Game Update 6/7/2017 Megathread


  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    Haha. OP has it right. I'm glad with this release. Even if I only pull a 5* Thrawn, I'm excited to put a little effort into some double drop toons. They haven't done anything like this for a release and I appreciate the accessibility.
  • boomerd
    44 posts Member
    Agree with most. The epic fail here is the idea that people like Phoenix, not trying to be mean, but no one likes them. The art is 5th grade, it's terrible. The abilities are not much better, they just don't match the rest of the character's in quality. Fix that and no one has and most are happy, even with the marginal shard drop.
    IGN: l l BOOM l l
  • Ljaat
    86 posts Member
    MayAddy622 wrote: »

    M o n e y G r a b at its worst. Most people understand and are just fine with the usual money grabs, this one is just like a special middle finger.

    HAHA! Perfect! Couldn't agree more...

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    Thanks for creating an event that's worth spending on again. I couldn't be more excited to work on Phoenix now.
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    MayAddy622 wrote: »
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    MayAddy622 wrote: »
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    MayAddy622 wrote: »
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    MayAddy622 wrote: »
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Ljaat wrote: »
    ExarTheKun wrote: »
    Ljaat wrote: »
    Quick question. Does CG even listen to their fan base? Like did they think this was going to be a good idea? Haha

    I think they do.. but whoever came up with this decision didn't have a clue. They are going to lose money over this...

    Ignorance is bliss. What makes you think EA will take a loss for this? When has EA ever taken a hit releasing new characters for this game? If they made money off Tarkin (A reworked F2P farmable character that was given to you at 4* for free) then they will most assuredly make money off Thrawn and Phoenix. You don't have to spend, but plenty will. People wanted this. The developers listened. Everyone wins.

    I can only speak from my perspective.. I'm a whale and spend more money than I should on this game b/c I have the extra income. After this.. I'm now f2p. It only takes a few ppl like me for them to feel it. I'm not saying for this event they will take a loss.. just the lost income in the future.. for ppl like me who are fed up with this ****.

    No. Not unless you are spending tens of thousands of dollars, and there are hundreds of you who will stop spending that amount over this release. EA makes plenty on this game every day without you and your crew my friend. Micro transactions will win in the end.

    So who is winning then from micro transactions with this one? Is 99.99 a micro transaction? Is the 640 crystal gamble that gives you ten shards? There is no micro transactions associated with this whole event. You need five characters at five stars which even at two weeks you come up short unless you already used micro transactions in the previous release on pheonix.

    One character is micro transaction friendly, probably made a ton on ahsoka 10 dollar packs, where is the micro transactions coming from for pheonix this time around exactly? Would love to hear your reasoning.

    People will spend on crystals to farm the Phoenix nodes on double drop days. That will get them far enough along to possibly farm a 5* Thrawn. I guarantee that they will win big with this release. Even if you choose not to participate.

    Really now? Players are already spending on crystals regardless of any pheonix farming. I use 3 refreshes on cantina daily, due to limiting exponential factor of how energy costs, not many people are going above that on crystal buys for farming. If they would do that, they would just buy the 99.99 pack and whale it up, cheaper that way in the long run them relying on crystal purchases.

    Completely invalid response, this is not micro transaction friendly at all. This is not luring dolphins in at all, and not making ftp turn dolphin, it is strictly whale heavy.

    I don't think you understand my argument. I will ATTEMPT to break it down further for you..

    D-O-U-B-L-E D-R-O-P-S

    Double means twice as many. I assume drops is in reference to shards. Last I checked, EA hasn't done a double drop anything where they didn't make a ton of cash. I hope this is easier for you to decipher. I could try a little harder if you need me to.. But that's about as detailed as it gets.

    Have you read the notes on this? If not let me break it down for you further,

    There will be a three day window where there are double drops on the nodes associated with the new Phoenix characters (6/8 – 6/10).

    Double drops only on pheonix nodes. Rofl, noone is dumping more micro transactions on things they don't want to begin with. As I already stated, those who would pour crystals into farming this many double drops, would just spend the 99.99.

    You have no idea how this works. You are basing your ideas on your own opinions and preferences. To say that no one will spend extra on crystals to farm these toons during double drops is completely ignorant.

    I want you to find a mirror, and talk yourself into one simple fact. Your opinion is not that of every other player. Your opinion is actually (and I know it will pain you to admit this) a minority in terms of the entire player base..

    You need to get out and meet people. Not everyone agrees with you, and that's a good thing for EA.

    What's sad is your looking right past what I'm actually saying, I will spend refreshes and farm Ezra, he's pretty decent on a jedi team, guess what? I'm already spending those crystals whether I am farming Ezra or tie fighter. . . . .

    It's not just me, it's many. Have had this conversation already with guild mates, the incentive to buy just isn't there.

    But we get it, your on the damage control payroll, or you want to look forward to your already whale out pheonix squad from the first time, any of these things are just fine, why you are trying to defend a business model with a bunch of legitimately sad players who see this for what it is, whether it makes money or not, is beyond me.

    I'll spell that out for you,

    M o n e y G r a b at its worst. Most people understand and are just fine with the usual money grabs, this one is just like a special middle finger.

    I forget that the expectation has moved beyond free three and four star toons of lesser popularity, to free fan favorites as well.. Let's look at the last time an extremely popular character was handed out without any character or long-term grind requirements... Hmmm... Quite sure the answer is never.

    If you miss out on a legendary toon because you choose specifically not to invest in free to farm toons, with double drops, and relatively cheap shards in the form of packs.. Then you can grind next time around like everyone else.

    There is no reason to be upset, other than you aren't handed something. The game is a grind. It's about collecting Star Wars characters. Collect Phoenix and get Thrawn next time. Don't flame the developers over your unwillingness to participate and contribute.
  • Tatebomb
    797 posts Member
    Where is the money grab part honestly? Sure if you want Thrawn at 7 stars you're gonna have to spend. Was like that for tons of other events why should this be different? You all got Phoenix for free at 2 or 3 stars already and they put them in very easy to farm spots today. Getting them to 5 star isn't going to be hard at all. Besides let's see Thrawn's kit first before we freak out.
  • Options
    Ljaat wrote: »
    MayAddy622 wrote: »

    M o n e y G r a b at its worst. Most people understand and are just fine with the usual money grabs, this one is just like a special middle finger.

    HAHA! Perfect! Couldn't agree more...

    Cheers! Whales and dolphins finally are swimming in the same water playing nice! Even ftp are swimming close by! We all rejoice at hating this event.

    Super whales, well, they are lurking out there, somewhere, already with maxed pheonix toons, still not spending anything else this time around cause nothing left to buy. . . .

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    We. Don't. Talk. About. HAAT.
    Lugo. Was. Nerfed.
    The devs like never look at the game and metas so we decided to share our new op comps in line and discord.

    Our guild made the jump a month ago, and because we can now beat in 30-45 mins, we have a 24 hr 0dmg cool down on it like rancor
  • kejmo
    213 posts Member
    I certainly like the new Challenge pictures. Super useful. Does that mean that we will have to wait cca 2 years to place new gear under them too ?
  • Xyrex
    47 posts Member
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Where is the money grab part honestly? Sure if you want Thrawn at 7 stars you're gonna have to spend. Was like that for tons of other events why should this be different? You all got Phoenix for free at 2 or 3 stars already and they put them in very easy to farm spots today. Getting them to 5 star isn't going to be hard at all. Besides let's see Thrawn's kit first before we freak out.

    But we don't have Phoenix. I started to play 2 months ago, so I don't have a single toon of Phoenix squad. And they cannot be farmed. And now they do this marvelous flash event with Phoenix Squaf requierment. So I cannot even do the flash event. How nice is it?
  • Grandmarichie
    117 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    I'm a whale bordering on a kraken; this squad has essentially no use to me other than to unlock Thrawn. It'll be roughly $500-600. If they aren't supremely useful in the next game mode people must riot. GW: I can beat with resistance essentially untouched and then can bust out Troopers/sith for fun. Ships? Make their ships farmable as I didn't invest 3k into useless toons that weren't aren't viable. Arena? Not until Zetas come and even then I'm in a terrible Omega deficit. LS battles? Resistance handled that. So it isn't just that Thrawn needs to be uber meta and make empire dominant; that is clearly a must, but rather they better give these fools some real utility in the next game mode. And that new game mode better not disappoint.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    Xyrex wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Where is the money grab part honestly? Sure if you want Thrawn at 7 stars you're gonna have to spend. Was like that for tons of other events why should this be different? You all got Phoenix for free at 2 or 3 stars already and they put them in very easy to farm spots today. Getting them to 5 star isn't going to be hard at all. Besides let's see Thrawn's kit first before we freak out.

    But we don't have Phoenix. I started to play 2 months ago, so I don't have a single toon of Phoenix squad. And they cannot be farmed. And now they do this marvelous flash event with Phoenix Squaf requierment. So I cannot even do the flash event. How nice is it?

    Welcome to the game.. in first few months i couldnt do events such as these either.. you are at the very beginning.. one step at a time :)
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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    Khayman wrote: »
    My guild still working towards it. Added a few heavy hitters hopefully translates to HAAT well. We got about halfway into p3 last try which was our furthest attempt. Would be nice to have GK

    As long as people in your guild work towards P3 squads you should be beating the HAAT within a month or two. And a week after that you will have to start implementing rules to keep it from dying before everyone has a chance to hit.

    As for how long GK will last, I expect him to still be arena viable for a good long time. I consider him to be the strongest character in the game at this time. If my Boba fails to ability block Chirrut in a Rex/Chaze team I can still usually win, if I fail to ability block GK in a Rex/GK team it's game over.
  • Options
    boomerd wrote: »
    Agree with most. The epic fail here is the idea that people like Phoenix, not trying to be mean, but no one likes them. The art is 5th grade, it's terrible. The abilities are not much better, they just don't match the rest of the character's in quality. Fix that and no one has and most are happy, even with the marginal shard drop.

    ^^This. Most of us who watch Rebels are just waiting for the occasional episodes where actual Star Wars characters show up, and even then we are forced to suffer through things like light saber helicopters.
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    So my reward for farming a whole team of toons I have zero desire or need for is an Empire toon who will most likely render said team more useless than they already are? Makes perfect sense to me. Lol
  • Cloud24
    206 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    since 8 to 10 june is a double drop on theses characters
  • bolobaby
    275 posts Member
    J0K3R wrote: »
    Xyrex wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Where is the money grab part honestly? Sure if you want Thrawn at 7 stars you're gonna have to spend. Was like that for tons of other events why should this be different? You all got Phoenix for free at 2 or 3 stars already and they put them in very easy to farm spots today. Getting them to 5 star isn't going to be hard at all. Besides let's see Thrawn's kit first before we freak out.

    But we don't have Phoenix. I started to play 2 months ago, so I don't have a single toon of Phoenix squad. And they cannot be farmed. And now they do this marvelous flash event with Phoenix Squaf requierment. So I cannot even do the flash event. How nice is it?

    Welcome to the game.. in first few months i couldnt do events such as these either.. you are at the very beginning.. one step at a time :)

    Yep, when I started playing Yoda was the event. I couldn't do it.

    You know what I did? I farmed Jedi and did some of it the next time. Still not enough. More farming. I think I got him on the 3rd go.

    So - all you folks whining about not getting Thrawn NOW NOW NOW...

    Grow up and learn some patience like the rest of us had to have who started the game after it had been out there a while. We are finally on even footing for an event and it has you all bent out of shape.
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    bolobaby wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    Xyrex wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Where is the money grab part honestly? Sure if you want Thrawn at 7 stars you're gonna have to spend. Was like that for tons of other events why should this be different? You all got Phoenix for free at 2 or 3 stars already and they put them in very easy to farm spots today. Getting them to 5 star isn't going to be hard at all. Besides let's see Thrawn's kit first before we freak out.

    But we don't have Phoenix. I started to play 2 months ago, so I don't have a single toon of Phoenix squad. And they cannot be farmed. And now they do this marvelous flash event with Phoenix Squaf requierment. So I cannot even do the flash event. How nice is it?

    Welcome to the game.. in first few months i couldnt do events such as these either.. you are at the very beginning.. one step at a time :)

    Yep, when I started playing Yoda was the event. I couldn't do it.

    You know what I did? I farmed Jedi and did some of it the next time. Still not enough. More farming. I think I got him on the 3rd go.

    So - all you folks whining about not getting Thrawn NOW NOW NOW...

    Grow up and learn some patience like the rest of us had to have who started the game after it had been out there a while. We are finally on even footing for an event and it has you all bent out of shape.

    Couldn't agree more.
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    Very good question. Saving various currency just in case.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    bolobaby wrote: »
    J0K3R wrote: »
    Xyrex wrote: »
    Tatebomb wrote: »
    Where is the money grab part honestly? Sure if you want Thrawn at 7 stars you're gonna have to spend. Was like that for tons of other events why should this be different? You all got Phoenix for free at 2 or 3 stars already and they put them in very easy to farm spots today. Getting them to 5 star isn't going to be hard at all. Besides let's see Thrawn's kit first before we freak out.

    But we don't have Phoenix. I started to play 2 months ago, so I don't have a single toon of Phoenix squad. And they cannot be farmed. And now they do this marvelous flash event with Phoenix Squaf requierment. So I cannot even do the flash event. How nice is it?

    Welcome to the game.. in first few months i couldnt do events such as these either.. you are at the very beginning.. one step at a time :)

    Yep, when I started playing Yoda was the event. I couldn't do it.

    You know what I did? I farmed Jedi and did some of it the next time. Still not enough. More farming. I think I got him on the 3rd go.

    So - all you folks whining about not getting Thrawn NOW NOW NOW...

    Grow up and learn some patience like the rest of us had to have who started the game after it had been out there a while. We are finally on even footing for an event and it has you all bent out of shape.

    Jedi were available since the beginning of the game and actually strong during that time period, Phoenix has been F2P farmable for a few hours now and overall is a squad without purpose. There was absolutely no reason to farm this squad so CG decides to create these ridiculous requirements for Thrawn. 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    Ive been playing roughly 2 years off and on, ftp. However im getting majorly screwed with this flash event requiring full phoenix. I was on break from game when their events were released and i have no time to farm new chars for an event this soon. I could care less about thrawn (im not partial to smurfs) but when im struggling to gear and star the toons i want to use already i cant afford to farm these from start. Great way to tease at easing the insane gear crunch by making us waste all resources on useless cartoon characters no one likes.
  • Veritasum
    755 posts Member
    seriously doubt it.
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    Thrawn fans: "To be a real Star Wars fans, you have to like all of its works, including the glorious EU books and Thrawn is the best character, we want Thrawn!! all you people who don't know or don't like him can't call yourself fans"

    Devs: "Hiya! We hear you loud and clear!!!
    As you're real fans, we're sure you'd love our new Rebels show and how Phoenix are so great in this game...
    So let us take Phoenixes out of schedule, shine them up real nice, turn it sideways, and stick it straight up your candy..... (well you know the rest)"

    PS. I do feel sorry for you guys...although I do find some rather annoying which makes me dislike Thrawn from those behavior alone, although I know nothing of the character. Now chop chop and farm them phoenixes and hope Thrawn will destroy those rebel scums!
  • REM
    153 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Many of us will just have to blindly jump in and stop everything else we're doing to take advantage of double drops for Phoenix characters. Losing ground in arena and raid farming/gearing/modding, and not even knowing if it's a good investment or not - which is the issue.

    I don't think it's asking much to know beforehand what Thrawn's kit will be, so we know whether to go all in on this or not. It'd really suck to waste 3-days of farming and then find out on the 10th that Thrawn is a dud.

    So to the devs, please reconsider how you approach these things in the future. Surely you can see how this can really sour a player's experience.

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    Yep, we're all forced to get more rebels than imp toons. Makes sense, right? One-sided, it is
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    I think our best bet is to farm the gear, but wait to use it until the event. Shards aren't hard to invest in, but gear is another story. I'm sure his kit will be worth the struggle though. No way he is any less viable than R2.
  • Cloud24
    206 posts Member
    This game is 100% rebel side
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    I'm sure he's going to make an impact in the game. Just have to keep our fingers crossed. But for the next 6+ months, only the whales will know.

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    wow 1-2 days of foresight sure would have helped could have saved some cantina E
  • EricsonX
    703 posts Member
    Im mad that I'm still 55 shards down from a 6 star Sith Assassin, and nowhere NEAR able to farm Sith Trooper, Krennic, or Deathtrooper.
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