Game Update 6/7/2017 Megathread


  • Syrath
    129 posts Member
    If it was April 1st this would be a great April Fools Day joke.
  • jejuzang
    710 posts Member
    Alright im hearing im alot of people upset reguarding this Thrawn stuff. Look people just complaining has its uses, but if you want something done you need to provide ANSWERS or SOULTIONS. Come to the Devs with alternate ideas instead of just whining and quitting.

    So please, read my ideas for how Thrawn should be unlocked and EARNED.


    1) No teams that have already been used in other legendary events

    My idea: Stormtroopers, Veers, Royal guard, Tarkin, Krennic, Deathtrooper, basically the galactic empire crew. (This does not break the rule because it is not the "empire" crew)
    Picked because of the EU lore of the trilogy, and his relationship with key empire chatacters, and strategic use stormtroopers

    Also CG please make the next R2 event unlockable with droids and jawas. Ok? Thanks!

    Share your thoughts below.
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    Suddenly I'm 100% free to play, I don't know what happened.
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    Suddenly I'm 100% free to play, I don't know what happened.

    Stuff like this is why I've always been f2p.
  • Spyda
    318 posts Member
    Well the good news is that if Thrawn is super OP, at least you won't have to worry about him being on every arena team... or at least not for awhile anyway. This also means that he won't immediately break the Chaze meta... It will simply put a doomsday countdown on it. I imagine that there will be plenty of naysayers now that will be ready for him the next time he comes around after seeing what he's capable of.

    I don't especially like Jawas, but you can be sure that I'll have 5 of them geared up soon enough because I'm interested in 5* Crit Dam mods. I also don't really care about Rebels, scoundrels, or Jedi either (my focus is FO and Resistance) but you can be sure that I've got a functioning team of all of them because they're needed for various reasons around the Cantina. I really don't see how this is any different. It doesn't really matter if you like Phoenix Squad or not. If you want Thrawn then you will farm them, if you don't care about Thrawn then you wont. There really isn't much of a point in complaining about needing a faction that you don't already have to get something that you want. Such is the life of EVERY player progressing from 1 to 85, or have you all forgotten what it's like to hit 60 and suddenly realize that you need to level and gear just about every other faction that you don't have in order to strengthen the main faction that you do have?
  • bolobaby
    275 posts Member
    Sandybard wrote: »
    bolobaby wrote: »
    Sandybard wrote: »
    You may not have the toons to get Palp, but they've been FREELY AVAILABLE since the game started. Same with the toons required for Yoda and R2. Phoenix were essentially pay only (at least if you want to actually use them) until today. So we're crunched into this tight timeline and have to either divert all resources to farming/gearing them, or drop a ton of cash. We were never even given the chance to build up these toons before they're suddenly required. THAT is the problem.

    Not a problem for me. I knew Phoenix would become available and have prepared.

    11.3k Cantina creds
    6.5k Guild creds
    12.7 Arena creds
    9.6k GW creds
    5k Fleet creds (been hit here by the need to buy ships and gear)

    Well good for you, but that's not the point. It's not that we don't have the resources saved, some probably do, some probably don't, it's that we don't want to waste those resources on an ENTIRE SQUAD of toons that we never wanted in the first place.

    I never wanted Jedi, but something made me get them to go get Yoda.
  • dad2my3
    1561 posts Member
    I have made peace with the fact that I won't be getting Thrawn.
  • Ljaat
    86 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    As someone who could be considered a whale.. this decision has made me switch to f2p. Thrawn is one of my fav characters.. and to put him behind a useless team. He should be a marquee event.. he is not a legendary character (no matter how much I like him).

    CG.. you just lost a lot of money..
  • bolobaby
    275 posts Member
    xanderxman wrote: »
    bolobaby wrote: »

    You don't know that. He may unlock at 3* and then you'll just need to work on Phoenix to get him at a higher star rating the next time the event comes around.

    Everyone wants everything NOW. Have they forgotten how hard they worked for the toons they have?

    I don't want Thrawn now. When Palps, Yoda and R 2 were released they required characters that had been in the game since the start. This event requires characters that have been purposely kept from being farmable until today. Do you not see the difference there? We had a choice to farm or not farm the characters required for the other events. We had no choice here.

    Sure you will. Next time he comes around.
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    bolobaby wrote: »
    Sandybard wrote: »
    bolobaby wrote: »
    Sandybard wrote: »
    You may not have the toons to get Palp, but they've been FREELY AVAILABLE since the game started. Same with the toons required for Yoda and R2. Phoenix were essentially pay only (at least if you want to actually use them) until today. So we're crunched into this tight timeline and have to either divert all resources to farming/gearing them, or drop a ton of cash. We were never even given the chance to build up these toons before they're suddenly required. THAT is the problem.

    Not a problem for me. I knew Phoenix would become available and have prepared.

    11.3k Cantina creds
    6.5k Guild creds
    12.7 Arena creds
    9.6k GW creds
    5k Fleet creds (been hit here by the need to buy ships and gear)

    Well good for you, but that's not the point. It's not that we don't have the resources saved, some probably do, some probably don't, it's that we don't want to waste those resources on an ENTIRE SQUAD of toons that we never wanted in the first place.

    I never wanted Jedi, but something made me get them to go get Yoda.

    Jedi are actually good unlike the steaming pile of garbage that is Phoenix squadron 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
  • Niloc
    2 posts Member
    Suddenly I'm 100% free to play, I don't know what happened.

    This. I had a six month non-paying spell after mods first came out cause of lack of trust and just broke it. Now it's back to f2p. They've lost literally thousands of dollars from me cause of this stuff.

    It's less about useless or useful characters to me and more the fact that after I missed Palp first time I've since gotten EVERY other possible group to 5 characters at 7*s. Mother Talzin with 5 nightsisters? I'd be fine. But a group that comes out days before i need them maxed? Who thinks this won't anger even their most dedicated players?
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    Niloc wrote: »
    Suddenly I'm 100% free to play, I don't know what happened.

    This. I had a six month non-paying spell after mods first came out cause of lack of trust and just broke it. Now it's back to f2p. They've lost literally thousands of dollars from me cause of this stuff.

    It's less about useless or useful characters to me and more the fact that after I missed Palp first time I've since gotten EVERY other possible group to 5 characters at 7*s. Mother Talzin with 5 nightsisters? I'd be fine. But a group that comes out days before i need them maxed? Who thinks this won't anger even their most dedicated players?

    Amateurs and business majors.
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    I get wanting money as this is a company that has to turn a profit, but this is truly pathetic lol.
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    what an in your face cash grab. low move cg
  • Lovesword
    204 posts Member
    I hate everything about this.
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    The FAT packs were in the right direction... going from the ridiculous citadel packs which cost you about 1k to 7* krennic to $300, which is a great deal compared to that stuff. Started to think the packs were in a reasonable direction, but

    Phoenix pack $100 and not even a guarantee of getting thrawn...

    If you did the Phoenix events, you would have 65 shards of each character

    Now we need to farm 80 shards for characters which looks like most of us including me will barely get a 5* thrawn which is pretty cool

    But buying the pack which gives 55 shards now gives you a chance to get 6* thrawn (110 shards needed to farm with pack) which is a decent value for $100, but not what I was hoping for considering that we will have to gear up Phoenix to get them

    Overall not to excited but EA knows how to make players want stuff
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Now that I've looked a little more, I think my only concern is that some Phoenix characters are going to be 1-node farms. You get them early enough, sure, but those are rough farms... Hopefully there are extra events or something....
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Olddumper
    3000 posts Member
    Thrawn probably won't be able to turn the empire around anyway. They are so far behind triple cleanse/ r-2 meta squads it's sad. At most you will be getting a level playing field. I'll just wait for EP to get his zeta.
  • KueChael
    930 posts Moderator
    Wow, release them and make them highly valued.

    Well thrawn, see you on the flippity flop.
  • Vinny_Vader_Vedi
    4626 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Please edit redacted event. Because it feels like it the thrawn event and that it is before June 17th. And feels like this is a yoda type of event. I don't mind farming Phoenix (even though I'll probably never use them again) but there's no way I can star, level, and gear 5 of them by the 17th and that's including if I buy that pack. Please more info. The reveal was suppose to be at ea play. You let everyone fight over fan fav vs. not fan fav. Just add a couple of more sentences to clarify.
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    So if the trend of this goes into August, not sure why I am even working on farmer Luke. I'm sure ill need a maxed thrawn to get jedi Luke. And then the turn to the dark side will be complete for their releases.

    2 pay walls instead of 1. Geeze I'm glad I'm only a dolphin, that way I won't even consider any of it.


    Only saving grace is if this is not "working as intended" and there is a clarification that you will be playing with borrowed max toons and something else from your roster like the Luke events were. Certainly mentioning this would save them a whole lot of forum heat though so i doubt it's the case.
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    They tested the Thrawn fanboys and were left wanting. All of you "I'll throw my whole wallet at Thrawn and nothing else!" sheep. Now that your fan favorite is here, how many will actually live up to their forum rants? Haha.

    I will never take any of you seriously again, and neither will EA after this reaction. They give you exactly what you want and the only people willing to pay for Thrawn are Phoenix fans. That's who they will listen to for the next few months if you fail to buy into this event. Remember that!


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    Guess I'll not be getting thrown this go round then. Seems silly to use a useless group of toons
  • Olddumper
    3000 posts Member
    This is why I wanted darkside Anakin instead.
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    Olddumper wrote: »
    This is why I wanted darkside Anakin instead.

    You mean Darth Vader?
  • Olddumper
    3000 posts Member
    Olddumper wrote: »
    This is why I wanted darkside Anakin instead.

    You mean Darth Vader?

    Yes but before Kenobi burned him.
  • theanswer3
    23 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Im pretty sure this flash event will be like the Luke event. I think the toons will be provided for us, and we have certain scenarios to accomplish. They know hardly anyone will have the entire squad to 7* most people won't even have them to 5* . I think there is more there that has not been mentioned yet. It says epic event but i think that is just descriptive.
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    He only in Star Wars Rebel and the books

    Who watch or read it?

    In SW Rebel, his role is meh, very boring scene IMO

    How come... just IMO
  • ExarTheKun
    2668 posts Member
    He is a very popular character. You don't have to buy him of you don't want to.
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    theanswer3 wrote: »
    Im pretty sure this flash event will be like the Luke event. I think the toons will be provided for us, and we have certain scenarios to accomplish.

    That is what i am leaving my hopes for, at least for the flash events we borrow their toons. That is at least something, but the urgency provided in the message to hurry up and drop everything and farm pheonix even providing double drops makes me think the shards will still need to be bought. And unless they plan on bringing out thrawn in two months minimum, there really is just no way to farm that quickly without paying. 10 days isn't enough for most people.
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