Poe threads combined


  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    So again instead of arguing actual points about this game, or this topic, you're acting like a 5 year old child that's still upset over our past arguments. Why not keep this discussion on base, instead of making this personal? I guess that's too much to ask out of someone as uneducated as yourself.

    hahahahahaha *breath* hahahahahaha

    Are you really that ignorant of calling me acting like a 5 yr old by not arguing on topic where you constantly attack other players bringing up their IQ and what not?
    Really Ewok, do you have any self knowledge? How does this work at your school or work if you get feedback? Really dude you should stop emBARRISSing (fun intended) yourself by spitting all these IQ comparissons you make. Are you that insecure about your own intelligence that you have to talk down on others in every single post?
    I'm done with this ping pong construction and leave you and your angryness towards the world alone for a while. Look in a freaking mirror dude.

    PS everyone always arguing with you doesn't say something about the way you engage conversations? Or are all the others just simply picking on Ewok all the time?
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • returnoftheewok
    469 posts Member
    edited January 2016

    Also the guy uses Phasma, and he doesn't even use Phasma as lead :D, what a joke. And he still beat a poe/p2p heavy team using terrible synergy, glassy characters without a taunt with sid, asajj, and a 4 star FOTP.
    Post edited by FashionFett on
  • returnoftheewok
    469 posts Member
    edited January 2016

    edited. off-topic
    Post edited by FashionFett on
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    "Also the guy uses Phasma, and he doesn't even use Phasma as lead :D, what a joke."

    Sid as leader outclasses Phasma dmg wise in a first turn winsetup.

    Btw my IQ is 124, nothing to be ashamed of and says nothing about the comprehension of a game.
    Post edited by FashionFett on
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • returnoftheewok
    469 posts Member
    edited January 2016

    If I'm the one upset here according to your logic, why are you still responding to me?

    Post edited by FashionFett on
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    The fact that you think we are in a fight proves how you steer everything in this direction. I'm done, go harass other people again willing to respond to you. Should have never tried to reason (again) with you in the first place. Have a nice evening.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • returnoftheewok
    469 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    i have no clue what you were trying to prove there), and insulting me.
    Post edited by FashionFett on
  • returnoftheewok
    469 posts Member
    edited January 2016

    Post edited by FashionFett on
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    Get a room you two.
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    So you're not getting destroyed right? You're winning all of your battles, you're just complaining and whining because I dont know, you tell me :D.
    I am expressing concern at a underlying balance problem. You just admitted that you are presuming that people only complain about balance for reasons other than balance problems. You are presuming that people's arguments are illegitimate before you have heard them.
    Typing waah doesn't embarrass me, but it clearly gets to you. You don't want to come off as a whiny baby, when you clearly are.
    When "Waah" is your most consistent argument. Yes that is embarrassing.
    If I'm the one upset here according to your logic, why are you still responding to me? You lost this argument, I refuted everything you said, but you keep coming back telling me how I'm embarrassing myself, and how I'm upset :D.
    That whole point can be turned back around at you. You keep responding despite the fact that I have countered your every point and you have only responded to a fraction of mine. By your own reasoning that must mean you are upset.

    Look several people have observed how upset you are. You are clearly an emotional guy and that's ok. There is no need to project that onto others though.
    Wait so you're on a new server, and you have 2 losses which means you have 0 experience against FOTP/Poe teams right? So how can you even give an opinion on something you've never faced, and if you have faced you clearly won the majority of times since you have 2 losses right? How ignorant are you?
    I can tell Poe is overpowered a few ways. Firstly I have faced Poe comps in GW so I do have experience against him. Second I can see the how ubiquitous he is. Thirdly I can understand how he interacts with the games mechanics and how he essentially exploits them and lastly and perhaps most importantly I can read every argument for/against him being overpowered. The arguments against are universally weak.
  • returnoftheewok
    469 posts Member
    edited January 2016

    off topic
    Post edited by FashionFett on
  • returnoftheewok
    469 posts Member
    edited January 2016

    So what do you consider OP? I had absolutely 0 problems beating Poe teams without Poe myself when they didnt have FOTP or heavy p2p dps like Leia(pre update). Because, non-poe teams are easily beating my poe f2p team,

    Post edited by FashionFett on
  • returnoftheewok
    469 posts Member
    edited January 2016

    Anyways ciao and take care.
    Post edited by FashionFett on
  • Findec
    121 posts Member
    edited January 2016

    Regardless I need to head off. good talking to you man. I'll be back later if you want to talk more.

    --edit. How about taking it to PM?
    Post edited by FashionFett on
  • ThalosKirano
    728 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm going to admit I was wrong about Poe, he is OP and I hope something is done about him in the next update. I don't mind that he applies Expose, I don't even mind that he removes turn meter, what I do mind (and what is currently annoying the life out of me) is his taunt. Not only are you punished by 20% health being removed from every 1 of your heroes just a minute into the battle but you're then forced to attack Poe leaving the opposition heroes to decimate your team. Don't nerf his Expose or his turn meter debuff, just remove his taunt, please.
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    You do deserve a msg with a reply as to why I send you that message.

    Answer: because there was an ewok in december with a different name responding to a lot as well. I wanted to know if you are the same ewok. If you are there would be no point in replying to this topic. I guess you answered my question reading more now. I dont wanna generalize all ewoks on this forum.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    Welcome to the right side of the bench like someone stated before. Only a matter of time before more people come to realize. It took me a while as well before hopping this bandwagon.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • ThalosKirano
    728 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    CronozNL wrote: »
    Welcome to the right side of the bench like someone stated before. Only a matter of time before more people come to realize. It took me a while as well before hopping this bandwagon.

    I've just lost 4 consecutive arena battles due to Poe, and purely due to Poe. Without him I would have beaten every one of them with relative ease, it's beyond ridiculous. I haven't finished outside the top 10 for 4 weeks, but today I will because I dropped down to 29th after reward hand out time and now I can't beat any team above me because of Poe. Sort it out, CG/EA. The only positive is that I have him myself, but it'll take me 7-10 days to get him to 5* and make using him worthwhile as I'm guessing he'll be pretty useless in arena at just 4*. Once I have him, along with my 5* Geo Soldier, 5* 86, 5* Luke and 6* Luke/5* Poggle, I look forward to taking revenge on these teams and doing the same annoying thing to them.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    @ThalosKirano Only thing I tried is getting asajj to AoE them down but that only works if leia goes stealth and even then it's 9 out of 10 times not enough. Did you face Poe, fotp, geo, Qgj and phasma? The ultimate nightmare. Thats the 20 sec loss matchup btw.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    CronozNL wrote: »
    @ThalosKirano Only thing I tried is getting asajj to AoE them down but that only works if leia goes stealth and even then it's 9 out of 10 times not enough. Did you face Poe, fotp, geo, Qgj and phasma? The ultimate nightmare. Thats the 20 sec loss matchup btw.

    The problem with Asajj is that she's often dead before she can AOE
  • BentWookiee
    4819 posts Member
    edited January 2016

    Preach on @ returnoftheewok!

    Well said!
    Post edited by FashionFett on
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    CronozNL wrote: »
    @ThalosKirano Only thing I tried is getting asajj to AoE them down but that only works if leia goes stealth and even then it's 9 out of 10 times not enough. Did you face Poe, fotp, geo, Qgj and phasma? The ultimate nightmare. Thats the 20 sec loss matchup btw.

    Yep, unfortunately I've faced that team a few times. I feel like smashing something when I come across it.
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    BentWookie wrote: »
    Findec wrote: »
    So the game before Poe was a strategy and skill game :D:D. The AI is incredibly stupid, instead of 100% free wins, now there is some rng involved. Deal with it. There are photos on here where non-poe teams beat higher-tier poe teams with dps.
    So the game never used to be skillful enough for your liking so suddenly coinflips are fine? Absurd stats are fine? Stale metas with very few viable characters are fine?

    What is with this childish attitude some people have where they try and characterise any and all criticism as crying or whining. It's this bizarre attempt at shaming seemingly done so to shield the game from any chance at improvement.

    Never skillful for my liking? I never complained, and I have no problem dealing with p2p poe teams as a 100% f2p team. Of course I lose some, but the majority of times I dont. This game is rng based, most games like this are. Let me guess, you made the wrong character choices and you're getting completely owned right?

    It's funny how before Poe came out people were whining about how the ai was so easy, and it was extremely rare to lose on offense, and now that it got harder to win on offense the crying has been non-stop. You miss those 100% win rates don't you? I guess you prefer a game where it's practically impossible to get a win on defense.

    Preach on @ returnoftheewok!

    Well said!

    Poe doesn't cause a player to need more skill or strategy. At high levels, if a Poe attacks first you lose. No matter what.
  • returnoftheewok
    469 posts Member
    edited January 2016

    off topic
    Post edited by FashionFett on
  • returnoftheewok
    469 posts Member
    edited January 2016

    False. Cronoz posted a video where a non-poe team beat a p2p fotp poe team. Not to mention that team was extremely glassy. There are also other photos on here where non-poe teams beat p2p poe teams.

    And when has this game been about skill or strategy :D, please give us examples of your high level strats before poe :D.
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    BentWookie wrote: »
    Findec wrote: »
    So the game before Poe was a strategy and skill game :D:D. The AI is incredibly stupid, instead of 100% free wins, now there is some rng involved. Deal with it. There are photos on here where non-poe teams beat higher-tier poe teams with dps.
    So the game never used to be skillful enough for your liking so suddenly coinflips are fine? Absurd stats are fine? Stale metas with very few viable characters are fine?

    What is with this childish attitude some people have where they try and characterise any and all criticism as crying or whining. It's this bizarre attempt at shaming seemingly done so to shield the game from any chance at improvement.

    Never skillful for my liking? I never complained, and I have no problem dealing with p2p poe teams as a 100% f2p team. Of course I lose some, but the majority of times I dont. This game is rng based, most games like this are. Let me guess, you made the wrong character choices and you're getting completely owned right?

    It's funny how before Poe came out people were whining about how the ai was so easy, and it was extremely rare to lose on offense, and now that it got harder to win on offense the crying has been non-stop. You miss those 100% win rates don't you? I guess you prefer a game where it's practically impossible to get a win on defense.

    Preach on @ returnoftheewok!

    Well said!

    Poe doesn't cause a player to need more skill or strategy. At high levels, if a Poe attacks first you lose. No matter what.

    Well.. I must be using my "skills and strategy" to beat the Poe teams, even when he goes "first".

    I am 70, My server is mature, (we have Poe teams, Droid teams, Jedi Teams.. Etc.) there is not one flavor that is unbeatable. You just have to figure out what works best, instead of complaining I figure out.

    I am sorry Poe gives you difficulties.

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    BentWookie wrote: »
    BentWookie wrote: »
    Findec wrote: »
    So the game before Poe was a strategy and skill game :D:D. The AI is incredibly stupid, instead of 100% free wins, now there is some rng involved. Deal with it. There are photos on here where non-poe teams beat higher-tier poe teams with dps.
    So the game never used to be skillful enough for your liking so suddenly coinflips are fine? Absurd stats are fine? Stale metas with very few viable characters are fine?

    What is with this childish attitude some people have where they try and characterise any and all criticism as crying or whining. It's this bizarre attempt at shaming seemingly done so to shield the game from any chance at improvement.

    Never skillful for my liking? I never complained, and I have no problem dealing with p2p poe teams as a 100% f2p team. Of course I lose some, but the majority of times I dont. This game is rng based, most games like this are. Let me guess, you made the wrong character choices and you're getting completely owned right?

    It's funny how before Poe came out people were whining about how the ai was so easy, and it was extremely rare to lose on offense, and now that it got harder to win on offense the crying has been non-stop. You miss those 100% win rates don't you? I guess you prefer a game where it's practically impossible to get a win on defense.

    Preach on @ returnoftheewok!

    Well said!

    Poe doesn't cause a player to need more skill or strategy. At high levels, if a Poe attacks first you lose. No matter what.

    Well.. I must be using my "skills and strategy" to beat the Poe teams, even when he goes "first".

    I am 70, My server is mature, (we have Poe teams, Droid teams, Jedi Teams.. Etc.) there is not one flavor that is unbeatable. You just have to figure out what works best, instead of complaining I figure out.

    I am sorry Poe gives you difficulties.


    Checkmate. In b4 another Qeltar alt.
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    In rank 8-15 today. Went 2/4 against these squads without Poe on my team. He is on every team I've faced today. Games I lost exposed landed and would lose 2 Heros before a chance to move. Games I won I lost 1 before chance to move. All my Heros are high health and no glass cannons which makes me more bitter when I lose 2 before chance to move.

  • Options
    In rank 8-15 today. Went 2/4 against these squads without Poe on my team. He is on every team I've faced today. Games I lost exposed landed and would lose 2 Heros before a chance to move. Games I won I lost 1 before chance to move. All my Heros are high health and no glass cannons which makes me more bitter when I lose 2 before chance to move.


    :D All of your heroes have high health? Sid is glass, lumi is on the glassy side. Only Vader, and Kylo are high health on your team, and I dont even know how high health a 4-5 star vader has.
  • oTradeMark
    393 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I think it's insane that you guys are defending Poe and this meta. Was it balanced before? No. Is it balanced now? No. How are RNG matches enjoyable to you guys? What is fun about starting a match and having 2 of your characters die before taking an action?

    Sure, if RNG falls on your side you will be able to win against a strong Poe team, but your matches shouldn't be luck based.

    There are a lot of characters who don't show their strength until turns 3+ but in this meta you can't even use them because battles don't last long enough to. I would say that Poe would be less viable if the overall pacing of a battle was slowed down so that everything wasn't killed before taking action but that's not the current state of the game.

    So to balance that the devs need to either make a drastic change to the entire pacing of Arena or a band-aid approach to the underlying issue and nerf Poe/FOTP/etc.

    Also, the dumb AI actually makes it easier for offensive Arena matches. If this was true PvP I can guarantee you that a P2P Poe team would have the highest win rate in the game right now.
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