Heist/Smuggling update


  • ChickenFett139
    1484 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Credit Heist on the same day as a Credit Daily Challenge?!?? Oh wait, twice nothing is still [redacted].
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    Well, this has proven that these events are not random. What they need to do now is set training droids one week on Friday, then credit heist the following friday. We get 2 of each per month anyway. Making them "random" or set will not change the way we play the game or spend $$$(for those that do) any different.
  • TVF
    36771 posts Member
    We get more than 2 per month, so don't go giving them any ideas.

    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    snowhut wrote: »
    I leave for five minutes... XD
    @CG_RyDiggs is learning. He meant well!

    Apologies for the confusion, and while we're aware knowing the dates of Credit Heists is some pretty juicy intel, what was provided was not correct and needlessly misleading.
    But as mentioned per the announcement, we can confirm the Credit Heist for 11/5.

    As opposed to purposefully misleading? Like a significant majority of CG posts, causing mostly baseless speculation and devisiveness within the forum community?

    Vague posts that are meant to be vague and thus create speculation arent misleading....
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    This was an intentional move by CG to stop us talking about the real issues, like why training droids even exist.
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    I didn't see the original post, so I don't know what was said.

    All I know is that dates can be randomized and predetermined without being contradictions. If you program the parameters in ahead of time (No more than twelve days, no fewer than six days, no two on the same day, only Monday through Friday) you could generate a randomized list of dates that runs for a million years. Take those dates and manually enter them into the event calendar at the start of each month.

    If they're manually entered then there will be mistakes sometimes, like entering the wrong type of heist or putting one on a weekend (like they did a while back before some event that I can't remember). It should probably be automated, but so long as I get my four heists a month I don't really care how it's done. When there's a mistake, so long as it gets corrected I'm happy.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    NicWester wrote: »
    I didn't see the original post, so I don't know what was said.

    All I know is that dates can be randomized and predetermined without being contradictions. If you program the parameters in ahead of time (No more than twelve days, no fewer than six days, no two on the same day, only Monday through Friday) you could generate a randomized list of dates that runs for a million years. Take those dates and manually enter them into the event calendar at the start of each month.

    If they're manually entered then there will be mistakes sometimes, like entering the wrong type of heist or putting one on a weekend (like they did a while back before some event that I can't remember). It should probably be automated, but so long as I get my four heists a month I don't really care how it's done. When there's a mistake, so long as it gets corrected I'm happy.
    Look at the brain on u. Keep up the good work
  • Winstar
    2429 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    NicWester wrote: »
    I didn't see the original post, so I don't know what was said.

    All I know is that dates can be randomized and predetermined without being contradictions. If you program the parameters in ahead of time (No more than twelve days, no fewer than six days, no two on the same day, only Monday through Friday) you could generate a randomized list of dates that runs for a million years. Take those dates and manually enter them into the event calendar at the start of each month.

    If they're manually entered then there will be mistakes sometimes, like entering the wrong type of heist or putting one on a weekend (like they did a while back before some event that I can't remember). It should probably be automated, but so long as I get my four heists a month I don't really care how it's done. When there's a mistake, so long as it gets corrected I'm happy.
    Look at the brain on u. Keep up the good work

    lol, gonna steal that from you

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    NicWester wrote: »
    I didn't see the original post, so I don't know what was said.

    All I know is that dates can be randomized and predetermined without being contradictions. If you program the parameters in ahead of time (No more than twelve days, no fewer than six days, no two on the same day, only Monday through Friday) you could generate a randomized list of dates that runs for a million years. Take those dates and manually enter them into the event calendar at the start of each month.

    If they're manually entered then there will be mistakes sometimes, like entering the wrong type of heist or putting one on a weekend (like they did a while back before some event that I can't remember). It should probably be automated, but so long as I get my four heists a month I don't really care how it's done. When there's a mistake, so long as it gets corrected I'm happy.

    Is this really difficult to do? Why can't we get what we were told? Either change the whole cadence to say monday training droid and friday credit heist or have it function as a stated. Running it on a sunday is against what was told at the beginning and just odd. I suppose it doesn't matter but I prefer to be expecting a certain cadence at get that!
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    JRCPKT99 wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    I didn't see the original post, so I don't know what was said.

    All I know is that dates can be randomized and predetermined without being contradictions. If you program the parameters in ahead of time (No more than twelve days, no fewer than six days, no two on the same day, only Monday through Friday) you could generate a randomized list of dates that runs for a million years. Take those dates and manually enter them into the event calendar at the start of each month.

    If they're manually entered then there will be mistakes sometimes, like entering the wrong type of heist or putting one on a weekend (like they did a while back before some event that I can't remember). It should probably be automated, but so long as I get my four heists a month I don't really care how it's done. When there's a mistake, so long as it gets corrected I'm happy.

    Is this really difficult to do? Why can't we get what we were told? Either change the whole cadence to say monday training droid and friday credit heist or have it function as a stated. Running it on a sunday is against what was told at the beginning and just odd. I suppose it doesn't matter but I prefer to be expecting a certain cadence at get that!

    So, because they accidentally ran a training droid heist instead of a credit heist and then made up for it by putting out another credit heist, albeit on a Sunday, this is a problem.
  • TVF
    36771 posts Member
    It was run on a weekend (Sunday, I think) once previously.

    And they didn't make up for it by putting out "another" credit heist, the one on Sunday was within the normal 6-12 day window. You could argue they made up for it by putting out another training droid event but I don't think that excites too many people.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    I just don't get why it has to be such a darn mystery. Have it on a regular day each week or every 8th day...whatever.
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    seriously, we got a credit heist. yay. quit complaining.
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    I liked it....I got another 10M [redacted]

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    seriously, we got a credit heist. yay. quit complaining.

    So you want people to be ok with finding out that they have been lied to for an extended time?
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    Julmay wrote: »
    seriously, we got a credit heist. yay. quit complaining.

    So you want people to be ok with finding out that they have been lied to for an extended time?

    Ummm, no. I want people to regard trivial things as such. The credit heist will happen when they want it to and they don't want you to know when it's coming. Nobody has been cheated. Rub some dirt on it. Walk it off. Here's a lollipop. Have a nice day.
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    Julmay wrote: »
    seriously, we got a credit heist. yay. quit complaining.

    So you want people to be ok with finding out that they have been lied to for an extended time?

    Come on man - the communication has been excellent!
    [Redacted] kitten excellent!!
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    Julmay wrote: »
    seriously, we got a credit heist. yay. quit complaining.

    So you want people to be ok with finding out that they have been lied to for an extended time?
    How do you know they lied? See above as to how randomization and predetermined dates aren’t mutually exclusive.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    The argument works both ways.
    Let's have a credit heist every week on a set day
    - who cares about it being random, we all really need it.
    Let credit heists be random who cares it averages about to the 7th or 8th day.
    - who cares when it comes as long as it comes
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    Honestly, heists being random is time wasted by the devs. Put it on the weekends. Focus on more important things. Please.
  • Z2gop
    199 posts Member
    Seriously did you get 10 mil?
    HoodieDM wrote: »
    I liked it....I got another 10M [redacted]


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    Z2gop wrote: »
    Seriously did you get 10 mil?
    HoodieDM wrote: »
    I liked it....I got another 10M [redacted]


    Since start I've [redacted] 10M 3 times. 5M 12 times. [redacted] 4 times and then a WHOLE lot of [redacted]'s in between.
    I'm on the side of why we can't have a [redacted] calendar with the [redacted] [redacted] dates of the events on it.
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    I got 2x 10m this week - my first 10m pulls ever, so I am certainly not going to complain
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    Z2gop wrote: »
    Seriously did you get 10 mil?
    HoodieDM wrote: »
    I liked it....I got another 10M [redacted]


    Since start I've [redacted] 10M 3 times. 5M 12 times. [redacted] 4 times and then a WHOLE lot of [redacted]'s in between.
    I'm on the side of why we can't have a [redacted] calendar with the [redacted] [redacted] dates of the events on it.

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    NicWester wrote: »
    Julmay wrote: »
    seriously, we got a credit heist. yay. quit complaining.

    So you want people to be ok with finding out that they have been lied to for an extended time?
    How do you know they lied? See above as to how randomization and predetermined dates aren’t mutually exclusive.

    The manual input disqualifies the concept of the event being random. They have complete control of when they do and when they do not want the event to run.
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    Julmay wrote: »
    seriously, we got a credit heist. yay. quit complaining.

    So you want people to be ok with finding out that they have been lied to for an extended time?

    Ummm, no. I want people to regard trivial things as such.

    Sometimes making waves about trivial things gives people a sense of purpose. Let them worry about when the ice cream truck comes.
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    Julmay wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    Julmay wrote: »
    seriously, we got a credit heist. yay. quit complaining.

    So you want people to be ok with finding out that they have been lied to for an extended time?
    How do you know they lied? See above as to how randomization and predetermined dates aren’t mutually exclusive.

    The manual input disqualifies the concept of the event being random. They have complete control of when they do and when they do not want the event to run.

    No it doesn’t. No moreso than posting the lottery results in a newspaper makes that non-random. Don’t be so obtusely cynical.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Synric
    62 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    NicWester wrote: »
    Julmay wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    Julmay wrote: »
    seriously, we got a credit heist. yay. quit complaining.

    So you want people to be ok with finding out that they have been lied to for an extended time?
    How do you know they lied? See above as to how randomization and predetermined dates aren’t mutually exclusive.

    The manual input disqualifies the concept of the event being random. They have complete control of when they do and when they do not want the event to run.

    No it doesn’t. No moreso than posting the lottery results in a newspaper makes that non-random. Don’t be so obtusely cynical.

    That's posted after the fact. In this scenario that would be like them sending a push notification "We had credit heist yesterday".

    And regardless of it being random or not they obviously know ahead of time. So just put it on the calendar, or just set a day each week. Telling us when it's going to be isn't going to hurt them. They just like playing this game with people on everything they do and it's annoying.
    Post edited by Kyno on
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