Shard Chat: Yendor, Black Sachi, RelishYoda, DanielsJack, Moondawg, Yiuman, Drevh, Cetta, jkdmike


  • jkdmike
    148 posts Member
    You all looking forward to the new raid or think the current one will remain the most popular? I'm guessing most will do the new raid for a while until they get enough of the new mods to have them on their SA team.
  • Wrecker1127
    158 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I wish that you guys that live in the top five would be a little more considerate about when you attack. I realize not everyone knows others payout times but when it's not yours don't be a **** and attack someone 5 minutes from the top of the hour and knock them out of top five and deny them a chance at 1. You know who you are. I rely on these crystals to stay competitive and no one cares about your rank when it's not payout time.
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    Whoa. Didn't even realize this thread existed. Saw my name on it and had to post. Even created an account. I have always just been a "shadow" and read all the posts.

    Top 10 has been getting tough lately huh?
  • jkdmike
    148 posts Member

    Hello there friend. We seem to snipe each other quite often the last couple weeks. For me it's only because your one of the 2-3 teams left than I can beat that get into the top 5 lately. Yendor, Sachi and the Chinese letter guy have me stuck for the most At best I can only beat then maybe 1 out of 5 times if I get lucky enough rng.

    I need to improve my squad but I'm strictly f2p these days so I can't afford to go after the toons I want most. I'm ok with that tho. I'm still hanging around the top 5 on some days so I'm totally content with that.

    Welcome to the thread and good luck.
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    Thx jkdmike. I think we went back and forth about 3 or 4 times one day. I got a good kick out of it!

    I went FTP as well over the last few months as well. For the 3 teams you mentioned, it really comes down to sun fac. I have success if I keep him stunned with RG. If not, then like you said, I need good RNG.
  • SaChi
    35 posts Member
    Most of the days... I just try to keep myself in top 10 not even try for top rank...
  • jkdmike
    148 posts Member
    Ya, I've noticed that SaChi, I appreciate it since I can't defeat your team

    Ya moondawg I hate attacking sun fac with RG if RG is taunting. If the stun doesn't work and Sun fac counters he can remove the taunt and that always spells the beginning of the end for It's quite the gamble, keeps it interesting tho.
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    I really like the addition of Lando to a few people squads now. I ran him with my Boba squad and it was quite fun. Now that he AOEs with taunts up he's even better.
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    4th today not bad considering someone tried to beat me (unsuccessfully) for 10 minutes straight before my payout time. Must have been good rng for me.
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    Anyone able to beat the republic counsel guy's team? If so anyone have tips?
  • sc7606
    97 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Hi @Moondawg what time zone are you in? I'm on gmt - I'd appreciate it if you don't attack me 20 mins before my payout. I'm Yiuman in game. Thanks
    Post edited by sc7606 on
  • SaChi
    35 posts Member
    Anyone able to beat the republic counsel guy's team? If so anyone have tips?

    I was able to beat him with my squad, Sun Fac and Royal to take turn head, and Ray, Rex, and Anakin to hit, I hit Han and The Super Droid first... stun them with Royal and rex is good to remove all negative effects...
  • SaChi
    35 posts Member
    jkdmike wrote: »
    4th today not bad considering someone tried to beat me (unsuccessfully) for 10 minutes straight before my payout time. Must have been good rng for me.

    I blocked you and drawed one game once :hushed:
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    sc7606 wrote: »
    Hi @Moondawg what time zone are you in? I'm on gmt - I'd appreciate it if you don't attack me 20 mins before my payout. I'm Yiuman in game. Thanks

    This is why I don't do the forum thing. There is always someone who cries. "Sorry I didn't play nicely and according to your gentle expectations. I am sure there is a safe place close, to protect you from horrible people like me!"
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    Wow kind of an over reaction Mr Moondawg don't ya think? All they did was ask very politely if you would not attack him 20 minutes before payout. It's not like they were really crying or being nasty with you. Maybe relax just a little. Maybe a few deep breaths? There's literally a hundred nicer ways you could have said no. Ya if you get that mad that easy then forum probably isn't for
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    jkdmike wrote: »
    Wow kind of an over reaction Mr Moondawg don't ya think? All they did was ask very politely if you would not attack him 20 minutes before payout. It's not like they were really crying or being nasty with you. Maybe relax just a little. Maybe a few deep breaths? There's literally a hundred nicer ways you could have said no. Ya if you get that mad that easy then forum probably isn't for

    I'm not mad. In hindsight it probably was a bit much. I think we read @sc7606 comments differently. Where you saw a kind request, I saw a sarcastic jab. Honestly I didn't even know there were other payouts until now.
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    That's why I'm only active during my payout. I don't wanna accidentally mess up someone's arena run.
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    Moondawg wrote: »

    I'm not mad. In hindsight it probably was a bit much. I think we read @sc7606 comments differently. Where you saw a kind request, I saw a sarcastic jab. Honestly I didn't even know there were other payouts until now.

    Meant as a kind request (the internet is not kind when it comes to tone of voice). Most people on this thread try to respect each others payout, hence asking what timezone you are in to avoid yours, and letting you know what mine is so you have the chance to avoid mine. If you choose not to - its really not a big deal (and maybe I should have been clearer in my post) as I was able to get back into the number one spot anyway.
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    Better understood now. Does anyone know all the payout times?
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    Some people think there's a payout almost every hour. I'm not sure there's that many but I'm on est (New York) time and mines 7pm. I know in my timezone there's one at 2pm. I'm pretty sure I've heard 8pm is someone's payout as well. I'd guess there's likely 1 or 2 I'm not aware of but those are the ones I know about. It's roughly 6:15pm when I post this. (The time on my phone's a little off)
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    I'm central US TZ
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    I think that means your 1 hour behind me wrecker. Which means your payout is about the same time I'm starting to play more battles.

    I didn't realize we had a payout then so sorry if I messed you up ever, definitely not intentional if so. Usually I'm not in the top 10 an hour before my payout but I'll definitely try to be aware of your time and adjust my run according in the future. Cheers
  • SaChi
    35 posts Member
    I live in NY too.... Brooklyn 7 EST
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    As mentioned earlier I'm GMT, I think Barse Ponap (not sure I spelt that right) is one hour before me.
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    This republic counsel guy is constantly hitting one. I saw Yendor beat him and then right after he takes it back. Then Sachi beat right after and he takes it right back. I don't think his payout is est or cst which kinda upsets me. I'm gonna try to hit that guy every single time I can. Any help showing this guy some manners would be appreciated.
  • SaChi
    35 posts Member
    This republic counsel guy is constantly hitting one. I saw Yendor beat him and then right after he takes it back. Then Sachi beat right after and he takes it right back. I don't think his payout is est or cst which kinda upsets me. I'm gonna try to hit that guy every single time I can. Any help showing this guy some manners would be appreciated.

    Agree.. and I am with you... Have personal grudge with him :smiley:
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    just realized this chat exist :)
    hi all, I am a bit late to the party ^^
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    What up? @DanielsJack welcome to the shard chat.
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    just realized this chat exist :)
    hi all, I am a bit late to the party ^^

    Hey there. What time zone are you in?

    Also re the republic council guy - that guy is an ****. He attacks for top spots all throughout the day, often in the last few mins. I used to attack him whenever I could - unfortunately I struggle against his team at the moment.
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    I am in the EU - payout @7pm cest (=gmt+1)
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