Content Update 9/20/2017 (MEGA)


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    It's absolutely Thrawn. No complaining this time.
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    I saw Clone Sergeant
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    G8 good enough?

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    Had my Phoenix ready for awhile....i think.

    Will soon find out
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    "Finally, we'll be executing your child's puppy in front of his eye's "

    Thanks devs, great idea removing gear from ship store

    +1 absolutely terrible move.
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    Pheonix can still get zetas, all except chopper
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    Thanks guys, you have both confirmed ones I already mentioned
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    Until I know where ewoks are landing to farm i'm not converting anything to shard currency.

    After that, maybe it won't be so bad.
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    Was it in the bottom left for everyone? Are they all sharing the same spot?
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    So the question now is, what’s the minimum to unlock him at 7*?

    Ezra G9 everyone else G8 good enough?
    Abilities max without omegas and decent mods. Enough?
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    I am happy that gear is taken out of the fleet store- what should have followed is that guild store is revamped as well. And flash events are doing what they should be doing and! Gear heists etc. Why induce the panic - besides having a cold one with coworkers and laughing.

    Also - very happy that guild management is at the forefront for tb. Ty for listening. And please while you're there add more management tools for guilds in general.

    BB8 is a rookie but I'll take a 7* over marquee.
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    Thanks for making the gear situation harder by taking gear out of fleet store.
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    Just grabbed my first FOTP from fleet so definitely.

    Clone sarge and tfp will be good. Both are reasonably close to 7* anyway. Will be good to nudge them over the line.
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    No $20 FO packs is ridiculous
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    This. Unless it leads to a gear heist, this is a bad move.
    Ooba hutar.
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    Removing gear from the fleet store was just plain crappy to do.
    valjean913 or BHG Valjean#5571
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    If you think about it, getting as many 7* toons and ships as possible helps with platoons which helps in combat which earns more stars. As you get more 7* toons you end up with more and more shard currency and get more gear. Slower is faster in the long run ;)
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    I have an Imperial Tie Pilot in my shop. Right next to the Zeta shard and omega shard
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    @DarkPiece Phoenix is getting zeta abilities, and the Thrawn event is coming back.
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
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    IgneoMorte wrote: »
    G8 good enough?


    @IgneoMorte with good mods, yeah it'll be close. G9/10 Ezra just to be safe.
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    I am happy that gear is taken out of the fleet store- what should have followed is that guild store is revamped as well. And flash events are doing what they should be doing and! Gear heists etc. Why induce the panic - besides having a cold one with coworkers and laughing.

    Also - very happy that guild management is at the forefront for tb. Ty for listening. And please while you're there add more management tools for guilds in general.

    BB8 is a rookie but I'll take a 7* over marquee.

    But why?
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    Draw4wild wrote: »
    Was it in the bottom left for everyone? Are they all sharing the same spot?

    Clone Sergeant was bottom left
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    Fotp in bottom left
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    Did they really remove gear from the ship shop and not supply it anywhere else? And they act like this was a request of players?? C'mon, the shard shop only has 3 pieces to choose from and they're usually crap.
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    RacerDejak wrote: »
    Any news:

    - Daily ticket counter
    - Guild notif/announcement?


    Clone Helmets?
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • BryGuy2k
    198 posts Member
    edited September 2017
    ztc258 wrote: »
    Did they really remove gear from the ship shop and not supply it anywhere else? And they act like this was a request of players?? C'mon, the shard shop only has 3 pieces to choose from and they're usually ****.

    Supposedly when t refreshes the characters will be gone and it'll be gear instead. And it'll refresh every 6 hours after that.

    But yeah that's a raw deal. Shard prices are unreasonably high. Fleet was the only halfway reasonable source of stun cuffs that's for sure.
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    CaptainRex wrote: »
    RacerDejak wrote: »
    Any news:

    - Daily ticket counter
    - Guild notif/announcement?


    Clone Helmets?

    Hopefully never
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    Prices are good. 6 cuffs 170
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    Obviously Thrawn is coming back.

    Rise from ashes = Phoenix

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    I don't understand the logic behind it. I hate it. I could buy purple gear pieces for 650 tokens in the fleet store. Now I have to spend 1200 on duplicate character shards in the fleet store in order to convert that to 225 shard shop tokens, still leaving me 27 shard shop tokens short to only buy 3 pieces of gear. This makes the game better how?
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