Message from the CM


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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @Corrosivescott I don't have all the details, but, any Mods you have should be fine, they won't be vanishing or anything. The changes we do will apply to all Mods across the board most likely.

    I'd give the farm to see this game go back to the way it was last week. Rollback 100% out of the question then?
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    Can we get some sort of real comment on how this all happened? Why was a patch released in such a condition? How did this honestly pass QA and testers? Why was a second patch rushed so quickly? Why is the public a testing ground for this game? How about somebody mans/womans/whatevers up on what this patch did to the community, the game and it's reputation?

    Lets see some transparency.

    People have spent a lot of money/time on this game, especially when there is a big patch. Players feel robbed by these patches and the rage is real. I appreciate your early morning attempt at damage control, but in this case, the devs should be the ones posting. Even though you are the CM, this rests on their shoulders.

    Yet again we are being asked to trust you guys/gals. But more than half of your post is about the forum posts and not the actual real issues at hand. The forums are only this way because of what the devs "delivered" this week.

    Feel free to pass this on to all of them.
    Team iNstinct --
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    I'm reading your posts everyone, I really appreciate those of you that are giving feedback that I can use to share with the game team.

    And yes, I linked to the TOS because that took me all of 10 seconds to do. We're already at 5 pages so it's a little hard to reply to each of you individually. :)
    Community Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes | Follow me on Twitter - Darokaz
  • Paxus
    60 posts Member
    Not how mods will change, but how are they fitting in the grand scheme? Were they supposed to overshadow gear? (Intentional or accidental?)

    Are we getting a new raid soon where the mods will be necessary? How is this all supposed to fit together? Right now it is a hot mess, and none of it makes sense.
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »

    Thank you Jesse. That's all I needed.
  • Mika
    48 posts Member
    Devs here listening to feedback and actually doing something for the players? Yeah right...
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    sorry but i dont believe u will solve this problem with a third or forth patch and a nice talk while in london jesse ... u migh as well go to sleep... and no more chewie shards please ... thats just humiliating!
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    RogueHS wrote: »
    EA_Jesse wrote: »

    So like 20 legit concens some with feasible solutions and this is what you respond to?

    This is really disheartening to me. We've been giving honest legitimate feedback on everything @EA_Jesse for the last few days and yet this is what you're worried about?
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    I have spent countless hours grinding gear, earning ability mats, leveling and starring my toons. The current mods are disproportionately more powerful than all of those combined. For example, they can add so much protection that the other things don't matter. This makes me feel like I wasted all that time and money. Here is my suggestion. Don't make the mods so powerful. Scale them back exponentially.

    This is actually an untrue statement. As someone who outfitted an arena squad with t5 mods and has played others with t5 mods, battles remain largely the same, just with bigger damage numbers. Your gear, stars, and mats are still the base layer required to make a mod effective. You can't just slap t5 mods onto 5 star gear 9 characters and go beat t5 7* gear 10 characters. This is the biggest misunderstanding I am seeing posted over and over.

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    I don't know what the Chewie shards are about, that's not a compensation for anything, will find out more about that tomorrow as well.
    Community Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes | Follow me on Twitter - Darokaz
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    I am guessing a fair amount of your paying player base has dropped a lot of money the last few days, I sincerely hope this does not mean big nerfs to existing mods in play now, as many players sunk a lot of cash to get the newest/best items right away.

    Retro nerfing items already invested in and live means some unhappy paying customers, which is partially keeping this game alive for the majority f2p.

    I do think some MINOR adjustments need to be made (maybe to raids, potency/TM) but logging in to one's account over the next few days and seeing that shiny Mercedes (existing mods) now reduced to a KIA (nerfed mods) could be very disheartening.

    I'm glad to hear EA is listening to the player base and is looking for a solution that will make people happy; whales, dolphins and f2p.

    Thank you for all the recent updates, the game is much better with customization!
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    Dude, there are literally 100s of posts about potency. You're telling me after the forums have been on fire for 5? hours you have no information? Yes this is intended, No it's not. Simple answers.

    Did I waste $500+ in the past 3 days (I actually like the mods) and just under $11k in the past 7 months, or not.
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    pac0naut wrote: »
    RogueHS wrote: »
    EA_Jesse wrote: »

    So like 20 legit concens some with feasible solutions and this is what you respond to?

    This is really disheartening to me. We've been giving honest legitimate feedback on everything @EA_Jesse for the last few days and yet this is what you're worried about?

    Honestly, what do you expect him to say? He can't comment about things he doesn't have an answer for
  • Jazz66
    212 posts Member
    If you take the big bucks you need to be able to answer the big questions when it goes wrong. If I couldn't do it for my customers I'd expect a flea in my ear and would understand why they were doing it.
    Sith Yoda:
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member

    No trolling here.

    Your number one problem is not any bug or specific in game issue. Your number one issue is repairing trust between your company and your consumer. That trust is completely gone.
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    The biggest piece of feedback to give to the Devs is that we have been leaving feedback for weeks and it has fallen on deaf ears. There have been hundreds of suggestions on how to improve the game and nothing has been done except to make it worse. How hard is it to listen to customers, especially when you repeatedly ask for their feedback?
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    I think you guys really might be in a no win situation at this point. Mods as they are right now have divided the players into the haves and haves not worse than the original pre crafting ever did. If you didn't get Mark Vs in the last 24 hours you are pretty much out of luck

    At the same hand, people paid money, crystals and credits to get those mods. So if you nerf them into the ground, you will upset a sizable portion of your player base. They paid based on a perceived value of those mods, changing the value of the mods 24 hours later is pretty scummy.

    Is a roll back even possible? That might be the best possible solution.

    No the best solution would probably be to put back the 100% drop rate and original costs of leveling the mods.
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    I'm one who left his guild leadership position and deleted the app today. I'll hear you guys out over the next couple days, but if I can't continue to farm the toons I want (not the ones I HAVE to in order to get decent mods), and if I can't level up toons anymore because the credit crunch, which was already awful, has been made worse, and if I can't even compete in GW anymore despite ranking 30 in arena, then the game is broken and I'm still out.
  • RealHanSolo
    447 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    @EA_Jesse I would like to give some constructive feedback. We all love the game before mods. It was amazing, we all sunk tons of time and money into this game. There were individual strengths and weaknesses to each character, the upgrade system with gear + stars + training was deep but not overly complex.

    But we're all justifiably upset because Mods just threw the whole checkerboard off the table. Mods would be fine if all the characters were similar, the other upgrade systems didn't exist, and it was a fully-customizable game, but we're used to each character having their own strengths and weaknesses, and we all loved that. What we wanted was more battles, more content like the raids which were great.

    Mods threw all of our hard work on gear and getting the right characters for various activities into the dumpster. And today's update took all the hard work of building raid squads and threw the entire dumpster into the ocean.

    We're frustrated because we spent time and money on something that was great, and it's all been entirely changed. There's no just dealing with Mods or enjoying the other parts of the game like we did when GW got too frustrating. There's no going back, PVP, raids, GW, everything has been affected in a major way.

    I know you all worked hard on mods, and thought it was a great idea. But many of us, as players, disagree, right, wrong or indifferent, we like what we had. We spent money and time because we liked it. This update didn't just change a few things, it completely changed everything that we liked about it. The mods, the potency changes today were epic disruptions, and for many of us, the game that we like is entirely gone.

    We're not trying to disparage your work, we're just asking for you to give us back the game that we all loved. We love what you created before mods and we want that back. I personally have never spent money on a mobile game, but spent more on this game than I do on full console titles because I loved it.
  • Iyaoyas
    120 posts Member
    Complete rollback a possibility? I vote yes as I believe a majority will as well.
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @Corrosivescott I don't have all the details, but, any Mods you have should be fine, they won't be vanishing or anything. The changes we do will apply to all Mods across the board most likely.

    @EA_Jesse please don't do this. All your "Fixes" are making things worse. You can't put Humpty Dumpty back together again. Any further changes are just going to screw over more people. To make things right you only have to viable options.
    1) Take the cracked egg and make an omelet with what we had from the original update. Get ride of the mod changes and DONT make any more. Some people don't like change. I actually like the mods I think they could have been implemented better but they are what we got. Any changes after that fact screw people over. Every additional change exponentially increases the number of people hosed. If the drop rate on mods is too high than you can GRADUALLY lower. It. Each week on Sunday take it down 5% until it is in the target range.
    2) reset the game to pre update and refund all the crystals spent in the last 48 hours.

    PLEASE don't need mods in any way. Please revert the latest update to mods or revert to pre mods.
  • Phipps
    1107 posts Member
    Probably not possible to do for a game like this.

    But this is why Microsoft has system restore points.

    So when something gets really messed up you say oops sorry click a button and go back to how it was till you get it right.
  • Super123
    233 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    I don't know what the Chewie shards are about, that's not a compensation for anything, will find out more about that tomorrow as well.

    Good luck with the angry mob Jesse

    Please told the development team that we want predictable solution that don't wipe out our previous investment, like nerfing gears in favor of mods.
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    @EA_Jesse thanks for the quick reply
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    Things that make the game less enjoyable:
    1. No longer being able to complete GW.
    2. Fewer credits, because I can't complete GW.
    3. Teams that were beatable before the update are impossible now with mods.
    4. Months of grinding for gear and Characters completely invalidated in one update.
    5. All previous gear is almost completely useless now.
    6. No longer able to farm cantina shards because mods are now King and the same energy used for both.
    7. Hours of extra time needed to "tune" mods to characters so they can still be viable.
    8. Hundreds of wasted hours playing a game that was nuked with mods.
    9. Too many credits needed to level and rank characters and now GW isn't even an option for that either.
    10. Dev's gave us the giant middle finger when voicing our concerns about previous GW tuning, the made it infinitely worse with last update.

    I could go on, but judging by previous responses, I seriously doubt the problems will be addressed quickly or correctly. Seems to be more concern about bad mouthing developers than listening to reason and fixing the game. The obvious fix is to roll back the mods to stop the bleeding of players leaving this game.
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    Hi. I'm going to throw out my 2 cent. I have spent more on this game than I would like to admit. I think it's great, and lots of fun. My feedback

    The frustrating part is that for many of us, we are not at the cutting edge of the game. This is a game that is a slow grind. I see what others are doing and I make a goal. It will take months of farming to get FOTP, or get teebo gear 11 with 80% potency, it will take time/effort/money to do these things over months or weeks. Then that is changed, it does not feel the best.

    Constant changes in some games are fine, but here it takes so much effort to get a good full first order team or ewoks or whatever, we hope to enjoy the benefits of that. The changes made need to be slowly and carefully. I love Star Wars, I hope things get better soon.
  • JRCPKT99
    292 posts Member
    One major concern I have after your comment about a global change to mods:

    Should I refrain from leveling mods etc. I don't understand if you decrease the value of mods then I don't want to put 2mil credits into some tier 6 mods from raids.

    Also how do you justify that I could fully level a tier 5 mod for much less credits then today. Would you say this combined with 100% mod drop rate created a precraft 2.0?
  • eldredpe
    142 posts Member
    So, what is the deal with potency?

    The update claimed it would only be normalized on a regular 100 point scale, but everybody seems to be reporting that their characters have become far less effective in raids.

    Was potency nerfed? Is it a bug? Was tenacity buffed on the raids? Was it only normalized and people are just getting unlucky and posting statistically irrelevant anecdotes?

    I'm really just curious to know what's going on there.
  • QGJesus
    93 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    kaarlows wrote: »
    LOL Jesse, we've been for months making very constructive criticism, and all fell to deaf ears by you guys at CG/EA.

    This post is one more sad demonstration of how out of tune you're from community, just worried that when we voice our rightful criticism might actually affect those people unsure of how bad things became specially after last update.

    They have a special section if the forum made for feedback. They invited someone I knew and he denied the invitation because of TI involvement as mods in the forum. Bet most TI are in that feedback group as well. Out of tune indeed
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Jesse, I think the rub is yes, we were outraged at mods just as your testing showed but the patch seemed like a big middle finger directed at us.
This discussion has been closed.