“Who's in Command here? One only has to Look.”

This is what’s ahead in the latest dev post. Any theories on what this means?


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    Commander Luke?
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    Say Command Here Look three times fast.
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    Could someone please quote this. I can’t seem to find where they say it.
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    Could someone please quote this. I can’t seem to find where they say it.

    its at the bottom of the latest update info
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    look in content update 12/14
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    Who's in Command here? One only has to Look.
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    Say Command Here Look three times fast.
    LOL. Some people need a sledgehammer to get it.
    Also, watch it be one day, on Christmas ONLY. The rage will be endless! (in America - let me be global here)
    Dev's be at home like, Troll-la-la-la-la, with a mug of spiked egg-nog.
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    I bet it's improved guild leader tools including a fixed ticket counter.
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    It doesn't seem that it's a quote this time, there is no quotation marks.
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    The quote seems to be a pun. By stating who's in command here, they hint on the fact players have berated them for CLS event. It does sound like we are getting ourselves CLS for Christmas guys.
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    Speaking as an intrigued player, I think it's clearly a reference to a line spoken by the character Jayne Cobb in Firefly episode "The Train Job" regarding the chain of command. It was spoken to a character played by Alan Tudyk, who also voiced K-2S0 in Rogue One. Therefore, this is clearly a hint about some future work involving K-2S0.
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    Some people need a sledgehammer to get it.


    It basically says "Commander Luke".

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    Snoak raid.
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    "Command and Look" are capitalized so to me that means CLS
  • Ryanodo
    82 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Speaking as an intrigued player, I think it's clearly a reference to a line spoken by the character Jayne Cobb in Firefly episode "The Train Job" regarding the chain of command. It was spoken to a character played by Alan Tudyk, who also voiced K-2S0 in Rogue One. Therefore, this is clearly a hint about some future work involving K-2S0
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    Speaking as an intrigued player, I think it's clearly a reference to a line spoken by the character Jayne Cobb in Firefly episode "The Train Job" regarding the chain of command. It was spoken to a character played by Alan Tudyk, who also voiced K-2S0 in Rogue One. Therefore, this is clearly a hint about some future work involving K-2S0.

    +1 only thing that makes sense.
    And +1 for the delicious firefly reference. :)
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    Do you guys think I should gear up my characters for CLS event ?

    FarmLuke is gear 8 (11k gp)
    STHan is gear 8 (10k gp)
    Old Ben is gear 8 (10k gp)
    Leia is gear 9 (13k gp)
    R2 is gear 9 (14k gp)
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    Say Command Here Look three times fast.

    This +1000
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    Speaking as an intrigued player, I think it's clearly a reference to a line spoken by the character Jayne Cobb in Firefly episode "The Train Job" regarding the chain of command. It was spoken to a character played by Alan Tudyk, who also voiced K-2S0 in Rogue One. Therefore, this is clearly a hint about some future work involving K-2S0.

    +1 only thing that makes sense.
    And +1 for the delicious firefly reference. :)

    It has to be this. No other explanation makes sense.
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    I wonder if the devs understand that being cryptic isint exactly endearing. I guess they think it’s cute or something.....anyway hope it is CLS, been a long time coming. Couldn’t think of a way for them to make most of us happier this Christmas....
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    Jedi Porgs
  • HeroOfCanton
    447 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Speaking as an intrigued player, I think it's clearly a reference to a line spoken by the character Jayne Cobb in Firefly episode "The Train Job" regarding the chain of command. It was spoken to a character played by Alan Tudyk, who also voiced K-2S0 in Rogue One. Therefore, this is clearly a hint about some future work involving K-2S0.

    Best line ever.
    You guys had a riot? On account o' me? My very own riot?
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    Yep. K2SO heroes journey confirmed
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  • snowhut
    290 posts Member
    edited December 2017
    Command...captains command. Look is just a misspelling of Lock, so obviously it's Captain Lock.
  • Gawejn
    1141 posts Member
    So CLS soon probably:),
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    I hope that is what it means.... if it is Dec was it for me. GK, CLS, JTR, and BB8 acquired December of 2017!
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