Version update 11/22 MEGA


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    The shards in the guild store cost 450 guild tokens now, not the 400 anymore :(
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    @LukaKaly nice, thanks for the heads up. He is a REAL pain to farm with hard nodes.
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    It's really hard to understand why they have to take away something at the same time as giving something. SMH...
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    LukaKaly wrote: »
    7_GSTF wrote: »
    General Veers and Paploo

    Veers really?

    yes, today i bought one

    Me too bro... Well seems like a lot of hard node characters are coming to the guild store
  • Blackbeardpepe
    1481 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Sabine was removed. Unless someone has seen her since the update.

    (If this is the case, she will only be one hard node, making her one of the rarest characters to farm.)
    Post edited by Blackbeardpepe on
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    I've seen Barris, NS Acolyte, B2, Old Ben etc. What is the exact purpose? It doesn't make any sense adding them as they are super easy to farm, besides just getting people more frustrated. 12.5% increase in price too. My Rex is at 50+/80 - with help from Fleet - and I guess now instead of seeing him every other week I will see him every other month. Also, adding more shards in Guild Events - like Royal Guard, the super hard to farm character- means Baze will take even longer to max.
    Funny thing though. Two resets in a row both Baze and Rex were in shipments. Haha.
    "Frustration leads to impatience. Impatience leads to buying crystals. Buying crystals leads to revenue."
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    GA_Phoenix wrote: »
    Reset networksettings under iOs helps. This solved it for everyone in my Guild with that problem.

    Indeed it does, Settings -> General -> Reset -> Reset Network. Just be aware that you lose the stored wifi passwords in the process...
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    Appreciated the zetas and now I have 80! With the thanksgiving zetas I put one on veers and absolutely DOMINATED GW in 13 mins...

    To those who don’t have many zetas: I would save the ones we got.... reason being, Rey is coming out soon and we may have to zeta a leader to make resistance good, or even to unlock bb8 7* the battle could be hard enough to zeta phasma. Overall, keep them and have an eye out for what’s coming. EA giving us these zetas is like a warning... we will probably need a crazy number like 5 zetas to make the new squad work possibly, explaining the reason these zetas were given
  • DasMurich
    245 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    I for one like the GW change. It feels like you can either rip right through for the sake of time and ease, as well as give yourself a challenge by using those toons that aren't quite up to par because you've been working on other things. You can experiment a bit with a little less risk or just run a fun team that isn't really useable. Get out your Jawas or Bounty Hunters or use a team of Geonosians or something else. We've got Arena and now Territory Wars as the proving grounds. Make the most of the new GW and do something different.

    If you want GW to be a challenge than put your kitten CLS back in the toy box and make it a challenge yourself.
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    TurgonGW wrote: »
    So I completed GW today and only got attacked twice through the whole thing. I used Wedge lead, Biggs, Leia, Raid han and R2D2 - Only R2 and leia are G12.

    This was rediculously easy. The Node 12 team didnt even get an attack in. There were no G12 enemies and no CLS - I found it boring and used to actually enjoy the challenge - fighting CLS teams helped me prepare for arena but oh well - the scrubs win again!
    TurgonGW wrote: »
    So I completed GW today and only got attacked twice through the whole thing. I used Wedge lead, Biggs, Leia, Raid han and R2D2 - Only R2 and leia are G12.

    This was rediculously easy. The Node 12 team didnt even get an attack in. There were no G12 enemies and no CLS - I found it boring and used to actually enjoy the challenge - fighting CLS teams helped me prepare for arena but oh well - the scrubs win again!

    After 3 months of facing CLS teams about 5-10 times per day in arena and in GW combined you HAVE to be prepared for them by now??????
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    Hi everyone,

    Wanted to kow if anyone has informations about tomorrow's double drop ? This will only concern cantina, light and dark side battles ? Because we can see that the rewards will double. Will this concern rewards from Rancor and AAT ?
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    charlyw64 wrote: »
    Settings -> General -> Reset -> Reset Network. Just be aware that you lose the stored wifi passwords in the process...

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    I would also like to extend my gratitude

    Not everything is perfect and there is still a lot to do, but I feel with this update, apart from providing GvG, you also have solved two of the biggest problems with the game:

    1) Mk 3 Carbs, Stun Cuffs, Stun Guns etc - we shouldn't be swimming in them as they are still a gateway but you have given us a lot more ways to push them so much appreciated

    2) Galactic War - Making it possible to fully auto again is a godsend, I had completely stopped playing it due to the amount of time we had to put in.

    So Kudos - my only gripe is there is STILL no solution for bronzium packs - these really need reviewing and a multi-buy option.
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    Sabine was removed. Unless someone has seen her since the update.

    (If this is the case, she will only be one hard node, making her one of the rarest characters to farm.)
    I’ve seen Sabine since the update

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    Is it just my who it's not working anymore on my IPad?
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    I've been farming Baze, Rex and Sabine from guild events and the guild store for a while. With the update I'm slightly frustrated that the toons are now rarer (because or a bigger pool to be randomly selected from) and more expensive. 400 for 5 shards from guild events when I was getting 3 for 195 before, and now 450 for 5 shards from the guild store. Was the extra 50 really necessary? I've not yet seen Sabine and someone mentioned she's now gone? Whilst it is cool to see toons like B2 and Sith Assassin there now it would have been nice for them to at least be the same cost as before.

    Mixed feelings about the update in all honesty but really happy with the freebies given.
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    Amazing Anniversary gifts and the QoL improvements are fantastic. Thank you!
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    Loving the prelude to TW as well!
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    TurgonGW wrote: »
    So I completed GW today and only got attacked twice through the whole thing. I used Wedge lead, Biggs, Leia, Raid han and R2D2 - Only R2 and leia are G12.

    This was rediculously easy. The Node 12 team didnt even get an attack in. There were no G12 enemies and no CLS - I found it boring and used to actually enjoy the challenge - fighting CLS teams helped me prepare for arena but oh well - the scrubs win again!

    After 3 months of facing CLS teams about 5-10 times per day in arena and in GW combined you HAVE to be prepared for them by now??????

    Fair point but still I enjoyed the challenge too - today's GW wasn't a challenge at all - I might just use it to try different team combinations and test out the strength of my weaker squads I guess

    SWGoH - TurgonGW
    Guild - Starchoppers - Feel free to help us in the Raids!
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    Probably on those missions only, I at the least hope Galactic War would also have 2 times reward like the previous double drop events.. Though I am fairly new (not a year playing), haven't seen the event where Raid Rewards got doubled.
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    TurgonGW wrote: »
    So I completed GW today and only got attacked twice through the whole thing. I used Wedge lead, Biggs, Leia, Raid han and R2D2 - Only R2 and leia are G12.

    This was rediculously easy. The Node 12 team didnt even get an attack in. There were no G12 enemies and no CLS - I found it boring and used to actually enjoy the challenge - fighting CLS teams helped me prepare for arena but oh well - the scrubs win again!

    Lol @ scrubs. You mean players that haven’t been playing as long or haven’t had the right guidance on how and who to farm? Weren’t we all there at some point.

    I haven’t played gw yet- but I believe you all when you say it’s too easy. And I too would test new teams/factions there. We needed a middle ground. For the reasons above but also it’s unfair to have some players face 3 CLS meta teams. Node 6,9,12. It’s discourgaing and they fail to get the resources they really need. I would be easy on the name calling because these newer players are the future of the game. And one day may be your guild mate. And when droids are meta again you can ask them why they don’t have ig-86 at 7*

    I struggled with GW for many months and was frustrated - but I built my squads and persevered, asked for advice and built a stronger roster that allowed me to cake-walk through GW easy.

    I believe that period of frustration and the point at where GW is really difficult is beneficial for new players to help their learning curve and to help them seek out knowledge and improvement.

    SWGoH - TurgonGW
    Guild - Starchoppers - Feel free to help us in the Raids!
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    TurgonGW wrote: »
    TurgonGW wrote: »
    So I completed GW today and only got attacked twice through the whole thing. I used Wedge lead, Biggs, Leia, Raid han and R2D2 - Only R2 and leia are G12.

    This was rediculously easy. The Node 12 team didnt even get an attack in. There were no G12 enemies and no CLS - I found it boring and used to actually enjoy the challenge - fighting CLS teams helped me prepare for arena but oh well - the scrubs win again!

    Lol @ scrubs. You mean players that haven’t been playing as long or haven’t had the right guidance on how and who to farm? Weren’t we all there at some point.

    I haven’t played gw yet- but I believe you all when you say it’s too easy. And I too would test new teams/factions there. We needed a middle ground. For the reasons above but also it’s unfair to have some players face 3 CLS meta teams. Node 6,9,12. It’s discourgaing and they fail to get the resources they really need. I would be easy on the name calling because these newer players are the future of the game. And one day may be your guild mate. And when droids are meta again you can ask them why they don’t have ig-86 at 7*

    I struggled with GW for many months and was frustrated - but I built my squads and persevered, asked for advice and built a stronger roster that allowed me to cake-walk through GW easy.

    I believe that period of frustration and the point at where GW is really difficult is beneficial for new players to help their learning curve and to help them seek out knowledge and improvement.
    100 percent agree but the game done changed. When I was coming up the squads I went against were nothing like these now. I think my biggest concerns were dooku lead and Sid. Again I agree a complete nerf isn’t the best way either. Gw was my training grounds for droids, Empire, res , Phx etc. But if I were faceing 3 meta teams everyday it would’ve discouraged me too. And I def would’ve been flipping on forums lol
    With TBs and tws - all toons became important.
    Which also means currencies are important
    **** Made those currencies important for maybe gear. And with higher spenders leaving, I want everyone to move up as fast as they can.
  • Azn_sensashun
    137 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    It says a global drop so I’m hoping it applies to all areas (GWs, LS, DS, and Cantina).
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    Everything is on Double Drop. Already live here
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    TurgonGW wrote: »
    TurgonGW wrote: »
    So I completed GW today and only got attacked twice through the whole thing. I used Wedge lead, Biggs, Leia, Raid han and R2D2 - Only R2 and leia are G12.

    This was rediculously easy. The Node 12 team didnt even get an attack in. There were no G12 enemies and no CLS - I found it boring and used to actually enjoy the challenge - fighting CLS teams helped me prepare for arena but oh well - the scrubs win again!

    Lol @ scrubs. You mean players that haven’t been playing as long or haven’t had the right guidance on how and who to farm? Weren’t we all there at some point.

    I haven’t played gw yet- but I believe you all when you say it’s too easy. And I too would test new teams/factions there. We needed a middle ground. For the reasons above but also it’s unfair to have some players face 3 CLS meta teams. Node 6,9,12. It’s discourgaing and they fail to get the resources they really need. I would be easy on the name calling because these newer players are the future of the game. And one day may be your guild mate. And when droids are meta again you can ask them why they don’t have ig-86 at 7*

    I struggled with GW for many months and was frustrated - but I built my squads and persevered, asked for advice and built a stronger roster that allowed me to cake-walk through GW easy.

    I believe that period of frustration and the point at where GW is really difficult is beneficial for new players to help their learning curve and to help them seek out knowledge and improvement.

    That was true prior to TW / TB LS / DS - kinda forced you to fill out the roster to have depth to make it through GW, but with the new content that really makes a diverse roster a requirement now, that doesn't have to come from Gal War for new players. I think they made it easy for vets because the completion of it at this point is pretty much a slam dunk - if you've been playing for a few years you have a lot of heroes and depth to get past 3 hard nodes. I know some did like to test in GW - I wasn't really one of them as I like to fight in arena instead. GW the enemy AI behaves differently quite often from what happens in an arena match. What would be better for testing is just a general sandbox mode outside of arena.
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    Yup just got it, that includes GW ;)
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    TurgonGW wrote: »
    TurgonGW wrote: »
    So I completed GW today and only got attacked twice through the whole thing. I used Wedge lead, Biggs, Leia, Raid han and R2D2 - Only R2 and leia are G12.

    This was rediculously easy. The Node 12 team didnt even get an attack in. There were no G12 enemies and no CLS - I found it boring and used to actually enjoy the challenge - fighting CLS teams helped me prepare for arena but oh well - the scrubs win again!

    Lol @ scrubs. You mean players that haven’t been playing as long or haven’t had the right guidance on how and who to farm? Weren’t we all there at some point.

    I haven’t played gw yet- but I believe you all when you say it’s too easy. And I too would test new teams/factions there. We needed a middle ground. For the reasons above but also it’s unfair to have some players face 3 CLS meta teams. Node 6,9,12. It’s discourgaing and they fail to get the resources they really need. I would be easy on the name calling because these newer players are the future of the game. And one day may be your guild mate. And when droids are meta again you can ask them why they don’t have ig-86 at 7*

    I struggled with GW for many months and was frustrated - but I built my squads and persevered, asked for advice and built a stronger roster that allowed me to cake-walk through GW easy.

    I believe that period of frustration and the point at where GW is really difficult is beneficial for new players to help their learning curve and to help them seek out knowledge and improvement.

    That was true prior to TW / TB LS / DS - kinda forced you to fill out the roster to have depth to make it through GW, but with the new content that really makes a diverse roster a requirement now, that doesn't have to come from Gal War for new players. I think they made it easy for vets because the completion of it at this point is pretty much a slam dunk - if you've been playing for a few years you have a lot of heroes and depth to get past 3 hard nodes. I know some did like to test in GW - I wasn't really one of them as I like to fight in arena instead. GW the enemy AI behaves differently quite often from what happens in an arena match. What would be better for testing is just a general sandbox mode outside of arena.

    Sandbox would be awesome- but I saw in another post - tw could kind of a serve as a what works, what doesn’t.
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    So ... when do global double drops start for people?
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    Zolaz wrote: »
    So ... when do global double drops start for people?

    If youd cared to read the notes you'd see it starts on the 24th and ends on the 25th running for both days.

    So at midnight for you
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    Double drops run for 48 Hours as well FYI
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