Version update 11/22 MEGA


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    Zolaz wrote: »
    So ... when do global double drops start for people?

    If youd cared to read the notes you'd see it starts on the 24th and ends on the 25th running for both days.

    So at midnight for you
    They ninja edited it. It was 23-24 a few hours ago.

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    I've been farming Baze, Rex and Sabine from guild events and the guild store for a while. With the update I'm slightly frustrated that the toons are now rarer (because or a bigger pool to be randomly selected from) and more expensive. 400 for 5 shards from guild events when I was getting 3 for 195 before, and now 450 for 5 shards from the guild store. Was the extra 50 really necessary? I've not yet seen Sabine and someone mentioned she's now gone? Whilst it is cool to see toons like B2 and Sith Assassin there now it would have been nice for them to at least be the same cost as before.

    Mixed feelings about the update in all honesty but really happy with the freebies given.

    The 5 for 400 is cheaper by about 18 currency per shard
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    Does anyone know why the TB start time is an hour later than usual?
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    Asher1138 wrote: »
    Does anyone know why the TB start time is an hour later than usual?

    Dark side toons need an extra hour of sleep
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    Asher1138 wrote: »
    Does anyone know why the TB start time is an hour later than usual?

    Dark side toons need an extra hour of sleep

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    Sometimes we don’t say thanks enough, so thanks very much CG for the Best update so far. I love ALL the changes. It’s nice to know that the community are listened to more and more now. The guild store changes were maybe my favourite part, but then countdown timers being reduced for challenges was equally great and equally long awaited. Along with all the other changes, thank you.
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    @CG_Kozispoon what was the surprise in the bundles?
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    Asher1138 wrote: »
    Does anyone know why the TB start time is an hour later than usual?

    That's what I want to know! Went to start it at 4am & there's another hr 2 go. (: Noticed the new TW will also start an hr later.
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    Probably one of the best!!! And add 3 new characters to boot!!! Thank you, EA!!! Updates like this are evidence that EA does actually listen to us! Bravo!!!!
    The only thing in a future update that might come close to this awesomeness would be selling excess gear and opening multiple bronzium pack.
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    Best update? No I have to disagree. I can't even update my game on my S7. No free energy. No Thrawn event. Just disappointment
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    Best update? In my own opinion, the Quality of Life update was my favorite along with the Tank Raid being among the most memorable. But this would be a solid 3rd place on my list.
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    The best update ever will have better mod management. Lock and move sets. With ds tb coming up, tw, ls tb after the mod movement will be insane.

    Time to spreadsheet everything.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    Zolaz wrote: »
    So ... when do global double drops start for people?

    If youd cared to read the notes you'd see it starts on the 24th and ends on the 25th running for both days.

    So at midnight for you

    Well I did read the notes a day or 2 ago & it said 24th to 25th. But it didn't specify it was for 2 days or that it started at reset for the whole world in your own timezone! Usually these things are set at some US timezone, which would be tomorrow for me. I did ask for clarity in that thread. Now I wasted 3 cantina & 2 normal refreshes that I had to do before reset. If I'd known when it began I could have saved that for 5 mins. Also double drops usually is Ds ls cantina. Nowhere said it was GW too. For once I was up to date with it instead of a day behind so I miss out on a day of doubles there too. Not happy.(: FYI the last couple of DDs were at 2am & 7am ish for me. Based on UTC or Pacific or some other US time. Devs should be more darn specific when talking days or times, keeping in mind this is a worldwide game.
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    @CG_Kozispoon what was the surprise in the bundles?

    Was the write up free gifts
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    Zolaz wrote: »
    So ... when do global double drops start for people?

    If youd cared to read the notes you'd see it starts on the 24th and ends on the 25th running for both days.

    So at midnight for you

    Well I did read the notes a day or 2 ago & it said 24th to 25th. But it didn't specify it was for 2 days or that it started at reset for the whole world in your own timezone! Usually these things are set at some US timezone, which would be tomorrow for me. I did ask for clarity in that thread. Now I wasted 3 cantina & 2 normal refreshes that I had to do before reset. If I'd known when it began I could have saved that for 5 mins. Also double drops usually is Ds ls cantina. Nowhere said it was GW too. For once I was up to date with it instead of a day behind so I miss out on a day of doubles there too. Not happy.(: FYI the last couple of DDs were at 2am & 7am ish for me. Based on UTC or Pacific or some other US time. Devs should be more darn specific when talking days or times, keeping in mind this is a worldwide game.

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    Bronzium slider anyone??? Now it takes 7(!) swipes to even get to it not counting if I hit something else by accident & have to go back. Plus now I have to swipe down & down & down to get to the 4 pieces of gear at the bottom of Shipments now there's a boatload more gear/chars I still won't even look at. Couldn't we have gotten more spots for credit gear too? Guild store gear (Droid callers, scanners) much better priced, tho new char is 50 more for 5 shards. What do I like? Vet Han & Chewy farmable in Cantina as I've farmed everyone else. And where's multi-sim button for Ship challenges??
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    I've been farming Baze, Rex and Sabine from guild events and the guild store for a while. With the update I'm slightly frustrated that the toons are now rarer (because or a bigger pool to be randomly selected from) and more expensive. 400 for 5 shards from guild events when I was getting 3 for 195 before, and now 450 for 5 shards from the guild store. Was the extra 50 really necessary? I've not yet seen Sabine and someone mentioned she's now gone? Whilst it is cool to see toons like B2 and Sith Assassin there now it would have been nice for them to at least be the same cost as before.

    Mixed feelings about the update in all honesty but really happy with the freebies given.
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    your latest game client update has shrunk a lot of text and images in a variety of places in the game. Can you please undo these shrinkages, as no-one likes shrinkage :s ... especially ones that are using our phones to play this game! It is a mobile game after all.

    And on that note, these updates as fun as they may be, are making gameplay on our mobile devices stuttery, slower, laggy, and sometimes crashy... where before we didn't have these issues. This game change creep is threatening to break the app on our devices, as it keeps getting a bit more worse.
    Please put more thought in how to keep these issues from happening, as concern over not being able to play this game on my mobile device is a major reason I don't spend any money on it.

    Thanks for reading.

    @CG_RyDiggs @CG_Kozispoon
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    Oh, and an arena slider. I could make a never ending gif of me pounding the refresh button trying to hit max spots.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    i guess you havent played DS tb yet right ?
    obviously not the best update even without it, QoL update is the second best.
    the release of palpatine is the best. :D
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    Veteran Han and Chewie should be tagged as Resistence.
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    I don't mind the extra 50 that character shards now cost, the gear cost reduction more than compensates but I am not very happy with the loss of the 9pm refresh and the fact the gear now rotates. If they can fit all that they have into shipments I don't see why they have to do it? Was nice getting raid rewards and knowing straight away the gear you'd be buying - now it's gonna be a case of sitting on them till what you want comes round which if anything like the solitary slave shard I've needed for 4 weeks will be a long sit. Any thoughts?
  • Parableman
    642 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    You get four refreshes a day instead of three. You're complaining that you lost the one that lasts two hours and is hardest to remember to get in before the time is up? This is far superior. I'm not happy about having so many characters in there that you can't seriously farm anyone in there, but this is a kitten complaint.
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    Is it the Guild Event Store where Krennic is showing up? I'd seen something about it but I think the thread stating where he was showing up has been merged and I can't find it.
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    My Galactic War is harder than before the patch... I'm 68 and now have to face lvl 80+ teams from node 1 on.

    At least before the patch I didn't have any challenging fights other than node 9, 11 and 12...
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    Hi Devs,

    I really like this update, but i think that there are too many things to do in the game now.

    With Dark side Tb, Light side TB and TW, players (and of course the officers) spend too much time in Arena, Arena fleet, TB, TW, etc.

    I'd like the game to be easier and faster. I think the most boring game mode currently is the galactic war, it would be better to erase it to make the game faster and move the rewards and shop to other places that already exist.
  • defmuse
    3 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    The Double points awarded within the Galactic Wars section of the game has been kind of pointless (no pun intended) due to the difficulty being raised. I've only gone through the 1st six stages, and ALL my hard hitters have been taking out... I have to restart so early on. Kind of disappointed with this.
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    If you got free gear and put it on a toon that was in your top 5, the difficulty will bump upwards until the Power rating of your best 5 toons = whatever the cap is. The cap is set at what they expect for a player who just reached level 85, but we don't know exactly what that is. Also, Power in GW is calculated differently from GP which is used to sort your toons. So there may be a toon with high health and low abilities who counts toward your GW difficulty, even though in the display they are outside of the top 5 on GP rating.

    So, the answer is ... yep. It probably increased in difficulty, because you probably gave gear to a good/decent toon.

    But that's not related to the update. GW difficulty was always scaled to your best toons' Basic Power. The only difference now is a cap, but unless you've been level 85 for a while, the cap probably hasn't affected you yet.
  • martyeigner3
    12 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    What do the tiny numbers above toons mean? I heard they are buff/debuff counters but it doesn't seem like it from the image

  • TVF
    36794 posts Member
    They're the number of buffs/debuffs. So if there's a 4 over the DOT that means the character has 4 DOT debuffs.
    I need a new message here.
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