Sith Triumvirate Raid Feedback Thread


  • MLGebra
    343 posts Member
    I think it says more than anything that players are simply not willing to play the raid. It’s not fun, it’s not rewarding, it’s absurdly difficult, and people don’t feel like it’s worth their time.

    This is a video game and your players are opting not to play because somehow that’s more fun than if they did.

    Please, guys. This is so obviously an issue...
  • Options
    Sometimes I actually like running STR. Even phase 1 & 4, it's the thrill of finding new combos.

    All that goes away once I actually get rewards though. Top 3 in tier 2 or 3 and never anything useful or finished.

    There's just no encouragement for actually taking the time to slog through this poorly planned raid.
    To get a refund:

    Always email. That way when you're confronted by the script reading garbage water people they employ refusing to help you, you can use a screenshot of the emails to show Google or Apple that the developer is failing at customer support, nearly guaranteeing you a refund.

    You always want a paper trail when dealing with useless **** s.
  • Nitrogen
    119 posts Member
    Ebbda wrote: »
    This raid seems to have caused issues across the board. From whale guilds and the top 3 position rewards all the way down to newer guilds trying to find their place in the game. How this amount of comments hasn't seen some form of response is bananas.

    Anyway, I'm in a guild that despite has a few open spaces is TRYING to progress from t4-5. Our previous one was done in 6 days as folks felt mildly optimistic by the challenge. Rather than return to t4 and gather members feedback, off we went with another t5. Now day 5 and it looks like 8 days til we finish.

    The whole nonsense of p1 and p4 being the harder phases have seen a huge decline in effort from all members. The desire to progress by some is hindered by those unwilling to sacrifice the time for the greater good. Can't blame them when the rewards for the effort remain peanuts. If we go blindly into another t5 I for one have to contemplate my future there.

    This raid has damaged so many guilds. New content is supposed to be a challenge. I get that. But with all the time saving in game we were promised it feels and is growing every update. This will remain the first thing thrown under the bus and the coin flip is no doubt anything fleet related.

    So devs, please comment, say you're aware of the damage being caused and PLEASE say a sensible resolution is close at hand.

    PS: Can we have it here in the official forums rather than Reddit or somewhere else. Cheers.

    Well said
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    Devs and community "managers" mantra on Sith Raid :smile:

    - We are always right. You just didn't know it yet
    -This too shall pass.
    - Everything will work out in the end
    - Patience you must have
    - Throwing stuff against the wall and see what stick ( more JTR, Greedo, Bastalia?)
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    My Guild has been stuck on the same level for literally weeks because only 2-3 players are doing it (and even they don't do it daily). The other raids are finished within 1-2 days but the Sith one is just STUCK. It's really frustrating for me, because I joined the guild after it started, so I still can't take part in it.
  • Options
    My Guild has been stuck on the same level for literally weeks because only 2-3 players are doing it (and even they don't do it daily). The other raids are finished within 1-2 days but the Sith one is just STUCK. It's really frustrating for me, because I joined the guild after it started, so I still can't take part in it.


    We do 7* pit, 6 star tank and rotate sith From 2-4 star if you need a guild. Have about 20 very active players.

  • Natos
    138 posts Member
    These are official forums? Officially? I couldn't tell... Must be all the official responses I'm not seeing here.

    I mean seriously... In spite all the bans and warnings... overall we have been MORE than patient with this thread... Soccer fans would have already burnt down the whole forum weeks ago...

    You can tell it's the official forums because of all the helpful EA mods handing out "timeouts" when people use language to more accurately express the level of their frustration with this **** raid.

    In all seriousness though, where is the response on this @CG_SBCrumb? @CG_Carrie? The end of the quarter excuse doesn't hold anymore. You've had weeks to meet and think about this. Ceasing the ready-shoot-aim approach to "fixing" this, and actually engaging with people telling you where the pain points are would be super-awesome.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    Guest wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Guest wrote: »
    Guest wrote: »
    The only positive thing is that the meta can perform well in this raid. At least that's something. But the fact that most characters are useless is bothering me.
    Clones car hardly do a thing and PvE is supposed to be the only thing they are good at. I mean, it's not suppose to be this way but it is since the HAAT.
    The other good this is Jedi are relevant once again into something (no including Bastila, I'm referring to Yoda in Phase 1) but they need something more, of course, and that thing is located on Hard Node 7-B which include a 6 months farm to get there.

    So, everything that is not RNG in this Raid is a hard farm and even then, it might be RNG (RJT).
    Thanks, that's a lot of effort to make a very well rounded feature that please us all.

    NB : Yes, I did another Chexmix earlier today, took me an hour and half to get my poor 4.5%. I enjoyed it, as always.

    Edit : Actually I forgot to mention that you did one good thing with all this -> You brought guild mates together even though I'm guessing some didn't have the chance and got evicted from their beloved guild as they were not "sufficiently" good enough.

    Clones are great in P4 when its just Traya left and one minion. Rex lead with 5s, trooper, echo and super slow baze.

    Get traya to isolate baze and you do unbreakable will on him. Then your clones keep whacking traya for ages. Each hit on Baze grants your clones TM. With good mods your doing 500K

    Still waiting for Baze to pop up in the Guild event store... Oh, wait, he has been removed. Unfortunate since mine is only 3* as it seems.

    He’s been on a hard node for almost a year now....

    Along side other more important characters. That's why having him in Guild store was normal after a long time. On the other hand there was no reason to remove him from that place.

    Yet others in those hard nodes are also in different shops. If your Baze is only 3* after all this time then you simply have chosen for him to be that way. That’s one of the premier tanks in the game and to not have him starred or geared up to a respectable level at this point is on you.
  • Options
    @CG_Carrie @CG_SBCrumb can we please get a response on this? I think the community has stated clearly that the sith raid as currently designed is a problem. To date, only heroic has been addressed (not necessarily well) and that is also a huge problem as that ignores the complaints of a huge swath of customers.

    Please value your customers enough to give us an update on a months long issue in this dev created thread.
  • Empiric1
    346 posts Member
    Decay wrote: »
    the fact that being able to score well in the raid is dependent upon not upgrading a toon ( Weak Zombie is needed ) is just an example of how broken this is - you have a GL12 zombie, you leave several million on the floor that you have no way to recover -

    Great job in the design CG. Punish us for having an upgraded toon.



    Yeah thanks for punishing us for gearing up a character in a game that's centred around how powerful your characters are.
  • Options
    Ever wonder why game changers who don't typically do raid videos (ahnald, mobile gamer) are doing raid videos?
    To show us that if we drop a few hundred bux on this months broken toon we too can make the raid less of a hassle. In response to the broken raid we have gotten broken characters in successive months to offset our dislike for the raid. So I guess if we keep complaining August will see the implementation of another broken toon. So by December a mere 9 months after the raid was released we should not hate the raid so much. The 7 of us who are actually still playing.
  • Guest
    518 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Guest wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Guest wrote: »
    Guest wrote: »
    The only positive thing is that the meta can perform well in this raid. At least that's something. But the fact that most characters are useless is bothering me.
    Clones car hardly do a thing and PvE is supposed to be the only thing they are good at. I mean, it's not suppose to be this way but it is since the HAAT.
    The other good this is Jedi are relevant once again into something (no including Bastila, I'm referring to Yoda in Phase 1) but they need something more, of course, and that thing is located on Hard Node 7-B which include a 6 months farm to get there.

    So, everything that is not RNG in this Raid is a hard farm and even then, it might be RNG (RJT).
    Thanks, that's a lot of effort to make a very well rounded feature that please us all.

    NB : Yes, I did another Chexmix earlier today, took me an hour and half to get my poor 4.5%. I enjoyed it, as always.

    Edit : Actually I forgot to mention that you did one good thing with all this -> You brought guild mates together even though I'm guessing some didn't have the chance and got evicted from their beloved guild as they were not "sufficiently" good enough.

    Clones are great in P4 when its just Traya left and one minion. Rex lead with 5s, trooper, echo and super slow baze.

    Get traya to isolate baze and you do unbreakable will on him. Then your clones keep whacking traya for ages. Each hit on Baze grants your clones TM. With good mods your doing 500K

    Still waiting for Baze to pop up in the Guild event store... Oh, wait, he has been removed. Unfortunate since mine is only 3* as it seems.

    He’s been on a hard node for almost a year now....

    Along side other more important characters. That's why having him in Guild store was normal after a long time. On the other hand there was no reason to remove him from that place.

    Yet others in those hard nodes are also in different shops. If your Baze is only 3* after all this time then you simply have chosen for him to be that way. That’s one of the premier tanks in the game and to not have him starred or geared up to a respectable level at this point is on you.

    Yeah ? Well forgive me if I needed Shoretrooper and Veers and now that I need Visas and Sion to make squads work. I wouldn't say it's on me, I would say it's on the people who removed him for no reason at all.

    You can still support this decision, that's fine, but with all the characters on hardnode in this game I would advise you to get with better statement that you can defend to explain me why a character was removed from the guild event store without explanation while he was actually farmable from there.
  • t0neg0d
    616 posts Member

    Almost to the point of quitting completely now.

    We're running our t6 to unlock heroic... day 10 now & I just hit 101mil total dmg.

    That means I'm doing 10mil dmg a day & we are JUST hitting phase 4.

    What's sad is, my roster isn't even close to the best in the guild... and the guy under me just hit 55mil =/ the one under him 35mil.

    Why? Because no matter what I do or say to help motivate people, they HATE this raid & just stop trying past an autod JTR run.

    I'm frustrated & am starting to simply hate the game as a whole.
  • JaggedJ
    1352 posts Member
    Decided to take a raid off a few raids back. Have been hitting zero reg ever since. Funny thing is that I came first nearly every time beforehand and aside from the occassional fully crafted Fusion Furnace that I don't need anymore I can't even tell the difference between 1st and 40th in rewards as they're so inconsequential.

    Poorly designed, poorly tested, poorly compensated, but none of that even comes close to this embarrassing failure of a thread.

  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    Tier 3 34 million damage and nihilus still has 11% health. I’d bang my head against the wall but it already fell down from previous raid . Does he REALLY need that much health at tier 3?
  • Madpup
    279 posts Member
    Guest wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Guest wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Guest wrote: »
    Guest wrote: »
    The only positive thing is that the meta can perform well in this raid. At least that's something. But the fact that most characters are useless is bothering me.
    Clones car hardly do a thing and PvE is supposed to be the only thing they are good at. I mean, it's not suppose to be this way but it is since the HAAT.
    The other good this is Jedi are relevant once again into something (no including Bastila, I'm referring to Yoda in Phase 1) but they need something more, of course, and that thing is located on Hard Node 7-B which include a 6 months farm to get there.

    So, everything that is not RNG in this Raid is a hard farm and even then, it might be RNG (RJT).
    Thanks, that's a lot of effort to make a very well rounded feature that please us all.

    NB : Yes, I did another Chexmix earlier today, took me an hour and half to get my poor 4.5%. I enjoyed it, as always.

    Edit : Actually I forgot to mention that you did one good thing with all this -> You brought guild mates together even though I'm guessing some didn't have the chance and got evicted from their beloved guild as they were not "sufficiently" good enough.

    Clones are great in P4 when its just Traya left and one minion. Rex lead with 5s, trooper, echo and super slow baze.

    Get traya to isolate baze and you do unbreakable will on him. Then your clones keep whacking traya for ages. Each hit on Baze grants your clones TM. With good mods your doing 500K

    Still waiting for Baze to pop up in the Guild event store... Oh, wait, he has been removed. Unfortunate since mine is only 3* as it seems.

    He’s been on a hard node for almost a year now....

    Along side other more important characters. That's why having him in Guild store was normal after a long time. On the other hand there was no reason to remove him from that place.

    Yet others in those hard nodes are also in different shops. If your Baze is only 3* after all this time then you simply have chosen for him to be that way. That’s one of the premier tanks in the game and to not have him starred or geared up to a respectable level at this point is on you.

    Yeah ? Well forgive me if I needed Shoretrooper and Veers and now that I need Visas and Sion to make squads work. I wouldn't say it's on me, I would say it's on the people who removed him for no reason at all.

    You can still support this decision, that's fine, but with all the characters on hardnode in this game I would advise you to get with better statement that you can defend to explain me why a character was removed from the guild event store without explanation while he was actually farmable from there.

    Exactly. While it is obviously this guys own fault for not having Baze at 7 stars, that only because he is doing the correct thing by prioritizing more important characters first in hard nodes that take 6 months to farm a single character. People forget that Baze, while he was a meta defining toon in arena, was available to farm in the GE store when it came out. I jumped on farming him as soon as he popped up in the that store. When they switched the store from 3 character shards to 5, they quitely took Baze out and didn't say anything until enough people pushed on the forum and they then only stated he was removed in a reply to someones random forum post. Now Baze is far from meta defining and he only sees major use in TB/TW. Yet he is still stuck in the hard nodes. Fact is we have TOO many priority farms in hard nodes as it is and on top of that alot of non priority but still useful toons that very few of us can prioritize farming. By my calculations with farming 4 HN characters a day on my Aug 2017 account I will be able to start prioritzing my 4 start Base in about... 6 more months... and that only if there are no more new toons coming out that will be considered meta defining.
  • Mzee
    1777 posts Member
    edited July 2018
    Thanks to your frustrating design I just got knocked out of top 3 down to 6 cause I had 3 attempts go wrong in phase 4 with nightsisters. Basic, drain force, and Annihilate all in 1 turn and couldn't revive. Annihilate was on at least a 3 turn cooldown. I also had Talzin die to saber storm with no isolate. Yet she couldn't be revived by Daka. That is a bug just adding to the frustration.

    I'm still waiting for your communication that you promised. This really needs tobe fixed. It has already been driving people away from this game cause the design is so infuriating with RNG. I wonder how many people have requested compensation for broken phones.
    Post edited by Mzee on
  • Trey 66
    45 posts Member
    Since this is the STR feedback thread, my feedback is please please please increase the drop rate of full G12+ pieces for the top 10 ranks. I've been in the top 10 in every STR since the rewards update and only have 2 G12+ pieces to show for it.
    Also remove the useless challenge gear that we have thousands of and replace it with stun guns and stun cuffs :smile:
  • Wimma
    152 posts Member
    Wow, lot of hate in this thread! ... Sadly quite justified I feel though :(
    This raid takes way too long, and the rewards are pretty crap.
    We're a small guild of just over 20M and it takes days just to finish T3 raid. And it's really just a few of the 85 players that can actually be bothered, as the lower levels get smashed. Clearly not designed for 3* characters (which is well known now).
    Please add some better rewards for the time effort, else this one will likely just get a pass.
    I hear heroic is good, but we're a minnow guild, so way off that.
    Be great to scale down the earlier tiers in difficulty to encourage smaller guilds to actually try.
  • Options
    Let's have a look at the issue.

    We do T3 in our guild as even our big shots are fed up of chipping the paint on T4.

    The part that takes the longest is P1. It takes several days to get rid of that. In this time we likely have knocked out a T6 tank, and one or two Rancors (tank takes less than a day, Rancor is about 10-15 minutes).

    Now what do we get for all this time and effort? A minuscule amount of credits, tiny amount of tokens and the gear is laughable. It's stuff I can farm very quickly.

    4 wasn't much better. We have several people with the bigshot STR teams in our guild and sizeable rosters and it still takes over a week.

    CG have just used the tier grade of the other raids. That won't and doesn't work as this raid takes at least twice as long as the other two raids.

    It's basically the equivalent of Ghosts & Goblins first "ending" where you find yourself having to do the whole thing over to complete the game, after which you get a mere "congraturations" message.

    Hey, it's still better than MSF
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    Fellow players why do you even bother posting? The thread started May 14, now its 24th July. We didnt even get one sign of attention from CG. Do you really think they read all the pages of all the topics just to reply with the same bureaucratic nonsense? They dont need to do that.
    They have a communication officer that does not communicate, all he does is posting messages thet are being delivered to him. There is no dialogue with the players. Wake up.
  • Options
    Pacyn4life wrote: »
    Fellow players why do you even bother posting? The thread started May 14, now its 24th July. We didnt even get one sign of attention from CG. Do you really think they read all the pages of all the topics just to reply with the same bureaucratic nonsense? They dont need to do that.
    They have a communication officer that does not communicate, all he does is posting messages thet are being delivered to him. There is no dialogue with the players. Wake up.

    There are 2 things left for the playerbase at this point:

    1. Being vocal. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease" mentality. Basically, pound them each and every day, multiple times a day, until something is done.
    2. Vote with your wallet. Refuse to fund a game in which the developers think they make this game for themselves.

    It's a shame the developers have let it reach this stage.

    They only have themselves to blame.

  • GRTL
    48 posts Member
    Sing it with me to the tune of Bruce Springsteen's 57 Channels:

    71 days and no response.
  • GRTL
    48 posts Member
    Pacyn4life wrote: »
    Fellow players why do you even bother posting? The thread started May 14, now its 24th July. We didnt even get one sign of attention from CG. Do you really think they read all the pages of all the topics just to reply with the same bureaucratic nonsense? They dont need to do that.
    They have a communication officer that does not communicate, all he does is posting messages thet are being delivered to him. There is no dialogue with the players. Wake up.

    There are 2 things left for the playerbase at this point:

    1. Being vocal. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease" mentality. Basically, pound them each and every day, multiple times a day, until something is done.
    2. Vote with your wallet. Refuse to fund a game in which the developers think they make this game for themselves.

    It's a shame the developers have let it reach this stage.

    They only have themselves to blame.

    Apparently #1 doesn't work. And if you ask for a response from the person you aren't allowed to tag who started this post, you get your post removed and a nasty gram in your inbox.
  • t0neg0d
    616 posts Member
    GRTL wrote: »
    Pacyn4life wrote: »
    Fellow players why do you even bother posting? The thread started May 14, now its 24th July. We didnt even get one sign of attention from CG. Do you really think they read all the pages of all the topics just to reply with the same bureaucratic nonsense? They dont need to do that.
    They have a communication officer that does not communicate, all he does is posting messages thet are being delivered to him. There is no dialogue with the players. Wake up.

    There are 2 things left for the playerbase at this point:

    1. Being vocal. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease" mentality. Basically, pound them each and every day, multiple times a day, until something is done.
    2. Vote with your wallet. Refuse to fund a game in which the developers think they make this game for themselves.

    It's a shame the developers have let it reach this stage.

    They only have themselves to blame.

    Apparently #1 doesn't work. And if you ask for a response from the person you aren't allowed to tag who started this post, you get your post removed and a nasty gram in your inbox.

    That last part is sad. I'm honestly confused how "give us your feedback" & then "we'll be letting you know by EoW" turned into "ignoring your feedback" & "blame the paying customers".

    Just one honest reply would change all of this =(
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    t0neg0d wrote: »
    GRTL wrote: »
    Pacyn4life wrote: »
    Fellow players why do you even bother posting? The thread started May 14, now its 24th July. We didnt even get one sign of attention from CG. Do you really think they read all the pages of all the topics just to reply with the same bureaucratic nonsense? They dont need to do that.
    They have a communication officer that does not communicate, all he does is posting messages thet are being delivered to him. There is no dialogue with the players. Wake up.

    There are 2 things left for the playerbase at this point:

    1. Being vocal. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease" mentality. Basically, pound them each and every day, multiple times a day, until something is done.
    2. Vote with your wallet. Refuse to fund a game in which the developers think they make this game for themselves.

    It's a shame the developers have let it reach this stage.

    They only have themselves to blame.

    Apparently #1 doesn't work. And if you ask for a response from the person you aren't allowed to tag who started this post, you get your post removed and a nasty gram in your inbox.

    That last part is sad. I'm honestly confused how "give us your feedback" & then "we'll be letting you know by EoW" turned into "ignoring your feedback" & "blame the paying customers".

    Just one honest reply would change all of this =(

    We do get an honest reply from one of the EA mods. Be nice, accept the silence, or else.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    Guest wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Guest wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Guest wrote: »
    Guest wrote: »
    The only positive thing is that the meta can perform well in this raid. At least that's something. But the fact that most characters are useless is bothering me.
    Clones car hardly do a thing and PvE is supposed to be the only thing they are good at. I mean, it's not suppose to be this way but it is since the HAAT.
    The other good this is Jedi are relevant once again into something (no including Bastila, I'm referring to Yoda in Phase 1) but they need something more, of course, and that thing is located on Hard Node 7-B which include a 6 months farm to get there.

    So, everything that is not RNG in this Raid is a hard farm and even then, it might be RNG (RJT).
    Thanks, that's a lot of effort to make a very well rounded feature that please us all.

    NB : Yes, I did another Chexmix earlier today, took me an hour and half to get my poor 4.5%. I enjoyed it, as always.

    Edit : Actually I forgot to mention that you did one good thing with all this -> You brought guild mates together even though I'm guessing some didn't have the chance and got evicted from their beloved guild as they were not "sufficiently" good enough.

    Clones are great in P4 when its just Traya left and one minion. Rex lead with 5s, trooper, echo and super slow baze.

    Get traya to isolate baze and you do unbreakable will on him. Then your clones keep whacking traya for ages. Each hit on Baze grants your clones TM. With good mods your doing 500K

    Still waiting for Baze to pop up in the Guild event store... Oh, wait, he has been removed. Unfortunate since mine is only 3* as it seems.

    He’s been on a hard node for almost a year now....

    Along side other more important characters. That's why having him in Guild store was normal after a long time. On the other hand there was no reason to remove him from that place.

    Yet others in those hard nodes are also in different shops. If your Baze is only 3* after all this time then you simply have chosen for him to be that way. That’s one of the premier tanks in the game and to not have him starred or geared up to a respectable level at this point is on you.

    Yeah ? Well forgive me if I needed Shoretrooper and Veers and now that I need Visas and Sion to make squads work. I wouldn't say it's on me, I would say it's on the people who removed him for no reason at all.

    You can still support this decision, that's fine, but with all the characters on hardnode in this game I would advise you to get with better statement that you can defend to explain me why a character was removed from the guild event store without explanation while he was actually farmable from there.

    I needed them too. I needed virtually every character at some point in time as well. You can advise me all you’d like but the fact of the matter remains the same. You need better asset allocation. Baze has been out for a ridiculously long time. Whether by the events store or his node.
    You’re mistaking my comments for acceptance of his removal. Do I agree with that choice? Absolutely not. But it’s been long enough now, way before Visas and Sion, where he should be beyond 3*.
  • Nitrogen
    119 posts Member
    I don't think the solution would be that hard. Lower the health pool in phases 1 and 4 by 50-75% and I think you're there.

    Guilds could move up in tiers, making their rewards better (in theory) and everyone would be happy.
  • mr37hat
    80 posts Member
    "ooba... ooba"
This discussion has been closed.