Platoon Requirements


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    DatBoi wrote: »
    "Its too hard. Make it easier so i can do it without putting any work in"

    How do you work towards something that is

    a) random
    b) unfarmable?
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    Ep0cH73 wrote: »
    Same here. Platoons 1 & 2 were the same and 3, 4, 5 were the same. Then north and south were identical. 18 Baze and as many Biggs required (doesn't seem that random!) ...whilst most guilds can probably cope with this at phases 1/2/3 this is going to hurt in later phases.

    Same here
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    Pretty much every toon that is in the platoons is farmable with the exception of Paploo. Pao has been farmable since when.... March? April at the latest if i'm not mistaken. It's not like they're asking you to have him maxed out and gear 11 or 12. Just get him to 7* and leave him g1 if you don't care for him. Sooner or later most guilds will have a surplus of Paos and those slots will be pretty easy to fill. For ships that is a little bit unfortunate as well as a lot of ships in platoons are ships we can't farm reliably even with spending money. But over time TB will be easier, more platoons will be able to be filled up to get the better bonuses, and we'll all be getting 45 stars at the end of TB in a year or so who knows.
    Where is my kitten General Grievous rework at!!??
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    We got 10 logray and 2 millennium falcons. Those are unfarmable.

    Farmable but rare - fine. Unfarmable is unacceptable.
  • PoederAmon
    263 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    aeaswen wrote: »
    DatBoi wrote: »
    "Its too hard. Make it easier so i can do it without putting any work in"

    How do you work towards something that is

    a) random
    b) unfarmable?

    Wrong question, should be: how do you differentiate between those who enjoy the joyride and those who paid for their drivers license.
    This is how, just accept it and move on. No my guild cannot fill all platoons, we don't have the Falcon, we have a few shuttles so sometimes we get lucky.
    We have a few members with starred ewoks, sometimes it's enough sometimes not. We have a few members that paid for CHS, most did not. As long as we're happy with the choices we made and dollars or euros spend it's okay.

    We know that sometimes you're ahead and sometimes you're behind, the race is long and in the end it's only with yourself.
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    Same with Phase 3 needing Tie Reaper
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    I'm pretty sure they asking spenders to spend.
  • BryGuy2k
    198 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Find out millennium falcon in the shard shop like grievous. We have half a dozen 7* GG - we have 0 Millenium. Even ship meta is anti Millenium.
  • Entity
    44 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    Hehe, we need like 20 bodhis... this is funny! I actually mean it :smiley: We Got so much coordination going on in chat regarding platoons, and it has been good for the social aspect
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    If you want to talk about not having Pao or Bodhi, I'm thinking that's all kind of your own faults. I started farming Pao and Bodhi as soon as TB was opened since I saw they would be needed. My guild has the same problem, but I wouldn't consider it a design flaw.

    Having characters that no one uses or are hard to get be more prevalent in TB was almost a foregone conclusion in my book. Hence why I am not surprised to see CUP, Pao, Bodhi, Baze, and Lobot all the time in there. I am also not upset about this. Saying: "Territory Battles are going to use your whole roster" might as well have been saying: "If you don't have all those don't-fit-anywhere and hard-to-get characters starred up you won't do as well."

    Now requiring Millenium Falcon, Cassian's UWing, or Kylo Ren's Command shuttle is a bit below the belt. They were all obtainable at some point, but have never been farmable outside of the Fleet Mega-Pack (which doesn't count as a way to farm them since it is so random). If they had individual packs where you could farm just them at some point, then they could be considered to have been farmable, even if only by whales. But the Fleet MegaPack is too random to count.

    Even Paploo, Logray, and Wicket would be semi okay in my book since they did have their own individual packs on the board for a bit. The fact that they are in Chromiums now certainly doesn't count.

    TIE Reaper is a weird one. It never had individual packs, it shared a pack with TIE Advanced... But that's only one other ship, and to be fair it seemed to have a much higher drop rate than the TIE Advanced.

    So my point of view is basically that: I agree they shouldn't be including characters and ships that have only ever been available to farm through Random data cards even if they have had a 1 time individual pack at some point. But if they at least had repeatable buy packs at some point that makes sense, even if it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But anyone that is actually farmable shouldn't be complained about.
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    Pretty much every toon that is in the platoons is farmable with the exception of Paploo. Pao has been farmable since when.... March? April at the latest if i'm not mistaken. It's not like they're asking you to have him maxed out and gear 11 or 12. Just get him to 7* and leave him g1 if you don't care for him. Sooner or later most guilds will have a surplus of Paos and those slots will be pretty easy to fill. For ships that is a little bit unfortunate as well as a lot of ships in platoons are ships we can't farm reliably even with spending money. But over time TB will be easier, more platoons will be able to be filled up to get the better bonuses, and we'll all be getting 45 stars at the end of TB in a year or so who knows.

    Most guilds do not have a surplus of Poa's. I'd say very few do. He is a useless toon in a slow farm where a lot of useful toons come from. If you've been playing less than 18 months, I'd venture you don't have him at all.
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    This is pretty much garbage. If a toon isn't f2p, it shouldn't be in platoons. Needing 12 Lobot @ 6 star would suck, but at least it's something you can work towards.

    Having platoons ruined every week because of needing Tie Reaper and a dozen p2p ewoks is lame. Mostly because it's not "random" at all. In all of last week and this week, we've seen 0 cup, jkg, jc, etc in the 2, 3, 4 star range, only 6 and 7. Same with Lobot, although he miraculously started to appear at 5 star, when mysteriously we have 20 of him at 4.

    There's some sort of algorithm picking up what you don't have. The answer is simple, farm everything. I'm fine with that and I realize it will take a very long time, but p2p characters should never be part of the equation. You significantly damage a guild's chances and fun in later phases without these early platoon bonuses.

    Make it truly random (not weighted to characters that are low on ownership) and eliminate anything that is not f2p farmable. Even a single hard node or rare spot in a store that uses currency won from activity is fine. But crystals only? Too greedy.
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    Woodroward wrote: »
    If you want to talk about not having Pao or Bodhi, I'm thinking that's all kind of your own faults. I started farming Pao and Bodhi as soon as TB was opened since I saw they would be needed. My guild has the same problem, but I wouldn't consider it a design flaw.

    Having characters that no one uses or are hard to get be more prevalent in TB was almost a foregone conclusion in my book. Hence why I am not surprised to see CUP, Pao, Bodhi, Baze, and Lobot all the time in there. I am also not upset about this. Saying: "Territory Battles are going to use your whole roster" might as well have been saying: "If you don't have all those don't-fit-anywhere and hard-to-get characters starred up you won't do as well."

    Now requiring Millenium Falcon, Cassian's UWing, or Kylo Ren's Command shuttle is a bit below the belt. They were all obtainable at some point, but have never been farmable outside of the Fleet Mega-Pack (which doesn't count as a way to farm them since it is so random). If they had individual packs where you could farm just them at some point, then they could be considered to have been farmable, even if only by whales. But the Fleet MegaPack is too random to count.

    Even Paploo, Logray, and Wicket would be semi okay in my book since they did have their own individual packs on the board for a bit. The fact that they are in Chromiums now certainly doesn't count.

    TIE Reaper is a weird one. It never had individual packs, it shared a pack with TIE Advanced... But that's only one other ship, and to be fair it seemed to have a much higher drop rate than the TIE Advanced.

    So my point of view is basically that: I agree they shouldn't be including characters and ships that have only ever been available to farm through Random data cards even if they have had a 1 time individual pack at some point. But if they at least had repeatable buy packs at some point that makes sense, even if it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But anyone that is actually farmable shouldn't be complained about.

    I don't have a problem with poa and bodhi per say. i have a problem with needing 14 of them. That's just silly for two terrible toons. There is a difference between "you'll need your whole roster" and "1/3 of your guild will need a useless toon at 4 stars"
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    As the title says the Territory Battles are extremely unfair. We are on the 3rd day, and the requirements for combat missions are 4 Star! I can get through most phases of the combats today, alas I get utterly destroyed by extremely overpowered enemies. There is zero fun in continually hitting a brick wall, wether that be in combat missions, platoons and ships in TB’s. I am using some good Zeta teams and stuff, using 7* toons at gear 10/11 and even 2 at gear 12, yet the requirements are 4* and I can be destroyed easily in most stages on the 3rd day until TB’s finish on the 6th day. Please @CG @EA, please dial down the difficulty, like was done when the stupidly difficult AAT first launched.

    There’s an element of sadism in the way players are treated. I dread to think how quickly I’d be defeated if I actually used 4* teams to do TB combat missions with 4* requirements.

    It’s a joke, but normally jokes are funny, this is totally unfunny.
  • Woodroward
    3749 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    aeaswen wrote: »

    Most guilds do not have a surplus of Poa's. I'd say very few do. He is a useless toon in a slow farm where a lot of useful toons come from. If you've been playing less than 18 months, I'd venture you don't have him at all.

    Everyone that's been playing for over 6 months should have gotten enough shards to unlock him when he was the login character.

    And the person you are responding to said WILL have a surplus of Pao's SOONER or LATER, not that they do right now.
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    In general, I agree with this gripe. Especially the ewoks. But not Pao. Pao is readily available. You know where to get him. If you don't have him, you know what you have to do. But in the meantime, you will have to suffer the shortcoming.
    But even the ewok and TIE reaper gripes are weak (even though I kinda agree). This game mode is intended to hold up for a long time, so we should not be able to do everything immediately. That means there will be parts we cannot complete now, but someday we will. I expect this means that there will come a time when we actually can farm these units, but that time is not now. Until then, we are handicapped.
    The part I don't like is that this handicap is randomly applied, such that some guilds may be more handicapped than others. This creates an uneven playing field and generates claims of preferential treatment.

    In short, these requirements are fluffy kittens.
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    Muaddib wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    Well this hasn't been fixed. The platoons are actually identical to yesterday, as far as I can tell.

    This CAN'T possibly be WAI.

    Hey, what's WAI? I've seen it used when talking about RNG (which I understand) but don't know the acronym of WAI

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    Muaddib wrote: »
    Liath wrote: »
    Well this hasn't been fixed. The platoons are actually identical to yesterday, as far as I can tell.

    This CAN'T possibly be WAI.

    Hey, what's WAI? I've seen it used when talking about RNG (which I understand) but don't know the acronym of WAI

    Working As Intended. Something that isn't is a bug :)
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
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    The word that the forums has put in asterisks was **** l y difficult AAT, but it replaced it with 4 asterisks as if I swore, I didn’t . Here’s to free speech.
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    As the title says the Territory Battles are extremely unfair. We are on the 3rd day, and the requirements for combat missions are 4 Star! I can get through most phases of the combats today, alas I get utterly destroyed by extremely overpowered enemies. There is zero fun in continually hitting a brick wall, wether that be in combat missions, platoons and ships in TB’s. I am using some good Zeta teams and stuff, using 7* toons at gear 10/11 and even 2 at gear 12, yet the requirements are 4* and I can be destroyed easily in most stages on the 3rd day until TB’s finish on the 6th day. Please @CG @EA, please dial down the difficulty, like was done when the **** difficult AAT first launched.

    There’s an element of sadism in the way players are treated. I dread to think how quickly I’d be defeated if I actually used 4* teams to do TB combat missions with 4* requirements.

    It’s a joke, but normally jokes are funny, this is totally unfunny.

    What? I'm confused
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    Stoopidly ^^^
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    What teams are you using? These are working quite well for me:
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    My guild needs four Lograys today so unable to achieve that. At least those characters have been available even if you had to pay. We had a couple though so could fill one platoon.

    We got hammered last week on Tie Reapers needing at least 4 in one day in particular, and missing 2 today. This ship has been in the game for a very long time and still unavailable. This is unacceptable. It isn't even a special/iconic ship like the Millennium Falcon, which has been in the game since the beginning of ships and still not available. Never even seen it outside of the challenges. At least Cassian's U-Wing is now available in the new shop, even though it will be such a long farm that it won't be worth it, and who wants to waste their territory points on ships?
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    aeaswen wrote: »
    Woodroward wrote: »
    If you want to talk about not having Pao or Bodhi, I'm thinking that's all kind of your own faults. I started farming Pao and Bodhi as soon as TB was opened since I saw they would be needed. My guild has the same problem, but I wouldn't consider it a design flaw.

    Having characters that no one uses or are hard to get be more prevalent in TB was almost a foregone conclusion in my book. Hence why I am not surprised to see CUP, Pao, Bodhi, Baze, and Lobot all the time in there. I am also not upset about this. Saying: "Territory Battles are going to use your whole roster" might as well have been saying: "If you don't have all those don't-fit-anywhere and hard-to-get characters starred up you won't do as well."

    Now requiring Millenium Falcon, Cassian's UWing, or Kylo Ren's Command shuttle is a bit below the belt. They were all obtainable at some point, but have never been farmable outside of the Fleet Mega-Pack (which doesn't count as a way to farm them since it is so random). If they had individual packs where you could farm just them at some point, then they could be considered to have been farmable, even if only by whales. But the Fleet MegaPack is too random to count.

    Even Paploo, Logray, and Wicket would be semi okay in my book since they did have their own individual packs on the board for a bit. The fact that they are in Chromiums now certainly doesn't count.

    TIE Reaper is a weird one. It never had individual packs, it shared a pack with TIE Advanced... But that's only one other ship, and to be fair it seemed to have a much higher drop rate than the TIE Advanced.

    So my point of view is basically that: I agree they shouldn't be including characters and ships that have only ever been available to farm through Random data cards even if they have had a 1 time individual pack at some point. But if they at least had repeatable buy packs at some point that makes sense, even if it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But anyone that is actually farmable shouldn't be complained about.

    I don't have a problem with poa and bodhi per say. i have a problem with needing 14 of them. That's just silly for two terrible toons. There is a difference between "you'll need your whole roster" and "1/3 of your guild will need a useless toon at 4 stars"

    While I understand what you're saying, I'd be willing to be this is selective perception to a point. There's a good chance your platoons required a lot of Biggs or Wedge or Lando, etc. too. But it doesn't stick out because everyone has them. I would actually think that 15 is a pretty good number. It's 30% of a guild. If 30% of your guild has a diverse enough roster to include blah character, you get bonuses.
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    Woodroward wrote: »
    aeaswen wrote: »

    Most guilds do not have a surplus of Poa's. I'd say very few do. He is a useless toon in a slow farm where a lot of useful toons come from. If you've been playing less than 18 months, I'd venture you don't have him at all.

    Everyone that's been playing for over 6 months should have gotten enough shards to unlock him when he was the login character.

    And the person you are responding to said WILL have a surplus of Pao's SOONER or LATER, not that they do right now.

    Requiring a few is fine but you are really setting a guild back a lot to start farming poa's. What if he isn't required last week? I have phoenix and resistance toons to farm from there as most people do. With currency needed to farm mods, Poa is in no way an easy farm. Especially considering he's useless.
  • Options
    Woodroward wrote: »
    aeaswen wrote: »
    Woodroward wrote: »
    If you want to talk about not having Pao or Bodhi, I'm thinking that's all kind of your own faults. I started farming Pao and Bodhi as soon as TB was opened since I saw they would be needed. My guild has the same problem, but I wouldn't consider it a design flaw.

    Having characters that no one uses or are hard to get be more prevalent in TB was almost a foregone conclusion in my book. Hence why I am not surprised to see CUP, Pao, Bodhi, Baze, and Lobot all the time in there. I am also not upset about this. Saying: "Territory Battles are going to use your whole roster" might as well have been saying: "If you don't have all those don't-fit-anywhere and hard-to-get characters starred up you won't do as well."

    Now requiring Millenium Falcon, Cassian's UWing, or Kylo Ren's Command shuttle is a bit below the belt. They were all obtainable at some point, but have never been farmable outside of the Fleet Mega-Pack (which doesn't count as a way to farm them since it is so random). If they had individual packs where you could farm just them at some point, then they could be considered to have been farmable, even if only by whales. But the Fleet MegaPack is too random to count.

    Even Paploo, Logray, and Wicket would be semi okay in my book since they did have their own individual packs on the board for a bit. The fact that they are in Chromiums now certainly doesn't count.

    TIE Reaper is a weird one. It never had individual packs, it shared a pack with TIE Advanced... But that's only one other ship, and to be fair it seemed to have a much higher drop rate than the TIE Advanced.

    So my point of view is basically that: I agree they shouldn't be including characters and ships that have only ever been available to farm through Random data cards even if they have had a 1 time individual pack at some point. But if they at least had repeatable buy packs at some point that makes sense, even if it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But anyone that is actually farmable shouldn't be complained about.

    I don't have a problem with poa and bodhi per say. i have a problem with needing 14 of them. That's just silly for two terrible toons. There is a difference between "you'll need your whole roster" and "1/3 of your guild will need a useless toon at 4 stars"

    While I understand what you're saying, I'd be willing to be this is selective perception to a point. There's a good chance your platoons required a lot of Biggs or Wedge or Lando, etc. too. But it doesn't stick out because everyone has them. I would actually think that 15 is a pretty good number. It's 30% of a guild. If 30% of your guild has a diverse enough roster to include blah character, you get bonuses.

    It did hurt us to fill allow those Wiggs toons. We did not fair as well on missions. Those are toons everybody has but I understand what you are saying. Bodhi is no argument. He's an easy farm and that's just on us. Cantina currency is really hard to come by though. I have more of an issue with Falcon and Logray to be honest though. Maybe if it wasn't for Logray, it wouldn't be as bad as we could at least fill what platoons we had of poa.
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    aeaswen wrote: »
    Pretty much every toon that is in the platoons is farmable with the exception of Paploo. Pao has been farmable since when.... March? April at the latest if i'm not mistaken. It's not like they're asking you to have him maxed out and gear 11 or 12. Just get him to 7* and leave him g1 if you don't care for him. Sooner or later most guilds will have a surplus of Paos and those slots will be pretty easy to fill. For ships that is a little bit unfortunate as well as a lot of ships in platoons are ships we can't farm reliably even with spending money. But over time TB will be easier, more platoons will be able to be filled up to get the better bonuses, and we'll all be getting 45 stars at the end of TB in a year or so who knows.

    Most guilds do not have a surplus of Poa's. I'd say very few do. He is a useless toon in a slow farm where a lot of useful toons come from. If you've been playing less than 18 months, I'd venture you don't have him at all.

    I completely agree with you, as my guild itself is having issues with the Paos. I only have Pao 2* right now and wont start to farm him until I get my Hoth Rebel Scout to 7*. All I was trying to say is that all of the toons that are farmable should not be complained about. In all fairness to CG, they did say the entire roster of characters would be used.
    Where is my kitten General Grievous rework at!!??
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    aeaswen wrote: »
    Woodroward wrote: »
    aeaswen wrote: »

    Most guilds do not have a surplus of Poa's. I'd say very few do. He is a useless toon in a slow farm where a lot of useful toons come from. If you've been playing less than 18 months, I'd venture you don't have him at all.

    Everyone that's been playing for over 6 months should have gotten enough shards to unlock him when he was the login character.

    And the person you are responding to said WILL have a surplus of Pao's SOONER or LATER, not that they do right now.

    Requiring a few is fine but you are really setting a guild back a lot to start farming poa's. What if he isn't required last week? I have phoenix and resistance toons to farm from there as most people do. With currency needed to farm mods, Poa is in no way an easy farm. Especially considering he's useless.

    Useless ...
    Clearly he has a use in platoons, que no?
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    Woodroward wrote: »
    While I understand what you're saying, I'd be willing to be this is selective perception to a point. There's a good chance your platoons required a lot of Biggs or Wedge or Lando, etc. too. But it doesn't stick out because everyone has them. I would actually think that 15 is a pretty good number. It's 30% of a guild. If 30% of your guild has a diverse enough roster to include blah character, you get bonuses.

    While we are complaining about the logray platoons in our guild those platoons also have 3 Biggs and 2 Ackbar requirements too. Every platoon in our shield generator requires at least 2 Biggs and 1 Ackbar. But it's the logray that breaks it.
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