Poe threads combined


  • Anraeth
    536 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    This has occurred quite a few times in the last few days in arena. Opponent Poe gets first taunt yet my Sid and GS get next turn before their Sid and team. At first I shook it off as nothing but it keeps occurring when my characters resist expose. Not sure if its a bug or something has changed. Anyone else experience this?
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    Ability not maxed.
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    top 30 player all with poe + glass cannon...pointless to fight. after first wave only two standing my sid and phasma...
    the fight ends in frist move...
    i never like or run op char...i just don't like the cheap win feeling....
    if poe it's only way to make sure you win or have a chance. ..what's the point of other tanks?
    my team
    all tire8 gear...
    why force people to go after poe?
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    Yep - I don't have Poe (and have no plans to get him, as starting the farming now would mess up everything else I am trying to do).

    I have already conceded that my days in the top 50 (December server) are basically over. Just hoping I can hang in the top 100 long enough for updates to balance things. Well that an unleash Rey on his taunting *** before he even gets it off. ;)

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Yep - I don't have Poe (and have no plans to get him, as starting the farming now would mess up everything else I am trying to do).

    I have already conceded that my days in the top 50 (December server) are basically over. Just hoping I can hang in the top 100 long enough for updates to balance things. Well that an unleash Rey on his taunting *** before he even gets it off. ;)

    i just **** hate poe now...i don't have any plan to get him...but everyone runs poe for op wins...makes no point...fastest tank it just make no sense.....tank should not move frist and that cri heal...tm reduce...sick..
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    I verse poe sometimes and still win. Most of the time the enemies sid and Dooku go before my own poe that's maxed in gear.
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    I verse poe sometimes and still win. Most of the time the enemies sid and Dooku go before my own poe that's maxed in gear.

    i am all f2p..now trying to get duku....and staring my han. ..hope he can work...my sid go first too.but won't make any different...sid can't do mush to stop what's coming after poe
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    EA is losing people over these issues with imbalance and lack of content. To compound it, most of the angriest at these issues are the paying players and I can see their side of the argument despite the fact that I'm a free player. I'm not sure what the best way to fix this is but there needs to be something done quickly to restore balance in this game or it'll be pointless releasing new characters only to have them be useless against the same 5 characters....
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    dkmartin93 wrote: »
    I verse poe sometimes and still win. Most of the time the enemies sid and Dooku go before my own poe that's maxed in gear.

    i am all f2p..now trying to get duku....and staring my han. ..hope he can work...my sid go first too.but won't make any different...sid can't do mush to stop what's coming after poe

    My 7* solo < 5*Poe both almost gear 8 , i haven't found some one to replace Poe but i intend to. Solo will let you down as by the time he taunts your dps will be dead.
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    EA is losing people over these issues with imbalance and lack of content. To compound it, most of the angriest at these issues are the paying players and I can see their side of the argument despite the fact that I'm a free player. I'm not sure what the best way to fix this is but there needs to be something done quickly to restore balance in this game or it'll be pointless releasing new characters only to have them be useless against the same 5 characters....

    yep....i think more team should rise up.make all toons have a place...not just same old 5.
    i love starwars...love lots char and i like to see them in action not just sit there
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    Poe's drop in tenacity after the patch *might* help somewhat when he faces Dooku. A lower tenacity should mean that a Dooku stun might land. It's only 40% - and could still be blocked with tenacity, but it's a help.

    Not everyone has Dooku though.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    dkmartin93 wrote: »
    I verse poe sometimes and still win. Most of the time the enemies sid and Dooku go before my own poe that's maxed in gear.

    i am all f2p..now trying to get duku....and staring my han. ..hope he can work...my sid go first too.but won't make any different...sid can't do mush to stop what's coming after poe

    My 7* solo < 5*Poe both almost gear 8 , i haven't found some one to replace Poe but i intend to. Solo will let you down as by the time he taunts your dps will be dead.

    well i will get him 7* anyway.. i never go for any op things...like fotp gos. ...
  • Kaat
    41 posts Member
    dkmartin93 wrote: »
    top 30 player all with poe + glass cannon...pointless to fight. after first wave only two standing my sid and phasma...
    the fight ends in frist move...
    i never like or run op char...i just don't like the cheap win feeling....
    if poe it's only way to make sure you win or have a chance. ..what's the point of other tanks?
    my team
    all tire8 gear...
    why force people to go after poe?

    While Poe is an issue, even with out Poe, Most top teams are loaded with 1st turn big hitters. Rey/GS can take out 1-2 people before your team does anything regardless of Poe. Right now the game is all about speed and you only have 1 character that can make 1st move (and he can't one shot anybody).

    if you get rid of Poe's turn meter reduction, you still are just gonna see Rey, GS, QGJ, FOTP and a 5th that can still wipe half your team if you don't have the same speed.

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    They catch those is there are, as all the Poe complaint posts state, "everyone has Poe, everyone uses Poe" The fact you choose to not invest time in him as the vast majority did does not give you the right to complain and call nerf. What about the people who sacrificed leveling others to get Poe? Should they suffer for seeing what a top tier toon he was and investing in him? That is not fair. Oh and don't say life is not fair as Poe users could say that to you. poe is fair, get Poe yourselves. If Poe gets nerfed that crying will stop. The outcry from us who sacrificed to get him leveled and geared will commence. Then we would be within right to be upset since we actually put effort into the game, not crying in the forums, only to have that effort nilled by people complaining. How about all of us Poe users rally to have your toon nerfed, since we did not bother leveling them up.

    Rumor: "Poe who goes first wins"
    Fact: "Person who plays smarter wins" Poe goes first in the fight it is hard to win, especially Poe/DPS, very low % win, but winable. Their Poe goes a couple turns in, before your Poe. Can win pretty easily if you attack smart.

    Now let me play the other side. Honestly I hate fighting Poe. I hate using Poe to be up top. They fights are pretty dull. By pretty I mean very dull. They are explosive fights that are lucky to go over a minute, rarely over 90 seconds. Too much damage to health too fast.

    I'll say what I've said the whole time. 142 speed. Problem solved he can't go first.

    The other taunters are very bad because they are deathly slow. I faced a Han in arena, shockingly , on Saturday. I honestly laughed at his taunt. I ignored him and had the other team dead. He taunted, but there was nobody left but him, so it was useless. No point having a taunter that is slower than most. Han at 121 speed is pretty slow. Chewie is one of the games slowest. The taunts are useless given damage output.

    Honestly I would take Poe to 142, buff Chewie and Han up to that range and give some taunters some use. You could then see some more builds. Han has a nice Leader ability, Chewie has enormous HP and self heal. Both at 142 speed would become useful instead of pretty much obsolete.

    End of the day I see both sides of this arguments points. Both are valid. As somedone who suffered on the Barriss nerf I'd honestly be very frustrated if another I invested in were hard nerfed to basic uselessness.

    I'll touch on Barriss. They say she still is viable in GW. Her leader is nice, her damage is pathetic. I can't tell you how many times I've gone to burst a threat with Geo special, it calls Barriss, and they survive. Any other toon I use would have finished it,lol. The AI has begun focus firing on her a ton more. Now instead of heal to save Dooku it ios heal to save Barriss. She is quickly, given my runs, gone from MVP leader, to good leader, to ok leader, to serviceable, to borderline liability. If not for the vast number of Sids and Rens she'd be benched. Hate to see Poe suffer the same fate, or any other toon for that matter.

    Again I see both sides, and feel both sides have valid points.
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    thinks are about to get really crazy this week! It'll be interesting to see how the leaderboards react. Wonder if ppl will start to switch Phasma out?
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    I have a 4* Poe and I don't even use him. I was able to gear 7 and 8 other toons easier. Now that I run QGJ the other team's Poe becomes a liability for them. If QGJ can debuff his taunt and give your team offense up you can shred their defense to pieces.
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    Kaat wrote: »
    dkmartin93 wrote: »
    top 30 player all with poe + glass cannon...pointless to fight. after first wave only two standing my sid and phasma...
    the fight ends in frist move...
    i never like or run op char...i just don't like the cheap win feeling....
    if poe it's only way to make sure you win or have a chance. ..what's the point of other tanks?
    my team
    all tire8 gear...
    why force people to go after poe?

    While Poe is an issue, even with out Poe, Most top teams are loaded with 1st turn big hitters. Rey/GS can take out 1-2 people before your team does anything regardless of Poe. Right now the game is all about speed and you only have 1 character that can make 1st move (and he can't one shot anybody).

    if you get rid of Poe's turn meter reduction, you still are just gonna see Rey, GS, QGJ, FOTP and a 5th that can still wipe half your team if you don't have the same speed.

    that's the thing... i think the game should not have any one shot kill. and rey it's okay her hp it's low but gs and fotp...pls should be less then 9000. this game it's very new i can give it more time... but really lots things are not in right place now.. as for speed well i am farming duku and staring kylo and daka just unlock QGJ.. they're getting better. i think they getting more hp will do better against poe DPS team. after first wave i can have 5 standing then i can have a chance to win
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    The thing is most defense teams can be shredded by players because of bad ai and players targeting priority targets. Poe teams comes down to coin flip on whose Poe goes first or if turn 7 attackers manages to stun or ko Poe before he can act.
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    They catch those is there are, as all the Poe complaint posts state, "everyone has Poe, everyone uses Poe" The fact you choose to not invest time in him as the vast majority did does not give you the right to complain and call nerf. What about the people who sacrificed leveling others to get Poe? Should they suffer for seeing what a top tier toon he was and investing in him? That is not fair. Oh and don't say life is not fair as Poe users could say that to you. poe is fair, get Poe yourselves. If Poe gets nerfed that crying will stop. The outcry from us who sacrificed to get him leveled and geared will commence. Then we would be within right to be upset since we actually put effort into the game, not crying in the forums, only to have that effort nilled by people complaining. How about all of us Poe users rally to have your toon nerfed, since we did not bother leveling them up.

    Rumor: "Poe who goes first wins"
    Fact: "Person who plays smarter wins" Poe goes first in the fight it is hard to win, especially Poe/DPS, very low % win, but winable. Their Poe goes a couple turns in, before your Poe. Can win pretty easily if you attack smart.

    Now let me play the other side. Honestly I hate fighting Poe. I hate using Poe to be up top. They fights are pretty dull. By pretty I mean very dull. They are explosive fights that are lucky to go over a minute, rarely over 90 seconds. Too much damage to health too fast.

    I'll say what I've said the whole time. 142 speed. Problem solved he can't go first.

    The other taunters are very bad because they are deathly slow. I faced a Han in arena, shockingly , on Saturday. I honestly laughed at his taunt. I ignored him and had the other team dead. He taunted, but there was nobody left but him, so it was useless. No point having a taunter that is slower than most. Han at 121 speed is pretty slow. Chewie is one of the games slowest. The taunts are useless given damage output.

    Honestly I would take Poe to 142, buff Chewie and Han up to that range and give some taunters some use. You could then see some more builds. Han has a nice Leader ability, Chewie has enormous HP and self heal. Both at 142 speed would become useful instead of pretty much obsolete.

    End of the day I see both sides of this arguments points. Both are valid. As somedone who suffered on the Barriss nerf I'd honestly be very frustrated if another I invested in were hard nerfed to basic uselessness.

    I'll touch on Barriss. They say she still is viable in GW. Her leader is nice, her damage is pathetic. I can't tell you how many times I've gone to burst a threat with Geo special, it calls Barriss, and they survive. Any other toon I use would have finished it,lol. The AI has begun focus firing on her a ton more. Now instead of heal to save Dooku it ios heal to save Barriss. She is quickly, given my runs, gone from MVP leader, to good leader, to ok leader, to serviceable, to borderline liability. If not for the vast number of Sids and Rens she'd be benched. Hate to see Poe suffer the same fate, or any other toon for that matter.

    Again I see both sides, and feel both sides have valid points.

    love that people don't go banana on this.
    well both got points...but really a game have lots char whos poe go frist wins the fight. ..thats not right..should be fix and really need lots loving to the taunt tanks
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    Cecton wrote: »
    I have a 4* Poe and I don't even use him. I was able to gear 7 and 8 other toons easier. Now that I run QGJ the other team's Poe becomes a liability for them. If QGJ can debuff his taunt and give your team offense up you can shred their defense to pieces.

    i am farming a counter poe team now...just got QGJ unlock. long way to go
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    Reddplague wrote: »
    thinks are about to get really crazy this week! It'll be interesting to see how the leaderboards react. Wonder if ppl will start to switch Phasma out?

    i think so ! for one i will. gonna take Lumi for leader for doge now...poe DPS it's killing everyone hope lumi can save some ground.
  • Ivan_Drago
    639 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Cecton wrote: »
    I have a 4* Poe and I don't even use him. I was able to gear 7 and 8 other toons easier. Now that I run QGJ the other team's Poe becomes a liability for them. If QGJ can debuff his taunt and give your team offense up you can shred their defense to pieces.

    Poe goes before QGJ. Hence, QGJ cannot help you if dead already.
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    You can still beat Poe teams without Poe himself. I have done it many times too, finished today second and yesterday and the day before first. So don't give up your hopes, there are still plenty of chances left
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    @Enrico - share with the class. What kind of team is taking down Poe teams without a Poe itself in the lineup? :)
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    I have the same exact team as you but with higher stars and don't really have a problem with Poe. My team is 7* Sid, pha,daka and 6* lumi, Kylo all gear 8. However, i assume that the poes I face usually aren't 7* because my daka seems to always go before him. I just stun him or the glass cannon and wait for the AI to make its dumb decisions with targeting. Even if a couple members go down from missing my stun, I still have daka's 10% revival chance and roughly 30% resurrection chance. If all that fails then it's a loss but it definitely doesn't feel like an automatic win for the other team, nor has it been in my experience.
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    dkmartin93 wrote: »
    top 30 player all with poe + glass cannon...pointless to fight. after first wave only two standing my sid and phasma...
    the fight ends in frist move...
    i never like or run op char...i just don't like the cheap win feeling....
    if poe it's only way to make sure you win or have a chance. ..what's the point of other tanks?
    my team
    all tire8 gear...
    why force people to go after poe?

    I feel the same way. I actually have a 7* gear 8 Poe but I refuse to use him bc of exactly what you just said, and I don't feel that adding to the problem just to be able to compete can justify using him. I would love to see a boycott of Poe...But that would never happen bc of the many people or have no remorse at all about an unfair or cheap or even cheating win.
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    I've been getting lucky lately and my QGJ has dispelled poes taunt 9/10 times lately. It awesome getting that 2 turn offense buff and then just rolling the enemy team.
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    Yoda coming and will be better than Poe.
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    When's the next nurf coming? :D
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    With the update and Yoda that will be able to dominate Poe.
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