DS TB Phase 4 platoons [MERGE]


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    Only frustrating people by letting this TB continue. Just end it!!
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    Just need to wait 2-3 months to start farming the characters needed fill out platoons in phase 4+. (And now let's wait for the white knights that'll jump in to defend them)
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    This is extremely frustrating not being able to fill one platoon. This is why everyone’s quitting.
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    Well, I sum up to the complaints, a 108M GP guild can only fill 2 ship platoons, and could do one more on south but there is no need for it as it will give no bonus, trying to give a constructive feedback here, phase 4 could be limited to 2/6 platoons requiring P2W toons, phase 5 4/6 and phase 6 6/6 could have them, that at least would be a lot better that what has just been delivered that no one will have bonus to anything, why should we bother farming toons to 7* for platoons as we are never gonna use them??
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    >We need 8 NS spirits and another 8 NS Zombie 5*... many Unmasked Kylo, Talzins and the new Spec FO Tiefighter and so on... completely unavailable characters for free and cant be farmed anyway!

    Same for my guild - in every single squad we need zombie/spirit/Talzin or the new first order. I don't believe it is random, it must have been hardcoded just to screw everyone who doesn't buy every new pack
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    End this agony.
    Really it's not fun.

    I'm afraid for the next phases.
    These contents are ruining the game experience.

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    Jack92 wrote: »
    End this agony.
    Really it's not fun.

    I'm afraid for the next phases.
    These contents are ruining the game experience.
    Exactly this! This isn't even fun...
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    I am completely fine if we can't fill any platoons, and we get roasted on the affected (or unaffected) missions. When we get there it will be reason for celebration. I didn't notice any required characters in ours, that would probably needs looking into.
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    Our guild needs 8 Zombies, 9 spirits and 6 Talzins. Not to mention 6 of the new SFTFP. It’s ridiculous.
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    Want some cheese with that whine?
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    EA must be trying to get Xmas bonus money for all their employees. Total joke to require all these new toons
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    Are you kidding with the platoons? Why don’t you request Snoke for Phase 5 while you’re at it?
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    No platoons were filled on our guild. We're at 96 mil GP.
    I want the choice to do LS TB instead of DS. And then never do DS again.

    What a waste of time.
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    I am utterly disgusted. I don't even care anymore. Take your cluster game and Sheev it.

    I'm honestly getting close. I've never really considered leaving the game, but the level of incompetence, coupled with the "blame the customer" has me strongly considering it.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Yea another broken feature, Devs better be working on fixes to all of this right now! In case any devs read this, I get changes can't be IMPLEMENTED until next TB but you better get to work on it NOW to have everything fixed by next DS TB cause you have used up almost all your good will
    33 posts Member
    edited November 2017
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    Anyone want to debate if there's a LS bias now? :)
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    You got alotta work to do to make this right, I sincerely hope you do so
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    Pretty sure they're on Reddit more often than they're on here
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Maegor wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    According to the information we have "any toon in game can be in platoons" after phase 3.


    Sorry to say this is "WAI"

    There are guilds with veers and snowtrooper in their platoons even though they are required for CMs today. That can't be WAI.

    Yes, and those posts are being directed to post at EA Help to report this issue. I edited my original post to include this information.
    Kyno wrote: »
    According to the information we have "any toon in game can be in platoons" after phase 3.


    Sorry to say this is "WAI"

    EDIT: Required toons should not be required in Platoons and these instances should be reported to <<Answers HQ>> as an issue.

  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Anyone want to debate if there's a LS bias now? :)

    This same system has been applied to the LS TB, we will see similar required toons next time around.
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    Don’t worry
    @CloneSpikes and @JohnnySteelAlpha
    LS Bt will require newly added toons like veterans and the ones that will be released next week, I told people about it when the dev update was posted and everyone ignored me, good for hem. ^_^
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    Well I hope that's true because this little dictatorship over here is so heavily policed that Reddit is the only place they're going to see honest opinions
  • WenHandel
    165 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    I’m fuming now. It’s 3.30am and I just spent nearly two hours trying to figure out how best to platoon our characters so that the guild’s players don’t have an even worse experience doing the missions in the next phases.

    We’re a 129M GP guild and we actually had the 5 UnKylos and the 8 Talzins we needed. But we “only” have 3 SF Tie Pilots, 2 NS Spirits and 3 NS Zombies. Wouldn’t you think that should be enough for toons that are so rare and unavailable? Turns out, if you do a lot of work, you can figure out a way to fill 7 of the 12 platoons with what we have, prioritizing 4B because those platoons affect more territories.

    This is madness and I really didn’t need it, on top of all the other issues with this disastrous TB. Of course all our guys who actually spent money to have Talzin or UnKylo cannot use them in TB missions now. They’ll love that.

    I’ve played his game from the beginning. This was the worst day I’ve had, by far. Not fun at all. I don’t know if I can endure 3 days more of this TB-astrophe.

    Thank you, EA. Nice job.
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    So, my guild can't fill the platoons today. Just like everyone else. I have members asking me what is the point of playing this game mode if we can't even complete one of platoons. Memebers are revolting and quitting in the middle of TB. Trying to retain members is becoming harder and harder. My members are doing TB for the guild, not because of this amazing content. That can only last so long. Dark Side TB is a POS and should be put on the back burner until all the bugs are worked out.

    So for the love of the game please do not bring back darkside TB until all the bugs are fixed and the platoons can be filled.

    Really enjoy the imperial droid in the platoon.
  • 1AmYourFath3r
    3103 posts Member
    edited November 2017
    Kyno, are you a dev or moderator? If you're a dev, make an official statement. If your're a moderator, don't make statements like this - you are a voice for EA.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno, are you a dev or moderator?

    Moderator, but that doesn't mean I can't spread the information we have on hand.
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    Lol good job devs. Keep up the good work
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