damage with JTR, which leaves out 15-20 people in my guild. P4 just combines all the not-fun of all the other tiers into one big not-fun sandwich. Giving the enemies basically infinite tenacity kills far too many teams, and makes for a very unsatisfying experience. Having Nihilus in the raid is just not fun. Having a raid that even when we do manage to clear Heroic we can't auto because auto will never get things right isn't exactly something to look forward to as well.

    At this point, even with 3.4 million GP, I just barely auto T5/T6 and put in the minimum amount of time and effort, because the rewards aren't even close to enough to reward the time commitment required for better runs. I find the mechanics incredibly frustrating, at least with Rancor and AAT you can make some progress without the optimal teams, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.
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    T4, 79 mil GP. We use as many relevant teams as we can field. Like constantly striving to post a higher score than last time. Dislike stacking Tenacity with a passion.
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    What tier or tiers did you play? Tier 5 essencialy
    What GP is your Guild that is attempting the raid? 107 MM GP
    What teams you did you attempt the raid with? JTR, Nigthsisters, Veers (Zeta) +Deathtrooper
    What part of the raid motivated or demotivated you to continue trying? Motivated only the challenge for try teams to beat this challenge. But the aspect that demotivated not only my, but a variety of my guildmates are the rewards, that don't respect the simple principle of "effort and return". For me it's impossible to understand how can a EA/CG simple ignore all suggestion for guilds that don't make Heroic Tier to eliminate challenge gear, improve coins, improve the chances for complete gears, in resume match the rewards to the difficult of this raid.
    What about the raid did you enjoy? What did you dislike about the raid? The raid its really difficult, but i really like the Raid game mode, and because this, i enjoy play this sith raid. But ever i finish, i get frustrated and angry because i see the rewards that don't worth the effort.
  • newbornFL
    486 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    What tier or tiers did you play?

    Started IV and now farming V

    What GP is your Guild that is attempting the raid?

    90Mil Gp

    What teams you did you attempt the raid with?

    Zpalpatine Thrawn Nihilus Tarkin Vader
    CLS teams
    Empire Trooper teams

    What part of the raid motivated or demotivated you to continue trying?

    Working out towards sith heroic to get traya to be competitive!

    Helping the team out in P2 which is by far the most satisfying and fun

    Then theres P1 and P4 ,but for now let's stick with P1 .
    I'm not even trying anymore , if you don't have RJT teams in P1 or P4 you can just skip the raid.
    I wasted 1 hour in retrying zpalpatine/vader teams in P1 to maximise my damage only to make only 700k.

    Meanwhile RJT teams are soloing it at 30 mil damage(players who have RJT) meanwhile scrubs without is anywhere between 2 to 8 mil damage.
    This difference is way too big.

    Then there's P4 ,another unenjoyable part of the raid,EXTREMELY unenjoyable.

    What about the raid did you enjoy? What did you dislike about the raid?

    Fighting the sith,fighting Scion of all things,is the most fun thing

    Then there's the discrepancy between players that have RJT and those who don't.
    (just for info my guild has 20 players who have RJT and 25 who don't but await her event with the vets ready)

    And just the P1 and P4 is EXTREMELY unfun , 0 motivation to do them.

    Then at the end after all that torture in P1 and P4 we get bad rewards.
    Talk about motivation.

    Way too much work for no reward.
  • Iy4oy4s
    2944 posts Member
    T4, 79 mil GP. We use as many relevant teams as we can field. Like constantly striving to post a higher score than last time. Dislike stacking Tenacity with a passion.

    There are two major issues with this raid, one is rewards are just horrible for the time invested and second is the tenacity. If the tenacity was lowered to let more teams use their abilities AND HAVE THEM WORK, it would make the raid more enjoyable. Right now in my guild, we do T4 and T5 and have to almost beg players to attack it. Opening up the teams that are useful would help greatly.
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    Tier Four/Five.
    110 mil GP.
    Wigs, CLS Han R2
    Night Sisters

    Stacking tenacity, long drawn out fights, and stage four makes this raid torture to play.
    It also splits the guild into JTR and non JTR players. Many, many people have left the game from our guild over this.

    The payouts for the time and effort spent make this raid worse than playing through Galactic War on 1x using Phoenix.
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    Fun-sucking time vampire.
    Thank you for asking.
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    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    Hello Holotable Heroes,

    We have received a wide range of feedback about the newest raid, The Sith Triumvirate and we would like to hear more about your experience. Please include the following information in addition to your feedback:
    • What tier or tiers did you play?
    • What GP is your Guild that is attempting the raid?
    • What teams you did you attempt the raid with?
    • What part of the raid motivated or demotivated you to continue trying?
    • What about the raid did you enjoy? What did you dislike about the raid?

    We tried tier 6 when we were at 80+GP. After a week and when we started losing raid credits, we gave up and moved down a tier until we found we could complete tier 4 in a reasonable amount of time. However, by that point we lost our best players to teams who were preparing for Heroic. We are now down to 60GP and 42 players, half of whom are now disinterested and barely make the effort to get the daily 600.

    Sith raid has made me seriously consider quitting. It's boring, tedious, too time consuming, and has demoralized our guild. I myself can only run one team, JTR, that can get decent damage. I really, really hate having to hit Darth Nihilus over and over again. Can you at least cut down on the cut scene time?
  • Zevox
    172 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    • What tier or tiers did you play?
    • What GP is your Guild that is attempting the raid?
    • What teams you did you attempt the raid with?
    • What part of the raid motivated or demotivated you to continue trying?
    • What about the raid did you enjoy? What did you dislike about the raid?
    My guild is 100 mil GP, currently doing tier 4 and thinking about trying tier 5.

    My personal raid teams for my 5 attempts are typically:
    - Rebels: CLS (3 zetas), zHan, R2 (2 zetas), Chirrut, Baze.
    - Empire/Troopers: zThrawn, zVeers, Starck, Deathtrooper, Shoretrooper.
    - Phoenix: Hera, Zeb, zEzra, zSabine, zKanan. (For phases without Nihilus only.)
    - Nightsisters: Asajj (2 zetas), Talzin, Daka, Talia, Acolyte.
    - Other Rebels: Wedge, Biggs, Leia, St Han, GK.(Also not used against Nihilus.)
    Most are G11-12, except for G10 Leia. 7* on all except Talzin and Acolyte, who will be soon enough.

    What motivates me to keep trying? Rewards - which at this point mostly means the desire to eventually get to heroic and get the actually good rewards and Traya - and the general desire to help my guild.

    What demotivates me? Nihilus. Even with a team that does well against him (Nightsisters in P4), he's a pain, because not only do you need to execute your usual strategy well, you need to watch his cooldowns to avoid an annihilate, and sometimes you get stuck in catch-22 situations where it's all but unavoidable. (I.E. if my Shoretrooper does his basic this turn Nihilus will probably put defense down on him and have two debuffs to drain, letting him Annihilate, but if I use the Unbreakable Will he won't, and I've wasted the UW since Shoretrooper will take another turn before Nihilus.) Needing to restart several times against him almost every time we run the raid just because of finicky things like that is very annoying. It's also annoying how noticeable it is that the only phase my guild is stuck doing slowly is 1, specifically because only one team is truly good at it (you know which) and many of us don't have the key character for that.

    What do I enjoy about it? ...well, it gave me an excuse to gear up my Phoenix squad beyond the G8 needed to get Thrawn, which as a player whose favorite faction is the rebels I kind of wanted anyway but hadn't had before. And there's some enjoyment to be had in seeing my damage amount go up as I've geared up teams for it.

    What don't I enjoy about it? See the "demotivates" answer, for a lot of it. Throw on top of that the number of characters and teams that its mechanics render useless. Debuffs and TMR being so hard to land makes, for example, my Rogue One team - the one team I've geared up mostly just because I like it - worth even less for this raid than for the AAT, where it was never great but was at least usable. Same for Palpatine Empire, zFinn Resistance, etc. Doesn't matter if you have those kinds of characters fully maxed out and with god mods, they're just no good for the raid, because the bosses can't be debuffed at all except right after they take a turn unless the debuffs can't be resisted. Also, these lower-tier rewards that are basically lesser Rancor rewards. Harder raid than heroic Rancor by far, yet it feels like I'm getting maybe half of what I get out of that every time we finish. Admittedly, the reworked rewards were better in retrospect, although initially disappointing since everything came in single-digit quantities, which did not feel especially meaningful.

    Also, speaking as a Guild officer, it has made recruiting when players leave (which has happened both for normal reasons and because of the raid, and other hinted-at upcoming content, not appealing to some players) much harder. This is because my guild exists in the space in between Heroic Sith guilds, which most players with reasonably advanced rosters want to jump to if they're changing guilds, and low-end guilds that are fine with bringing in newer players. Perhaps that's unavoidable to an extent, but consider that this space is especially vast in this case, as guilds that can do Heroic Sith the very top-end, 120 mil+ types, whereas it only takes perhaps 40 mil for a guild to already be winning Heroic AAT (at least, that's about where my guild was when we first beat that). That's a huge gulf of power that I'm sure a great many guilds fall into.
    Post edited by Zevox on
  • Paarngfig
    112 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    What tier or tiers did you play? - T7 (heroic)

    What GP is your Guild that is attempting the raid? - 175+

    What teams you did you attempt the raid with? - Multiple

    What part of the raid motivated or demotivated you to continue trying? -HORRIBEL EXPERIENCE; worst raid yet!

    What about the raid did you enjoy? What did you dislike about the raid? -There is absolutely nothing enjoyable about the raid , except the end! One of the most frustrating aspects of this game is rng... period! So you go and develop a raid that revolves around and is predicated by rng? This is what you consider good game development and enjoyable game play?? Well it isn’t.... not at all. I enjoy raids, love trying new teams and finding OP comps but all of that is negated in this raid, the only thing I look forward to is a 7* Treya so I can take a zero in this horrible experience you call a raid.
    Post edited by Paarngfig on
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    In a guild that tried heroic at about 131m gp and barely made it through phase 1. Too much rng and retreats and retired needed.
    Personally I don't have jtr or deathtrooper and at nearly 3.1m gp I didn't even scratch it.
    Too much time and effort for pathetic rewards in the lower tiers that I don't bother hitting. Can't compete with those with jtr that can post 10s of million in damage.
    This raid has reduced it to the haves and have not and is soul destroying.
  • Aero
    2972 posts Member
    • What tier or tiers did you play?
      Tier 5
    • What GP is your Guild that is attempting the raid?
      107 Million GP
    • What teams you did you attempt the raid with?
      JTR Resistance teams, various Empire teams, Nighsister teams, First Order teams, Bounty Hunter teams
    • What part of the raid motivated or demotivated you to continue trying?
      Phase 1 is particularly unfun dealing with an enemy that can one shot you. We've had this before in raid mechanics, but they have always been properly avoidable (Rancor can easily have its turn meter reduced, AAT only requires buffs to withstand). Here you get a special buff on a random ally, have to time it right, and then deal with being at 1 HP to enemies that ignore protection. It really is more frustrating than it ought to be, especially trying to re-do runs because of bad RNG.

      Additionally, the protection recovery mechanic on Nihilus is horrendous. Absolutely demotivating to have a full gear 12 team and you are getting in good hits but none of it counts because it is all against the ever regenerating protection.

      What is particularly frustrating overall is that so many characters in the game rely on debuffs to function properly, but the tenacity on the raid bosses is so ridiculous that there is no way to counter it. It feels like over half the characters are being neutered because of this. I understand not wanting raid bosses to not lose turn meter easily and become trivial like the Rancor, but not even being able to reasonably land standard debuffs is frustrating.
    • What about the raid did you enjoy? What did you dislike about the raid?
      Phase 2 and 3 are pretty good in that it is fairly standard. It is challenging and requires strong characters and a well thought out team, but you don't have the annoying insta-kill protection recovery like in Phase 1 and 4.

      What I dislike the most about the raid is how the frustration has driven guild behavior, largely driven by the lack of viability of many characters. I am a guild leader myself and within my guild we have a ton of gear 12 character. Before this raid we were running a perfectly stable operation, but now many are feeling demotivated, which leads to them either quitting the game or not participating in the STR, which leads to others leaving to join stronger guilds, which leads to more demotivation and the cycle continues. It feels as if all the progress we made gearing up our characters means nothing because we chose the wrong characters to gear up, which is worsened by the fact that they can barely make a dent in the raid with the current mechanics. Again pointing to Raid Nihilus who recovers protection, you can throw in an all Gear 12 team and come up with next to no damage, that is not right.
  • Options
    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    Hello Holotable Heroes,

    We have received a wide range of feedback about the newest raid, The Sith Triumvirate and we would like to hear more about your experience. Please include the following information in addition to your feedback:
    • What tier or tiers did you play?
    • What GP is your Guild that is attempting the raid?
    • What teams you did you attempt the raid with?
    • What part of the raid motivated or demotivated you to continue trying?
    • What about the raid did you enjoy? What did you dislike about the raid?

    My guild usually does tier 3 but has done tier two from time to time to burn raid tickets.

    Almost 56 Million

    About everything I have. I am a newer player with gp just at 1 Million.Half that comes from my ships.

    I am only motivated to log in and do the raid to help my guild. I dislike it. It isn't fun. At the tier the rewards aren't worth the time it takes. I can get better pay out doing any other part of the game or at least it feels like it. Nothing lands even at such a low tier. Darth Nihilus actively punishes many toons in the game with the mechanics given it with that protection gain from basics. I really hate it.

    I do not enjoy the raid. I think of it as a chore. Darth Nihilus and when you face all three at the end is the worse parts. Scion and Traya alone I don't mind but the play is a bit dull. If those parts weren't connected to the other parts I think I could learn to enjoy them but they aren't. I dislike the raid as a whole and again I only join in to support my guild which I am loyal to. The rewards aren't worth the effort. It isn't fun. I know exactly how much damage I do before Fearsome Foe II kicks in and I die. I don't feel challenged as I know I don't have the elite toons (only about 6 teams matter and I have none of them anyway) fully geared with god mods so nothing I do adds much even at my pathetic tier.

    Again I dislike the whole raid. It is an actual chore. I only participate as to be a help to my guild.

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    1 - We mostly do T4, we've tried t5 a couple times, but it takes 7ish days to complete so it's not worth it. T4 is completed in ~2 days.
    2 - We're currently 98mil
    3- Depends on the phase, I'm usually stuck helping us slog through p1 and p4, so my teams are

    JTR, Orig Rey, RT, bb8, R2 (p4 is usually Jedi consuler or Zarriss instead of R2)
    p1 - Thrawn, Magma, Snow, DT, veers
    Zader, Shore, palp, Boba, Stark or Thrawn (depending on if I was in p1 that day)
    Wedge, Biggs, CLS, Han, then DT, R2, Yoda (just unlocked), depending on phase/availablility
    Assaj, Talizan, Acolyte, Mother, zombie - lead varies by phase/mood
    Used to do a Jyn, cassian, Jedi Consular, FOTP, Geo Soldier (or K2 subbed in depending on phase) - but my trooper team out grew them finally
    4 - Motivation - I like to be 1st, I like to improve - demotivation - It's a TON of time/work for the rewards, I get first and I've got 1? completed set the entire time, everything else is maybe 6-10 of some gear I don't need, or if I'm lucky a few furnaces or stun cuffs.But the rewards are HORRIBLE when you compare time/effort to HAAT or Rancor, so how can I motivate my guildmates to try hard when the reward is 1/5th of a gear piece for one character.
    5 - fun - it forces me to build/use new teams, the mechanics are mostly enjoyable and new since it's not a blind autoplay or all out damage fest. - Not fun at all - Too much RNG on some of it. Without SERIOUS research/mechanics knowledge I'm playing a guessing game on if my guy with the nihlus shield needs to pop it now, or if I pop it he'd get a turn again before nihlus causing a wipe, or if the person who I really want to pop the shield will get a turn before nilius. The shield needs to last 2 turns, have an option to turn off, or something needs to be done so it's not such a guessing game of who will go next. Zader and JTR are the hardest, if my empire get lucky 'too many times' i find myself burning through my shield because nihl didn't go when he normally would. It's also really annoying that in order for my Zader team to work I have to mod them such that I can't use Zader effectively in arena, TW, or well anywhere else really because nowhere else requires me to put so much potency on him to be usable.

    Bottom line though - all the RNG aside, if I actually got worthwhile amounts of gear from the raid I could motivate myself and guildmates so much more to build teams and get the event beat. I realize they're separate raids, but Rancor=3mins of work and 40 Furnaces. Sith raid is an hour+ of work and I get 6-10 furnaces. Seriously??? HAAT is an hours worth of work and I get significantly more everything as well.

  • Options
    Jtr, Chex, ns, etc, etc,
    Both motivation and demotivating: Trying to get 8% on stage 1.
    Demotivating: the nerf on my toons by CG
    Dislike: NERF. and Too time consuming
    Like: Traya shards.
    “When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” George R R Martin
  • Cadmus
    28 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    1. Doing heroic
    2. 130M gp
    3. Meta teams for each phase
    4. Too much rng dependence. Boring to have to restart multiple times to get a solid run.
    5. Love the sith theme of the raid, and feel the current reward scheme is pretty good for the time/effort I put in, could be slightly better, but not bad. More KOTOR = more $ from me. It’s on the challenging side, which is a positive, however, not a fan of the mechanics you used to make it challenging.

    Overall, it’s moderately fun content but could be better.

    Personally, I’d rather you fixed the g8/9 gear crunch that’s absurdly archaic given the current state of the game then messed around too much with the sith raid.
  • DuneSeaFarmer
    3525 posts Member
    edited May 2018
    What tier or tiers did you play?

    1 thru 4 (so far) because rewards being what they are, potentially wasting raid tickets seems fruitless. If it takes 3 to 4 days to complete t4 and up, we end up wasting tickets. So we run T2 or T3 to grab coins.

    What GP is your Guild that is attempting the raid?

    GP 60 MIL

    What teams did you attempt the raid with?

    Any and all, and the resulting frustration is just turning it into an auto fest. (Hit auto watch tv)

    What part of the raid motivated or demotivated you to continue trying?

    DN is the most boring part of the raid. No way to counter. Etc.. Most of our guild (I am the leader) wait for a few of our heavy hitters to get past him. Then they wait again in p4 until DN is down.

    What about the raid did you enjoy? What did you dislike about the raid?

    Hand on heart, I really dislike it completely. I have tried and tried to think of ways to approach it, make it fun for the members and I have given up. Honestly, if it was removed I would be thrilled. Compared to the other raids I can safely speak for our members, they have gone as far as saying they hate it, and only want the coins.

    Hard to enjoy a raid when even getting the rewards, is not interesting. I just claim them and go on.
  • Jooms
    74 posts Member
    My guild is 80 mil gp.

    We currently do tier 3 only because we can kill it in a day so we can at least get guild currency frequently. Noone cares about it enough to do higher tiers because we know we can't do heroic yet and the rewards are absolutely not even close to the effort needed to put into it.

    I use jtr, zeers, and wiggs teams mostly. If I'm bored and want to do another battle, I'll use nihilus lead.

    P1 and P4 are long and boring. 2 and 3 are actually enjoyable I think.
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