GW difficulty increases dramatically at level 60


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    Well done and congrats!!
  • Vodo
    332 posts Member
    Gz :)
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    The REAL problem is simple....

    They don't match your opponents very well...

    Some of you have a veritable army at lvls beyond 60 in the 5*+ range, and you get pulls I WISH I had...

    Meanwhile, I'm sitting here at lvl 52 with 1 good team, and half a decent 'B' team, in the ~300 rank in arena, and I face teams in the ~60 average, and haven't been able to complete a single GW. (I think 2-3 times I faced a team below lvl 50. That was a nice treat... To be followed by lvl 63 teams again, as always)

    This is why some of us scream "IMPOSSIBLE" and others Lol their way through auto.

    Their matching algorithm is way off.... That's all there is to fix.
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    Inggold wrote: »
    I run a couple of accounts. You would not believe how different they are!

    One account is finishing every time. Seeing teams that are brutal for one or two fights.

    The other, which is not as far along, sees teams at least as brutal as the first account, 4-5 in a row of ever escalating difficulty. It is lower in Arena rank by a lot, lower level, but seeing higher opponents. Haven't finished for a week straight.

    It is almost like the second account has somehow been marked mistakenly - or the first never was.
    This pretty much confirms my suspicions. Basically each account has a pre-generated RNG list that is used for a bunch of stuff, including the difficulty of GW matches. This mechanic is exactly why repeating a match with the same actions produces the same results... all the rolls are preset and don't change when you reset the fight.

    What I wasn't sure of is how the RNG tables resets, if at all. Your experience strongly suggests it doesn't reset, and probably just restarts from the top of the list when all the rolls are used up.

    If true, this means if you happen to get a particularly bad RNG list, that account is forever cursed. Likewise a particularly good RNG list means that account is forever blessed.

    Other games have suffered from similarly RNG issues by doing stupid stuff like using the account ID to seed the RNG.

    I'd be curious to hear if uninstalling the app, rebooting the device, then reinstalling has any effect. If the RNG table is generated when the app is installed, this could force it to regenerate it with h new rolls.

    In any case, seams obvious the RNG code is crap.
  • MrPsyche
    11 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    IMO the GW is now broken, big time....anyone with eyes can see the facts from a multitude of sources.

    For me, GW used to feel like a fun "Training Grounds" where you could try different things out, because your resources were not on the line, and you could partner up any of your characters to try new synergies etc. At times you would pull out the "Big Guns", and sometimes it wasnt enough....but it was still fun.

    If coming up against teams much better than yours 9/12 matches is "End Game", count me and my non-FTP out.

    "End Game" content IMO is climbing the Arena ladder (or completing all your LS/DS Battles) with a fresh squad and a plan.

    GW was normally a place I lost characters in but could finish on most (80%) days. The last 3 days, Im losing all my top guys (well anyone) early, and its game over by round 6-7.

    If "suicide squads" and "Retreating" over and over and over etc, are the way this game is going....

    And Daka popping up 13 times in a row (maybe thats the norm at higher lvls with her, and this is how im finding out?) on Retreat/Restarts makes me very sceptical of any RNG in the GW.

    I chose to spend my time writing this, over playing my current GW...thats how enjoyable it has become for me.

    p.s. Maybe add a "HARD" GW mode for the people who love these bully-hacked matches, and give them an energy boost or some extra Reward??? and then set it back to how it was for the rest of us...thx
    Post edited by MrPsyche on
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    Yep. Mid to late tier GW fights now require many retreats to try and get the optimal outcome. They're not fun, they're a chore. I'd prefer to see the removal of 'retreat' as an option, while decreasing the difficulty of the matchmaking.
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    Checked their speed. 103 for talia. 118 and 113 for the jedis. Both our lead is luminara. It was her attack and not assist attack coz her turn meter was consumed. She does have ventress in the group but not lead and ventress was still slowest turn meter.
    Come on now devs! That was too obvious. Whats the policy for cheater devs here?
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    Yeah, unless it was something like Akbar's "random ally gains 100% turn meter" then it makes no sense?

    For sure this was GW and not a PvE mission?
    Because at LS 7-B Hard, the Boss Talia you face is Gear level 10 so she could very likely have speed greater than 103.
    You can get her to 109 yourself at gear 8 though, 103 isn't max at the current cap.
    If it was GW, only thing I can think of is that it's a computer generated opponent who had messed up gear, I've seen 3* Mauls in GW which don't exist in game for players.
    Ally Code: 945-699-762
  • Zen
    126 posts Member
    I had the same problem so here's what I found really helped me. Hope you can take something from it if you're struggling
    The key for me lately was I started to focus on 6 toons only and keep a tank with a taunt in reserve. Luimara has been vital JCs heal is very important also and they do decent damage. I rotate a little and go from 3-2 Jedi if the other team has a dooku and sidious together it will restrict you a lot will the stun and dodge combo and you might lose toons. QGJ does super nice damage combos if you wanna get rid of somebody fast. I use sidious myself and he does great damage and is very fast. I also use fives who can take a s*** ton of damage and has a very nice counter. So yeah, you also need to know the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy and decide who you need to hit first. I'd say go GS-daka-Luke-poggle fotp ig88/86 are essential to hit first due to the damage/revival ability of daka. If you get them all in the same squad you'll probably need to pull out a tank(I use chewy) with a taunt to take some damage or pull a suicide squad of toons you never use. But yeah, I wouldn't go gearing up 15 toons and switching back and forth between characters and who you drop tokens on. Consistency was what helped me go from no wars won to almost being able to get the achievement unlocked in the space of over a week.
    That's just my advice, others may be doing different things which also work so it's not what you HAVE to do to win.
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    I still rull the GW.. you should see what awful leaders some people have... ChewBaca :))
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    GW is seriously rigged. It's not our strategy, it's game mechanics biased towards not letting us win.

    I've just met a 'twin team' in GW - same toons as mine, same lvl, same *, same leader. Enemy's Lumi each time kills mine from full health with one special strike whereas mine takes less than half health from enemy's. How is this equal? How is this "there is no bias towards AI" which we hear repeatedly? GW is rigged and nothing devs say will make me forget what I myself witnessed.

    I am seriously disappointed in this game and underhanded tactics employed here.
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    I've hit the power cap on my characters for over 2 weeks but the past 3 days GW difficulty has been insane. Since battle 3-4, I've been getting teams of 7 star gear 8/9 heroes for ALL of the battles...It's not unbeatable but it is definitely not fun resetting over and over and over. Please re-examine the GW matchmaking.
  • Hecke
    1 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Same for me. Even with resetting them for a thousand times, how shall i beat a full lvl 62 purple gear squad with my level 46 characters?
    The number #1 on my server is 6 level below that. What the heck EA?
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    So, I've seen several posts about GW difficulty and until now, I haven't had any problems. I haven't always been able to beat every match, but I've always managed to get at least 75% of the way through.

    The last couple days I've had to fight groups at least 5 levels higher and far stronger in only the third match of the GW.

    My question is: Are the match difficulties random? It makes sense for matches to get progressively harder, but I notice sometimes after beating a difficult match, I'll get a match that's like 5 levels below me full of a team that all take like 3 hits to die. I'd like to know what to expect, even if it's random.
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    Today I got a team two levels higher than mine on the first battle. Then a bunch of lower level teams (a few were very good though) then hardest battles at 2nd n 3rd to last.

    yesterday was fairly easy but the 2 days before that were brutal from beginning to end.

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    At lvl 41 I had to fight against lvl 64 opponent. Really??? This matchmaking is totally ridiculous.

    I mean GW is and should be a challenge and thats ok. But please a realistic one with a fair chance to beat it.
    Opponents with 1-5 lvl above are fine and somehow viable, but anything beyond is just ridiculous without any chance to win. How should a new player do that?

    Dear CG/EA, please make it more realistic!

  • FranckMcBecker
    200 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    I often face now opponents with +15LV's, worst case +18LV's and I am LV68 with highest character at LV40 (let us not elaborate here why...) and I have to tell: "it is doable", very difficult, but possible, not every time, but I have done it a few time (until succeed full GW, even with this experience).
    Nevertheless I feel your pain, as when I get those (like today) at node 4 in such case I would like to give up just seeing this and trying it a few times (specially now as with the speed change the other team IA hits every time same into the hole, like "groundhog day" and the random AI does not do something different now, thus gives me a chance by random change is a disappeared concept). In your case "above 20+" would be a mental killer, but I hope this is not happening every day to you. You might know that it was stated that GW is taking into account for pairing the best (ever) result/rank in arena mode (also the best 5 LV's of your characters)? Stay away from being a hero there, just you will faceplant yourself afterwards. I refrain (sad as it is...) from being as good as I can at arena, to increase my chance to do the GW 50 times (DV shard) and to accumulate a huge pile of redeem points to wait for future characters (or my decision which character I really like).
    Keep on going! Better days might come...
    And use the "groundhog repeatability lesson by the new speed change of a near loss to retreat and try something out"..
    Post edited by FranckMcBecker on
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    I'm sure there is a formula to it but I haven't seen a thorough explanation. If it were based solely on arena power/rank then it would be consistent. Even if there is a formula, it has an added RNG element.

    Most days I clear it but I'd say 3/5 days are a gauntlet with 7* arena comp teams from battle 4 on. Today had a 7* speed meta team that was ridiculous then it was smooth sailing with most teams 6-7* and level 68-70.

    For reference I'm level 70, arena ranking anywhere from top 50-100 finish and almost 26k power in arena. So, definitely not anything awesome heroes wise.
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    I often face now opponents with +15LV's, worst case +18LV's and I am LV68 with highest character at LV40 (let us not elaborate here why...)

    Your problem is easily explained by this exact statement.
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    no screenshot no care
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    no screenshot no care

    well i am now lvl 43 and i think i get another try to face a lvl20+ opponent
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    Yup. GW. But when I changed some of my toons and positioning, talia was back to normal. Must be a glitch or a bug somewhere there.
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    Send in first a team with chars you do not need as those will release the special abilities of the opponents before getting erased. Your real team afterwards will gain some time in the beginning to more freely hit and reduce the opponent numbers without being hit by the mean abilities such as heal block or speed up as those are in reload condition. The AI fires those often very quicky in the first round. And do the GW first, try not to do arena at all before. Good luck!
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    And please be assured, those high level nodes are exceptions. For me after beating such horrible nodes the next nodes are lower levels again. If not, call it a bad day... That is how I motivate myself. It helps and you also can do it...
  • Nightlores
    1608 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    The force is strong with GW today GW. Yesterday no problem, today OMG! I am level 68 and getting multiple full 7* level 70 team halfway GW.... lost to many characters along the way to complete... what happened to GW?
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    Seems like all the stats are **** and buffs don't matter ? Opponents toons where OD, CD, Lumi, Sid, JC .. All 5* .. To start the round they rip off 14 attacks in a row **** ..

    Seems like this game isn't "random" or calculated based on anything
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    When my main was in the 40s, I did face team level 65 and over purple geared. I knew it would be difficult but I didn't know it would be that difficult! At that time I was happy to complete two nodes. Over time it became easier, maybe they could sense that I couldn't complete GW for many days straight. After a while I could complete GW every day for two weeks until that time when I sniped rank 1. Since then I wasn't able to complete at all. I gave up farming GW tokens and concentrated on arena and cantina instead.
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    Vik wrote: »
    At lvl 41 I had to fight against lvl 64 opponent. Really??? This matchmaking is totally ridiculous.

    I mean GW is and should be a challenge and thats ok. But please a realistic one with a fair chance to beat it.

    I must have missed the part in GW where it mentions the bolded. GW is tough and some days unbeatable. As long as it's that way for everyone (i.e. unbeatable once in a while) it's fair. Judging by the number of threads saying this, it is clearly the case for most.

    BTW, once you hit max level, you will never run into team higher than you. ;)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I had all level 70 fully geared starting on level 5. I made it to level 11 and ended up with none of my 61 toons left. I only took 1 down on that level and they decimated 3 of my starting 5. I lost 2 on level 10. That was with 15 retreats. GW sucks now! Need 30 level 70 fully geared toons for me to win.
  • Lazerrift
    27 posts Member
    edited February 2016

    The pics above show my level, the enemy squad and my squad after I beat them.
    While my enemies may not be as hard as yours (fotp leia etc) the premise is still the same. What you need is gs or IG-86 plus poggle. The premise is poggle buffs and they 1 shot someone then lumi and your other healer and your third char most likely will kill another.

    Before trying this method I sent in two suicide squads. unfortunately I didn't kill daka and barely put a dent in her health and old ben didnt use his special. But with poggle you can get through it.
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