Game Update 6/7/2017 Megathread


  • BrtStlnd
    1094 posts Member
    This boils down to what is basically $100 entry fee to an event for a majority of the player base. They know there won't be enough time to farm them without spending that $100.
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    Hes coming in August
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    Hes coming in August

    The year is still tbd.
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    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Ljaat wrote: »
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Ljaat wrote: »
    Quick question. Does CG even listen to their fan base? Like did they think this was going to be a good idea? Haha

    I think they do.. but whoever came up with this decision didn't have a clue. They are going to lose money over this...

    Ignorance is bliss. What makes you think EA will take a loss for this? When has EA ever taken a hit releasing new characters for this game? If they made money off Tarkin (A reworked F2P farmable character that was given to you at 4* for free) then they will most assuredly make money off Thrawn and Phoenix. You don't have to spend, but plenty will. People wanted this. The developers listened. Everyone wins.

    I can only speak from my perspective.. I'm a whale and spend more money than I should on this game b/c I have the extra income. After this.. I'm now f2p. It only takes a few ppl like me for them to feel it. I'm not saying for this event they will take a loss.. just the lost income in the future.. for ppl like me who are fed up with this ****.

    No. Not unless you are spending tens of thousands of dollars, and there are hundreds of you who will stop spending that amount over this release. EA makes plenty on this game every day without you and your crew my friend. Micro transactions will win in the end.

    So who is winning then from micro transactions with this one? Is 99.99 a micro transaction? Is the 640 crystal gamble that gives you ten shards? There is no micro transactions associated with this whole event. You need five characters at five stars which even at two weeks you come up short unless you already used micro transactions in the previous release on pheonix.

    One character is micro transaction friendly, probably made a ton on ahsoka 10 dollar packs, where is the micro transactions coming from for pheonix this time around exactly? Would love to hear your reasoning.
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    BrtStlnd wrote: »
    This boils down to what is basically $100 entry fee to an event for a majority of the player base. They know there won't be enough time to farm them without spending that $100.

    Thing is, they will still make tons of cash from the thousands of players who do spend the money on the Phoenix pack. Even if only 1K players bought the pack, that's 100k in their pocket. For a charcter that probably cost a few hundred bucks in develpoment.
  • JohnnySteelAlpha
    2794 posts Member
    edited June 2017


    A few F2P players who didn't buy Phoenix and aren't willing to buy gear to get them to G7 or G8 and farm a fan favorite. I'm sure their losses will be insurmountable.

    Everyone who Paid for Phoenix is everyone who is willing to pay a little more to get this toon. The same people who never spend cash will continue not spending cash. Everyone wins.[/quote]

    That's beyond ridiculous logic to assume that only F2P didn't buy Phoenix. Many sizable paying players didn't buy them because of the following:

    1. They are terrible for utility
    2. Some / many people don't watch rebels and don't know who they are so there's no fan draw
    3. They don't even look cool to many just on their own merits (as compared to say DN)

    They are flat out undesirable heroes to a good chunk of players and that has nothing to do with pay or free.
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    MayAddy622 wrote: »
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Ljaat wrote: »
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Ljaat wrote: »
    Quick question. Does CG even listen to their fan base? Like did they think this was going to be a good idea? Haha

    I think they do.. but whoever came up with this decision didn't have a clue. They are going to lose money over this...

    Ignorance is bliss. What makes you think EA will take a loss for this? When has EA ever taken a hit releasing new characters for this game? If they made money off Tarkin (A reworked F2P farmable character that was given to you at 4* for free) then they will most assuredly make money off Thrawn and Phoenix. You don't have to spend, but plenty will. People wanted this. The developers listened. Everyone wins.

    I can only speak from my perspective.. I'm a whale and spend more money than I should on this game b/c I have the extra income. After this.. I'm now f2p. It only takes a few ppl like me for them to feel it. I'm not saying for this event they will take a loss.. just the lost income in the future.. for ppl like me who are fed up with this ****.

    No. Not unless you are spending tens of thousands of dollars, and there are hundreds of you who will stop spending that amount over this release. EA makes plenty on this game every day without you and your crew my friend. Micro transactions will win in the end.

    So who is winning then from micro transactions with this one? Is 99.99 a micro transaction? Is the 640 crystal gamble that gives you ten shards? There is no micro transactions associated with this whole event. You need five characters at five stars which even at two weeks you come up short unless you already used micro transactions in the previous release on pheonix.

    One character is micro transaction friendly, probably made a ton on ahsoka 10 dollar packs, where is the micro transactions coming from for pheonix this time around exactly? Would love to hear your reasoning.

    People will spend on crystals to farm the Phoenix nodes on double drop days. That will get them far enough along to possibly farm a 5* Thrawn. I guarantee that they will win big with this release. Even if you choose not to participate.
  • Skykraker
    120 posts Member
    For all those whining. This event seems cheaper than the marquee events. Stop complaining about everything
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    That's beyond ridiculous logic to assume that only F2P didn't buy Phoenix. Many sizable paying players didn't buy them because of the following:

    1. They are terrible for utility
    2. Some / many people don't watch rebels and don't know who they are so there's no fan draw
    3. They don't even look cool to many just on their own merits (as compared to say DN)

    They are flat out undesirable heroes to a good chunk of players and that has nothing to do with pay or free.

    I didn't say it was strictly F2P who didn't buy Phoenix. I said it's the same people who didn't spend then, who won't spend now (at least not in huge amounts). EA will make money selling that pack and a ton of crystals for these double drops. It's absurd to believe otherwise.
  • Bones
    456 posts Member
    Lmao, phoenix characters were a big fat FAIL, and now they are trying to ram them down our throats. I dont care how good Thrawn is, hes not worth 45 million credits and one years worth of free to play farming and gearing for 5 USELESS characters. Good job on keeping 80-90% of your player base from even trying to attempt this thrawn event. Rant over.
  • Olddumper
    3000 posts Member
    Skykraker wrote: »
    For all those whining. This event seems cheaper than the marquee events. Stop complaining about everything

    It does when you already sunk thousands into worthless toons and their sub par ships. Lol
  • Atlas1
    1713 posts Member
    I was honestly hoping it was Jango and you needed clones to unlock. I was excited for Thrawn until my worst, but expected, fear was confirmed. How can anyone be surprised that Phoenix was needed? That's kind of oblivious. Hopefully Thrawn will be viable at 4*/5* but most of the player base won't get him 7* until he rolls around again in December or January.
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    Bones wrote: »
    Lmao, phoenix characters were a big fat FAIL, and now they are trying to ram them down our throats. I dont care how good Thrawn is, hes not worth 45 million credits and one years worth of free to play farming and gearing for 5 USELESS characters. Good job on keeping 80-90% of your player base from even trying to attempt this thrawn event. Rant over.

    You know someone who is quitting over this release? Please.. Tell me more.
  • praiodan
    14 posts Member
    ****, really..99 dollars for Phoenix toons to get a new character? How about you let us use some of the older toons that we've already invested in and you don't show any love to?
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    How much is it to take a toon from 1-85? Then times it by 6.
    How many purple ability mats do you need for 6 Phoenix toons?
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    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    MayAddy622 wrote: »
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Ljaat wrote: »
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Ljaat wrote: »
    Quick question. Does CG even listen to their fan base? Like did they think this was going to be a good idea? Haha

    I think they do.. but whoever came up with this decision didn't have a clue. They are going to lose money over this...

    Ignorance is bliss. What makes you think EA will take a loss for this? When has EA ever taken a hit releasing new characters for this game? If they made money off Tarkin (A reworked F2P farmable character that was given to you at 4* for free) then they will most assuredly make money off Thrawn and Phoenix. You don't have to spend, but plenty will. People wanted this. The developers listened. Everyone wins.

    I can only speak from my perspective.. I'm a whale and spend more money than I should on this game b/c I have the extra income. After this.. I'm now f2p. It only takes a few ppl like me for them to feel it. I'm not saying for this event they will take a loss.. just the lost income in the future.. for ppl like me who are fed up with this ****.

    No. Not unless you are spending tens of thousands of dollars, and there are hundreds of you who will stop spending that amount over this release. EA makes plenty on this game every day without you and your crew my friend. Micro transactions will win in the end.

    So who is winning then from micro transactions with this one? Is 99.99 a micro transaction? Is the 640 crystal gamble that gives you ten shards? There is no micro transactions associated with this whole event. You need five characters at five stars which even at two weeks you come up short unless you already used micro transactions in the previous release on pheonix.

    One character is micro transaction friendly, probably made a ton on ahsoka 10 dollar packs, where is the micro transactions coming from for pheonix this time around exactly? Would love to hear your reasoning.

    People will spend on crystals to farm the Phoenix nodes on double drop days. That will get them far enough along to possibly farm a 5* Thrawn. I guarantee that they will win big with this release. Even if you choose not to participate.

    Really now? Players are already spending on crystals regardless of any pheonix farming. I use 3 refreshes on cantina daily, due to limiting exponential factor of how energy costs, not many people are going above that on crystal buys for farming. If they would do that, they would just buy the 99.99 pack and whale it up, cheaper that way in the long run them relying on crystal purchases.

    Completely invalid response, this is not micro transaction friendly at all. This is not luring dolphins in at all, and not making ftp turn dolphin, it is strictly whale heavy.
  • Mans_Yolo
    171 posts Member
    Hey CG, you should totally give a 2 week notice like R2D2 event. It's definitely enough time to build a 5* Empire squad from scratch! *sarcasm*
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    How much is it to take a toon from 1-85? Then times it by 6.
    How many purple ability mats do you need for 6 Phoenix toons?

    I mean.. Who said you need to max these guys for a 5* Thrawn? I'm sure you can afford to get them ready for a 5* event if you so choose.
  • Options
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Bones wrote: »
    Lmao, phoenix characters were a big fat FAIL, and now they are trying to ram them down our throats. I dont care how good Thrawn is, hes not worth 45 million credits and one years worth of free to play farming and gearing for 5 USELESS characters. Good job on keeping 80-90% of your player base from even trying to attempt this thrawn event. Rant over.

    You know someone who is quitting over this release? Please.. Tell me more.

    You really need to lay off the kool-aid for a bit.
  • Skykraker
    120 posts Member
    Thrawn might be the greatest dark side toon ever. The marquee events will cost u ~$400 a toon, this seems cheaper and everyone is complaining. Stop, just stop.
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    MayAddy622 wrote: »
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    MayAddy622 wrote: »
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Ljaat wrote: »
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Ljaat wrote: »
    Quick question. Does CG even listen to their fan base? Like did they think this was going to be a good idea? Haha

    I think they do.. but whoever came up with this decision didn't have a clue. They are going to lose money over this...

    Ignorance is bliss. What makes you think EA will take a loss for this? When has EA ever taken a hit releasing new characters for this game? If they made money off Tarkin (A reworked F2P farmable character that was given to you at 4* for free) then they will most assuredly make money off Thrawn and Phoenix. You don't have to spend, but plenty will. People wanted this. The developers listened. Everyone wins.

    I can only speak from my perspective.. I'm a whale and spend more money than I should on this game b/c I have the extra income. After this.. I'm now f2p. It only takes a few ppl like me for them to feel it. I'm not saying for this event they will take a loss.. just the lost income in the future.. for ppl like me who are fed up with this ****.

    No. Not unless you are spending tens of thousands of dollars, and there are hundreds of you who will stop spending that amount over this release. EA makes plenty on this game every day without you and your crew my friend. Micro transactions will win in the end.

    So who is winning then from micro transactions with this one? Is 99.99 a micro transaction? Is the 640 crystal gamble that gives you ten shards? There is no micro transactions associated with this whole event. You need five characters at five stars which even at two weeks you come up short unless you already used micro transactions in the previous release on pheonix.

    One character is micro transaction friendly, probably made a ton on ahsoka 10 dollar packs, where is the micro transactions coming from for pheonix this time around exactly? Would love to hear your reasoning.

    People will spend on crystals to farm the Phoenix nodes on double drop days. That will get them far enough along to possibly farm a 5* Thrawn. I guarantee that they will win big with this release. Even if you choose not to participate.

    Really now? Players are already spending on crystals regardless of any pheonix farming. I use 3 refreshes on cantina daily, due to limiting exponential factor of how energy costs, not many people are going above that on crystal buys for farming. If they would do that, they would just buy the 99.99 pack and whale it up, cheaper that way in the long run them relying on crystal purchases.

    Completely invalid response, this is not micro transaction friendly at all. This is not luring dolphins in at all, and not making ftp turn dolphin, it is strictly whale heavy.

    I don't think you understand my argument. I will ATTEMPT to break it down further for you..

    D-O-U-B-L-E D-R-O-P-S

    Double means twice as many. I assume drops is in reference to shards. Last I checked, EA hasn't done a double drop anything where they didn't make a ton of cash. I hope this is easier for you to decipher. I could try a little harder if you need me to.. But that's about as detailed as it gets.
  • DatBoi
    3615 posts Member
    Will the event require 5 or 6 phoenix toons?

    If you know, please tag me
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    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    How much is it to take a toon from 1-85? Then times it by 6.
    How many purple ability mats do you need for 6 Phoenix toons?

    I mean.. Who said you need to max these guys for a 5* Thrawn? I'm sure you can afford to get them ready for a 5* event if you so choose.

    More worried about the time. Art of war coming before June 17th? 11 days to acquire all that for toons? Didn't even include the gear needed.
  • Tatebomb
    797 posts Member
    Assuming Thrawn is a support character he will be viable at 5 stars. Getting Phoenix to 5 star and gear 7 or 8 is easy.
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    Skykraker wrote: »
    Thrawn might be the greatest dark side toon ever. The marquee events will cost u ~$400 a toon, this seems cheaper and everyone is complaining. Stop, just stop.

  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Assuming Thrawn is a support character he will be viable at 5 stars. Getting Phoenix to 5 star and gear 7 or 8 is easy.

    Also very true. With double drops should be cake if you commit.
  • Sandybard
    156 posts Member
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    I didn't say it was strictly F2P who didn't buy Phoenix. I said it's the same people who didn't spend then, who won't spend now (at least not in huge amounts). EA will make money selling that pack and a ton of crystals for these double drops. It's absurd to believe otherwise.

    I'm sure they'll make money, I think the point is that in their attempt double down on what people will be willing to spend will yield them less profit than they could have conceivably seen had this event not been so colossally borked.
  • Robbathehutt
    1048 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    General Grievous has been in the shard shop for like a year, and you can farm him in the fleet store as well. Nihilus can only be farmed on 1 Hard Node where you are lucky to get 0-1 shards per day.

    Why not move General Grievous out of the Shard Shop, and leave in Darth Nihilus in so people can still star him up in a reasonable amount of time? Or add Nihilus to the fleet store? Or the guild store? Or any store that doesn't cost crystals?
  • xpxnx
    73 posts Member
    Booo cg. Boooooo. This is complete ridiculousness. Does anyone think these things through? How does creating an event requiring obscure untouched toons help anyone? I certainly won't be fooled into wasting money or resources on pheonix. Sorry for those who will.
  • Olddumper
    3000 posts Member
    Leader ship Empire allies gain 20 percent TM at the beginning of the match and 5 percent TM and protection whenever a debuff is cleansed. Whenever a debuff is cleansed empire allies have a 5 percent to reduce their cooldowns by 1.

    Basic: Apply tamper proof thermal detonater. This debuff expires after 3 turns and deals 20 percent max health damage. If cleansed before this deal 200 percent max health damage. (Base damage 4k)

    Special AOE: deal special damage to enemy units. If they have more than 3 debuffs increase cooldowns by 1. If they have less apply 3 random debuff.

    Unique: empire allies apply damage over time on basic abilitys.
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