Game Update 6/7/2017 Megathread


  • Pyrefly
    1254 posts Member
    SkyeLeonne wrote: »
    Pyrefly wrote: »
    It only shows 5 shards for Zeb instead of 10.
    Check after the shop refreshes.

    will it become 10???
    No idea... will let you know in 5 minutes. profile: Pyrefly -- Check out my Galactic Power Tables and my TB Phase Info Tables !!
  • Kitch
    171 posts Member
    Ezra is a good attacker. Chopper is good for nothing.
  • Vohbo
    332 posts Member
    "Should have" means you were able to do all levels of the event and bought packs for each of them. If you did that, you can now spend another 110 euro to bring them all to 5 stars and unlock a new character. 110 euro, also known as the price of 2 complete triple A games, to barely unlock a single character you want.

    It's equivalent to when you want to buy a car, and instead of allowing you to buy it, you have to buy 5 expensive cars you don't want.
  • BulYwif
    1977 posts Member
    Vohbo wrote: »
    I think this is the most disgusting business practice I have ever seen. So, it's a good thing to know that at least some things in the world don't change, and you can always rely on EA to push the boundries of what is ethical.

    why? Most should have Phoenix 4* 10/65, and since the first 6/7 gear levels take less than a day you SHOULD be good to go when Thrawn arrives.

    You have them 4* if you paid the 10$ pack. Most of us have them at 3*. The flash events will allow to get 30 more shards, so enough to put them 4*. Now, even with double drop rates during 3 days, I'm not sure that I could star them enough to unlock a 5* Thrawn. Imo, a gr 8 will be enough but the problem remains the starring.
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    I endorse this thread... please give the guy who came up with the idea to flog a dead Phoenix shaped horse a pat on the back
  • Olga
    1333 posts Member
    You can probably get him next time around.
  • Pyrefly
    1254 posts Member
    Nope, shops aren't doubled. Looks like just the actual nodes (Cantina and DS Hard) are doubled. profile: Pyrefly -- Check out my Galactic Power Tables and my TB Phase Info Tables !!
  • BulYwif
    1977 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    Ezra can attack twice on his basic and stack offense. He can also dispell buff and call an assist. This is what makes him good in a Jedi team. The fact that he can select his assist is also nice. Select an attacker if you want to crit, or a tank if you need a protection bonus.

    EDIT: Chopper is imo only dedicated to a full Phoenix team. Not sure he's viable with droids.
  • Rynn
    69 posts Member
    Gotta love how they basically do put the new toons behind a wall that you need to open your wallet to get. Sometimes I want to really know how the devs think this stuff up. Where the logic is in it. Besides thrawn will most likely be another useless ton to add to the pile.
  • Neo2551
    1824 posts Member
    If history repeat itself, there are 5/6 months before the second occurrence of an event and you usually only need G8 toons (arena mods) to clear the last 7* level.

    Let the Whales and P2P have their trophy character, at least we have a chance of observing a Meta evolution since 6 months with Chaze. My hybrid chazeless Resistance team still eats most team and unless Thrawn is a Rex on steroids, it will continue to perform equally well.
  • Tavanh
    523 posts Member
    edited June 2017
    You still have to wait until they release the event. Maybe it's like Luke's Flash Event where you're given a free squad but the bonus tier only gives you a slight advantage if you have them. For all we know, they could be giving us shards at Tier 1.
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    Why would I choose Ezra over QGJ, GK, JKA, Yoda or aayla?
    Who would you put Ezra with in a Jedi team?

    And I guess that chopper is **** even for the HAAT? No use of droid stun, evasion and taunt?
  • flux_rono
    2144 posts Member
    i personally think the thrawn event would be fine if they gave us all of the phoenix squad at 5* before hand (assuming its like yoda, r2, and palp) as then at least everyone would have him, and few would be 6* or 7*

    although if they change his event to unlock at 3* or 4* but require more to star up that would be good
  • Daemoe
    40 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Days like these makes me want to delete this game.
    Post edited by Daemoe on
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    Tavanh wrote: »
    You still have to wait until they release the event. Maybe it's like Luke's Flash Event where you're given a free squad but the bonus tier only gives you a slight advantage if you have them. For all we know, they could be giving us shards at Tier 1.

    Thats for flash events... Thrawn is releqsed via legendary event, like yoda, palps and r2...

    So yeah, you need 5x7* Phoenix to get a 1x7* thrawn
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    Screw thrawn anyway .. i do spend a bit in this game but this is just awful. Will NOT be investing in garbage pheonix squad for thrawn my moneys going on xbox from now on poor show EA
  • Briglja
    63 posts Member
    Lets find a purpose for those **** characters nobody cares about
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    I find it rather humorous they lock the fan favorite behind a huge paywall
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    The boards were getting pretty stagnant so they decided to create another modgate
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    I've personally got no interest in farming characters from that cartoon to unlock a character from that cartoon, but I like that I can ignore all at the same time. If I needed phoenix to unlock Leia or someone else relevant, I'd probably be deleting the game.

    Good luck to anyone taking part! May the RNG be with you!
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    I am pretty sure I'll have no chance of completing the flash event with my 3* squad unless all the tiers are accessable at 3*.

    However, are any of them actually worth farming? I have heard Sabine is and may be Kanan for the taunt in a Jedi team.

    The real question is, in the long run why are any of them worth farming?
  • Phil242
    23 posts Member
    *openmouthcryingbaby* don't bother with this ****. If the pay wall high enough ok. I hope only they dosnt release a op Monster.
  • zarkas
    22 posts Member
    Had really been looking forward to thrawn, but not gonna star up a bunch of phoenix chars I won't be using for anything else. Really disappointing.
  • Sirjam
    45 posts Member
  • IdraRage
    259 posts Member
    I don't think this is a particularly big problem assuming the Legendary event is still tuned for G8 characters with arena mods.

    5 of the 6 Pheonix toons (assuming you still only need 5 toons) can be farmed to 7* within 2-3 weeks or so for a relatively modest crystal investment in refreshes (like 3000 or less in addition to crystals generated). Raising almost 40 million credits to get them to level 85 will still be a pain....

    But it's better than what they did with super OP characters like Chaze and Nihilus (especially Chaze who cost hundreds for months before they became farmable, and only marginally so in Baze's case). And yes I am assuming Thrawn will be super OP and the people who are saying Chaze shouldn't be nerfed because they have them will soon be making "Nerf Thrawn" threads. If he isn't OP then it all doesn't matter except for a thousand crystals or two wasted on refreshes during the double drops.
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    BulYwif wrote: »
    BulYwif wrote: »
    What's the lowest level to unlock Thrawn?

    Usually 5 star

    Thanks. It's a bit surprising to have a main event requiring previously unfarmable toons to unlock a main toon that every Empire player is expecting for weeks. I never complained about Empire pass since I find it good. But here, if you check how easy was R2 and Fulcrum to be unlocked and if you check how hard it will be to unlock Thrawn, there's something I don't get.

    Except spending $$$ to level up 5 toons to 5*, F2P are at a disadvantage. If you consider that we need weeks to gear up one or two toons, this event is only dedicated to spenders and whales.

    I dont get you. Im pure F2P ( sadly for dev :D ) but I think i can get Thrawn at least 5*... it's should be arena viable ( i hope) if his tools is great...
    Very simple : All chars from : Arena+GW+Catina shipment can easy reach to 7* is you save your credits
    So we only need 2 more : They give 2 other for low Catina Tier and yes! free x2... If you can spend like 10k -15k crystals on refesh u can get them to 6* may be 7* if u lucky...
    So that is pretty cheap for 6* Legendary character and included 5 others good characters...
    If u spend $100 much more easy for you to get 6* or 7*
    Otherwise, You can free unlock Thrawn at 5* (Quite easy) and should be arena viable
    Dont you remember how hard you can access to : Shore Trooper or Baze or DK+DT... those characters is for whales for months.
    So stop complaint and enjoy the new event... unless u just want dev give you all characters at 7* G11 ( then you quit after that since you have nothing to do)
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    Most likely Thrawn will have a huge kit to counter Chaze and the triple cleanse so will be vital to arena if you are DS. If it's not a direct counter, like R2 was for Zaul, he's pointless like Veers and Tark.

    They know if he doesn't shake up arena, the vast majority and whales especially won't care enough to spend and level the worthless Phoenix.

    Look at EP, R2, and Yoda in his reworks, they were kitted for arena. DN wasn't legendary but he was a major toon and was given the same treatment.
  • banjo1071
    312 posts Member
    Ezra, Sabine are for sure, Hera seems to be like a solid damagedealer/supporter.
    The rest is rather meh, i guess
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    Why would I choose Ezra over QGJ, GK, JKA, Yoda or aayla?
    Who would you put Ezra with in a Jedi team?

    And I guess that chopper is **** even for the HAAT? No use of droid stun, evasion and taunt?

    With tenacity up and Rex lead being meta Aayla would be good to replace for a good assist since you choose to be the assister or a dispell that does good damage.
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    Rynn wrote: »
    Gotta love how they basically do put the new toons behind a wall that you need to open your wallet to get. Sometimes I want to really know how the devs think this stuff up. Where the logic is in it. Besides thrawn will most likely be another useless ton to add to the pile.

    The walls are mostly against empire users: EP, Shore, Krennic and now Thrawn. R2 is the only exception, for all other premium toons their faction is sufficient. Because being weaker AND harder to get makes perfect sense.
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