Message from the CM


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    I never come to the official forums, and now I remember why.

    This community is toxic. Were I you, I would have stopped reading responses after the first two or three trolls.

    So, as people are here complaining about the lack of communication, and the horrible job they think you're doing, just know that there are still people out here that appreciate the work you do.

    Thank you for communicating. Thank you for responding to the people. Thanks for still doing anything at all after reading anything on here. Thank you.
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    This really doesn't have anything to do with mods, but it has always annoyed me and I think it would be great if you could fix it. The game has too many characters that are underpowered and unusable. I used to play another ftp game on pc, Marvel Heroes. With that the developers alternated between bringing in a new character and revamping an old one.

    I think this game would benefit greatly from adopting a similar pattern. Too many of the iconic star wars characters are underpowered (Boba Fett for example). I know new characters drive profits, maybe having a sale or something when the revamp goes live could help with that.

    I think it would also help in that players would feel that the time and money they invested in this game is being respected.
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    You roll out untested new material without fixing any of the glaring issues that are mounting. Your motive is clear that it acts on what the community wants 10% of the time, and pushes out content targeted solely for profits the other 90%.
  • Go_Blue
    95 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @Corrosivescott I don't have all the details, but, any Mods you have should be fine, they won't be vanishing or anything. The changes we do will apply to all Mods across the board most likely.

    This is the kind of answer that scares people. I've spent three million credits and thousands of crystals obtaining and gearing up mods. Now this answer says "mods across the board will become less powerful" meaning that I should have spent my crystals and credits in better ways (making Leia 7*, farming gear instead of mods, etc.). Mods should have never been this powerful to start, but now that they are, I spent real money (literally, I paid for those crystals) on that basis, only to see the money I spent become worth less over night. That just isn't fair or right.

    And one of the largest problems remains both GW and credits, something people have complained about for weeks, only to see the changes make things substantially worse, not better.
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    Can we get Old republic characters in the future Jesse? B)
  • GerrialMcmaster
    3 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    @EA_Jesse to start on a positive note: some great updates were made, such as gear exchange (could be a lot less limited, though) multi-sim, sim-challenges, increased ally capacity, and even the small things like red/blue character shard backgrounds. Thanks for those.


    The communities here, on Reddit, and other places have been supremely supportive and generous with their feedback. It seems that the team doesn't read our suggestions or concerns, but the blame is somehow placed on us, the player base, whenever the developers decide to go against the grain of all that is stated in these game-based communities. Have we not been providing you with constructive criticism since launch?

    Also, to summarize your three bullets at the end:

    -Don't tell people not to spend their hard earned money in protest of or we'll ban you.
    -Don't say bad things about EA/CG or we'll ban you.
    -Don't say the game is dead or we'll ban you.

    I understand you reserve the right to remove legitimate abusers from the forums, but are you so totalitarian that you would remove the loyal fan base from voicing their thoughts (ALL of which is itself feedback)? They're telling you they're not going to continue supporting the game if yoUr teams continue to make bad decisions. That's it.

    1. A tremendous portion of players stated their utter contempt for GW, how difficult it can be, and ESPECIALLY how much time it takes out of a given day (really, we do have lives outside of this game).
    2. Over past updates, the community clearly has stated we'd like more communication prior to an update, and that we'd like to have some influence over it.
    3. Repeated patterns of releasing statistically great characters that people both work very diligently for and often spend a great deal of money on, only to have them made obsolete by certain tweaks (e.g., First Order TIE Pilot, Yoda, Kylo Ren, etc).
    4. Whenever you do own up to your mistakes as a team, your compensation is almost always grossly inadequete.
    5. The abhorrent credit squeeze which was partially addressed with the Heist until the update went live.

    Many, many other concerns are notable, but I won't harp on them further. Can you address these concerns, please?
    Post edited by GerrialMcmaster on
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    @EA_Jesse like everyone is say here the answer is not to nerf mods. That would be doubling down on the treble mod "fix" update that went out today.

    If you want to salvage mods go back to how they were when you released them. That is the only fair way. Then go through the whole game and on anything that gives players credits and a zero to the end of the number of credits.

    Also add addition character type to mod sets. So jaws and droids. Empire and Sith. There narrow categories now are atrocious.
  • Whitchit
    186 posts Member
    Why don't mod challenges count towards cantina battles for the daily? Are there any plans to maybe make one of the daily bonus energy into cantina energy?
  • Joaquin
    41 posts Member
    edited July 2016

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    Thanks EA_Jesse for being the voice within that can help us to communicate in best resolution - everyone of us can get caught up on a rant or on top of a soap box, not communicating moments that portray our best, now that you have made clear to the puplic that this the playing field everyone is on. May the team move forward to achieve best resolve, may the force be with you, and not even joking.
  • Go_Blue
    95 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Sorry, not sure why this posted twice.
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    Karltron wrote: »

    Things that make the game less enjoyable:
    1. No longer being able to complete GW.
    2. Fewer credits, because I can't complete GW.
    3. Teams that were beatable before the update are impossible now with mods.
    4. Months of grinding for gear and Characters completely invalidated in one update.
    5. All previous gear is almost completely useless now.
    6. No longer able to farm cantina shards because mods are now King and the same energy used for both.
    7. Hours of extra time needed to "tune" mods to characters so they can still be viable.
    8. Hundreds of wasted hours playing a game that was nuked with mods.
    9. Too many credits needed to level and rank characters and now GW isn't even an option for that either.
    10. Dev's gave us the giant middle finger when voicing our concerns about previous GW tuning, the made it infinitely worse with last update.

    1&2 Agree
    3. This is just a temporary state of being. Once everyone has mods it will be like it was before. Only better.
    4/5. Untrue. All the gear is the base layer. If you had t5 mods and played in arena against others with t5 you could see this. You can't slap t5 mods on a g8 squad and beat a t5 g10 squad. Doesn't work like that.
    6. True.
    7. Maybe.
    8. untrue
    9. Big time true.
    10. True. Lets fix then unfix it!

  • Iyaoyas
    120 posts Member
    Complete rollback of the mods an option on the table? A LOT of people are asking that one question.
  • JJ18
    26 posts Member
    I know instinct talked in a way that you didn't like... but their content about double the cost and precrafting that you caused.that is exactly how we all feel... leave the content alone.. if you didn't test it before why test it after... why are you letting us test it for you.. literally every person who plays this game feels like you cheated us... didn't one of you in the office realize this? Let us have guaranteed drop.. lower the cost of the mods.. we never asked for this update you give it then change it... why not wait a week... why make all these changes... after you put out the update... did you have a time and date that you had to hit your marks and all of a sudden send a nerf to it two days later... what exactly did you expect??
  • SpeedRacer
    1037 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    U guys had plenty of feedback about how bad things would be the way mods were being implemented. But instead, choose not to listen and did the way whatever u want.

    Months of grinding, a lot of cash spent and suddenly this mod absurd enhancing abilities throwed everything down hill.

    We need some concrete and definitive fix for this. Still a lot of improvements to be done in the game, but as it seems, devs choose to push us for a cash run plus endless pre crafting again.

    We want new raids, new descent events, new fair challenges, but not farm everything all over again.
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    eldredpe wrote: »
    pac0naut wrote: »
    pac0naut wrote: »
    RogueHS wrote: »
    EA_Jesse wrote: »

    So like 20 legit concens some with feasible solutions and this is what you respond to?

    This is really disheartening to me. We've been giving honest legitimate feedback on everything @EA_Jesse for the last few days and yet this is what you're worried about?

    Honestly, what do you expect him to say? He can't comment about things he doesn't have an answer for


    I get that. HOWEVER, this goes to show how out of touch the community manager is from the actual community he's supposed to manage.

    I would assume right now the designers and programmers and testers are all in overdrive trying to get fixes in. It's not like Jesse can go wandering in demanding status updates every 15 minutes. That's not the nature of his job.

    It's like 8pm in Cali. The only one in those offices now is the janitor. This isn't starving children or a massive bank exploit, it's a video game. The only way they'd be there right now is if the amount of $ in refunds was massive and they likely won't learn of that till monday or possibly the end of the month.
  • Viperish
    176 posts Member
    edited July 2016

    First I appreciate you posting.

    Concern: This costs Cantina energy that is also the best place to farm characters, not given in bonuses, and the most expensive to refresh. Cantina also holds most the Characters you need to complete Mod Challenges.

    Response: No longer a guaranteed drop on mods in battle or challenge. Challenges no longer give 3,4,5 stars based on Tier, but a chance at them, or either 2 lower.

    Concern: It costs creds to level Mods

    Response: Over double the leveling cost on mods, but add 100K to GW, roughly 1/3 the increase amount to level mods

    Concern: Raid gear was dwarfed/made lesser by Mods

    Response: Nerf raid gear. I'm sorry Jesse I play with all maxed characters. You nerfed the gear big time. My Rex, Teebo, Q, Daka, Dooku, Ani, Phasma(to name a few) do not perform anywhere near where they did before this update today.

    Concern: Mods are OP

    Response: We are looking into and testing adjusting what you are spending resources to get, but won't go into detail or even hint at the plan we have to diminish them.

    Jesse these are the concerns that were hugely talked about. Your responses to them were basically dumping lemon juice on the wound. This is why people are angry. This is why people are quitting. This is why people, myself included, are saying no more spending. We gave feedback, you "listened" then made changes that completely disregarded the concerns.

    Again thank you for standing up and posting here Jesse, but this was by far the worst move yet you guys did. I feel completely cheated out of every cent I spent since the update was manually done by me the other day.

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    To be fair there were some things in the update(s) that were good. Ally cap extended to 50 which allows me to loan my characters out to more of my guild. Multi Sim for battles is a great QOL change as is the Sim on challenges. Equipment exchange within the guild is pretty awesome. My lower guildmates like that a lot. No dodging when stunned is HUGE. I HATED that. The update which restricted mods and changing the pricing dramatically was horrible. Cantina energy used for MODS is also horrible. At least use the same crystal scale as regular energy so we can still level characters as well. I am not feeling excited about the games prospects at the moment. I hope you can change that feeling.
  • M31Andro
    253 posts Member
    Angry_Mob wrote: »
    When is the mon calamari Jedi counselor that throws rocks as his (her?) special going to be released to the whole community?

    This guy's name pretty much sums up your loyal community right now...
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    @DarthMasterShawn your stats that were RNG will stay the same I believe, the Mods themselves shouldn't reset.

    As soon as I get more details from the game team I'll share them here, such as how exactly we're adjusting Mods and the Potency questions. Also, many of you are saying that I haven't passed along feedback to the dev team in the past, that is simply not true. Everything that is mentioned here on the forums gets back to the team, sometimes they take that feedback and make adjustments, and sometimes they don't. It might be because of a technical issue, or it could be because it's a change that doesn't align with the current plans for the game. Just know that your feedback does get back to the team.

    Again, thank you so much to those that posted feedback, I've read all of it and will be sharing it with the game team. I really want to keep chatting, but I need to sleep as I have to be up in about 4 hours. :)
    Community Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes | Follow me on Twitter - Darokaz
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    I love the changes, but I also know that mods need balance. Only thing I'm upset about is the insane increase in health, which for some reason meands I've been able to slip into the top 50. Keep up the good work
  • Steve7
    31 posts Member
    I liked the theory of mods, but the implementation got hosed. It's like we went straight to the end game on the flip of a switch. We needed to be eased into a monumental shift to the game. Mod Battles and 1 star mods should have been all that came out day one. After a month or two, introduce 2 star mods. After another month or two, roll out mod challenges with the chance at 3 star mods, etc. Too much changed too soon. Characters got dramatically more powerful too quickly

    All the progress from the protection update (extending battles and removing one-shots), just got flushed.
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    Honestly, this post should have included the phrase "we are sorry". In fact, I would have led with that. You (CG/EA) owe your players a giant apology. You released something either without testing it or without messaging to your players about how big of a change it would be. You should apologize for the (hopefully inadvertent!) changes to potency. You should especially apologize for the drop rate nerf and cost doubling after the fact. Without you guys realizing you need to do that, nothing else you say matters
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member

    Here, I know it's late for you right now and frankly, I'm a little heated at everything that's happened lately so I'ma go hit the pool, but I'll leave you with this:

    1: Your PAYING player base is upset about mods. You (maybe not you personally, but since you're on the firing line) created precrafting 2.0. The devs said the gear precraft was around 1% of the player base. Now you have a storm affecting 100% of the player base.

    You introduced mods that nobody wanted, you told us they used the hardest energy to get in the game, you rolled out the update, we spent and in less than what, 48 hours you yanked the chain back by nerfing Mk5 drop rates from 100% to virtually nothing AND including Mk4 and Mk3 Mods in there. That is a slap in the face to your base. Not ONLY that, you doubled down on throwing everything out of whack by tripling the price or more to upgrade a mod from 1-15.

    2: Galactic War. Your PAYING customer base is REALLY upset at the big middle finger we received. In case you haven't been around, GW was okay for a while. Then as players leveled up, it got REALLY hard. Rewards never scaled from level 40 to level 80. It took some people hours to complete. You alleviated GW by making it more tolerable. I personally could finish mine before my morning coffee and second Black and Mild were finished. Then it was reverted to something absolutely ridiculous level where nodes 6, 9, 10, 11 and sometimes 12 were absolute arena squads of death. The response? GW is SUPPOSED to be difficult. Difficult yes, but impossible? You have to be kidding me. Mods had been out for less than a DAY and we're seeing modded to the hilt teams in GW. That's insanity. This is a mobile game, not Warcraft.

    3: Credit crunch - So, by players not finishing GW even before, they're already hosed and y'all doubled down on it. Then you introduce mods, raise the price on them 48 hours after introduction, nerf the drop rate on the most valuable energy (oh, BTW, that double Cantina day right before the update was a brilliant way to soak up the cash) and basically create this mess that you find your player base in.

    Enjoy your evening / morning / afternoon.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    Iyaoyas wrote: »
    Complete rollback of the mods an option on the table? A LOT of people are asking that one question.

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    I like mods. I do think some of the changes with today's patch need to be looked at again, though.

    The reduced drop rate seems unfair to anyone who did not spend many crystals the last two days. Cantina energy is relatively slow to gain and to only have a chance at an award is aggravating to many players.

    I get that the increased cost to upgrade is supposed to offset the gain from selling mods but there is no comparison between the two. They are too expensive as is.

    Potency and Tenacity were stated to be undergoing normalization to between 0-100 instead of the previous extreme range. The new values were not supposed to affect their effect. There seems to be a distinct difference in how many things are landing as compared to before but this may just be confirmation bias. Any clarity on this is appreciated.
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    Look, I really have no issue with mods themselves. They allow you to trick out your toon however you want. I feel that they've made gear insignificant, which really bothers me because it seems like a kick to the groin for the months dedicated to gearing up toons, grinding 50 hair dryers. Hoping for them to drop.

    But the amount of luck now required to obtain useable mods is insane. I need to hope for a level 5 mod to drop. I need to hope it's the right piece and I need to hope that it's primary is useable for my toon. Those are a whole lot of stars that need to align properly in a game where stars seldom align because of RNG.

    That and I now have to choose between cantina and mod spending.

    Mods should have their own energy, it should refresh very very quickly. Or better yet, go back to 100 drop rate with its own energy. Why do we have to use Cantina energy? Crystal refreshes should mirror regular energy: 50, 50, 100

    And please, for all things good and righteous...increase credits in every phase of this game. Everywhere. It's absurd.
  • LordAlvert
    1193 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    I am speaking with the dev team about all of your concerns, including the 100% drop rate on the 5* Mods. I can't give additional details if I don't have them, I'm waiting on more that I can share with you all.

    How can you nerf my $15 Nubian 7 scanners from 40 potency to 10. Help me out....

    Now that I invested in your mods you going to ruin those.

    @EA_Jesse months with Tusken shaman broken you told me he would get fixed. How can we believe ?

    You had 6 problems made an entire game rework and I could list 56 problems.
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    i like the multi sim feature, hate the drop rate either way, used to be good for me but months of horrid... Not the point. When single sim'ing the pop up and confirm to purchase more energy is where the sim button was the turn before. Quickly sim'ing single sims I have accidentally purchased more energy. I multi sim'd 2 refreshes and got 1 piece of gear so back to being superstitious about sim'ing. Anyway, can you move the button so one doesn't accidentally buy a refresh when energy runs out.
  • RealHanSolo
    447 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    We love everything but mods. Just roll them back. Seriously. We love all of the updates except mods and today's potency nerf.
This discussion has been closed.