Message from the CM


  • thelaughingman
    43 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    the update stoke the mob, now you're fanning the mob even more by dictating the mob of what they can't do. this is like internet 101 here. just give an apology even if you guys don't mean it saying stuff is being worked on and spam in every thread if necessary.

    on to the game itself, I have never feel so disappointed opening up the game like this morning and I've been playing since December. I collected T7 raid rewards and complete GW before I went to bed and by morning was told by guildies that they get 2-3 tier 6 mods & more credits for GW. In my arena shards people rank 25 above and 25 below me all have 6 level 15 tier 5 mods per character for their arena squad whilst I'm nowhere near maxing out my 2nd character.

    - credit: already crunch before mods, now became rarer than what I'm not sure anymore. I'm constantly at less than 1000 credits trying to level up mods. leveling up mods means no leveling of new characters, no starring up of characters as well. my GW nodes will soon be flooded with max mods teams so what used to be 500k credits a day becomes 100-200k, exacerbating the problem.

    - shards: doing mod battles/challenges to get mods means no character shards farming translating into no new characters or no starring up. token rewards are no better thus slow shards farming from cantina store

    - raids: my guild finished last tier 7 raids with everyone just did 1 attack each lol

    So you see, whilst all of that is going on, we, the playerbase, are being told to patiently wait for a change that might take weeks to come online and **'s track record of updating/fixing the game doesn't boost confidence here; and being told to keep quiet like sheeps so it might not hurt you guys' feelings. Do you even consider how you guys hurt so many player's feelings given that they invested heavily into this game (time, money, effort)? And so for an average player like me, can't progress with mods to compete, can't collect new characters to make myself less sad, what else is there to do in this game?
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    I have spent countless hours grinding gear, earning ability mats, leveling and starring my toons. The current mods are disproportionately more powerful than all of those combined. For example, they can add so much protection that the other things don't matter. This makes me feel like I wasted all that time and money. Here is my suggestion. Don't make the mods so powerful. Scale them back exponentially.

    Chondrosarcoma- Chondro3150#0907
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    Is the idea of a rollback being thrown out the window or is it guaranteed that mods will still be in the game?
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    Can you address the want to roll back? Or is that out of line and bannable to ask on great forum angry man
  • scuba
    14189 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @scuba we're looking at Mods, testing them, how is that not addressing a concern? I refrained from posting exact details because they aren't locked in yet.

    @EA_Jesse. Because the last time mods were looked at and adjusted it created pre-craft 2.0. Till that point I had still had faith that something would be done to address the concerns of the player base and forum feed back the only thing it changed was making them harder to obtain, which was not a problem.

    @CG_NotReallyAJedi stated "While today’s update won’t directly affect Mods themselves, it will reduce how many insignificant Mods you can receive and will ideally let you focus on getting the Mods you need..."

    To me this was a bending of the truth.

    Well the update did just the opposite. Since now you can get Mk 3 or Mk4 instead of Mk5 mods in T3 of a challenge. If Mk5 are obtainable I would call getting Mk3 or Mk4 aquiring insignificant mods.

    There was also no mention of the adjustment of potency and tenacity which based on update notes

    "Potency and Tenacity have been normalized to exist between 0% and 100% when obtained through Gear. This was done to provide both a more readable number for comparison’s sake and also for balance reasons associated with Mods. Both of these values may exceed 100% through the usage of Mods and the comparison itself remains unchanged at this time."

    Maybe I have a problem with reading comprehension but to me that means the adjustment should have been visual only and should not have affected the actual game mechanic of tenacity vs potency when in fact it did.

    While I understand not listing every concern brought up about the update, Pre-craft 2.0 with Mods, and potency change are the 2 biggest ones. Your responses were very generic. The posts by @CG_NotReallyAJedi were not as generic and I had faith they would fix problems instead they created more.

    Looking at and testing something that should have been tested is not addressing any concerns. We the players are looking at and testing things everytime we play the game.

    While I understand you cannot give specifics something more than we are looking at it could be more helpful.
  • JRCPKT99
    292 posts Member
    what about update note for the update from earlier today. What all was updated and the logic with that along with how the updates play into the future of mods
  • Finnien
    24 posts Member
    The problem is credibility. We're told that GW will be streamlined, it is adjusted to be better, then it's returned to the same or possibly a harder difficulty level. No change since. We're concerned about the credit crunch, the scoundrel event comes out with a 'target' of once a week, it becomes once every two weeks. Mods come out, they're additional competition for a limited resource, we're told mods prices will be normalized, the price increases by 2-2.5 times. Mod event announcement comes out, we're told mod battles will have no restrictions, they go live, and mod battles have no restrictions... But mod challenges, where the viable mods are, is full of them. Scanners go into the cash shop for two weeks, people buy a ton, the day they leave the cash shop they're nerfed into the ground. I could go on, but the trend is obvious - dishonesty and ruin. Every time something is adjusted, it hurts the players, and stealth nerfs and misleading or outright dishonest statements abound. We just can't trust you anymore.
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    Community Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes | Follow me on Twitter - Darokaz
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    my question is simple.

    Why is their no beta server to test this first? Within an hour of public testing the feedback would have made it apparent that mods are overpowered.

    There is no way out of this except take mods out of the game and reintroduce them at a balanced way.
    Looking for 1 member with 3.5m+ GP roster to help in GEO TB; we are 185m guild who are 70-6 in TW.
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    In all seriousness and without hyperbole, this last set of updates has been a gigantic mess. The Mods themselves may turn out to be workable in the long run. I don't mind giving some time to work out the kinks. However, I think it's fair to point out, for the good of the game, that the implementation of these changes has been mishandled and this needs to be addressed.

    The first reaction to the big update was negative once people saw just how drastically Mods could change the game. Some folks overreacted a bit, sure, but I think that's somewhat understandable since one of your own even mentioned initial "sticker shock" upon testing the Mods. It was still fixable, though.

    Then, unfortunately, you guys doubled down. You dropped the Mod drop rate and didn't respond at all to repeated concerns about using cantina energy and lack of player balancing. I don't expect you to give us all the details, but when the immediate response to the player outcry was to make things even harder on everyone, that's when things really took an ugly turn. And then there is the repeated badgering about the TOS on the site, which comes across poorly, since it looks like you won't respond to requests but are quick to punish fairly minor infractions on the forum. That should not be your priority right now.

    I'm not going to threaten anyone or use harsh words, but I seldom post here at all and I logged in tonight to say this: the changes you have implemented since introducing Mods have been, almost completely, a step backward. Making drops less frequent is the wrong move. Nerfing toons (without saying you have) is a horrible idea right now. Refusing to budge on the concerns with Galactic War and not even commenting much other than to say, effectively, "this is how it's going to be" is a bad idea. All of these things at once have really upset your player base.

    For the good of the game, perhaps even its long term survival, you as a team MUST address these concerns directly, honestly, and without defensiveness. I understand that you guys have been called out here, and that's no fun. But please respond with kind words and show understanding to the players (consumers of this product.) It really will help everyone in the long run. It's still not too late to fix this. But more missteps carry a large risk of irreparable harm. And I don't think anyone really wants that. This is a good game with great potential. Let's work together to make it better.

    Well said, sir.
  • M31Andro
    253 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    I am speaking with the dev team about all of your concerns, including the 100% drop rate on the 5* Mods. I can't give additional details if I don't have them, I'm waiting on more that I can share with you all.

    How do I request a refund for the many hundreds I've spent on this game? I'm extremely dissatisfied with the current product and feel like I deserve real answers, or my money back!
  • warmonkey
    1314 posts Member
    I waited up for this! "Wait till tomorrow we are testing more" I know your job sucks right now but come on! Good luck! I really don't see how any more testing will help with any of our concerns. Please prove me wrong!
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    @EA_Jesse I think most of us just wanna know if we should hold up on farming these mods and leveling them until we find out whats changing and two is all the work and money we put into them gonna be erased? thanks
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    When is the mon calamari Jedi counselor that throws rocks as his (her?) special going to be released to the whole community?
  • _JAM_
    15 posts Member

    One of my big issues is there is not an easy way to tell if a team has max mods. The power level does not go up enough to tell.

    I try to battle a team that is close to me in arena power, but their Rey hits for 29k. How can a toon with 40k protection, 40k health be considered 7600 power?

    If there was a higher power increase in modded toons, would this not make it so I would not face teams that totally over power me in GW, since your opponent's are based on your top toons power? Would this not also eventually level the arena back to a sensible level?

    I like the idea of mods, I am not a fan of catina power being used, but I can accept that. I really do not like how characters are no longer unique, or how mods are so powerful.

    I was very curious to see what came out from the update today, with more detail than was given. Normally there is good communication, but for the last couple of days it could be better.
  • GOfish52
    222 posts Member
    It's not @EA_Jesse fault, be a little nicer. The game team is being ignorant. I believe 100% in Jesse as this sites admin. He knows that EA has screwed this up and is doing all he can to fix the situation that is upsetting everyone. Best of luck Jess
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    I think you guys really might be in a no win situation at this point. Mods as they are right now have divided the players into the haves and haves not worse than the original pre crafting ever did. If you didn't get Mark Vs in the last 24 hours you are pretty much out of luck

    At the same hand, people paid money, crystals and credits to get those mods. So if you nerf them into the ground, you will upset a sizable portion of your player base. They paid based on a perceived value of those mods, changing the value of the mods 24 hours later is pretty scummy.

    Is a roll back even possible? That might be the best possible solution.
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    @C3POwn community asked for Jedi Knight Anakin to be adjusted, so we did. There's the 1 you asked for!

    Jesse. You cannot win on the forum. You represent "the man" and we are all a bunch of rebels. Appreciate your effort to reach out at least. Non communique of the devs was a highly criticized topic, so you jump in, and so.ething else is wrong etc. I appreciate your situation.

    I do not appreciate the state of the game as it is now though. I don't know how to make it better, that's why I choose to pay you guys in lieu of going to computer school. Please just fix it. I don't ask people who buy ethylene how to make the hydro **** better. The onus is on us to figure that out for the customer........
  • Iyaoyas
    120 posts Member
    Can we get an answer if rolling back the mods is on the table??
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    @EA_Jesse im sorry to pile on the bad news, but ppl are not just upset, they are leaving the game, thx for telling mods are.being looked at and.the "little" feedback that you have given, i are the messinger and that you are.the "middle man" in this, im sure ppl that are aggro, arent aiming it towards you, but more the way desicions are made.

    for instance, many mods have huge primary %'s why werent these just nerfed, for example one of the health mods upgraded grants 94% protection, this % is too extreme, especially when it stacks, a better % would maybe like 15%-20% then stacking even is not so overpowerd.

    many many players invested lots of time and effort into this game, and huge amounts of money, money which pays your salaries, so understand please, why players are upset, and respect us as a community enough, to see the seriousness of this problem.

    we are not mere sheep to be manipulated or fooled, many of us have our own business and understand these types of things work.

    i urge your team, to take this problem serious and pls consider our ideas and input, after all we are your customers/clients.

    i hope my comments were respectful enough and made sense.

    Scorpy :)
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    @EA_Jesse at this point we pretty much all have lost faith in any fixes you say you're making. We've already seen the results in the past and again with the update today on so called fixes. If you actually listened to the feedback we've been giving this game wouldn't be in the state it is right now. The truth is only when we start ranting and raving and complaining does any action happen and even then we're really not heard except to say stop posting bad things.
  • Carbrenash
    86 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    @EA_Jesse I'll post a sincere comment with respect and hopefulness that it's considered by the devs. The credit crunch is way too much right now.

    Part of the fun (a big part) in this game is collecting Star Wars characters and using them in battle. There are not enough credits available on a daily basis to unlock characters, level up mods, etc. Why would we spend time (a LOT of time) collecting characters we can't afford to use? Why would we spend limited stamina (and again time) collecting mods we can't afford to level up.

    IMO, make the characters abilities, mods, etc, however you want, but let us actually play the game by making it so we can use the characters, mods, etc that we have acquired and give us a ladder to get over this credit wall.
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    LOL Jesse, we've been for months making very constructive criticism, and all fell to deaf ears by you guys at CG/EA.

    This post is one more sad demonstration of how out of tune you're from community, just worried that when we voice our rightful criticism might actually affect those people unsure of how bad things became specially after last update.
    Empire did nothing wrong
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    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Ok, I'm going to ask one more time, please stop with the troll posts, I'm sitting here wanting to talk with you all, but instead many of you are just writing posts that aren't helping things.

    And I cannot answer the question yet on exactly how Mods will be adjusted because I don't have the full details, that will come tomorrow.

    But the dev team apparently worked through the night to get Mod update #2 ready to tilt the world again.

    You guys can't seriously be underestimating this like the GW tuning?

    So many respected members of the community have worked to help you guys, and you've run them off. Go check the Reddit sub. or even your favored guild.

    You've got to do better than this, rapidly.
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »

    So like 20 legit concens some with feasible solutions and this is what you respond to?
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    @Corrosivescott I don't have all the details, but, any Mods you have should be fine, they won't be vanishing or anything. The changes we do will apply to all Mods across the board most likely.
    Community Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes | Follow me on Twitter - Darokaz
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    Appreciate the time you are taking. If I may offer a suggestion: Communicate as much as possible, as regularly as possible, especially at this critical juncture. Even if it is a post to say "we are still working", it is much better than the player base being kept in the dark.

    A couple things I'd like to see addressed ASAP:

    1) Galactic War is impossible to finish--even if you do have modded characters. I faced two teams of 5-6K more power than me in the last two nodes. Usually that wouldn't be insurmountable--but then every character has 5star mods on them, making them next to impossible to beat. The first team virtually wiped out all of my modded toons. When I got to the last battle I had nothing left for modded toons. GW purple nodes just need to be toned down some, so that it is not impossible.

    2) Allow Teebo to have the same potency he once had.

    3) Let cantina energy spent anywhere (mods or otherwise) count as cantina energy for the daily challenge on Sunday.

    I'm sure there is much, much more--but even fixing one thing at a time would be nice progress.
  • gobears21
    1265 posts Member
    EA_Jesse wrote: »
    Ok, I'm going to ask one more time, please stop with the troll posts, I'm sitting here wanting to talk with you all, but instead many of you are just writing posts that aren't helping things.

    And I cannot answer the question yet on exactly how Mods will be adjusted because I don't have the full details, that will come tomorrow.

    I really feel like my post was both not a troll and represents some of what the community at large is wanting a response on.... At least make a list of concerns that you will address tomorrow and present that to us so we know we have been heard.
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Jokingly, chill out before they take the forums offline

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    How are we supposed to have any faith that things will be improved when things like today's patch occur.?

    We were told last night that our concerns were heard and that patches were going to address our concerns. When we get the patch, not a single concern is addressed, but in fact existing problems are exacerbated and new problems created.

    Making mods harder to acquire and more expensive to level up were steps in completely the wrong direction, and expressly did not address what the community was upset about, but in fact made it worse.

    I love Star Wars, but do no love the direction this game is going.
This discussion has been closed.