Message from the CM


  • Vampire_X
    1435 posts Moderator
    saying this is the "ONLY" thing that will make it better, is not discussion or feedback.
    Wicked Sith Queen with the Pink Saber
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    First off let me say, this community is so passionate about Star Wars and the potential they saw in this mobile app. The direction of the game has been anything but stable, this is why the community is so upset. I understand the need for developers to introduce changes and I also understand that there is a business model to implement...

    That being said, there is a methodology that has clearly been missed. It is safe to say that many of us have invested equivalent time in SW:GoH as one would invest in an MMO or other progression/gear based AAA title. So let's use those games as a comparison tool for development here. When gear and progression reach the endgame in those titles, player power and access is always equalized given time investment. As a new expansion or paradigm shift is introduced, it's details are readily available far in advance (months usually) so players know EXACTLY what to expect. The is done for several reasons, not the least of which is for feedback. But also, so players will feel invested and prepared. This is CG biggest mistake with recent changes. Communication. We need details.

    The second comparison is much more personal to players and in my opinion a bit unspoken because it's difficult to quantify. As a game grows and ages, the content/loot/gear that took hours or days or weeks to acquire should ALWAYS be made easier and quicker to access when new content and/or grinds are introduced. This is CG's second mistake. This approach leaves players in a feedback loop of ever increasing grind and ever diminishing enjoyment. The squad requirement for mod challenges is the most recent example. How on earth is the vast majority of the player base going to get access here? I have spent $300+ on this game and I still need months to get access to those.

    The shard/gear grind is far too tedious. The RNG nature of EVERY drop we need is absurd. RNG drops are meant for a different environment where players are not bound by limited resources like energy. My trajectory for 7 starring many characters is on the order of months not days or weeks. Then you add in gear grinds to viability and of course the credits required for leveling. 4.6 million for 1-80. Now mods... So there is just too much grind and not enough access to the content.

    Just having a character in my inventory but being worthless because of gear and credit and mod and time and RNG is no fun. We don't want that. We want to play the game and experiment with the otherwise good foundation that is SW:GOH. That doesn't mean hand us all the content, but make the player feel accomplished at the end of a play session. That is what wins the heart of gamers and their wallets. The current model of always pushing us to spend will ultimately push us away.

    I think opening up character shards to 100% drop rate would go a long way in stabilizing what has become a far to tedious and frustrating grind. Gear drops too for that matter since we are still gated behind raid gear. This would do wonders for player commitment and stability.

    It's time for CG/EA to show some goodwill to the players. We are not all whales and you will not make us whales.

    TL,DR: Early Communication is key when introducing new content. Dropping huge changes on a community that is and has invested in the game without warning is a mistake. Old grinds need to be normalized when new grinds are introduced. F2P Character shards and pre-raid gear need more accessibility and higher drop percentage to facilitate player investment in the new content.
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    My other comment needed no reply. It was simply to point out the why people are mad.

    Here is my question, and I really would appreciate an answer.

    I saw those big Mods. So I went heavy on refreshes trying to land the big speed, big protection. I paid the 3,600 on refreshes to gun for these. If they were 20% offense, 20% protection, 6k protection, I'd have farmed, but not at 1,800 and 2@3,600 to get them. My question is this....

    Are you going to take the stats away on mods some of us paid a hefty price to the RNG gods to get?
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    What do you mean you can't tell us what's being worked on. No for once actually ask us if we want what you're trying to force on us!
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    pac0naut wrote: »
    RogueHS wrote: »
    EA_Jesse wrote: »

    So like 20 legit concens some with feasible solutions and this is what you respond to?

    This is really disheartening to me. We've been giving honest legitimate feedback on everything @EA_Jesse for the last few days and yet this is what you're worried about?

    Honestly, what do you expect him to say? He can't comment about things he doesn't have an answer for


    I get that. HOWEVER, this goes to show how out of touch the community manager is from the actual community he's supposed to manage.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • SkyCake
    188 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Edit: Never mind

    Anyways, good luck with everything! I'm bitter towards the direction of the game, but try to make the best out of it.
    Post edited by SkyCake on
  • warmonkey
    1314 posts Member
    Before I go to bed I would like to add that I think someone confused gear with mods.

    Gear should not be the thing that gives a small stat boost to mods.
    Mods should be the thing that gives small stat boosts to gear.

    I just got a scanner in my raid. 10% potency now. I have a level 1 5 star mod with a secondary stat of +8%. That is just a slap in the face to all of us that have spent time and money for a small stat boost to mods now. That is just wrong.
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    Bytra wrote: »
    In before lock.... Oh no please dont ban my account!!!

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    The problem is that mods probably should have NEVER been dropping at 100% rate.

    It doesn't make a ton of sense that we were able to fill a roster with 5* mods almost immediately.

    That problem, however, is only made worse when without warning, communication, or at the very least an acknowledgment of the mistake... the drop rate is reduced. What was a guaranteed drop an hour ago is now up to RNGesus. Adding 3* and 4* mods to the Level 5 Mod loot table seems like a low blow after the community was already on the ground. (again unannounced)

    Just some humility and honesty would go a long way.

    Frankly - mods don't really need to change drastically. You can't unring a bell. I can't imagine how it would be possible to return all the credits and reboot mods. If you guys tested them - and eventually as people climbed the curve, the game worked with the mods - then don't cut off your nose to save your face.

    I think the biggest mistake you guys could make right now would be rushing to try to fix this without fully testing and most importantly, communicating what is going to change BEFORE it actually changes so the community can prepare and perhaps even provide feedback.

    If you guys KNOW that the mods can work in their current state - so be it. Just say so. And if it was a mistake for them to drop at 100%, admit it. I mean - it's fairly clear to me that they never should have been a 100% drop anyways.

    Knowing that 6 and 7 star mods will drop from the Raid (another unannounced piece of information that the community deserved to know) it wouldn't matter if the drop rate was 100% anymore.

    The credit crunch is WORSE now then it's ever been and nobody in their right mind will be wasting a million credits to fully level 5* mods after today.
  • Daker
    109 posts Member
    People posted on the forum about hating GW, and devs doubled down on it.

    People posted on the forum about the credit crunch, and you added mods that cost between 500k to 1.7 million to fully upgrade and countered that with an extra 100k on GW. That didn't help us catch up, it put us further behind.

    This ^.

    The developers said that they were going to fix the credit crunch by letting us sell mods back and increasing GW Payouts. Then they cut mod drop rates (reducing the number of mods we have to sell) and doubled the price to upgrade Level 5 mods (from around 250k to around 500k). The extra 60k from the GW (which none of us can even finish now because the algorthm makes the final couple of nodes impossible) does not even begin to solve the credit crunch problem. I have dozens of mods that I cant upgrade because I have no credits to upgrade them with. That equates to millions upon millions of credits that I have no way to get.
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    Captainrrl wrote: »
    You're clearly just trolling the community at this point. You release an update that is disliked by the majority of the community, caused many to quit which destroyed guilds, and you're worried about tone...good lord.

    Is that you morgoth?

    Yep Cap, having a hard time letting go...
  • Seknos
    306 posts Member
    @EA_Jesse Mods are not a bad idea by themselves, but the execution lacked in clarity and measure.
    There was a SWGOH before mods and after mods, two different games. We did not have the time to adjust.

    - Increasing drastically the cost to level up mods and at the same time increasing GW rewards by less that 100k is a real slap in the face, GW being a lot harder with mods teams. 1,4m to level a tier 7 mod to max.

    - Using the same energy for mods and shards farming is not a good idea, unless the refresh time of cantina energy is lowered.

    - Communication made about Potency / Tenacity change, never mentioned a nerf of one or a buff of the other. A lot of us invested in TM reduction teams.

    - There are a lot of posts that are negatives, because we feel our feedback is not taken into account enough.
    Yes, anakin was reworked but our monumental feedback on GW has not been heard.

    - Multiple bugs, glitch or problems have occurred with recent updates, taking more time and doing more testing is important. We do not want content for the sake of it, we want quality.

    Thank you for reading.
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    I play these online games to escape the reality of the real world that can be quite horrible at times such as tonight with what happened in Nice, France. I play to have fun and for enjoyment... I don't play to get more stressed out, life can do that without the help from this game.... Please remember this is a game... Games are suppose to bring fun and enjoyment not anger and frustration.
  • SlyGambit
    1246 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @scuba we're looking at Mods, testing them, how is that not addressing a concern? I refrained from posting exact details because they aren't locked in yet.

    We've been telling you for months that the credit grind was killing this game. You responded by giving us the ability to get 60k more credits in GW but at the same time made GW impossible to complete.

    This is the kind of feedback we give and that is your response. You don't want to hear about it so now you'll see it. You'll see it in your bottom line.
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    Karltron wrote: »

    Things that make the game less enjoyable:
    1. No longer being able to complete GW.
    2. Fewer credits, because I can't complete GW.
    3. Teams that were beatable before the update are impossible now with mods.
    4. Months of grinding for gear and Characters completely invalidated in one update.
    5. All previous gear is almost completely useless now.
    6. No longer able to farm cantina shards because mods are now King and the same energy used for both.
    7. Hours of extra time needed to "tune" mods to characters so they can still be viable.
    8. Hundreds of wasted hours playing a game that was nuked with mods.
    9. Too many credits needed to level and rank characters and now GW isn't even an option for that either.
    10. Dev's gave us the giant middle finger when voicing our concerns about previous GW tuning, the made it infinitely worse with last update.

    I could go on, but judging by previous responses, I seriously doubt the problems will be addressed quickly or correctly. Seems to be more concern about bad mouthing developers than listening to reason and fixing the game. The obvious fix is to roll back the mods to stop the bleeding of players leaving this game.

    This is it. @EA_Jesse read this and correct all of this in the game. Then all will be well. So simple but I guess so hard somehow.
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    And we wonder why we do not get answers. Jesse, I will own up to crossing the line, even though it was intended to be helpful. I've been a player, I've been a moderator, I've run and helped maintain commercial communities, paid and unpaid. Sometimes I get in that mode and shouldn't. Regretably as I said, my attempts at humor or calming may miss the mark.

    I will say to EA/CG's credit we are lucky to have a forum at all. For a long time EA games didn't. I'll get branded a fanboi, but I'll live. Imagine, the Dark One a fanboi lol

    +1000 for trying, hope things even out soon. When everyone thinks a bit more clearly, they will appreciate your trying. Changes in game.., well we'll see ;)
  • eldredpe
    142 posts Member
    pac0naut wrote: »
    pac0naut wrote: »
    RogueHS wrote: »
    EA_Jesse wrote: »

    So like 20 legit concens some with feasible solutions and this is what you respond to?

    This is really disheartening to me. We've been giving honest legitimate feedback on everything @EA_Jesse for the last few days and yet this is what you're worried about?

    Honestly, what do you expect him to say? He can't comment about things he doesn't have an answer for


    I get that. HOWEVER, this goes to show how out of touch the community manager is from the actual community he's supposed to manage.

    I would assume right now the designers and programmers and testers are all in overdrive trying to get fixes in. It's not like Jesse can go wandering in demanding status updates every 15 minutes. That's not the nature of his job.
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    pac0naut wrote: »
    pac0naut wrote: »
    RogueHS wrote: »
    EA_Jesse wrote: »

    So like 20 legit concens some with feasible solutions and this is what you respond to?

    This is really disheartening to me. We've been giving honest legitimate feedback on everything @EA_Jesse for the last few days and yet this is what you're worried about?

    Honestly, what do you expect him to say? He can't comment about things he doesn't have an answer for


    I get that. HOWEVER, this goes to show how out of touch the community manager is from the actual community he's supposed to manage.

    Somehow I doubt he's really that out of touch. If him and the other mods/devs are in here "censoring" as much as people complain they are, then they're well versed with the communities opinions. I think you're forgetting that his boss is probably reading everything he posts, so of course he has to make it sound a certain way, even if it's not entirely true. That's the nature of the beast. Blame the execs, not the messengers.
  • Breetai
    858 posts Member

    I feel for you. I understand you have bosses to answer to and you can only say so much result or run risk of getting fired. I also know that what happens in this game is not your fault as a lot here seem to think.

    Now with all that said. You need to talk to your bosses and tell them it's simple. Give the players what they want or dont expect to get money. Period.

    So many things have been discussed on these forums that I personally think has been ignored. EA/CG needs to start letting people know things ahead of time and to start listening to what we say. Yes it's your game but its our money, and it's our money your after.

    If they don't like an idea. Freaking tell us. It's not hard.

    Personally I think mods should have been t1 mods add 2% increase stats. T2 add 4% and so on all the way to t7 gives 14%. This makes mods still very much needed, but not improving toons so drastically that they improve ovee 100%.

    As of now this game is falling apart. There really needs to be some changes fast and some communication about what the expect before its to late. More and more are leaving every minute right now. If you don't act fast then by the time you make the changes it will be to late as everyone left will not even know about them. Heck I left but im here now only because a friend posted me this link in line.

    Something drastic needs to happen and happen now before it's to late. Because it almost is to late now. If it's going to take days to actually roll out the update, then you better tell us exactly what it is and why we should wait. Because if you don't, it isn't going to mater.

    Talk to your bosses. Tell them to start letting you tell us stuff before its to late.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    The biggest gripe everyone has with this is how you freely take things away or make them more difficult. You know its human nature for people to become accustomed to a certain response say finishing GW or a 100% drop rate on mods or a fixed cost to leveling them.

    When you change that, it frustrates them, and they feel the sunk cost, all the value and investment put in be it time money luck or all three down the drain.

    This game is bogged down by the RNG. When a client update can give double drops or a 100% drop rate you know that it was engineered to make you spend. Every time there is a level cap raise or a new character to chase it becomes harder. GW were adjusted today and it is not enough.
    None of the rewards have scaled, level 80 requirements, level 60 rewards.
    The credit crunch is real. Believe me in these past two days I spent 100 usd and none of the credit packs went to level a character but a mod, not promote a character but buy from the mod shop.
    Mod battles and challenges don't give nearly enough credits.

    Then, wholly unannounced, 6/7 * mods are available in raids. Had this been said before, my decisions in the past 24 hours would've been much different. Not to mention that scanners were nerfed and they are now useless for the raid. I have 2 bought and 100 salvage pieces and for what. This is what angers people a lack of communication. For a worldwide 24/7 game there is little relayed.

    Design the game so that it is accessible for everyone but is slow enough so that an ftp and a whale will still need to be engaged in the game. Raids were perfect, the rewards are slow enough to engage all and a superwhale could spend 5000 energy on the last activity and only get 200 more guild coins than someone who just spent 400.

    People are more engaged when rewards are infrequent but significant. RNG is to simulate a slot machine right? Then have a random but consistent payout, no confirmation bias.

    What I feel is with the 6/7* mods on heroics there is little incentive for me to do the mod challenges. In fact with the nerf today why bother at all.

    Bronziums - much like above, their functionality has improved but the rewards are tuned for a new player -with tier 1 gear and shards for easily farmed characters. Change them so that the lvl 60-80 salvage gear, 100 times the credits and more full character drops.

    Shipments, the ones at the bottom need to be tuned also. I no longer care for mk4 stun gun salvage, ill pay 5* to get 3 mk5 stun gun salvage or mk3 stun cuffs salvage.

    Mod shipments: aff more tier 3/4 mods to buy even rarely like the raid gear in shipments, tier 6/7.

    There is more feedback I could give but I think this is enough for now.

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    I think the big mistake was starting with 100% mod drop rates and affordable upgrade costs. You can't undo something like that and expect people to be happy. That was a mistake on your end, one which you guys should just deal with because it's precraft 2.0.

  • M31Andro
    253 posts Member
    Is it possible to just roll back this mod update and provide refunds or equivalent crystals to people that spent real money since the update? Nobody wants the game to be ruined. We voice concerns and different changes are made that make things even worse. (Precraft 2.0)... I looked forward to playing every single freakin day since I started last December, and quite honestly, I don't even feel like playing the last few days because it's not's frustrating. Please fix this mess asap, before it's too late!
  • Karek77
    292 posts Member
    Im posting this here cuz apparently EA_Jesse is taking the time to read

    "What the devs try to do today was fix the mod update but they worsen the problem.
    Mods were up for 2 days before they change anything and bunch of people were able to get their top toons with 5 dots lvl 15 mods. But most people couldnt and now they wont be able to catch up with those that did. EA has just divided the game for those that were able to get plenty of 5 dots mods to those that couldnt yet.
    I believe that if the update had been gone out like the way it is right now it would have been a great addition to the game. In fact, it would have been waaay better than a new lvl cap, as you could take your time evolving each character slowly with the customization that you wanted.
    This "fix" that you released today was a band-aid to a very deep gash wound, you will keep bleeding out no matter how long you wait.
    I cant see any solution that will make people happy, some will say a roll back (before todays "fix") others will tell you to just leave it the way it is and other will tell to cancel the update honestly all of these suck.
    I do have an idea for future updates if this game survives this one: Not sure how apps development works, but you could release another Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes called; Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes PTR. In doing so you can test whats coming up next hear what people think about it and twitch what needs change.
    ps: You could get mods 100% drop rate again now that you released mods 6 and 7 on raids that will give everyone a chance to get evened out with mods grade 5 and slowly upgrade to 6 and 7's.
    ps2: I believe that a big part of the problem is the lack of communication between players and devs, and Im 100% sure (it is already happening, Ill give an example) it will happen again
    ie: The 2 top complaints on the game are the lack of credits and the difficulty with GW. With mods release credits are in even greater demand. You released mods 1-5 and didnt say a word about 6 and 7 (where they would be) and now that people spent millions and millions of credits to level their 1 - 5 we get out of nowhere 6 and 7 to farm. "Oh great, now I dont have credits specially because they increased the amount necessary to upgrade mods, Ill have to start saving credits to upgrade these new ones I get from raids" oh what a fool we are, as soon as we get our mods 7 in place you will suddenly release mods 6 and 7 with bonus to speed/potency/damage/critical hit..... and make our Health mods obsolete and once again the hunger for credits.
    ps3: Making GW rewards greater is a good idea but not when it is impossible for people to finish it. On top of that the amount of credits now necessary to upgrade mods are way greater than what you increased on GW rewards, and I honestly cant see a reason behind that besides you wanting to make us look like fools.
    I honestly hope a dev takes their time to read this and consider whats been said. This was the best game Ive ever played on a mobile but after the increase of my crystal prices by 233%, the lack of communication, the horrible characters releases (no epic characters ever), the horrendous updates and the release of pokemon go I probably be leaving soon, sadly."
  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Hi @EA_Jesse I'll give you some feedback.

    So, the mods i feel are great, the reason a lot of my guild and people are walking away from the game is because it has drastically changed the stats of a character and makes people feel like all they have worked for and towards has been nullified. This feeling has been amplified by the apparent nerf to potency in the t7 raid and also towards the dev response of making the top tier non raid mods even harder to acquire.

    A fix to this IMO would be to revert the mod challenge rewards back to 100%. and give everyone a set of maxed out tier 5 mods as a starting point for their squads. That way we can keep the new system and carry on grinding tier 7 raids as before. I would say this should be done for all players at lvl 80 then like a tier 4 for 75+ tier 3 70+ tier 2 60+ and tier 1 for 50+. This would level the playing field and allow people the freedom to delve into mods without being at too much of a disadvantage.
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    growlkin wrote: »
    To be fair @EA_Jesse, the vast majority of posts here are not trolling in the slightest. Sure there are a few going off the deep-end, but we are all just genuinely hurt and angered by the state of the game that we enjoyed for so long.

    This. The posts this evening, while containing heavy sarcasm at times, have been extremely well written and should be plastered on the walls at whatever hole you guys are "working" in. Are airquotes TOS friendly?
    Ooba hutar.
  • DarthBarney
    31 posts Member
    edited July 2016
  • JJ18
    26 posts Member
    ok you gave us new content.. now its accessable and fun to level and max out weird stuff... we only have 2 days of it... its crazy rey has up to 275 speed... we haven't even tapped into the mods thing... then you double the cost and take away our guarantee of getting them... we are already in a credit crunch... you actually won me over with the update then destroyed every hope I had that I could use the content... on my leaderboard everyone had 5 dot and all spots filled... I don't I chose to finish the battles first.. I only have 10 5 dots... now I will never catch up I will never be able to max them out... they have literally spent half of what It will take me to even up with them... and they will be advancing as im catching up... im smart enough not to complain about change.. when you literally say you need to test these things really makes me question your capability in making a quality game.. maybe you should have tested this before... why make the changes and literraly double everything... why... it is so disrespectfull... you know the precrafting issue and you were fine... then you literally created a precrafting issue that is insane... TONS of MODS just went out that super buff everyone.. and tons of us now don't have them.. come on..
  • Harlodpeter
    323 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Vampire_X wrote: »
    @Harlodpeter thats constructive and well thought out actually

    look at the first posts, its all hate fest bashing, reposting, and not feedback but venting. I think everyone gets it about the main issues, but each person making a new post to hit the pinata so to speak and make a name for themselves for it is not helping.

    posts like yours are what is able to be discussed.

    What i really want as a player
    1. Revert the game before the mod was introduced.. Honestly speaking, i managed to stay top 10 in my arena shard without someone bumping me over to rank 40.. Maybe you are wondering right now? Why do i want a revert while i am no longer being bumped by othe player to drop that high.. I find it more thrilling to fight my way to the top of my arena shard before my payout.. Matter fact i was once drop to 42 and manage to get my way back to #1 in one and a half hour before my payout.. It was exciting!! And thrilling for me to do so!!

    2. Rework on toons in accordance to their lore in starwars universe be it Legend or cannon, not major reworks (mod) by giving them too much power!

    3. Please dear developers.. Tell us 2 or 3 days before you do something really important to the game.. I was honestly shock by the news that highest tier mods can be obtain through raids.. Whilst 10K of my hard grinded and paid for crystals are wasted on T5 mods, i know most of the player felt cheated by this.. Reverting the game is the only solution to this

    4. You do know that some of the scanner we owned is paid for right? So what makes you think that we are happy with the changes? 30% to 10% potency is just absurd.. And doing that without prior notice is like throwing more gasoline into a burning house.. We are enraged by your action! And we are not happy with it.. I am still angry eventho i have pharell's happy on repeat right now.. I cant clap along to the song no longer..

    5. Make GW completable by F2P and P2P once more.. Dont you love seeing happy paying customers enjoying your product?

    6. Like i said, you have my whole july to fix this.. i'll be on noah's boat like the other players before me if this is not fixed in early august
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    @EA_Jesse, several questions (in several parts):

    1. Are you able to address the nerf to Teebo and other TM reduction characters? I spent a lot of time and effort leveling them (pre-mods only to have them now (post-mods) almost never hit their tm reduction on the Pig Captain. After spending a significant amount of time and crystals to get there, they are clearly not as effective as they were. From the post the other day, I understood the potency changes to be cosmetic only (i.e. it's easier to understand when it goes to 100% rather than exceed that). What gives? Is potency currently working as intended? Did the Devs make changes to tenacity in raids that weren't mentioned?

    2. Stealth changes to raid rewards are unacceptable. My guild just finished a T7 raid, I got my rewards, and 20 minutes later the client restarted and changed the rewards to include 6 and 7 level mods. That was never announced and it should have been. In fact, EA never announced at all how and when those would become available. Again, this is like Pre-Crafting in that some people start out ahead of others. Will this be addressed? Can we get a promise from EA that it will stop doing stealth updates that work to the detriment of unsuspecting players? Or just detailed patch notes a few days before that include ALL the changes?

    3. The problem with Mods. I know everyone is posting about it and I mostly agree. I've played a lot of games where, either by patches or expansions, the game radically changes (e.g. Diablo III). Although the community often took it hard, it was generally accepted because the payment for the game was one time (or twice with an expansion pack). People were not making in-game purchases to gain an advantage (basically creating a second-tier of competition among paying players). The difference in game-breaking mechanics is that, if I've paid a lot of money to get an advantage and then you wipe out my investment and make me start over, it doesn't feel (and isn't) fair. You want me to start a new chromium character? Fine. You want me to level from 70 to 80? Fine. You want me to spend money to gear and crush T7 raids? Fine. But don't have me do all that and then hit the reset button. I think that's where some of the angst from this. What exactly is being discussed about fixing mods going forward and what is being discussed to fix the problems that have occurred since the update? Is this going to be like Pre-Crafting where you don't do anything for a long time? And if you somehow roll things back (or whatever), will those of us who spent credits and crystals get compensated?

    4. Maybe in addition to the weekly community update, you should consider having a community chat with the developers. To be sure, there will be a LOT of trolling. But it would be nice to have a real-time discussion with the developers about the communities concerns and get real answers. Part of the problem here is that an update drops, people complain on the forums, and then there is radio-silence for extremely long periods of time. Other times, it is that there has been griping about a particular issue not related to updates that goes unaddressed. For example, AGI challenge rewards that don't make sense. When the little things like that aren't fixed or addressed on the forums, it leaves the community with little confidence that the big things, like updates, will be handled correctly. On an even more frustrating point, it is really annoying to have to search through a post to find a developer comment or to have to switch over to reddit. How about a banner at the top of forums with all (or at least the important) developer/mod comments (again, I direct you to Diablo III's forums). Any chance for either of these things?

    5. Finally, you all really need to consider beta-testing by the community or some other means of testing each update. I cannot recall a single major update that hasn't introduced some controversy. It's really a shame that on the one hand I look forward to new content with each update but on the other I steel myself for the inevitable problems with it. Its very, very frustrating. No question for #5, just my $0.02.
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @scuba we're looking at Mods, testing them, how is that not addressing a concern? I refrained from posting exact details because they aren't locked in yet.

    You had literally the entire time you guys were developing mods to test it out. Why didn't you guys do this then?
This discussion has been closed.