Message from the CM


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    and btw @EA_Jesse congratulations on showing your impartiality along members on this forum, just unblocking instinct topic. :)
  • Go_Blue
    95 posts Member
    People spend weeks and weeks to gear up toons with scanners, and then suddenly, under the guise of "normalizing" the scale, you make that investment almost worthless.

    You say you are "normalizing" the price of upgrading mods when in truth you doubled the cost of upgrading.

    You add 6* mods to raids without telling anyone, after people spent millions on 5* mods because we were told 5* mods were the highest currently available.

    You said mod battles and mod challenges would award more credits. They award the same as cantina battles.

    You added a whole new game mode, used the most restrictive energy in the game, made it impossible to also farm toons using that energy, and made it cost millions of credits without giving us any way to earn more credits.

    Hopefully these are the kinds of things you are talking about.
  • Qik
    3 posts Member
    The fact is you only really listen when your bottom dollar is being hurt. The best way I can think of to show that you want to do what is best for the game is to revert back mods out of the game until they can be implemented and not triple peoples power. I was expected a negligible upgrade from mods but it was far beyond what anyone thought and it threw the entire games balance out the window. Then today you made reactionary changes that made things even worse if that was possible. Peoples characters that they are heavily invested in are broken.

    So congrats. You did something so bad that most of your player base is furious and I see a lot of people getting refunds on what they have spent. This is one of the only ways to really get your attention because it raises a lot of eyebrows when money is going the other way.
  • SkyCake
    188 posts Member
    Apologies, this is going to be snarky. But, can we actually get the details? I'm so tired of update notes saying, "We're aiming for-" , "We've evened out cost, doesn't mean they're reduced-" or " We lowered the drop rate so that it's higher than character shards."

    Please, can we get things like "The date for this is xx/xx/xxxx" , "We've increased the cost by x amount" or "The drop rate is now 40% instead of 100%" It would be helpful to actually know what's going on, rather than trying to decipher it. I don't know why y'all like to keep us in the dark by saying that y'all are working on things, but are cautious to say what. Maybe it's because everyone is tired of it and y'all are trying to soften the blow of whatever the devs' current project is.
  • Leapster
    124 posts Member

    I am not doing this to try to get banned or cause a problem but I want to respond directly to your posts after having seen it linked in our discord channel and heard the opinions of roughly 100-150 very active players (or what is left of them). I want you to try to see this from our position, the customers, that you are trying to please and speak to.
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Hey Everyone,

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted a message to you all that is directly from me, one that isn’t patch notes :)
    This feels like you are only doing this, to appease everyone because of the backlash of the update. If you were generally more active this would come across more genuine. (I don't know if you can be or not based on your other duties and time-frames - this is not an attack against you but the perception we have discussed after reading it - I'm just the messenger).
    I know that a number of you are upset with the latest series of updates, but know that we have heard you.
    You guys have said this over and over again but the changes you make and the responses we receive, do not in anyway show you have actually heard / read what we have said.
    As many of you saw, CG_NotReallyAJedi made a couple of posts recently addressing some of the concerns with Mods.
    This response and changes made was a very similar process to pre-crafting. We are already hurt and upset by the way previous issues have been handled, this feel very much like a repeat and that you guys have NOT heard us or looked at how this has affected the depth of the daily player, especially those who are very active or competitive.
    We should have more to discuss tomorrow, but know that the team is doing quite a bit of work on Mods to change them. I want to avoid giving any specifics since all of the changes we’re looking at are being tested still, but know that adjustments will be made to Mods. There are also some other concerns you all have that I won’t list out here, but know that I’m talking to the development team about them as well.
    This is great, but this is another scary scary answer for us. You guys plan to make rapid changes and then drop them in our laps, not that the players have to know everything currently going on, but I think if you guys shared more information before you put it into the game, you would receive a lot of feedback and could make proper adjustments BEFORE things break or you get this type of backlash. I'm sure some of our very hardcore theorycrafters would of spotted the sudden burst these mods would have before REY came along to 1-shot every char in the game, post mods.
    Now, in regards to all of the posts on the forums, we need to adjust the approach being taken by a number of posters. I’m going to ask that you please stop posting threads that do nothing to help the state of the game, I don’t want to remove anyone because they keep breaking the TOS and Forum Guidelines.

    Here are a couple of things that I’d like to see stop:
    • Posting threads telling people to quit, to stop spending on the game or to lower their review scores. This does nothing to help the state of the game. What helps us is seeing feedback on why you don’t like a certain feature and how it affects your enjoyment of the game.
    • Do not create posts bashing EA, CG, the dev team or the moderators. Again, this does nothing to help the game.
    • Do not create posts on how the game is dead, or how it’s going to die, or anything along those lines.

    If any of the above is done after this posting action will be taken against your forum account, and we really don’t want to have to do that, so please, keep it civil and constructive so we can clearly see your feedback.

    This whole section is fair and since you own these forums, free speech in a way doesn't really have to exist. all I could say here is I would caution against too many drastic measures because of the current state of the game. I get that you guys will always have a player-base and star wars is a HUGE title to hold the rights to, but these are real people not just dollar signs. People have emotions and feelings and with such serious expressions being made you should see how much people care about this game and WANT to continue playing and don't want to see these updated ruin the experience for so many players.

    I'm just expressing my thoughts and opinions... this is in no way to be an attack but an effort to persuade you and your team to really truly listen this time and respond like you have done so with details and actual information. I mean this as an adult to another adult, human to human, I sincerely wish to see you guys turn this around and make this game thrive. You'll make tons of money, just make and keep the people happy.

    Thanks for hearing me out.
  • Fid
    121 posts Member
    @EA_Jesse if I may, I suspect the reason you're seeing so many such posts is because too many people feel their comments, insights, suggestions, criticisms, issues, etc. are being ignored. I will gladly continue to post suggestions and ideas, I don't really care if or expect them to be followed, and I try to make criticism constructive. But I really do believe what you're seeing is a direct response to frustration stemming from the perception, accurate or not, that major problems aren't being addressed and the desire to see the potential for a great game realized as fully and richly as possible.
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    My thoughts:

    Sorry about the JZ line and lines about greed, but some times ya'll deserve it.

  • Taramel
    601 posts Member
    @EA_Jesse honestly I think one of the biggest problems is that things keeps getting released to make more money, yet toons that were released and paid for in the past remain broken and not working properly. You want people to feel like you actually care? Try releasing a major patch that does nothing but addresses bugs, no new money making toons or items or content just straight up bug fixes. Show the players you actually care about toons that have already been paid for, that we are not just wallets to you. When things have been broken since day one and remain broken it hurts us and you.
  • Jay21
    61 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @C3POwn community asked for Jedi Knight Anakin to be adjusted, so we did. There's the 1 you asked for!

    @EA_Jesse a year later should we expect the same speed for everything else?
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    People are more upset than some vague "update" will fix. The tone around here is bad because the state of the game we love and some have invested heavily in is bad. We need to know that the Dev team is listening and wiling to fix issues. The GW thing has been going on since the last "fix" and no one has said anything other than a basic "Learn to play Bro. Working as intended." from the man himself. Way to put out the flames.

    So is this announcement going to work like all the others that don't even come close to meeting the time line and we can't even get a "hey, taking longer the expected. Be back in a bit"?
  • Harlodpeter
    323 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    1. Please note that.. We Are a true starwars fan.. When you develop this game, i know that your target population are those who are into starwars and become a hub to new enthusiast to get deeper into george lucas's creation.. I defended you guys a lot.. I appreciate the game by commiting myself into purchasing an amount of crystal per month, until mod came out, i no longer have the desire to pay for it anymore..
    2. Please no matter what you are about to do.. Listen to the player's feedback.. We wanted ship.. Instead we get mod.. And not only it destroyed the balance of the game, but numbers of quiter kept rising..
    3. I was very excited and thankful over the anakin rework! Even praised you guys all over for it.. At least for once.. The players felt apprciated. Its a give and take kind a thing... You give us something good.. We give something back in return.. Dont expect people to keep quiet when damages are done
    4. I finished my hard grind 10K crystal (paid for and arena earned) yesterday.. And today we get T7 mods which are obtainable from raid.. How should we actually react to that? Happy?
    5. I'm giving this game my july.. If i find myself cant no longer compete.. Then i'll be happy to quit.. At least i don't have to stare over the phone all day to this game..
    6. Again, GW.. Is killing us over and oved again.. Do something about it.. Before you lose loyalty from us loyalist..
    7. If you find my post offensive.. I'm sorry but this has to come out
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    I spent a lot of real money on scanners, which you nerfed tremendously without warning or even including it in the patch notes. Those are grounds for a refund. I would rather have the fun game I loved spending money on back. What are you planning to do to fix this? Either revert the change to scanners, or give us the money we spent on them back. It's like buying a car, being really happy about it for a little bit, then the dealer coming and taking three tires without saying anything. It's shady, it's underhanded, and you guys are better than this.
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    Ok, I'm going to ask one more time, please stop with the troll posts, I'm sitting here wanting to talk with you all, but instead many of you are just writing posts that aren't helping things.

    And I cannot answer the question yet on exactly how Mods will be adjusted because I don't have the full details, that will come tomorrow.
    Community Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes | Follow me on Twitter - Darokaz
  • M31Andro
    253 posts Member
    Hopefully you see from a lot of these replies that you've made a lot of people angry. Just pull the mod patch out and things will be better off. U already made the money from the whales who can afford it, so why alienate your entire player base? This update is ludicrous. And not a "good" ludicrous like in Spaceballs
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    @EA_Jesse I actually like the mod system idea a lot. It will finally allow players some individuality with their builds, and will require some balancing for sure. The first wave of people to complain will be those who can't keep up with the sudden change in the meta overnight. Eventually that will die out and the real balance work will come into play once almost everyone has mods to play with. However NONE of this is my concern because in that regard you guys are doing a fantastic job.

    My gripes are about how characters are chromium exclusive. When i spent my last 2-5 hundred dollars on the game (yeah you others can hate on me but I want to invest in a game I love to play) i was rewarded with a ton of shards yes, but most of them were repeats on maxed characters. Wouldn't the incentive to get a chromium be NOT to be gambling? Which is already a dangerous notion for a game available to kids.

    If it were up to me there would be NO chromium exclusives, for new characters, and just move them to an exclusive event (I loved the Yoda event) which has specific requirements. If you don't meet those requirements it gives incentive to FARM for it. I don't want to have to pay to play the rest of your game good sir, reward me for playing your game every day like clockwork.
    I highly suggest removing maxed characters from the drop pool to give more incentive to at least bolster a collection. If not that then at the very least make them auridium exclusive instead of fishing through the barrel of dead fish.

    TLDR Stop making me pay to enjoy this amazing game.
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    I'd like some more Chewie shards for hinting that we the posters are the problem.
  • Remorhaz
    149 posts Member
    Honestly saying nothing at all rather than saying a bunch of PR mumbo jumbo that means nothing would be better at this point.
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    What helps us is seeing feedback on why you don’t like a certain feature and how it affects your enjoyment of the game.

    Quite frankly, this seems very disingenuous. I could list countless examples of feedback on features that negatively affected our enjoyment of the game which were blatantly ignored. How many posts are there on the Galactic War thread calling for a major overhaul? A few thousand? And the extent of the response we got was "we are leaving it as is." This was not the voice of the vocal minority. It was a plea for change from the vast majority of your player base. The issue with mods is a more extreme example of the same. We saw the same pattern emerging today that we saw a few weeks ago. No amount of constructive feedback seemed to be getting through.

    Please understand the effect that has on us as a community. We feel ignored and frustrated. We feel like our voices are not heard. Right or wrong it is not surprising that when your voice goes unheard that you turn to stronger language and more desperate tactics. It's human nature.

  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Ok, I'm going to ask one more time, please stop with the troll posts, I'm sitting here wanting to talk with you all, but instead many of you are just writing posts that aren't helping things.

    And I cannot answer the question yet on exactly how Mods will be adjusted because I don't have the full details, that will come tomorrow.

    Dude we are not trolling. We are dead serious.
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    First I appreciate you posting.

    Concern: This costs Cantina energy that is also the best place to farm characters, not given in bonuses, and the most expensive to refresh. Cantina also holds most the Characters you need to complete Mod Challenges.

    Response: No longer a guaranteed drop on mods in battle or challenge. Challenges no longer give 3,4,5 stars based on Tier, but a chance at them, or either 2 lower.

    Concern: It costs creds to level Mods

    Response: Over double the leveling cost on mods, but add 100K to GW, roughly 1/3 the increase amount to level mods

    Concern: Raid gear was dwarfed/made lesser by Mods

    Response: Nerf raid gear. I'm sorry Jesse I play with all maxed characters. You nerfed the gear big time. My Rex, Teebo, Q, Daka, Dooku, Ani, Phasma(to name a few) do not perform anywhere near where they did before this update today.

    Concern: Mods are OP

    Response: We are looking into and testing adjusting what you are spending resources to get, but won't go into detail or even hint at the plan we have to diminish them.

    Jesse these are the concerns that were hugely talked about. Your responses to them were basically dumping lemon juice on the wound. This is why people are angry. This is why people are quitting. This is why people, myself included, are saying no more spending. We gave feedback, you "listened" then made changes that completely disregarded the concerns.

    Again thank you for standing up and posting here Jesse, but this was by far the worst move yet you guys did. I feel completely cheated out of every cent I spent since the update was manually done by me the other day.
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    M31Andro wrote: »
    Hopefully you see from a lot of these replies that you've made a lot of people angry. Just pull the mod patch out and things will be better off. U already made the money from the whales who can afford it, so why alienate your entire player base? This update is ludicrous. And not a "good" ludicrous like in Spaceballs

    Just pull mod patch 2 out... Mod patch one wasn't perfect, but it I truly believe people would have come to like it if they had given it a chance.. It was just shocking and the change management was horrible.
  • Vyse
    111 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    Question non mod related.....

    Why did they send you over to London?
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    In all seriousness and without hyperbole, this last set of updates has been a gigantic mess. The Mods themselves may turn out to be workable in the long run. I don't mind giving some time to work out the kinks. However, I think it's fair to point out, for the good of the game, that the implementation of these changes has been mishandled and this needs to be addressed.

    The first reaction to the big update was negative once people saw just how drastically Mods could change the game. Some folks overreacted a bit, sure, but I think that's somewhat understandable since one of your own even mentioned initial "sticker shock" upon testing the Mods. It was still fixable, though.

    Then, unfortunately, you guys doubled down. You dropped the Mod drop rate and didn't respond at all to repeated concerns about using cantina energy and lack of player balancing. I don't expect you to give us all the details, but when the immediate response to the player outcry was to make things even harder on everyone, that's when things really took an ugly turn. And then there is the repeated badgering about the TOS on the site, which comes across poorly, since it looks like you won't respond to requests but are quick to punish fairly minor infractions on the forum. That should not be your priority right now.

    I'm not going to threaten anyone or use harsh words, but I seldom post here at all and I logged in tonight to say this: the changes you have implemented since introducing Mods have been, almost completely, a step backward. Making drops less frequent is the wrong move. Nerfing toons (without saying you have) is a horrible idea right now. Refusing to budge on the concerns with Galactic War and not even commenting much other than to say, effectively, "this is how it's going to be" is a bad idea. All of these things at once have really upset your player base.

    For the good of the game, perhaps even its long term survival, you as a team MUST address these concerns directly, honestly, and without defensiveness. I understand that you guys have been called out here, and that's no fun. But please respond with kind words and show understanding to the players (consumers of this product.) It really will help everyone in the long run. It's still not too late to fix this. But more missteps carry a large risk of irreparable harm. And I don't think anyone really wants that. This is a good game with great potential. Let's work together to make it better.
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    Feedback on the mod announcement clearly said that we didn't want mods. Feedback on GW said it was too hard. Feedback on T7 raid said it was too easy before game-breaking mods. We've been pretty clear about what we want.
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    To be fair @EA_Jesse, the vast majority of posts here are not trolling in the slightest. Sure there are a few going off the deep-end, but we are all just genuinely hurt and angered by the state of the game that we enjoyed for so long.
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    What is happening with potency? Period. Did you bork it up or did you intentionally set out to screw people?
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    The fix to Anakin was awesome. Which makes me wonder why the team didn't just keep on working to improve other characters. Fixing that and Galactic War would've made a world of difference.

    Why did the team decide to implememt Mods in this manner? They make no sense at all. Are you familiar with how gemming armor works in World of Warcraft. A similar implementation to stats along that magnitude would have been great, this is just insane. The update has made me very upset because of how it impacted this game and also hurt guild membership. This was such a good game, I don't understand why it's going in this direction. Are you able to elaborate at all as to what the management team is thinking about with this game? Why can this update be rolled back so Mods can't be effectively corrected so your team isn't trying to rush a fix in a short timeframe and reintroduced later?
  • Vampire_X
    1435 posts Moderator
    @Harlodpeter thats constructive and well thought out actually

    look at the first posts, its all hate fest bashing, reposting, and not feedback but venting. I think everyone gets it about the main issues, but each person making a new post to hit the pinata so to speak and make a name for themselves for it is not helping.

    posts like yours are what is able to be discussed.
    Wicked Sith Queen with the Pink Saber
  • Zach325
    91 posts Member
    You broke raids again. Raid ended after I attacked in p4.
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    I am somebody who quit today, you took a game and completely ruined it. You could look up my account if you want I don't care anymore. I was consistently a top 5 in arena, and generally enjoyed GW and being in a guild up until this embarrassing update to a game.
    You guys did what I thought was impossible to do, took a rabid Star Wars fan who was devoted to the game and killed the game for me.
    What mods did was basically take a toon and put them on steroids. But if you don't mod up your toon is virtually worthless I had 7 toons at gear 10 or above and 20 plus at 7 star but they are worthless without mods. What strategy there was with the game is completely gone. There was no testing done so, every challenge previously is a joke. Scoundrel event and Empire event which took real strategy are dead. How are you ever going to scale it, correctly? Answer that one question , Jesse I doubt you can.
    The raid the last few days is an embarassment, tier 7 being solo etc... From what I've seen your own solution is going to be to nerf toons.
    The game is basically mod up (pay) or your irreverent. The only thing that matters right now is how many mods at 5 dots or better you have.
    From somebody who loves Star Wars people want to play the toons, you smashed it to bits and killed it.
    Thanks for memories,
This discussion has been closed.