Poe threads combined


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    More evidence, fresh from Arena:

    1) I fire Sid's AoE
    2) enemy turns
    3) my FOTP's turn in the pic


    Rewind 4 seconds...in 10 seconds (first 5 was me thinking) it ended.


    Look at sid. old sith has moves.
    you spin me round round babe round round
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    Ardychun wrote: »
    I waited a few weeks before working on poe so they could decide to nerf or not to nerf and they didn't they made qgj grind able so I decided to do poe now i have a fully geared 5 * lvl70 poe and if they decide to nerf him I'll be mad. You get a poe and i get a poe i have no issue with this. All the teams are going to be the same that is this game just get used to it and stop trying to ruin characters people have worked hard on.

    Putting personal interest ahead of game balance? Sweet!
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    I still see the best solution to be to have an Arena only damage reduction on all toons across the board of 25-40%.

    Using a tank is not a viable strategy unless the tank can taunt (with it's benefits) immediately otherwise. Even then, the tank is dead in one round.
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    Phipps wrote: »
    Would making Poes turn meter reduction only land 'x' percentage of the time per enemy toon fix the issue (50-75%)?

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    I still see the best solution to be to have an Arena only damage reduction on all toons across the board of 25-40%.

    Using a tank is not a viable strategy unless the tank can taunt (with it's benefits) immediately otherwise. Even then, the tank is dead in one round.

    They need to do this, but also rework the Arena so that the inherently longer battles don't start to be won on defense by running out the clock.
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    It's simple really, kill or be killed. A bit of reduced tenacity won't affect the current damage meta too much so get on the Poe train while u can!

    With the new patch update of "The screen will now show opponents' full squad, allowing players to both plan for the Battle and to study what unit combinations other players are using." everyone will be able to see what u have. If they see that u don't have Poe, they will be more likely to attack u. Bye bye rank.
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    Already started, lol.
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    Already started, lol.

    Same here thankfully I am on iOS so I was gifted him at 3*.
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    Literally any team can beat each other at the top ranks, with or without Poe.

    Seeing your opponent's team changes nothing.
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    Already started, lol.

    Lol already started what? Farming him, leveling him, gearing him, or winning battles with him in ur squad?
    Already started, lol.

    Same here thankfully I am on iOS so I was gifted him at 3*.

    Lucky u! I'm on iOS too but started not long ago and didn't receive all those freebies people received last year.
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    Elyndria wrote: »
    Literally any team can beat each other at the top ranks, with or without Poe.

    Seeing your opponent's team changes nothing.

    That's true but what about the ones who r between the top and the bottom ranks?
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    Is your picture you in cosplay @Reyia ?
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    You all are foolish for not having all mighty Poe in your squads
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    Sorry - another thread about a worn out topic...I know This one is a little different in that it will hopefully offer some helpful ideas to truly "fix" the "problem" - not just by me, but many of the veteran and experienced players who can, no doubt, add a lot more to any thoughts I toss out there.

    First, it's clear that an "concerns" over Poe stem from Arena play - that's the only factor that is truly involved in the meta. GW you can simply retry with different teams or hope for a better RNG run after a retreat, etc.

    So in that regard the "issues" with Poe (either real or perceived) only need to be addressed in some way in Arena. So instead of messing with Poe, it might be simpler to simply alter the format of Arena. here's one thought:

    Players simply have 3 Arena teams - assigning players to each of the 3 via an "Arena Assignment screen" - the teams are simple:

    Team 1 - Your primary team (your A Team)
    Team 2 - Your "secondary" team*

    * Team 1 and Team 2 cannot have duplicate toons

    Team 3 - Your defense team - the defense team is only used by the AI and can be comprised of any combination of characters (Team 1 and/or Team 2 or even others)

    Instead of the current 5 battles, you get 4 - but are limited to 2 with each team. So your "A" team can only attack twice, your B team twice. With a refresh, you simply refresh the same format (2+2).

    This suggested format change to Arena would accomplish several things:

    - Limit sniping
    - Encourage team diversification (can you field 2 good teams?)
    - Reward players who have good depth AND good front line power (the P2W players would still do very well)
    - Encourage strategy in Arena play - how do you split your teams? Do all your best go on Team 1? What toons will the AI use best in defense? etc.
    - A lot of other things I didn't think of

    Thoughts? Weaknesses in this suggestion?

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Apparently I didn't offend enough people or make anybody mad enough to actually reply.

    Seriously though - I realize there are many veteran players much smarter than me on these boards. Would the above system work? Would you like it? Or would people just start demanding refunds for changing the game?
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Just skimmed it and have been avoiding this pla e but it sounds pretty decent. Bit overcomplicated so perhaps it can be simplified. Everyone js too busy in the other topics to notice this xd
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    F2p playera will find difficult to have 2 squads without repeating guys
  • Zekex
    474 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    No. This assumes everyone has two well geared, well levelled teams to begin with.

    Second, this does not in anyway solve the current problem in arena.Which would be the existence of high speed high dps toons with turn manipulation poe. Even without poe, people with turn 7-8 high dps toons will own the arena.The people with poe and turn 8-9 toons will fall further behind.

    Third, if you want to avoid sniping, woudn't it be better for you to disable sniping and change it to an elo system or something to that effect? your system is still prone to sniping, since all it does is change the time from < 1 min to snipe in the current meta to >1 min with two teams

    I can agree with the setup of the defense team though.

    None of your suggestions attempted to solve the root cause of the problem, so a defnite no for me
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    One issue notice is that, while this doesn't seem to complicated to people already familiar and invested in the game, this would be super weird for new players. Imagine if the first time you played the game this was how arena was set up... I think it would be a bit off-putting.

    Also, this wouldn't really change much for people already at the top. I'm usually sitting around 7-13 come 5:40pm, and I usually only play 2 matches to get to 1-4 before 6pm (only thing that really ever stops me from getting #1 is getting locked out). My defense team would probably be the same as my offense as well... so honestly I don't really know if this would have any impact on the arena experience from my POV. Not that my POV is the only thing that's important.

    I think that adding a second type of ranked play mode would maybe be a better solution... though I don't know what that would be exactly.

  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    in another game i used to play, there were 2 pvp modes. the first mode was just a straight up 5v5, one team vs the other team. the second mode was 3 teams of 5v5 (best of 3 secures the win), with no repeats on any team. in both modes, you could choose your offense and defense teams (to simplify it for swgoh, let's assume offense = defense in terms of team comp). both modes utilized an elo system and had separate reward tiers and payouts.

    the 3 team mode unlocked at a much higher level requirement, ensuring that players had enough in their roster to form teams. the higher up you go in rank, only certain defensive team comps were revealed, which allowed a factor of randomness in matchmaking. for example, anyone ranked below the top 20% could see all 3 defense teams and formulate their attack plan. anyone ranked in the top 100 could see only 2 of the defense teams. the top 50 could only see 1 defense team. it was a gamble if you wanted to set a troll defense team for your third string the higher up you go and hope to win 2v3 defense matches to secure your rank against attackers. or you could set 3 moderately well developed teams instead of 2 really strong and 1 weaker troll team.

    in this way, players could do well in one type of pvp and not feel like one mode dictates their gameplay or fun/frustration.

    hope that made sense.
    mighty chlorians
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    I think the problem is that the defensive teams will be too strong. I'd probably just throw all my best toons into my team A to hopefully win those matches and have the same team for defense.

    But, I would like to see another PVP setting. I suggested a second mode, where you can only use all light or all dark side characters for each PVP battle. I'm sure there are cooler options tho
  • Song
    863 posts Member
    I like the concept of the idea but then you have to make everyone especially (F2P will hate this) invest more roster team. Level up, Gears, shards is already so expensive in this game. I can't afford to invest more roster team.

    No thanks.
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    Totally agree!! I play Star Wars because of lightsabers, Sith , Jedi etc.
    I wonder why this game glorifies some nobody, like Poe, so much. He didn't even exist in the main Star Wars movies. And with his imbalance it ruined this Star Wars game for me.
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    Elyndria wrote: »
    Literally any team can beat each other at the top ranks, with or without Poe.

    Seeing your opponent's team changes nothing.

    If you see a team with:
    Phasma, QGJ, Rey, Leía, Poe
    And a team with:
    Phasma, QGJ, Rey, Leía, anyone but Poe

    Who are you going to attack?
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    I like Poe.
    But I can see how people are angry. I can also see how people are jelly that they can't beat Poe.or Rey.or Poggle.or Daka. snickers
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    I still see the best solution to be to have an Arena only damage reduction on all toons across the board of 25-40%.

    Using a tank is not a viable strategy unless the tank can taunt (with it's benefits) immediately otherwise. Even then, the tank is dead in one round.

    They need to do this, but also rework the Arena so that the inherently longer battles don't start to be won on defense by running out the clock.

    this is a viable defense. but on offense, it cannot generate enough fire power.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Song wrote: »
    I like the concept of the idea but then you have to make everyone especially (F2P will hate this) invest more roster team. Level up, Gears, shards is already so expensive in this game. I can't afford to invest more roster team.

    No thanks.

    I'm basically F2p (bought one crystal pack and the 21 day then stopped spending) - and obviously have no problem with the idea.

    Many people have a decently deep bench - sure, not 25 or even 10 toons that are 7* fully geared, but likely enough to put together 2 decent teams.

    As an example, after my A team (which has mostly 7*, save for Dooku) , I have 6 purple geared toons, all 5 or 6 *...all that ride the bench in arena.

    Besides, as a generally f2p, I understand that the p2p and p2w players SHOULD have an advantage - otherwise there'd be no point to paying. If the top 50+ players in arena are all p2p, I get it.

    I DO think the rewards on arena are too to heavy (the rich get richer) but that's sort of, a different discussion.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Lol @ people mad over reflected skills of a character in a movie to a game lmao
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    xReDeMpx wrote: »
    Lol @ people mad over reflected skills of a character in a movie to a game lmao
    Of course, in real life, I look past the doofus waving his arm and blast the IG86 standing just to his left who's about to crit my ***.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Reyia wrote: »
    Already started, lol.

    Lol already started what? Farming him, leveling him, gearing him, or winning battles with him in ur squad?

    Sorry, very late reply. Started farming him actually. I had him at 3 stars (the Kylo pack?) but I was sure he was going to be nerfed and also his power became apparent only once he had levelled up enough, so he was pretty much left alone. Talk about bad decisions, lol.

    He's already at 4 stars and counting, gear 8, lvl 70. One purple mat to go to get the 25% TM reduction. Now to scrounge the 1.8 million credits needed to promote my 88 to 7 stars and lvl 70... Running Phasma lead, Sid, Lumi and Kylo with Poe. Thinking of replacing Sid with 88 or go Sid lead and replace Lumi with max 88.
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