The whole Nightsister thing


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    I'm just glad all the people that said you needed GG or that the Mother Talzin even was legendary are wrong. Everyone speculating garbage.
  • WenHandel
    165 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    I don't want cartoon characters in a Star Wars game. And these new ones are beyond silly. It's all wrong.

    And is halloween some American thing? I don't care for it.
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    Momofatts wrote: »
    I don't like these charaters, sorry. This is Star Wars not vampires and werewolves. If you zombies and ghost thats a whole other genre.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    It's a garbage team if you need to go so outside all the established game mechanics to make make a team "good". Auto taunt with auto revive, debuffs that can't be resisted and only conditionally cleansed. I can only imagine the next OP team.
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    Even with all the complaints about it "not sticking with the Star Wars theme" sorry to disappoint you, but it was in the Clone Wars series, its canon. While I agree Star Wars isn't about zombies and ghosts, at least it wasn't more Rebels and LS toons. The complaint was too much LS, so they give DS. Now the complaint is that it was the wrong DS. I guess the lesson to learn is you can't please everyone, CG has to choose something to work with, and this time it was Nightsisters. I'm sure there will be more DS toons eventually.
    Ally code: 357613281
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    Why aren't droids immune to plague? Please explain how this effects a droid?
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    “These characters in the Star Wars canon don’t belong in a game that celebrates the Star Wars canon!”

    Don’t like them? Don’t use them. Now grow up and stop kvetching. Thete’s folks that want this. I’m not one, but I’m not going to whine about it because I am an adult.

    Calm down, folks.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • superallywatp
    39 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Apart from the obvious (continued) unbalance it will bring... I think it looks ridiculously cartoon-ish. I get they were in the cartoons but those were by and large geared for kids.

    I wish that instead of pandering to a specific core of players they would bite the bullet and balance the game. Speed should be capped for a start.
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    To build on what Lord Massacus was saying, I don't think people remember or even know just how far back Nightsister's were in everyday Star Wars. They were involved in the original Star War Galaxies MMO game around 2005, and in a major way too. Dathomir was an "End-Game" planet that in addition to Rancor farming, housed hordes of nightsister NPCs. Some of the best stuff came from them. They had a great amount of lore, and back then, also just as creepy. So yes, Halloween actually, ya know, make sense to bring them out.
    People are complaining about the cartoonish look, but they're only using it because the Clone Wars animated is the only thing recent that most people would be able to identify them as.
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    Apart from the obvious (continued) unbalance it will bring... I think it looks ridiculously cartoon-ish. I get they were in the cartoons but those were by and large geared for kids.

    I wish that instead of pandering to a specific core of players they would bite the bullet and balance the game. Speed should be capped for a start.

    Hate to break it to you, but Old Daka’s first appearance was 2012. If a kid saw that, by now they’re no longer a kid—they’re a customer.

    Welcome to getting older and realizing the slow, inexorable march of time and passing the torch to the next generation.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Galahax wrote: »
    To build on what Lord Massacus was saying, I don't think people remember or even know just how far back Nightsister's were in everyday Star Wars. They were involved in the original Star War Galaxies MMO game around 2005, and in a major way too. Dathomir was an "End-Game" planet that in addition to Rancor farming, housed hordes of nightsister NPCs. Some of the best stuff came from them. They had a great amount of lore, and back then, also just as creepy. So yes, Halloween actually, ya know, make sense to bring them out.
    People are complaining about the cartoonish look, but they're only using it because the Clone Wars animated is the only thing recent that most people would be able to identify them as.
    Nightsisters were introduced more than a decade before SWG:
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    Apart from the obvious (continued) unbalance it will bring... I think it looks ridiculously cartoon-ish. I get they were in the cartoons but those were by and large geared for kids.

    I wish that instead of pandering to a specific core of players they would bite the bullet and balance the game. Speed should be capped for a start.

    They were in the same cartoon show that most of the early characters in the game came from. You think Aayla secura is included in this game because of the 12 seconds of screen time she had getting shot in Revenge of the Sith?
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    I like the update to night sisters, but I would have preferred ancient site. They could have put in an ancient sith necromancer for a Halloween theme.
  • Onark
    104 posts Member
    I think the new NS faction toons are a great showcase of the diversity of the SW universe. It's a big galaxy out there and a tribe of people using the undead to fight is a part of the deal.

    Don't have to use em. Don't have to like em. But they belong in the game.
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    Well, I just finished the bonus tier of the flash event with my level 50-75 ns sqaud who are all g8 except assaji at g9. Mediocre mods. So if you don't like them, you don't need to put much work in
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    Played the events including bonus tier.

    So. Much. Fun.

    Hate on this mob all you want, but the synergy is awesome (compared to first order, some CD reduction, TM Gain and RNG based assists)

    I had a great time playing with them, and whilst I have no idea if they'll be arena competitive I plan to gear em up - been a long time since I've enjoyed seeing abilities & good synergy.

    Perhaps it's a honeymoon period and they'll become boring in time, but for now I'm excited.
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    My shard top 20 are CLS R2, and ships are now showing 6* Chimera in top 10, exclusively. People who had 6* fleets are being pushed back into 50’s making it hard for anyone 180k or less to advance now.

    @ChickenFett139 you fleet squad only has 180k power and is in the top 50 or your arena shard?
  • Incnerator
    9 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    In order to promote synergy and diversity of teams, they should add certain detrimental effects to characters and/or abilities if they are on the same team. Call it discord. Ex. CLS for some reason gets everyone on his team a counter, no matter alignment or faction. But if he had a discord. Something like “dark side enemies do 50% less damage on counter”, or each Sith teammate slows CLS speed by 15%. Or have specific discord’s related to canon like “If Greedo and Raid Han are on the same team, Greedo shoots first. Or, Zam Starts with health down if on the same team as Anakin. You could also add general faction discord’s on top of these specific character ones to the mix as well. Something simple and obvious like “rebel mixed with empire = %down of some stat.” Then you’d have a whole hell of a lot of variables to consider as a player. It would at least slow down the finding of the meta, which as it stands is just “add every new legendary character released to your team.”
  • ChickenFett139
    1484 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    Trichie23 wrote: »
    My shard top 20 are CLS R2, and ships are now showing 6* Chimera in top 10, exclusively. People who had 6* fleets are being pushed back into 50’s making it hard for anyone 180k or less to advance now.

    @ChickenFett139 you fleet squad only has 180k power and is in the top 50 or your arena shard?

    Yes, I am top 40-50 range. Everyone above me is 240,000 and up
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    Incnerator wrote: »
    In order to promote synergy and diversity of teams, they should add certain detrimental effects to characters and/or abilities if they are on the same team. Call it discord. Ex. CLS for some reason gets everyone on his team a counter, no matter alignment or faction. But if he had a discord. Something like “dark side enemies do 50% less damage on counter”, or each Sith teammate slows CLS speed by 15%. Or have specific discord’s related to canon like “If Greedo and Raid Han are on the same team, Greedo shoots first. Or, Zam Starts with health down if on the same team as Anakin. You could also add general faction discord’s on top of these specific character ones to the mix as well. Something simple and obvious like “rebel mixed with empire = %down of some stat.” Then you’d have a whole hell of a lot of variables to consider as a player. It would at least slow down the finding of the meta, which as it stands is just “add every new legendary character released to your team.”

    Dark side dudes don't counter under a CLS lead, just rebels do
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    Momofatts wrote: »
    I don't like these charaters, sorry. This is Star Wars not vampires and werewolves. If you zombies and ghost thats a whole other genre.

    @Momofatts nightsisters are as much a part of star wars as ahsoka , thrawn , phoenix, most clones and plenty more because they are not in the films does not make them not part of star wars.
    there is more than just 8 soon to be 9 films you know......

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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Momofatts wrote: »
    I don't like these charaters, sorry. This is Star Wars not vampires and werewolves. If you zombies and ghost thats a whole other genre.

    I understand
    LynnYoda wrote: »
    Momofatts wrote: »
    I don't like these charaters, sorry. This is Star Wars not vampires and werewolves. If you zombies and ghost thats a whole other genre.

    @Momofatts nightsisters are as much a part of star wars as ahsoka , thrawn , phoenix, most clones and plenty more because they are not in the films does not make them not part of star wars.
    there is more than just 8 soon to be 9 films you know......

    They can be apart of the cartoon series and cannon but it doesn't mean I have to like them. Jar Jar is in Star Wars and I don't like him either
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    I'm really hoping Asajj gets a ship. I'm assuming they can't use the Banshee, because I think that it only Bounty Hunter Ventress and not the separatist version (side note: making Ventress a bounty hunter inestead would a) make sense, because she had turned on the separatist when she was with the night sisters and b) help the BH squad out a lot and make them a little more fun) . But I seem to remember she did fly a pretty cool looking ship while she was under Dooku. I can't remember what it's called.

    I'd say that was a different version of Ventress, as she had a different outfit and mask when working as a bounty hunter, and only did so because she was cut out of separatists and her coven of nightsisters was destroyed.

    She had nowhere to go, other than use the skills she had available for something on her own - being a bounty hunter.

    Having said that - I hope a bounty hunter version of ventress gets released - why not?

    As for ship I hope she gets this one:
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    Jetlife wrote: »
    I think nightsisters are dumb in general. The kits of these new toons are really good. I’m just blown away how some of the best Jedi are complete trash but a ghost can do 3X the amount of damage

    Yes thank you. You would think some of these Jedi are wielding wet noodles. Now that they reworked some of the rebels I hope they rework some Jedi. Old Ben got a rework and he still hits weak. QGJ needs a better kit imo.
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    All the characters need a rework in both abilities and needed gear to level them. The diversity is garbage due to a few super characters and people not being able to open meaningful characters easily.

    Pvp dominated by Wiggs Chaze Lando teams or Nihilus Sith teams. Top 50 is all ZCLS, Z2D2 with support characters who just watch the fight.

    Pvp Fleet is currently a mixed bag with Imperials having limited combat ships compared to Light Side. Currently dominated by Mace but Chimera is starting to show up in top 50 regularly.

    Game has potential to knock it out of the Park if CG stayed on top of it.
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    Boo wrote: »
    I'm really hoping Asajj gets a ship. I'm assuming they can't use the Banshee, because I think that it only Bounty Hunter Ventress and not the separatist version (side note: making Ventress a bounty hunter inestead would a) make sense, because she had turned on the separatist when she was with the night sisters and b) help the BH squad out a lot and make them a little more fun) . But I seem to remember she did fly a pretty cool looking ship while she was under Dooku. I can't remember what it's called.

    I'd say that was a different version of Ventress, as she had a different outfit and mask when working as a bounty hunter, and only did so because she was cut out of separatists and her coven of nightsisters was destroyed.

    She had nowhere to go, other than use the skills she had available for something on her own - being a bounty hunter.

    Having said that - I hope a bounty hunter version of ventress gets released - why not?

    As for ship I hope she gets this one:

    We could end up with three Asajj's - and, probably will. You have Dooku's Assassin Asajj, Nightsister Asajj, and then Bounty Hunter Asajj.

    The fanblade ship is cool, and so cool it'll almost CERTAINLY be with a different Asajj then what we have now.
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    edited October 2017
    It's hilarious that you guys Fett all over Jar Jar and Padme but cringe at Mother Talzin, the badkitten women of Maul/Savage species. Do you even Star Wars, bro?

    Mother Talzin's kit is insane. Can't wait to 7* her in about 3 years.

    Long live Mother Talzin + Old Daka = The Mother Daka!!!


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    Boo wrote: »
    I'm really hoping Asajj gets a ship. I'm assuming they can't use the Banshee, because I think that it only Bounty Hunter Ventress and not the separatist version (side note: making Ventress a bounty hunter inestead would a) make sense, because she had turned on the separatist when she was with the night sisters and b) help the BH squad out a lot and make them a little more fun) . But I seem to remember she did fly a pretty cool looking ship while she was under Dooku. I can't remember what it's called.

    I'd say that was a different version of Ventress, as she had a different outfit and mask when working as a bounty hunter, and only did so because she was cut out of separatists and her coven of nightsisters was destroyed.

    She had nowhere to go, other than use the skills she had available for something on her own - being a bounty hunter.

    Having said that - I hope a bounty hunter version of ventress gets released - why not?

    As for ship I hope she gets this one:

    We could end up with three Asajj's - and, probably will. You have Dooku's Assassin Asajj, Nightsister Asajj, and then Bounty Hunter Asajj.

    The fanblade ship is cool, and so cool it'll almost CERTAINLY be with a different Asajj then what we have now.

    Her current version is kind of weird. She is classified as both a nightsister, and a separatist. Based on the shows I've seen and the books I've read (admittedly probably not covering everything relevant) she was never both at the same time.

    Her story is actually fascinating. They could make an entire trilogy of her life. She was actually a Jedi apprentice early on. That would be pretty cool to have a lightside Ventress (yes, I know, unrealistic).
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    Very nice rework and release. Well prepared and thought. I love the MT's Dark Magick animation. Just OP
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